*closed group* Flab to Fab 3 Month Challenge!



  • DianaM1020
    DianaM1020 Posts: 98 Member
    This week's goals:

    Monday: 60 minutes, treadmill/elliptical/abs
    Tuesday: 3 mile run
    Wednesday: 60 mins, spin/upper body
    Thursday: 45 mins Biggest Loser Cardio Max
    Friday: rest
    Saturday: 3 mile run
    Sunday: 60 min walk

    WATER, less coffee, and UNDER cals everyday!
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    I need to be kicked back into gear girls. I was very close to my calorie goal everyday this past week (I was only about 15 net calories under), and I gained weight all week. I don't get it. I did raise my calorie level to 1/2 pound per week since I want to see what I look like after toning, to see if I'm happy here or not (my goal weight is just what I hoped for, but if I'm happy higher because I have more lean muscle, I'm good with that too).

    I'm pretty good today, ate a bit more for breakfast than I wanted to, but then took advantage of my Senior VP offering to buy our group one item each from the bake sale one team is having for the American Heart Walk. I haven't eaten them...yet, but I am going to do it.

    I really didn't want to feel content already and give up just because the "BIG" competition is over....I'm not ready but something in my brain is saying...you're good, you don't need to work out as much. I'm not though. If I want to eat (basically) whatever I want to, I need to keep working on this.

    I don't reallly know if this made sense, I'm just trying to talk myself back into the mind fold I had earlier this year.
  • lucybp
    lucybp Posts: 193
    Loria - Dr. Phil once said something that has stuck with for years on end: "Fake it until you feel it" ...
    When I'm having a blah moment I try to fake it until I get pumped. Sometimes I don't even have to be in the mood I just think of the Nike logo: "Just do it"

    So, I will be thinking about the above later on today when I have to motivate myself to work out. Hope this helps us both :)
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I just ate an entire bag of mini reeces cups and I'm starting on a bag of hershey kisses. UGH. My father makes me so upset sometimes. I don't really want to get into all my drama but I am upset and it's almost TOM and I want candy and chocolate!!!! UGH. My workout class was cancelled today and I really need to go to the gym.

    I'm glad most everyone did well with the weekend pact! I sent out the spreadsheet. We are doing well as a group. Love you girls ~ we are great support for one another.

    Sorry if this post seemed bi-polar.. I am just spinning around like a top! Ugh
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Kerri, hun, sorry to hear you are upset. You are so happy and cheerful all the time that it must take something big to upset you so I really hope the drama resolves itself soon so you can get back to being the ray of sunshine in our group! I think most of us here can relate to emotional eating and who am I to stand between you and your bag of Hersey's kisses if you need them to feel better?! But just know that we are here for you if you want to reach out to us instead of the chocolate. TOM is a little *kitten* with all those cravings he brings on us! So I know its the kind of time when we rely on our comfort food but we are all on this journey to help ourselves realize that the food isn't going to make us happy. The feeling is short lived. And you seem like the kind of woman who would rather sweat out all the stress and upset feelings in a mammoth gym session than tuck into a bag of chocies. You're a strong woman Kerri and that's why we all look to you as our leader!!!
    I hope you're feeling better soon petal. And thanks for all your hard work on the spreadsheet this week and the new challenge. We really appreciate it xxxx Here's some hugs :flowerforyou:
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    OK...I just found out that our new Fitness Director at work will be starting in the next couple of weeks. She wants to run a fitness test for everyone that is interested and come up with individulized plans so we can meet what we want. Hopefully this will be the push I need to start feeling more motivated again.
  • janana81
    janana81 Posts: 278 Member
    I feel like Debbie Downer the last couple of times I posted.

    After I weighed in Saturday...even though it wasn't bad...I got all mopey. I ate what I wanted that day....and it carried over into yesterday. Today there has been drama with my husband and his job...long story short he got a written warning since basically trying to sell anything in Michigan SUCKS right now. So all I want to do is what Kerri is doing....eat chocolate and candy!

    Sending some hugs to ya Kerri! xoxo

    Plus with my boys being sick and now one is having a reaction that is not so pleasant with his antibiotic...I am glad he only has one more day of this medicine left. Argh.

    I got back on the horse this morning. I am eating ok. I actually don't have much of an appetite right now. I need to exercise so I can take out some frustrations! lol.

    Hopefully tomorrow will have me being in a better mood.
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I'm going to the gym after work----NO excuses or pity parties! Who's joining me!?!?!
  • JenabeeRose
    JenabeeRose Posts: 73 Member
    Well im just now able to get on the forum in quite a few days.. i started to read all that i had missed but im still 3 pages behind. lol. this weekend i did horribly... ive been really discouraged about this lately, got to remember that i really just need to work harder. i was talking to my mom yesterday & i made this comment "if i could only stay this size for the rest of my life, id be alright"... that was not a true statement, but i was just frustrated. She said something that REALLY made me think. "Thats what i kept saying all these years, and i just kept getting bigger and bigger, look at me, im 43 years old and still trying to lose it"

    I DONT want to be trying to lose weight for 20 years. I DONT want weight to hold me back in anything in life. no, im not to a point where weight WOULD hold me back right now, but i know that if i dont lose this weight, im just going to keep gaining it. So here's to working a heck of a lot harder!
  • JenabeeRose
    JenabeeRose Posts: 73 Member
    ooo and i forgot! this weekend im going out of town with my hubby for a church conference... i plan to bring my laptop and fit in 30 Day Shred in the mornings, ive got a buddy going who is going to help me eat well while im there soooo WOOT WOOT! =)
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    I feel like Debbie Downer the last couple of times I posted.

    After I weighed in Saturday...even though it wasn't bad...I got all mopey. I ate what I wanted that day....and it carried over into yesterday. Today there has been drama with my husband and his job...long story short he got a written warning since basically trying to sell anything in Michigan SUCKS right now. So all I want to do is what Kerri is doing....eat chocolate and candy!

    Sending some hugs to ya Kerri! xoxo

    Plus with my boys being sick and now one is having a reaction that is not so pleasant with his antibiotic...I am glad he only has one more day of this medicine left. Argh.

    I got back on the horse this morning. I am eating ok. I actually don't have much of an appetite right now. I need to exercise so I can take out some frustrations! lol.

    Hopefully tomorrow will have me being in a better mood.

    Boo Jen! Hopefully it will all blow over soon.
  • janana81
    janana81 Posts: 278 Member
    I hope it does too Lori! I need to look fab for our concert! :):):)
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    @Kerri - I've been there with the Chocolate cravings. My last TOM I ate an entire bag of Cadbury Mini Eggs! Eeehhh. Hope you feel better after the gym!!

    I talked with my doctor today about my heart rate. When I do cardio and push myself, my HRM says my heart rate max for the workout is 190-193. I knew this was high, but I wasn't sure if it was due to some allergy/asthma meds I was taking. Turns out they do have a tendency to raise your heart rate, plus the coffee I have every morning doesn't help either. So I'm going to try cutting out coffee from my morning and just get up and exercise almost right away. Since exercising makes me feel energized anyways.

    My Doctor recommended to keep my heart rate between 140-165. So I've set my heart rate monitor to beep if I go outside of that range. I started Insanity today, he said it's fine, but I will be taking lots of breaks or at least slowing down the movements to get me back in my range. He recommended I not follow the C25K routine, and instead work at a pace that keeps my heart rate more around 160ish.

    Since I have asthma, it's important for me not to overwork, and I know overworking doesn't necessarily make you lose more weight anyways. I'm excited to follow with what he says and also starting Insanity. My husband works 2 mornings this week, which means I will be getting in my workout before he goes to work so he can watch the little one. I'm not a morning person, but I'm determined!! I have come home from up north refreshed and ready to kick some *kitten* :bigsmile:
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    @Jen, sorry your little ones are still sick :( Hope they're back to normal soon x

    @Lori, that's exciting news about your fitness instructor! Where do you work? I think that will definitely kick start your motivation again. I love it when new challenges/ways of losing weight crop up into your normal routine to spice things up and get you motivated again. I need something like that to keep me going...hopefully this weeks' challenge will provide that for me. Im terrible for falling into routines that work and then hitting plateau's straight in the FACE!

    @ Jennyb, I hear ya. Im also worried that Im going to be doing this for the rest of my life. I know that my toughest challenge will be when I hit my goal weight and I know Im going to start slacking because I dont need to go any further which I know will lead to me gaining back everything I've lost. Which is why I need to keep reminding myself that this is a LIFESTYLE change and not a weight loss journey. We need to change our eating habits so that we have the tools to maintain our weight loss for the rest of our lives. That will be the real challenge! So Im there with you all the way! And best of luck this weekend, it's a great idea that you are already making plans to workout and you have a friend to help you all weekend with your food choices. Great planning ahead!

    @ Lindz, you are right to not overdo it in your workouts. It only leads to burning out and low energy levels which is not good for a mommy. Plus your health is the most important thing so its good that you sought medical advice regarding your asthma. Good luck with Insanity! Im dying to try all these DVD's that everyone's talking about "Insanity", "30DS" and so on! I may get purchasing before the summer comes so I can know what all you guys are raving about!

    And well done to all the Weekend Pact ladies who had fully or partially successful weekends! The main thing is that everyone made MORE effort than they would have done in the past. Its a learning curve and we can all aim to do even better next weekend! Im actually starting to enjoy weekends now thanks to you guys making the pact with me! I no longer dread the end of the week or see it as a black hole from which there is no return! :laugh:

    My GOALS for this week... (Mon - Fri)

    1. Drink 12 cups of water everyday
    2. Make it to the gym 4 days this week and do weights EVERY morning
    3. Eat AT LEAST 1200cals on high exercise days
    4. Find a new workout for this weeks challenge (preferably tummy exercises)
    5. PRAY FOR A LOSS THIS FRIDAY!!! :laugh:

    Best of luck ladies xxx
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member

    @Lori, that's exciting news about your fitness instructor! Where do you work? I think that will definitely kick start your motivation again. I love it when new challenges/ways of losing weight crop up into your normal routine to spice things up and get you motivated again. I need something like that to keep me going...hopefully this weeks' challenge will provide that for me. Im terrible for falling into routines that work and then hitting plateau's straight in the FACE!

    I work for a company that owns Manufactured Home Communities in 18 states. I don't know if you have any of these in Ireland, but they are basically homes that are built in a factory and transported to a community or private land. They are also known as "Trailer Homes".

    Anyway, our CEO is a part owner of our office building and decided he was going to make us a fitness center for our private use (along with his son's beverage company and our corporate lawyers). they then hired a personal trainer, whom I had worked with off and on for a year (when I didn't work with him is when I gained 20 pounds). Anyway, HR and our COO ended up letting him go earlier this month, and we just got confirmation today that they hired a new one.
  • cupcakelover103
    cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
    Hows everyone been going?
    I've had a few terrible days over the past week. But i'm feeling back to my old self now... I blame it on hormones. And here this ladies, i started the birth control pill 1 month and a half ago, and.... I. STILL. HAVE. THAT. TOM.
    Yup that's right, for a month and a half!! Don't worry i've of course seen my doctor about this, who said that this is normal and my hormones are regulating and it's just taking longer than others. But holy cow, i have had enough.
    So Keri naturally, i've had INTENSE chocolate (okay any sugary food) cravings for A MONTH AND A HALF. And i've had to keep them out of the house pretty much to stay in control. Today i did buy some dove promises, which are dark individually wrapped chocolates. I've figured that individually wrapped snacks make me eat less. Could be a mental thing? But i'm going to try having one after dinner with a cup of tea to curb my cravings.
    Well i'm off to the gym, hope you're all having a lovely week :)
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Hey Ladies! I just thought I would check in and let everyone know what is up for me. Yesterday was a tough day. I managed to stay within my calories and get a work out in but the day was a constant struggle. I snacked on candy all day (luckily we ate almost all of it so there isn't any more in the house). I had a nice healthy dinner planned that ended up tasting horrible so I had some raisin bran crunch for dinner. For the first time in forever I was over on carbs. I felt hungry all day.

    Today I have no motivation. I have planned out my food for the day and now I am just trying to get myself into the mindframe to stick to it. The weather is horrible, raining and gross out so I don't have the motivation to do any exercise. Also my allergies are killing me. I feel like an elephant is sitting on my head. Hopefully my meds will kick in soon.

    I just need to get through today. Hopefully, I won't stumble to much and will have a better attitude tomorrow. Today, I am just not in the mood to care.
  • lucybp
    lucybp Posts: 193
    Exhaustion prevented me from heading to the gym yesterday. We had too busy of a weekend and it caught up with me last night. I went home, made dinner and crashed on my bed. I feel refreshed today ...The plan is to work out for at least a couple of hours today.

    I will go to the gym today!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Hey Ladies! I just thought I would check in and let everyone know what is up for me. Yesterday was a tough day. I managed to stay within my calories and get a work out in but the day was a constant struggle. I snacked on candy all day (luckily we ate almost all of it so there isn't any more in the house). I had a nice healthy dinner planned that ended up tasting horrible so I had some raisin bran crunch for dinner. For the first time in forever I was over on carbs. I felt hungry all day.

    Today I have no motivation. I have planned out my food for the day and now I am just trying to get myself into the mindframe to stick to it. The weather is horrible, raining and gross out so I don't have the motivation to do any exercise. Also my allergies are killing me. I feel like an elephant is sitting on my head. Hopefully my meds will kick in soon.

    I just need to get through today. Hopefully, I won't stumble to much and will have a better attitude tomorrow. Today, I am just not in the mood to care.

    Dani, the good news is--it's not even 9 a.m., I bet you will be feeling differently (hopefully better) later on today! I often have these feelings in the morning too.

    I've already eaten over 1/3 of my calories and it's not even 9am yet! I had taken some extra breast cancer run bagels from the race on Sunday and they are so good that I don't want to throw them away. They are cherry and cranberry and shaped like a ribbon from Panara bread. I had one yesterday for breakfast and one today. I had planned to make scrambled egg whites and toast for breakfast but those bagels were just staring at me. Looks like I'll be eating like a rabbit the rest of the day!
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member

    I've already eaten over 1/3 of my calories and it's not even 9am yet! I had taken some extra breast cancer run bagels from the race on Sunday and they are so good that I don't want to throw them away. They are cherry and cranberry and shaped like a ribbon from Panara bread. I had one yesterday for breakfast and one today. I had planned to make scrambled egg whites and toast for breakfast but those bagels were just staring at me. Looks like I'll be eating like a rabbit the rest of the day!

    Does that mean they are going to be at the Detroit event next month? Oh boy...that can't be good. LOL.