Turbo Fire Challenge!!! Join Me



  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Alicia and Terri! I'm happy to hear you're both loving Turbo Fire!

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I just posted a swimsuit challenge thread here on MFP http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/213948-sharon-s-getting-ready-for-swimsuit-season-challenge

    Feel free to join if it will help keep you motivated!
  • sky1985
    sky1985 Posts: 3
    I lovevthis turbofire workout. When i had my first son 4 years ago i lost about 35 pounds on turbo jam but i have definetly fell off over the years gotta kick it up now beach weather is coming :happy:
  • dmkaiser83
    I'm coming up to the end of week 2 and I loooove TF!!! i've already lost about 4 pounds!
    I love that my average HR is 169-180 depending on the workout, I love that she is such a positive instructor, and I love that I can push harder than I thought! I can't wait to get the advanced DVDs too!
  • Racleeyou
    Racleeyou Posts: 39 Member
    Today will mark the end of week 2 of Turbo Fire and I love it! I have lost 4 pounds so far. I will will check my measurements on Monday and see if there is any difference. I am really happy to see results because I have worked my booty off! :)
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,993 Member
    Ok - Quick question for you that have a Calorie monitor. How many calories do you burn during the TF Greatest Hits DVD (Its like a 19-20min dvd). I don't have all of the TF dvds- only the Greatest Hits and the HIIT 15. I see that the HIIT 15 conistantly is reported at 150 calories.

    I have also read that for the next 20min people burn the same amount of calories as if they were doing the HIIT. Have you found that to be true. If that is true then for the HIIT 15 if you burn 150 calories - then the next 20min you burn 150 more you'd have a 300 calorie burn for 15min. workout.

    Again, any #'s on Greatest HIITS for Calorie burn?
    Any #'s on the 'after burn'?
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Fire 60 for me this morning. Burned 511 calories according to my HRM.

    How are you all doing with your TF workouts?

    Make today a HEALTHY one!
  • creativbldr
    creativbldr Posts: 1 Member
    Hi~ Can I join? I just started on Monday using the class schedule and I started this website as well. I really have no idea what I'm doing, but came across this and thought it might be helpful. Thank you so much!!!!!
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,993 Member
    Sure you can join! I don't know how many are actively on this thread and, I'm just a newbie to the thread. I don't have the complete TF. Just the Hiit 15 and the Greatest hits(which I LOVE). so I only do it once a week. I am currently doing the last few days of Chalean extreme. June 1 I am starting another round of P90X and hoping to 'bring it' !

    I have a vacation scheduled for a medical trip to Miami for my 14yo son that starts on Thursday so...I am so ready to have a week to 10days break (from work as well as from the nutrition :embarassed: )

    I am interested in the workouts - just haven't committed the cash right now....hopefully I will in the future.

    Todays Accountability:
    KenpoX (I was going to do Insanity Max Interval Plyo but, just didn't feel motivated). I must say -it took a complete 10-15min for me to be motivated enough to do the entire workout....I think I have vacation on the brain.

    Food: Must try to eat clean....eat clean.....no m&M's......no m&Ms....

  • MyAbbsAreAmazing
    I just started the turbo fire videos, even though I've had them for half a year. I've only two classes but at the moment I'm up for keeping 'em going. :)
  • toeex3
    toeex3 Posts: 1
    Hey everybody! Im doing turbo fire too. Ive been doing it for about 12 days now. It is fun exciting and most of all a great workout just keep up the good work and dont give up :)
  • Cassienielsen
    yes Ali is on the right side if you're facing the TV, she shows all the low impact modifications!
  • mkbabiash
    mkbabiash Posts: 1
    I would love to join this group! I have been doing turbofire for a couple months now!!!
  • Anjelyna07
    Hello. I'm not too sure how many people are still posting on this thread but I am in the middle of week 3 and I feel like my body is changing but I went up on the scale. I know they say muscle weighs more but I definately have weight to lose. So when should I start seeing a difference on the scale? To be at my healthy weight I need to lose about 30 lbs. I always give up to soon so I am trying my hardest to complete turbo fire this time around.
  • Forward36
    I just started Turbo Fire today! WOWEEEE! I feel like my skin is burning! I wonder if that is what they mean by FIRE! LOL I am very out of shape, but still pushed myself as hard as I could go. There were times I didn't think I could lift my legs anymore, but I still moved. I am SO excited to see how this works and I intend to stick with it. It helps to know I have a group of people here doing the same!!
  • Forward36
    Tomorrow will mark my first complete week of TF. I am struggling today!!! I just got done with my workout and I am SO tired. I felt like I could barely do the moves by the time I got half way through. Is this normal?? I was expecting my endurance to be higher, not lower. Please tell me that next week gets better!!
  • Forward36
    Doesn't anyone get on here???
  • tracylee5
    tracylee5 Posts: 2 Member
    How is everyone calculating there calories burned on the TF workout?
  • elenalr
    Starting the Hybrid P90x turbofire workout schedule today. I have alot of fat i need to burn and using both the intense cardio and intense strength i think I can finally reach my weight loss and healthy goal.
  • juicyfruit85
    juicyfruit85 Posts: 23 Member
    OoOoOoOOoOoOo.. i'm jumping in! I've been on turbo fire for exactly a month. Lost 8 lbs. As a matter of fact I just finished the Fire 45 Class just now on week 4! Let's do this. Glad to see some Turbo Fire peeps in here :) I love Chalene.