3500+ Calories burned challenge 4/11 - 4/17



  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3600
    Mon: 580 (Step Aerobics Class)
    Tues: 289 (Firm Body Sculpt)
    Wed: 835 (30 Treadmill, 30 Elliptical, 30 Cycle)
    Thur:437 (Jillian Michaels Banish Fat / Boost Metabolism)
    Fri: 495 (Step Class)
    Sat: 600 (Step Aerobics Class)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 3236
    Left to go: 364

  • ser0630
    ser0630 Posts: 223
    Weekly Goal: 4000
    Mon: 840 calories burned (306 burned doing 20 minutes of Zumba, 149 burned walking for 33 minutes at 3 mph, 385 burned doing 35 minutes of circuit training).
    Tues: 89 calories burned (35 minutes cooking/food prep)
    Wed: 375 calories burned (269 burned while walking 3.0 mph for 60 minutes, 106 burned interval workout Shape DVD 22 minutes)
    Thur: 722 calories burned (459 burned 45 minutes of circuit training, 114 burned 10 minutes on the elliptical machine, 149 burned walking 3.0 mph for 30 minutes)
    Fri: 253 calories burned (60 minutes walking 3.0 mph)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 2279
    Left to go: 1721
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    Week #12

    Weekly Goal: 4500
    Mon: REST DAY! Traveled back from Florida
    Tues: 1075 calories burned (spin & walked 6 miles)
    Wed: 515calories burned (C25K, arm circuit & glute circuit)
    Thur: 1277 calories burned (spin, back circuit & walk 7 miles)
    Fri: 792 calories burned (C25K, glutes circuit & walk 3.36 miles)
    Sat: 600 calories burned (spin & arm circuit)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 4259
    Left to go: 241
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Weekly Goal: 4,200
    Mon: 829 (Zumba)
    Tues: 346 (30 min. softball practice)
    Wed: 264 (leisurely walking aka grocery shopping)
    Thur: 0
    Fri: 0
    Sat: 384 (1 mile run)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 1,823
    Left to go: 2,377
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Weekly Goal: 7,000

    Mon: 1230 (B210K-Week 1 Day 3 & Walking)
    Tues: 576 (Walking & Strength Training)
    Wed: 1743 (B210K-Week 2 Day 1 & Walking)
    Thur: 1570 (Walking, Strength Training, StairMaster & Zumba Class)
    Fri: 0
    Sat: 1210 (B210K-Week 2 Day 2, Elliptical & Strength Training)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 6329
    Left to go: 671
  • Kolohe71
    Kolohe71 Posts: 613 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3500
    Mon: 314 (60 min of moderate pace walking)
    Tues: 1109 (75 min of moderate to vigorous canoe paddling)
    Wed: 314 (60 min of moderate pace walking)
    Thur: 790 (60 min of moderate to vigorous canoe paddling)
    Fri: 0 (Last minute tickets to Ducks vs. Predators)
    Sat: 750 (60 min of moderate canoe paddling)

    Total: 3277
    Left to go: 223
  • Tue 04/12/11 01:23 PMWeekly Goal: 5000
    Mon:701 calories burned (12.29 mile bike ride -http://connect.garmin.com/activity/78686992)
    Tues: 680 calories burned (2 hours of softball)
    Wed:441 calories burned (playing golf)
    Thur:951 calories burned (playing golf & cleaning)
    Fri: 1727 calories burned (30.39 bike ride-http://connect.garmin.com/dashboard?cid=436238)
    Sat:842 calories burned (playing golf)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Left to go-0
  • Anise76
    Anise76 Posts: 57 Member
    Weekly goal: 3500
    Monday total cals. burned: 533 (stepper, walking)
    Tuesday total cals. burned: 413 (stepper, walking)
    Wednesday total cals. burned: 629 (stepper, walking)
    Thursday total cals. burned: 457 (walking)
    Friday total cals burned: 597 (stepper, walking)
    Sat. Total cals burned: 304 (walking, stepper)
    Sunday total cals burned/ how

    Total: 2933
    Left: 567
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3500
    Mon: 237 calories burned (25 mins leg work out, 33 mins various cardio)
    Tues: 0 calories burned (rest day)
    Wed: 832 calories burned (55 mins trainer, 25 mins elliptical 25 mins treadmill)
    Thur:503 calories burned (20 mins treadmill 43 mins ellitpical)
    Fri: 704 calories burned (40 mins treadclimber 30 mins elliptical)
    Sat:560 calories burned (30 mins treadclimber 30 mins elliptical)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 2833
    Left to go: 667
  • angp7711
    angp7711 Posts: 324 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3500
    Mon: 464 (60 minutes of jsnowboarding w/ body bug)
    Tues: 513 (30 min running 15 min crosstraining)
    Wed: 676 (30 min elliptical 10 PT and ab work 60 min walking hills)
    Thurs: 0 unplanned rest day
    Fri: 475 (60 min run/walk hills)
    Sat: 672 (Day7L2JMRI30 45 min run/walk)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

  • pixycats
    pixycats Posts: 62
    Weekly Goal: 3500
    Mon: 416 (60 minutes of jogging/walking on treadmill)
    Tues: 208 (30 minutes of walking/jogging outside)
    Wed: 618 (20 minutes on bike, 30 minutes jogging/walking on treadmill, 30DS, gym circuit)
    Thur: 460 (60 minutes of group power, 60 minutes of group centergy)
    Fri: 510 (75 minutes jogging/walking on treadmill)
    Sat: 703 (30 minutes on bike, 50 minutes walking/jogging outside, 30DS)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 2915
    Left to go: 585
  • kmal2t
    kmal2t Posts: 21
    3500 is incredibly easy and attainable if you just go on the stationary bike for 600 cals which should take you 45-60 mins which in 6 days burns 3600. At most it should take you 1hr30 mins if you're not in very good shape yet.
  • gardea
    gardea Posts: 75
    Weekly Goal: 3500
    Mon: 530 calories burned (high impact aerobics 45 min, walking 25 min)
    Tues: 506 calories burned (walking 70 cal, dancing 101 cal, jogging 124 cal, stairs 211 cal)
    Wed: 769 calories burned (random dancing 38 min. 256 cal, Blast Dance 513 42 min. 513 cal)
    Thur: 130 calories burned (22 min. calisthenics)
    Fri: 130 calories burned (22 min. calisthenics)
    Sat: 762 calories burned (heavy cleaning, crunch body sculpt 42 min, calisthenics)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 2827
    Left to go: 678
  • pjfmaui73
    pjfmaui73 Posts: 408
    Weekly Goal: 6000

    Mon: 572 (JM RI30 wk 4, hiking 30min)
    Tues: 1008 (cleaning 3hrs, hiking 30min)
    Wed: 1013 (JM RI30 wk 4, mtn. biking 40min, walking 30min, cleaning 20 min)
    Thur: 1069 (walking and cleaning)
    Fri: 1213 (JM RI30 wk 4, walking & cleaning)
    Sat: 601 (walking and cleaning)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 5474
    Left to go: 526
  • Weekly Goal: 3500

    Mon: 301 calories burned (walking the dog .... 60min)
    Tues: 98 calories burned (walking the dog...12min)
    Wed: 0
    Thur: 350(walking the dog....70min)
    Fri: 0
    Sat: 200(walking the dog...40min)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned) ........hmmmm, I'm not sure it's possible to burn 2,550 on Sat.

    Total: 950
    Left to go: 2,550
  • pinklion721
    pinklion721 Posts: 226 Member
    Weekly goal: 3500
    Monday total Cals. Burned 738 (30ds and last chance work out
    Tuesday total cals. Burned 300 (30ds)
    Wednesday total cals. Burned 651 (30 ds and 65 min riding bike)
    Thursday total cals. Burned 1273 ( 30ds and 120 min bike riding)
    Friday total cals burned 300(30ds)
    Sat. Total cals Burned 0 ( busy day)
    Sunday total cals burned 665 (30ds 30 min. On elliptical)
    Total 3927
    Left over by 427!!
  • Hi All.
    Not to be a killjoy, but....
    Something to keep in mind when you're looking at calories burned, is that cardio equipment is generally highly inaccurate. Those machines were designed using very fit people with low body fat, as the manufacturers know that the lower your body fat, the more calories you burn due to the amount of lean muscle mass. The machines also obviously have no clue as to an individuals metabolic rate, or body fat percentage.
    The best way to determine calories burned is to determine your metabolic rate (typically through a metabolic specialist). Short of that, I would recommend that if you're fit with low body fat, subtract 10 to 15% from the machine's 'estimate' of calories burned. If your body fat percentage is on the higher side, drop it by 25% (e.g. a machine estimate of 300 calories burned, is really more like 225),
    This is of course still a very rough number, but should give you a more realistic picture, and hopefully prevent people consuming those extra calories in error.
  • otrinao
    otrinao Posts: 53
    Weekly Goal: 3500
    Mon: burned 445 calories interval running on the treadmill
    Tues: burned 730 calories spinning and weight training
    Wed: burned 613 calories weight training and elliptical
    Thur: burned 567 calories spinning
    Fri: burned 551 calories weight training, stairmaster and elliptical
    Sat: burned 1194 walking 2.0mph and walking carring an infant
  • LJV1031
    LJV1031 Posts: 502 Member
    *UGH* I'm kind of late. :ohwell: Do you do this every week, I'd like to join the challenge. :smile:

    Here's my rundown anyway... who knows, maybe I'll kick it up a notch and somehow make it to 3500. LOL

    Monday: 355 (walking, jumping jacks, dancing)
    Tuesday: 112 (walking)
    Wednesday: 600 (walking, jogging, running)
    Thursday: 607 (walking, jogging, running)
    Friday: 333 (walking, dancing)
    Saturday: 756 (walking, jogging, running, dancing)
    Sunday: 836 (walking, jogging, running)
    Total : 3559 (by 11am Sunday morning, not including what else I may or may not get into).

    Wow... I guess I was able to kick it up that much needed notch, despite the fact that I was unable to go to the gym for 3 days due to family obligations!!! *YAY* Thanks for the challenge, I'll be back next week! =D
  • Anise76
    Anise76 Posts: 57 Member
    Weekly goal: 3500
    Monday total cals. burned: 533 (stepper, walking)
    Tuesday total cals. burned: 413 (stepper, walking)
    Wednesday total cals. burned: 629 (stepper, walking)
    Thursday total cals. burned: 457 (walking)
    Friday total cals burned: 597 (stepper, walking)
    Sat. Total cals burned: 304 (walking, stepper)
    Sunday total cals burned: 634 (walking)

    Total: 3567
    Left: -67

    Woohoo! I did it!! There were times when I thought I would completely flunk, especially this weekend, what with hubby being home, and my exercise time being limited, but I managed it!
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