"Paleo diet" - 70% fat???



  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Eskimos eat about 80% FAT daily and they are some of the healthiest people on this earth. They don't have the heart disease, Diabetes or other ailments that burden us Americans...............

    They also have the largest brains.

    I guess by saying "eskimo" what you really mean is Inuit. (You should know that "eskimo" is a rude term, by the way). From the link posted by a member:

    Inuit Greenlanders ....... have the worst longevity statistics in North America. Research from the past and present shows that they die on the average about 10 years younger and have a higher rate of cancer than the overall Canadian population.

    1. Iburg KM, Bronnum-Hansen H, Bjerregaard P. Health expectancy in Greenland. Scand J Public Health 2001;29(1):5-12. Choinere R. Mortality among the Baffin Inuit in the mid-80s. Arctive Med Res 1992;51 (2):87-93.

    Just to add to that:

    edit: Bad source, not proven
  • labgirl3
    labgirl3 Posts: 171 Member
    Just to clarify, before things get totally derailed, the Paleo diet was never intended to mimic or be modeled on an Inuit diet.
  • moranimal
    moranimal Posts: 18
    I wrote out a long frustrated rant, but then decided it was unnecessary to berate anybody for their illogical opinions.

    I do however have a couple simple points.
    -cavemen had a life expectancy of 30 yrs.
    -The Inuit people are from a sub-zero climate and required a higher fat content in their diets
    -to maintain 80% fat content though, they would have to consume solely the blubber and discard the meat of every other kill because NO animal is 80% fat
    -the idea of an H-G diet makes sense as whole foods will always be healthier than processed foods, but it still needs to be balanced
    -there are no vitamins or minerals in fat and though many people take a daily, natural sources will always be more beneficial

    Lastly, we all know the right way to diet. Some people are just too lazy to make the effort to do it right. I am not trying to change anybody's mind, I am just giving a logical argument against a high fat diet. Stick to the right half of a Fresh and Easy store and do the work. The hard way is proven already. Don't bother looking for an easy way. All you will find is somebody trying to make a buck selling you a magic pill or their book that tells you what you only pray to be true.

  • It's not hard to reduce carbs following the Paleo diet because you do not eat grains, dairy or beans...so no milk, porridge, bread, yogurt, pasta, rice or any of all that other stuff that really isn't as good for you as people think.

    Very helpful, thanks. But doesn't this mean that we're essentially cutting out major food groups? Grain is important, but it seems as if all you can eat on this plan is vegetables/fruit/meat - is that correct? Soy is a bean, so no soy either? What about nuts?

    Yes; meat must be lean though...you can't eat delly meat, processed meat, or fatty cuts.....no bacon, ham etc
    When they say high fat, they don't mean animal fat, with the exception of fish....fat is from nuts, avocado, coconut, oils.
    And yes you cut out the 3 big food groups that many people think are essential when they are in fact just hindering our bodies.
    Cut out all grains (including corn), all legumes (including peas and peanuts), all dairy.

    Your fuel as an athlete comes from starchy veggies....baked kumara (sweet potato/yams in the US) is what I use to replace pasta/rice/bread....pumpkin and squash are also good.

    One thing about this diet is, when you first start it you may feel a bit lethargic for 2 weeks as your body get used to not having what its currently used to processing; and then you will feel so much more energetic and be able to complete more at a higher level.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Eskimos eat about 80% FAT daily and they are some of the healthiest people on this earth. They don't have the heart disease, Diabetes or other ailments that burden us Americans...............

    They also have the largest brains.

    I guess by saying "eskimo" what you really mean is Inuit. (You should know that "eskimo" is a rude term, by the way). From the link posted by a member:

    Inuit Greenlanders ....... have the worst longevity statistics in North America. Research from the past and present shows that they die on the average about 10 years younger and have a higher rate of cancer than the overall Canadian population.

    1. Iburg KM, Bronnum-Hansen H, Bjerregaard P. Health expectancy in Greenland. Scand J Public Health 2001;29(1):5-12. Choinere R. Mortality among the Baffin Inuit in the mid-80s. Arctive Med Res 1992;51 (2):87-93.

    I am talking about the Eskimos that live in Southwest Alaska. They eat 80% whale and seal blubber.
  • totalimageguy
    totalimageguy Posts: 62 Member
    Human beings ate this way for 2 million years, so I always laugh when people call Paleo a "fad diet"
  • sbchasin
    sbchasin Posts: 14
    Bump to monitor
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member

    It's not hard to reduce carbs following the Paleo diet because you do not eat grains, dairy or beans...so no milk, porridge, bread, yogurt, pasta, rice or any of all that other stuff that really isn't as good for you as people think.

    Very helpful, thanks. But doesn't this mean that we're essentially cutting out major food groups? Grain is important, but it seems as if all you can eat on this plan is vegetables/fruit/meat - is that correct? Soy is a bean, so no soy either? What about nuts?

    Yes; meat must be lean though...you can't eat delly meat, processed meat, or fatty cuts.....no bacon, ham etc
    When they say high fat, they don't mean animal fat, with the exception of fish....fat is from nuts, avocado, coconut, oils.
    And yes you cut out the 3 big food groups that many people think are essential when they are in fact just hindering our bodies.
    Cut out all grains (including corn), all legumes (including peas and peanuts), all dairy.

    Your fuel as an athlete comes from starchy veggies....baked kumara (sweet potato/yams in the US) is what I use to replace pasta/rice/bread....pumpkin and squash are also good.

    One thing about this diet is, when you first start it you may feel a bit lethargic for 2 weeks as your body get used to not having what its currently used to processing; and then you will feel so much more energetic and be able to complete more at a higher level.

    Um yes Animal fat is exactly what they mean. No vegetable fats AT ALL.

    I eat bacon, just not the processed cured stuff. Farm Fresh uncured fresh bacon. I also eat some nuts, coconut oil, coconut milk and avocado on occasion.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Human beings ate this way for 2 million years, so I always laugh when people call Paleo a "fad diet"

    Me too.
  • jknops2
    jknops2 Posts: 171 Member
    Eskimos eat about 80% FAT daily and they are some of the healthiest people on this earth. They don't have the heart disease, Diabetes or other ailments that burden us Americans...............

    They also have the largest brains.

    I guess by saying "eskimo" what you really mean is Inuit. (You should know that "eskimo" is a rude term, by the way). From the link posted by a member:

    Inuit Greenlanders ....... have the worst longevity statistics in North America. Research from the past and present shows that they die on the average about 10 years younger and have a higher rate of cancer than the overall Canadian population.

    1. Iburg KM, Bronnum-Hansen H, Bjerregaard P. Health expectancy in Greenland. Scand J Public Health 2001;29(1):5-12. Choinere R. Mortality among the Baffin Inuit in the mid-80s. Arctive Med Res 1992;51 (2):87-93.

    I am talking about the Eskimos that live in Southwest Alaska. They eat 80% whale and seal blubber.

    Ok, where do you get this from? Reference please. An do you have any health statistics for the same people? Or are you just making this up?
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Human beings ate this way for 2 million years, so I always laugh when people call Paleo a "fad diet"

    So our bodies are equipped to eat something that was around 2 million years ago? Ever heard of human evolution and all the different skeletons that were dug up? You're saying their digestive systems were the same as us???
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Thank you!! What nutrition percentages do you use for yourself? Do you have to actually cut out any food group (or severely limit) it?

    Depends on what I'm eating that day. I try to limit my carbs to 20g or less per day. The majority is filled with natural fats, and the rest is protein. My diary is public if you're ever curious. I don't eat grains, and try to avoid soy. I do enjoy dairy, but I've cut it out for the moment to try and help my fat loss along.

    BTW, bacon is delicious. We get the uncured stuff. Don't mind paying a couple extra bucks for chemical free, happy piggy. Although I do wish that natural, organic foods & grass fed critter was the national standard instead of the exception.

    mrphil, I believe our bodies are still equipped to eat the way our ancestors did. Mother Nature doesn't mess with systems that work. Just because we eat more tacos than turtledoves doesn't mean evolution has changed our digestive systems.
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    So... what about the appendix?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    The appendix still has a function. Unfortunately I don't have an answer about why it malfunctions and needs removing.
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    The appendix still has a function. Unfortunately I don't have an answer about why it malfunctions and needs removing.

    It is speculated it might have a function but never proven. It fills with waste and rots and that's why it needs to be removed.

    More widely accepted it that it used to contain enzymes that broke down the high fiber diets our ancestors ate.
  • jknops2
    jknops2 Posts: 171 Member

    What's the point? Our body is made up of water, protein, carbohydrates, and yes fats too. Why does this support your point that we should mainly eat fat?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member

    What's the point? Our body is made up of water, protein, carbohydrates, and yes fats too. Why does this support your point that we should mainly eat fat?

    How 'bout this:
    I'm a T2 diabetic. I was extremely chronic (was on an insulin pump AND pills). When I changed over from a conventional standard American diet to Primal blueprint/Paleo (high fat, low carb, no grains), I practically reversed my diabetes. I am no longer on insulin or any drugs. I feel stronger than I ever have before, and healthier. Additionally I switched my 2yo daughter over to this lifestyle. Before, she was sick every 5 mins. Now she's healthy as a champion horse.

    Does that help at all on why we should eat fat instead of grains?
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member

    What's the point? Our body is made up of water, protein, carbohydrates, and yes fats too. Why does this support your point that we should mainly eat fat?

    How 'bout this:
    I'm a T2 diabetic. I was extremely chronic (was on an insulin pump AND pills). When I changed over from a conventional standard American diet to Primal blueprint/Paleo (high fat, low carb, no grains), I practically reversed my diabetes. I am no longer on insulin or any drugs. I feel stronger than I ever have before, and healthier. Additionally I switched my 2yo daughter over to this lifestyle. Before, she was sick every 5 mins. Now she's healthy as a champion horse.

    Does that help at all on why we should eat fat instead of grains?

    Er, of course that would help you because your body does not produce insulin anymore. My mother is also a T2 diabetic as well as many in my family and they do just fine on a normal diet. She just controls her carbs like a diabetic should.

    I eat PLENTY carbs and I do fine. I am not about to risk my muscle mass because the assumption "carbs are bad."
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