Support/Accountability for 300+ gals (sorry guys)



  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I am happy to say that I am no longer in the "need to lose 200+ category". I have only 195 pounds to go instead of the 240 pounds I started with. It is still a HUGE amount to lose, but I am ecstatic with the progress thus far.

    This is brief as I need to get off here and go walk my mile and a half (increasing today from 1.2 miles to 1.6 miles). The sun is shining and it's a beautiful day so taking the dogs for a walk (first time walking the puppy on a leash so that should be fun). Gotta get going though as I work in an hr and half and want to get a good burn in first.

    Have a good day all.

    Calorie burn so far this week: Sun 331, Mon 632
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    Awesome Tami,,

    I have had some discoveries this last two weeks...First I am doing a cleanse right now because spring has hit...That is not the only reason. I scored through the roof with Candida so I am trying to rectify this....I have come to some very clear conclusions this week though....

    I was obsessing about food for a long time and it seems it got worse as I started working on loosing weight....I am working on food being what I need not what I want because there is a huge difference...

    I am not longer calorie counting...Now this does not mean I am not being careful, but if I am not adding sugar and high carbs to my diet I should not need to worry about calories....I am eating only healthy food and working on getting rid of Candida. I am discovering that my body needs nourishment not calories. If it worries that I am starving it then it will store and if it understands that I am giving it everything it needs! not wants then it can let go of the storage....

    It is like human nature really...If we think their will be a shortage we stalk up...then when we are free from worrying we use what we have and or give it away.....I am going to start treating my body like my mind...

    I tend to throw things out if they are dusty and no longer of any use to me...If I feed my body the way it needs then it can throw away that old dusty fat sitting just collecting more crap.....

    I think that weight loss is a mind over matter thing. I have gotten my share of migraines between all the different ways a person should eat, should count, should need....

    My body needs healthy food. It needs iron and vitamins and it needs to be given fresh air and clean and taken care of... SO it has been a ruff two weeks but all in all I am on the road to doing much better....
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    YEAH KJ!! You are definitely doing what your body needs!! Sounds like the rough 2 weeks are going to pay off for you. It seems anytime we go through a change in our lives it has to hurt first and then we get the payoff. Doesn't seem quit fair sometimes, but the results are often time well worth it.

    I am proud of you!! Change is hard and admitting that the change is necessary is a hard step to take. Pat yourself on the back and give yourself a hug for a job well done!!

    I am anxious to see the results you get from this. I will check back in often to see any updates you post!!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    I am happy to say that I am no longer in the "need to lose 200+ category". I have only 195 pounds to go instead of the 240 pounds I started with. It is still a HUGE amount to lose, but I am ecstatic with the progress thus far.

    This is brief as I need to get off here and go walk my mile and a half (increasing today from 1.2 miles to 1.6 miles). The sun is shining and it's a beautiful day so taking the dogs for a walk (first time walking the puppy on a leash so that should be fun). Gotta get going though as I work in an hr and half and want to get a good burn in first.

    Have a good day all.

    Calorie burn so far this week: Sun 331, Mon 632

    :happy: :flowerforyou: :happy: CONGRATS! CONGRATS! CONGRATS! :happy: :flowerforyou: :happy:

    What an accomplishment... and I get it. I had/have more than 200 pounds to lose. I have lost 50... so that's a great start and I haven't really set a final goal. I know what it says a "healthy weight" is for my height, but right now I just wish I was in the 200's and really I just have said that my goal is to get to at most 199 pounds. Ultimately, I'd like to have lost more weight than I actually still weigh at a point. I'll have to figure out what that number is... hmmmm... :laugh:

    Anyway... I just wanted to celebrate with you on that accomplishment! I hope that you really internalize it and feel it... never again, right?!?!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Today is a mixed emotion day for me. I have been losing steadily and am currently 4/10 of a pound from being the lightest weight I have been in 8 years. This is great though I was mad at Mr. Scale this morning -- why couldn't he have been just a little generous and given me that 4/10 of a So I am feeling good about the loss, but the the fear sets in.

    I used to panic, get scared, and sabotage myself when I would be down 30-35 pounds. I would see and feel changes in my body and begin to panic. I have been overweight ALL my life and so badly want to be a "normal" weight and size, yet I would fear it. I reached that panic 2 weeks ago, but thanks to some dear friends I made it through. Panic mode left and I have been doing really well. Until today.

    When I had lost 19 pounds several years ago (and got to the weight I am now) I began to swell and gained 17 pounds overnight. This landed me in the hospital for 2 weeks. My doctor then restricted my water intake and would not allow me to exercise for a year. Of course with this set back I ate and ate and ate some more. I had always turned to food in the past and so here food was again, my best friend and my comfort.

    I am stating to panic and fear this will happen again. Today I am afraid to walk, to exercise, to eat. I was all excited because I walked yesterday and the day before. Yesterday alone I burned over 1100 calories. I have been so excited for the last 2 weeks for the day I step on the scale and am back to the lowest weight I have been in 8 years. And then when it happens I panic. My first thought was omg I need to eat a bunch of calories so I don't lose that other 4/10 of pound that will put me back there. Thankfully I have NO fattening food in my house of any kind. So instead I sat and cried. I am so scared right now. I don't know how to get over this fear other than to keep going and hope and pray the same thing does not happen again.

    I hope everyone has a great day and a great burn today. Hopefully within the next couple of days I will be over this hump and past the fear. Deep down I know we can do this, that we can all get past the roadblocks of life that are set in our path.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Well my biggest fear in this journey has begun. I gained 4.8 pounds overnight. This would have required eating 17,500 calories of which I ate 0. The last time I reached this weight I gained 17 overnight so at least it wasn't as bad this time. I thought yesterday was a bad day emotionally, but I am so worried now that I will not get past this stupid point. It happens each time I reach the 330 mark.. Anyone know what I need to do to get past this. It seems that once I reach this spot in my journey my body shuts down and rejects the weight loss. Please Help!!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    :flowerforyou: bump:happy:
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Well my biggest fear in this journey has begun. I gained 4.8 pounds overnight. This would have required eating 17,500 calories of which I ate 0. The last time I reached this weight I gained 17 overnight so at least it wasn't as bad this time. I thought yesterday was a bad day emotionally, but I am so worried now that I will not get past this stupid point. It happens each time I reach the 330 mark.. Anyone know what I need to do to get past this. It seems that once I reach this spot in my journey my body shuts down and rejects the weight loss. Please Help!!

    HANG IN... Not sure what "help" I can give in real specifics. What I can say is that our brain is amazingly connected to our body! So, if nothing else -- you have to get the negative thoughts out of your head. Get rid of them... fake it until you make it, if you have to. I get it though... I obsessed over getting past the 50# mark and consequently it took an extra 3 weeks to lose 3-4 pounds. Now, I did that in one week. If you stress, your body will hold it and hold the weight. If you lose sleep, your body holds the weight.

    Trust that you are on the path, believe in your ability to succeed! You not only can do this, you WILL do this!

    And, if you start to lose faith in yourself, come back here and let us help to provide that faith to get you to the other side of the 330 mark! Focus on the goal and not any obstacle in reaching that goal... heck, you are almost out of the 3's and into the 2's! I can't wait to get to that point... so you gotta do it so that you provide that continued inspiration for us! LOL. Seriously though... let me know if there is anything I can do -- thoughts, prayers and some extra karma from my "good karma bank" are being sent your way for the week! :flowerforyou:
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Well my biggest fear in this journey has begun. I gained 4.8 pounds overnight. This would have required eating 17,500 calories of which I ate 0. The last time I reached this weight I gained 17 overnight so at least it wasn't as bad this time. I thought yesterday was a bad day emotionally, but I am so worried now that I will not get past this stupid point. It happens each time I reach the 330 mark.. Anyone know what I need to do to get past this. It seems that once I reach this spot in my journey my body shuts down and rejects the weight loss. Please Help!!

    OK... so is your food diary correct? Is it complete?

    If so... I wonder if you need to up your calories some. I get a low calorie diet, but there are a few things that I noticed. First, the protein amount seems that it is pretty low? Up'ing the protein and maybe not so many carbs should be able to get your body moving... it looks like you stick to pretty much the same meals over and over. Sometimes, changing things up can get a reaction from your body, and hopefully this would get the scale moving in the right direction! Also, I see some of the entries look like you are eating more at the end of the day -- I find that I gain when I do that! If I can get started with a good breakfast (they say that it get's your furnace firing!) then I am better through the day and I usually lose more. My worst habit, that got me to this point, was not eating until the end of the day and only eating the one meal... usually fast food. This makes the body hold on to the calories because it fears starvation... such a hard lesson to learn! I still struggle with it. Finally, I don't know what you are drinking or how much. But, for me... water is sooooo key! If I keep drinking water through the day, I lose more, I feel better and I definately don't feel hungry. I visit the bathroom more often... and feel a bit like a pregnant lady but my number on Thursday is always, always, ALWAYS better! If I even start my day with anything other than water... well, it's all over because then I don't want water and I don't drink enough... So, as much as I want a diet pepsi I keep trying to stay away from it!

    Again, I am noooo expert here! God knows that I have plenty of weight to release... and I have been right where you are. These are the things that I have found worked for me to get through what wants to be a plateau... I don't have time for those right now! :blushing:

    GOOD LUCK... and again, Don't give up just Stay the Course!!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Thanks for the kind words and encouragement!! Unfortunately I can't change my eating yet. I am on a very specific protocol (per doctors orders). it is 500 cal a day and extremely limited on what I can eat. I have to do this through the 23rd then will be increasing to 800 cal a day for 3 weeks. Then I will be able to switch it up some after that and believe me I can't wait!!
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    Hey hun,

    mind over matter........You need to when you go to bed at night visualize your scale going down. Drink double the water, and you can change the way you are eating it....may not be able to change the calories but you can change the lunch for breakfast supper for lunch breakfast for is just a confusion....You can and will get past this....

    Why does the Dr. have you on such a restriction? Can you lower your carbs?
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    So... I hate to even admit this, but I figure that if I do that I will feel better and hopefully change what I am feeling. I know, know, KNOW that our brains are sooo very connected to our bodies so I am really trying to not let the mental stuff block my progress.

    I am struggling right now. I am so mad at myself for the struggle because I just don't know how to get out of my head. I feel like this is so much work for not much results. That's the tricky part though... I KNOW that there have been results, fantastic results even. When I look at the number on the scale - I am so happy to have lost over 52 pounds... and basically since January. That, is amazing... IN MY HEAD. I put clothing on and I know that it's way too big. I ordered some new shirts because my old ones literally are falling off of me. I ordered 2 sizes smaller and when I tried them on they still are probably too big, so I am sending them back for the next smaller size. That is fantastic... IN MY HEAD.

    So, here is the embarressing admit for the day... why aren't I "feeling" it or "seeing" it? I look in the mirror and see the exact same person that I was in January. Meaning - I don't see the loss on my own body. I don't really have any photos to put two photos next to each other... which is what I need to do, because then I think that this "head knowledge" would become internalized. I don't feel anything different. I didn't have a problem walking up the stairs or walking a distance... and I am probably doing the same amount of physical activity -- so I don't see a difference there. I guess if I started tracking some things, or do a workout today that I repeat in 2 weeks or a month... I would probably benefit and internalize the difference. So, I guess I know what I need to do, I just needed to sort it all out, "out loud."

    Any other thoughts or hints that have helped any of you with really sitting in and feeling the success?
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Good morning it is weigh in day and I am still fighting the scale. I have been all week and am fluctuating between 5 pounds. I am way more swollen than I have been in a long time. My wedding ring was falling off my finger 1 1/2 wks ago and now is so tight I can't stand to wear it. I am trying to stay positive emotionally, but am also struggling with that right now. Needless to say I am up 2 pounds this week from what I was last week. 6 more days to go on this restricted eating program and then I can try something new. I don't think I will hit my graduation goal which really upsets me, but what can a girl do?!?

    KJ, my doctor had me on this strict plan thinking it would get me below the 330 mark. Every time my body hits this number it swells and I gain. We don't why. But he honestly thought this eating plan would get me past it, but unfortunately it has not.

    Lombrica I am not sure what to say to help you other than to try taking measurements every few weeks as a way to "see" your success. I have the opposite problem, when I begin to see and feel the changes I panic. Unfortunately we cannot completely control our minds and emotions so we must struggle through these extra little hurdles. It's not fair because losing weight is hard enough in itself and we should not have to deal with even more stuff while working so hard. I personally think that the longer a person is overweight the more attached they are to the excess pounds and fat and that it is that much harder to let go. I know that I want this SO badly, but for some reason my body or my mind, whichever it may be, will not let go of it. But please, my dear, do not be embarrassed by this struggle you are dealing with. Weight loss is an emotional time in our lives. We feel different things throughout this journey, some explainable and some not explainable. But we must deal with each of these feelings to win this battle. I have found that if we do not deal with them the weight will just come back on no matter how hard we fight.

    Today's weight 334.2 up 2.2 pounds from last week
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178

    Any chance there is Candida? Keep pushing hun you will get past it. I am off my cleanse now and down 1 pound...I am down 8 but gained 7 in water weight and stress...

    workout 5 days a week begins tomorrow and I am starting power 90...

    my goal this week. 2 pounds...7500 Calories burned and 1500-1700 calorie meals. Very limited bread and grains...Hugs!!!!!!
  • Keep up the good work ladies!
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    Can I still get in on this group? Sounds very supportive!
    I started counting calories on Feb 4, after a trip to the doctor showed high blood pressure. I've never had a problem with that before, and when she threatened me with BP meds, I got on track with paying attention to what I was eating, and started moving more. Since then, I've lost about 40 pounds. I'd like to get down to 199, although my BMI recommendation is about 175. I try to get out for a walk when I can (really wish it would warm up!), and I'm using our Wii Fit Plus pretty regularly. My biggest challenges are cutting back sodium and drinking enough water right now. I love water, but not when it's so cold out.

    Edit: I can't fix my ticker! Oh, wait--does it only start at the weight I am when I start here? I can't adjust it to take into account what I've already lost?
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Welcome tj and kimmer!! Yes you can join this group.

    Awesome job on your loss kimmer. Yes if you adjust your start weight and current weight then the ticker will show the loss.

    **update ~~ today is day 90 on my journey and I am down another 2.2 pounds for a total of 46. I am at the lowest weight I have been in 8 yrs and am ecstatic!! Now I just hope the scale keeps going downward and doesn't decide to stand still again. The plateaus are killing me!! I am hoping to be down an other 9 pounds by the 30th for my graduation weight goal. We shall see if Mr. Scale works in my favor or not!

    Have a blessed day everyone and happy losing!
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    For some reason, I can't get the start weight to change. Oh well, whatevs.

    46 pounds in 90 days is amazing, congratulations!
  • For some reason, I can't get the start weight to change. Oh well, whatevs.

    46 pounds in 90 days is amazing, congratulations!

    The ticker should automatically change when you weigh in. On the left side of your home screen there is a 'weigh in' link, if you go there and update your weight, it should automatically update your ticker to say how much you have lost. If that doesn't work, contact tech support, they should be able to help you fix it! :)
  • Hi guys! I just found this wonderful little group! My weight peaked mid-February this year when my family and I were forced to live in a hotel for about 5 weeks after an electrical fire in our house. We ate out A LOT during those 5 weeks, and consequently, my weight jumped up to 375. I started my weight loss journey at 370.2 pounds with MFP on April Fools Day, and have since lost 8 pounds, 2.5 inches off my waist, and 2 inches off my hips! It hasn't been easy, but I know that it is super important! Just have to take it one day at a time! :) If anyone needs support, please feel free to add me, I log in every day, and always try to give all my friends a daily dose of positive support! Good luck with your weight loss goals ladies, and keep up the great work! :)
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