

  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    :flowerforyou: 2 miles over lunch !!!!! :flowerforyou:
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Dee we are all thinking of you right now!!
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Monday Check-in: 105/225
    I just tried "Proud Mary" on the Just Dance 2 program and HOLY MOLY the middle to the end of that song got my pouring sweat! WOWZA!!! I am off to shower!
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    :happy: You gals are ALL amazing!! :drinker:

    Thank you all so much!!

    :noway: The drama never seems to end around here. There was just a bunch of fire whistles & trucks & ambulance down the street here and I guess there was a gas leak. and someone died. :-(

    BUT I almost have my steps in for the day. so I WILL make it 2 days in a row. LOL My food did good too. Had enough leftover for my favorite healthy snack.

    I wish I had you around to dance with. My hubby would think me nuts if I just started dancing. LOL

    Sounds like everyone is off to a great start here!! That's great, just not sure what the end of the week is gonna bring.

    Have a GREAT evening!!
  • FunRun08
    FunRun08 Posts: 203 Member
    Ok Im in, my goal is to do all my at home workouts this week. I work as a exercise instructor so I workout minimum 3x a week. I have a schedule that I am doing for my self at home that includes running and p90x workouts. I have been having trouble staying motivated to workout at home lately so a plan to do it just for this week seems a lot easier than saying Im going to stick with it from here on out.

    This is a great idea thank you.:happy:

    Also I plan to take it easy on the Easter candy that is coming my way this week in my kids Easter baskets.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Monday check in (6/21 planks 90/315 core exercises)
    and I'm happy to report I brought my breakfast & lunch to work today.

    Keep up all the hard work everyone!!
  • nmpresto
    nmpresto Posts: 157
    I am new to this but what a great idea!

    Goals for the week:

    Water: 75 ounces (3 water bottles worth) each day
    Sleep: 7 hours per night
    Food: under calories goal 6/7 days (the day I can go over I still need to stay under 2000)
    Exercise: Jillian Michaels 5/7 days, Cardio 4/7 days (6 min jog, 2 min walk for total of atleast 30 minutes)
    Weight: lose 1.5 lbs

    My long distance boyfriend is coming to visit Friday to Sunday!!!!!!!

    Just wanted to update how my goals are going in order to keep myself accountable!
    Water: Sunday-maybe I didnt keep track, Monday-YES!
    Sleep: 1/2-last night was only about 6.5
    Food: 2/2
    Exercise: JIllian 2/3 (I havent done it yet today but I am going as soon as I am done with this post), Cardio 1/2

    Good luck everyone!
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    Alright, time to pick it up again. Here are my goals for this week:

    1. Stay under calorie goal from now until the 23rd.
    2. Exercise at least 30 minutes each day from now until the 23rd.
    3. Get at least half of my late assignments finished by the 23rd.
    4. Drink at least 64 ounces of water each day from now until the 23rd.
    5. Get down to 158.0 by the 23rd. (This one might be tough!)

    I'm pledging to stick to these goals and make them happen!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    2 miles over lunch again today. :heart:
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Tuesday night check-in:140/225 !

    MissDee - You look so radiant and beautiful holding that sweet baby boy!!! I can see the weight loss in your face! And I'd love for you to come dance with me :) When we're skinny minis, we should have a little meetup in NYC and dance the night away....
    ..... oh who am I kidding? My bedtime is 9:30. I'd never make it! LOL
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Tuesday check in (9/21 planks 135/315 core exercises ( I even did a few extra core exercises, and one of my plannks was 45 seconds)
    breakfast & lunch were from home again today (it was kind of easy becuase Tuesday is my work from home day)

    Hope you all are focusing on your short term goals!
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Quick Drive By, :-)

    Thanks Suz!!:flowerforyou:

    Looks like my gals here are MOTIVATED!! Yea!!!!!!! Keep it going over the next few days.

    I thought I would have easy gols this week, but my pedometer has been short every day!! I won't cry, still gonna try, but I just may pass it by. Always something, isn't it?? LOL

    My inlaws are coming from Holland on Friday evening. I work half a day tomorrow then I will making myself crazy preparing.

    I also have an Easter Egg Hunt for my grandkids & cook a big meal for all, on Easter.

    I could take a nap right ow, and just may take a cat nap. Got things to do tonight. :yawn:

    So many of you have sent messages & posts and I really appreciate all of them. Please forgive me, when I can't do personals. Love ya all!! :heart:
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    Alright, well, I've been under on my calories today, and I went for a 30 minute walk this morning. I've also had, I'm pretty sure, at least 64 ounces of water, cuz I've drunk a crap ton of water today. Now I just need to get crackin' on the homework!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Wednesday check in (12/21 planks 180/315 core exercises)
    Breakfast & lunch were from home again today, 3 for 3. Though I was tempted ... And the vending machine had my favorite treat took all my strength to pass it by. But I DID IT :) pat on the back for me.

    Keep up all the hard work. If you don't make your daily goal its ok tomorrow is a new day to try again!
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Wednesday check in (12/21 planks 180/315 core exercises)
    Breakfast & lunch were from home again today, 3 for 3. Though I was tempted ... And the vending machine had my favorite treat took all my strength to pass it by. But I DID IT :) pat on the back for me.

    Keep up all the hard work. If you don't make your daily goal its ok tomorrow is a new day to try again!

    I wanted to tell you the other day, how happy I was that you were taking your lunch to work!! It saves me daily when I prepare my own food, and I know what goes in it!!

    Good Job!! And I know, that at times it seems it would just be easier, but one GOOD HEALTHY HABBIT THAT will MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!.

  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    C25K W1 D2 1.75 miles walk 3-3.5 mph run 5-6 mph it felt good and worked a hard sweat out of me really have gotten way out of shape. Finished total fo 2 miles in 34.5 mins
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    155/225 - I could only get int 15 minutes of walking... I'm exhausted.
    TOM is in town... so I am not in a great place and all I wanted to do was EAT today!
    Tomorrow is a new day!
  • niclagi
    niclagi Posts: 177 Member
    I love this idea as well..I see we are already mid week but here goes

    8km week jogging
    1 personal trainer session week
    2 classes (kick or spin) this week.

  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Thursday night check-in: 180/225!
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    WELCOME NICOLE :flowerforyou:

    Jump in........... This is ROUGH week for me!! Next week will be SMACK DOWN!! LOL

    Not doing bad today. preparing for my company!!

  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    C25K W1 D3 1.75 miles walk 3-3.5 mph run 5-6 mph worked a hard sweat out of me. Finished total fo 2 miles.