

  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    Yeah, I hate this.

    Most of the time I think it's nobody else's business but, at the same time, if someone has gone to a lot of effort preparing, cooking and buying the food (applies more to family get togethers than offices I guess) I always feel so guilty for not eating it.

    I want to take my own food to my family's Easter gathering but I think it would be too rude.
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    having worked in an office... er.. forever... I'm totally that person who would ask why aren't you eating? LOL. It wasn't until I started losing my initial weight that I realized people needed to stop offering me food for my sanity.

    Great job on passing it up! Will power will help you win :)

    just remember it is okay to reward yourself once in a while (note, I said reward, not over indulge..)

    keep it up!
  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member

    P.S. I hate that they never have anything healthy at these things too, and if they do it's a tiny little salad or fruit platter.

    --Right?!! Would the world implode if these functions included a decent healthy dish? lol!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    It's not the end of the world, and it's none of their business, but it does strike me as a bit rude to refuse a catered meal everyone else is eating and take a packed lunch. Couldn't you have just eaten a small amount of it instead?
  • denacutrone
    i will encounter this same situation tomorrow at my work. we are having a luncheon type thing and the things they are offering are things that dont fit into my eating plan so i will bring my oatmeal and yogurt and tell people that it doesnt fit into my 'lifestyle'. i could care less what they have to say about it
  • emily859
    emily859 Posts: 38
    I've encountered this situation way too many times to count. Its really frustrating. I have several "strategies" for dealing with the questions. For instance, I'll say I was starving an hour ago and already ate (I use that one the most) or that I forgot about the food being there and brought food with me from home that I don't want to throw away, or if its somewhat early, like before 11, I'll say that I'm not hungry yet. Sometimes, if there are good healthy options, I'll take a small plate and fill it up with fruit and/or vegetables, anything that won't bust the bank, just so that I have something in front of me. Now that i'm a vegan, I suppose I'll have to deal with that litany of questions next time.

    People are morbidly curious about other people who don't eat [or drink] socially at catered meals/luncheons/parties. It isn't right, because it is really no one's business but your own. I just stick to my own plan and figure they'll forget about it soon enough.
  • Newmammaluv
    Newmammaluv Posts: 379 Member
    Try: "My stomach was feeling a little funny (they don't have to know that funny = jiggly...), so I decided to skip the luncheon food and bring a few things I know won't make it feel worse."

    I am SO using this one!! It's PERFECT!
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    It's not the end of the world, and it's none of their business, but it does strike me as a bit rude to refuse a catered meal everyone else is eating and take a packed lunch. Couldn't you have just eaten a small amount of it instead?
    @fteale: Nothing personal, just playing devil's advocate. :wink: If I was invited to a party where they were passing a joint around, would it also be rude if I turned it down? I was invited to the party knowing there would be pot, but it's my choice what I put in my body. Food is my drug, and I'm trying to learn how to control it. It's my choice what I put into it, not someone else's. Know what I mean? :smile:

    Thank you everyone for the great suggestions!!!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    It's not the end of the world, and it's none of their business, but it does strike me as a bit rude to refuse a catered meal everyone else is eating and take a packed lunch. Couldn't you have just eaten a small amount of it instead?

    my work catered in pizza hut and their super sodium packed cheesy creamy pasta for my last training day. I was not going to eat that crap, becaue I don't want to have to choose between blowing a day's worth of calories or being satisfied, having enough to eat. So I ate the food I had brought "just in case". Another time they had catered in Pollo Loco, and I happily ate that, and took back home my sack lunch.
  • JoFreund5757
    JoFreund5757 Posts: 2 Member
    At some point in time, you will come to the conclusion that you DO NOT care what other people think. If you are "happy" with YOU, that is all that matters. Keep up the effort and you will succeed.
  • capricorn144
    capricorn144 Posts: 335 Member
    Just the week before I started here and got on track there was Pizza for everyone brought in for staff.

    I had 3 slices.

    I ask myself if I could resist or only have a slice today. ....Pizza will always be a problem for me. Luckily I am rarely around it.

    It is not easy to say no when you are used to saying YES!

    You did great!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,727 Member
    It's too bad, but I've come to the realization that I can't control people's reactions to what I do. All I can do is choose how much I let their reactions affect me, and I've decided that "not at all" is just the right amount I should let it bother me.
  • cherilyn221
    cherilyn221 Posts: 62 Member
    Try: "My stomach was feeling a little funny (they don't have to know that funny = jiggly...), so I decided to skip the luncheon food and bring a few things I know won't make it feel worse."

    This is a perfect answer....and it made me laugh.
  • dkrioux
    dkrioux Posts: 144
    Sooo, yeah... when my co-workers say ANYTHING... I jus look at them and they kinda get it... or I say, "I am on a mission"... most of them have seen the change and know to leave me alone! :)