Lose 60+lbs by October 31st Challenge!



  • turntechBiologist
    turntechBiologist Posts: 374 Member
    Oh my! I'm surprised and happy that everyone is still keeping this topic active! Thank you all very much! ;w;

    Recently I've been stuck around 317 because of the lack of funds to get my food. Which is a real bummer, but I have a new job and I've been able to get my food :)

    I'm trying out the Dr. Oz Dollar Diet and see how much that will work. I'm going to stick very hard to it since I've bought the food I need to and there should be no excuses as to why I don't stick to it!

    Still no internet at home so that's another reason why my weight is terrible, because I can't keep up with everyone :(

    I hope to have it soon and that I can be able to have support from everyone. Also I'm VERY behind on the chart because of my job (I'm working at Target :)), and also because of the chaos at home (long story...).

    I hope everyone continues to keep up the good work and that you all support each other. I promise to get the charts updated as soon as I can get a chance to. Having lack of internet is a drag! :(
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am checking in this morning at 202.0 i have lost 3.5 pounds from my last weigh in !
  • Dtough
    Dtough Posts: 70 Member
    185.8! Down 10.2 lbs total!!
  • malx21989
    malx21989 Posts: 39 Member
    Exercise program(s) you're doing:walking while carrying my 15-16lbs daughter around in her papoose/carrier, biking, and a little bit of arm weights
    Costume you'd like to be able to wear by Halloween: idk sexy alice in wonderland or something similar
  • rebecca1608
    Quick Up date

    SW 239.5
    CW 235.5 - Only 4 down!
    GW 179.5
  • Dtough
    Dtough Posts: 70 Member
    184.8 yesterday morning! only a pound loss....time to get more serious!
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    Been awhile since my last check in, so here goes:

    SW - 220
    CW - 170
    GW - 160

    So, I am fifty pounds down, officially no longer overweight, yippie! But have discovered a few things. First, 160 isn't going to give me the body I want, so am going to work on going lower. Secondly I am going to have to back off a bit and allow this to happen more slowly. Had cut out a lot of socializing with friends because we all like to drink and I didn't want the empty calories. But damn I miss my life.
  • averyrn
    averyrn Posts: 1
    I'm in if it's not too late!

    GW:150 (60lbs loss)
    Exercise plan: Wii Zumba, treadmill walking, cardio
    Costume you want to wear: Marie Antoinette or the Queen of Hearts
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am checking in at 199.5 this morning .
  • turntechBiologist
    turntechBiologist Posts: 374 Member
    As much as I do not like to be the bearer of bad news I am not going to keep this challenge going. We're not getting any internet anytime soon so what's the point of struggling to keep up with this? :(

    I promise as soon as I do get access to steady internet I will make a new challenge and if anybody is interested in it you are more than welcome to join it :)

    As for now, this challenge is canceled due to the continuous lack of internet access. I'm sorry :(