Lets start a group for Mom's needing to lose 50+ pounds!!!!



  • robynham84
    robynham84 Posts: 77 Member
    Good Afternoon Everyone!!!!

    It would be such a beautiful day if the wind would stop blowing so hard, but I guess that is Oklahoma for ya.
    Great job on the weight loss everyone it sounds like everyone is doing well!!!! I lost 2.5 this last week and I am so excited about that since TOM was visiting me. I usually gain those weeks!!! After a week of excercising everyday I cant stop, I at least have to have a walk everyday or something. I roller bladed with my kids Saturday evening and really enjoyed it. I hadnt done that since I was in high school and I could definatly tell. I let myself eat a little more yesterday than I should have but I didnt let myself feel guilty cause if I do I would just quit and there is no quitting this time for me!!! lol

    I hope to be back on soon. Have a GREAT day everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • brndygrl98
    brndygrl98 Posts: 196 Member
    Yay! I lost 2 pounds this week!! However, I'm GAINING inches....what's up with that??
  • mericksmom
    mericksmom Posts: 222 Member
    OOOO i need to join too. Hi I am Cara a SAHM of one 7 year old boy. Today has been one of those crazy days. I feel like my hormones are shifting (I gain 5-20 lbs when they do) and I went OVER my plan of 1200 by close to 800 cals.....EEEK.

    How do you find time to exersize?? I ask due to the fact that I was home today on my day that I was going to clean house and work out BUT my husband calls to tell me forgot something at home AND he needs to get a baby shower gift for so and so..... I end up running the errans but that leaves no time for me because by the time I get home and finish putting up laundry or finish washing dishes or.......(add house hold chore that never ends)...... I have to run by the school pick up the kid talk to the teachers/pto/other parents then run to store for one thing I missed at the store for dinner. Once home it is time for homework and me cooking a healthy meal for me and the kid. Then play time for the kid (me also) then bed time rituals and to bed for the boy. Then time to clean up dinner do some light cleaning of mess and cook a seperate meal for husband who gets off at 8pm. I have 30 mins now to myself which I poke around the MFP site inputting info and reading the message boards and blogs before I start my bed time ritual then to bed by 10:30 in which my day restart at 6:30 where I get the family up fpr breakfast and the start of the rest of the day.
  • MrsChristinaG
    I would also like to be a part of a group. I'm 21, mommy to an 18mo old. I gained a little over 80 lbs during my pregnancy alone. Managed to lose 45 of it on my own. lol in 18 mos. And I have about 100 lbs more to go to in a healthy weight range. My goal is to do this by my sons 2nd birthday. 11/15/11. Lets do this ladies
  • MonkeyMoo08
    I'm in too! I am a 26 year old mommy to a 7 month old little boy. I need to lose about 80 pounds to reach my goal!
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    Count me in! This is officially my first post on this site and I am itching to get in touch with some people that are heading in the same direction I am! A little about me, I am a 27year old mother to a 6 year old boy. I am also a full time student...soon to be Nurse. I've gained 20+ pounds since starting school....bleh. I don't think I have too much of an issue when it comes to sticking within my 1400 calories for the day..its getting off my butt and moving my body that I am slacking off on. Looking forward to getting to know some of you lovely ladies and motivating one another!
  • 2girls4boys
    2girls4boys Posts: 72 Member
    I would love to join. I have 5 kids, and need to lose about 75lbs. I have been slacking lately with food and exercise. I find that I start the day out great, but by mid afternoon I give up counting calories and eat whatever I want. NOT good! I need motivation and support to stay away from the kitchen.
  • ngr1973
    ngr1973 Posts: 334
    Did anyone see that report on parents and weight on Good Morning America yesterday - I caught a glimpse of it and no surprise -

    "The majority (not sure what the percent was) of moms after having children eat less healthy, 40% more fat or something but dads do not show the same development of unhealthy habits"

    One of the things I now do not do anymore (because I used to alot :wink: ) is eat of my son's plate. My son is allowed to have some kid choices though most of his food is healthy but still high in fat compared to mine and I always used to "clean" his plate! Even one chicken nugget counts!
  • robynham84
    robynham84 Posts: 77 Member
    No I didnt watch GMA this morning. I wish i wouldve though. I was the worlds worst about eating my kids left overs though! I try to give there left overs to the dog or throw away before I start munching now! :)

    Hope everyone is having a good day!!!
  • Autumn1206
    Autumn1206 Posts: 126
    Yea I totally have caught myself cleaning my daughter's plate. I have to really cure myself of the notion that the plates need to be cleaned, and I totally counted the chicken nugget that I had off my daughter's plate on Sunday!

    Let's keep it going! Posts seem to have slowed down a little, but let's share not only our successes but also our failures. My failure is that I gorged and ate a bunch of pasta. I still came in under my calories because I cut corners in other areas, and did my work out, but I am seriously "Hi my name is Autumn and I am Carb addicted"
  • Autumn1206
    Autumn1206 Posts: 126
    I just realized that I really need to challenge myself to drink more water too.
  • ngr1973
    ngr1973 Posts: 334
    The last 5 days have been really hard for me diet wise... I just can't seem to get motivated. I'm not eating horribly bad - a few calories over but I really want to try and lose 10 lbs a month and now that I've said that - it seems that the weight loss has completely stopped ... :grumble:
  • ngr1973
    ngr1973 Posts: 334
    I just realized that I really need to challenge myself to drink more water too.

    Hi Autumn - hopefully these ideas can help you with drinking more water because I almost always have at least 10 glasses a day.

    The key is to keep water with you at all times - and if I get at least 4 to 6 glasses in before 12 then I'm golden the rest is easy.

    Here are a few other tips I use:

    -if you are going to be out all day - I pull out at least 4 bottles (16 oz each) of water and either take them with me to drink OR put them on the counter for me to pick up and drink until they are finished

    -I always drink 16 oz after breakfast, before lunch and before dinner (so that's 6 glasses done for the day)

    -when I work out - I drink 16 oz while working out and then another 16 oz after I finish working out

    -I use 16 oz which is two glasses because that's the size glasses we use for drinking... I prefer this to a small juice glass (8 oz) because then I have to keep remembering to refill

    -IF I need a flavor boost from water (which honestly I usually don't) here are my two favorite:
    - freshly squeezed lime - YUMMY. Especially with dinner - so refreshing almost feels like a vodka tonic!
    - A splash (about 1 tablespoon or 2) of Pom (I love Pom-Blueberry) which is super healthy and super delicious. IF I want something festive - I carbonate my water (you can buy a carbonator to do your own water for pennies verses bottled plus no sodium) and then add Pom - then its like a mocktail!!!

  • crythreetears
    crythreetears Posts: 42 Member
    I wonder how many calories you burn bending over giving baby a bath!! LOL
  • cherriewilliams
    cherriewilliams Posts: 107 Member
    I caught myself eating my sons leftovers this past weekend. Couldn't help it when he offers me his fries. I just make sure to write it down and count the calories so it doesn't make me go over. Even after having the kids over for the weekend and grilling out I managed to lose 3 lbs since I started last Thursday.
  • cherriewilliams
    cherriewilliams Posts: 107 Member
    OOOO i need to join too. Hi I am Cara a SAHM of one 7 year old boy. Today has been one of those crazy days. I feel like my hormones are shifting (I gain 5-20 lbs when they do) and I went OVER my plan of 1200 by close to 800 cals.....EEEK.

    How do you find time to exersize?? I ask due to the fact that I was home today on my day that I was going to clean house and work out BUT my husband calls to tell me forgot something at home AND he needs to get a baby shower gift for so and so..... I end up running the errans but that leaves no time for me because by the time I get home and finish putting up laundry or finish washing dishes or.......(add house hold chore that never ends)...... I have to run by the school pick up the kid talk to the teachers/pto/other parents then run to store for one thing I missed at the store for dinner. Once home it is time for homework and me cooking a healthy meal for me and the kid. Then play time for the kid (me also) then bed time rituals and to bed for the boy. Then time to clean up dinner do some light cleaning of mess and cook a seperate meal for husband who gets off at 8pm. I have 30 mins now to myself which I poke around the MFP site inputting info and reading the message boards and blogs before I start my bed time ritual then to bed by 10:30 in which my day restart at 6:30 where I get the family up fpr breakfast and the start of the rest of the day.

    Ever thought of keeping tract of the time that you are doing housework or cooking? On busy days you'd be surprised how many calories you burn from daily activities. Cooking and cleaning are in the options in the exercise section. I also keep dumbbells by my bed and do some arm curls when i get up and before i go to bed. I also like the walk away the pounds DVDs. You can walk a mile in your living room in 20 minutes.
  • Autumn1206
    Autumn1206 Posts: 126
    Thanks for the water advice!
  • lisam724
    lisam724 Posts: 58 Member
    I would love to join I have to boys 2 and 10 and have about 70 lbs to lose !
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    Im Robyn and I am a wife and have 2 kids. I was wanting to start a support group for Moms an their weight loss journey. Who's in?

    is it too late to join??.. i had previously lost the 50lbs 3 yrs ago. i quit smoking and it creeped up on me again. would love to join. all my info is in my profile page. how does this work anyway??
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi all.... I wasnt very good esterday as I had a tastefully Simple party and had a lil of this and a sample of that..not too mention 3 glasses of Sangria!!! Oops! But the scale said the same weight this morning so phew!!! I did okay tday with calories staying under goal only after I kicked *kitten* on the treadmill and burned 370calories!!! My butt apparently is changing according to my hubby which was nice to hear...high and tight!! So nice of him!! Tehe! Drank all my water and no night snack either...not hungry which is weird! Hope everyone is having a super week!!!
