A comment about your weight that still bothers you...



  • Babz55
    Babz55 Posts: 4
    It is sad how the words of others can affect us for the rest of our lives, if we allow them to. I was told as a young child that I was built like an "Amazon" and I didn't even know what that meant until years later, but it made me feel bad and self consious for many years. I sometimes still have trouble looking in the mirror and liking what I see. And I love short hair!
  • I had a boyfriend tell me to not workout cause he like me fat cause then noone else would love me. Dumbed his *kitten*. lol People are mean. I had the she would be hot if she wasnt fat comments to. Now I get your to skinny. Wish they would make up their minds or not. My body is for me not them.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Why cant you be as skinny as your sister? It only took her 15 lbs! ( my sister was biggest at a size 7)

    Gotta love my dad
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    I've struggled with my weight all my life... I was in 4th grade (I know, crazy that it's stuck with me so long) and I wore a babydoll shirt my mom got for me. I really liked it, but some boy on the school bus yelled, "You look pregnant!" Like he even knew what being pregnant looked like, but it hurt my feelings so badly, I still haven't let it go... and I never wore that shirt again.

    Looking back on that and having kids myself now, I shoulda got up, walked back to him, and popped him once in the mouth... bet he wouldn't have picked on me or anyone else again!

    And there was this boy who lived down the street from me my entire childhood... he called me "tugboat" until I told him off (crazy like) in the 9th grade. I sucked it up and sucked it up and finally had enough. He never made fun of me again.
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    My mother told me I looked "disgusting" in the shirt I was wearing. When I told her it hurt my feelings but that I was fine with the way I looked (I was not overweight by the way), she gave me a look and said, "Well I think you should WANT to do something about your stomach!". I know that's pretty minor, but it till haunts me sometimes. It's one thing for a stranger or someone who dislikes you to say such things, but for my mother, who's supposed to love and support me unconditionally, it was pretty upsetting.
  • adfranks
    adfranks Posts: 161 Member
    When I was a kid, my dad said that my weight was the reason we didn't go on "more fun trips" as a family. It still hurts a little. I felt like I was letting my family down, but also didn't have the tools/support I needed to change.
  • A friend's sister told me "You are so cute from the shoulders up." Wow. And she thought she was complimenting me. 18 years later...a real motivator to work the shoulders down! Too bad she won't be around to see it (friendship ended shortly there after.)

    As a Step-mom, may I apologize for yours. Its a fine line we tread and I'm truly sorry that she crossed it so rudely.
  • bgeer34
    bgeer34 Posts: 135 Member
    In late 2001/early 2002 I was attending Weight Watchers and was doing really well. I got down to a size 14 in ladies jeans. My soon to be father-in-law said to me "Don't lose anymore weight or Jeremy won't want you anymore he's always liked big women." I was shocked and my brain says to me "not true" but shortly after that we had a house fire and lost everything and I stopped going to WW and used the fire as an excuse but I have never been that size again since. Last night I finally came to the realization that maybe that one statement (which my father in law probably thought was a humorous way to recognize the weight I had lost at the time) had stuck in my head and caused me to subconsicously eat more, exercise less, etc... Just last night I finally told my husband about it and I felt I needed to say it out loud to prove how baseless it was so I could make sure to move past it as I think in a few months I will be back to that size 14 :)
  • "You could be a model if you lost the weight" Was meant to be a compliment but it made me feel like I'll be ugly as long as I'm overweight

    and "You could be a female wrestler" Was said by the same person back when China was the ONLY female wrestler and it made me feel like crap. Again meant to be a compliment but still hurt
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    I really hope I've never said anything to my daughters that made them feel so bad about themselves.
  • crazytxmom
    crazytxmom Posts: 166 Member
    My mother told me when I was about 10 that I'd likely never be skinny. Looking back I think she meant that I wasn't of super model build, but it always stuck with me. That may explain why I'm hyper-sensitive about how I phrase weight/health/activity issues with my girls.

    And go get that hair cut!!
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    When I was in school I got called kankels... I NEVER EVER had kankles, but since then I have hated my ankles so much that I would love more than anything to get lipo suction on them, even tho I am pretty sure that there is nothing for them to suck out...

    My cousin, would make fun of my legs tell me I was big, or ask me if I had been eating too many twinkies... I have hated my short muscular legs ever since then.

    There was this boy I went to school with that would Come up behind me or walk past me and flick the back of my arms, making the giggle... I have hated my arms ever since..

    my father has told me time and time again, that Well hunny Im sorry but your like your mother... your always going to be struggling with your weight. Thanks dad!

    BTW... I have a 25 inch waist... 26% body fat, and I still have trouble seeing the skinny me. Some how my mirror and mind like to play tricks on me and show me the 155lb person I used to be!

    People are @$$'s and don't understand the effects they have on other people. I have learned to not hold it against them. although I have to battle with my emotional self that its really skinny and not fat.
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    "Hmmm, are you pregnant again because you look it" Great, thanks. Just what I want to hear. When you have been small most of your life and you gain weight then you get lots and lots of comments like, "what happened?" Even when you may still be smaller that the person pointed out your fat!
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    my mom: "are you pregnant?"
    me: "no."
    mom: "oh you just look like it then."

    aren't mom's grand?
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    yeah, I was traveling with relatives somewhere one day and my dad was in the back seat with me. We were only going a short distance but suddenly the car starting chugging ans struggled to go up a small hill. My dad started laughing and said there was too much weight in the back of the car and that I should hop out and help push it up the hill. I was about 13 years old. My dad's great but sometimes he doesn't know how much words can hurt when you're already the most insecure person in the world :(
  • LeonaB17
    LeonaB17 Posts: 304
    "What are you having?" (I've never been pregnant)
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    A student of mine wrapped her arms around my fat middle to hug me, and she looked up at me and said (100% innocently) "does it keep you warm at night while you sleep, like a polar bear?"

    Ouch. That stung bad. My polar bear belly is almost gone now, but that's a comment I won't soon forget.
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    When I weighed 118 my ex-stepmom announced to everyone there (about 6 or 7 people) that I was "the highest weight I had ever been in my life." When I was a little heavier at around 125-135, she kept me home from school for 2 hours to tell me I was getting fat. She isn't in my life anymore and she has done some really horrible things to me, but when I am skinny, a nurse, and and an awesome Mom (I AM pretty good..:P) that will be enough for me. I am not doing this for that reason at all, but to become the exact opposite that she said- priceless!
  • nrin04
    nrin04 Posts: 15
    I was looking through old pics and was surprise to see that I was pretty thin - I was 120-130 in high school, but being asian - I was called fat my whole life. I grew up thinking I was enormous. I love my mom to death but her comment amount my weight that still bothers me was "If you keep on eating, you'll be fat and no man will want to marry you" - but now I have a boyfriend that loves me thin or thick (not asian). Deep down inside, my uncontrollable eating and weight gain....was due to the anger I have against the people who called me fat. Now I know, I need to take control of my life.

    I love this site, so supportive...and seeing other people having the same issue - really helps.

    Best of luck...feel free to add me as a friend.
  • stepherjensen
    stepherjensen Posts: 49 Member
    This is incredible - what some people say to make themselves feel good and everyone else feel like crap! *kitten*, all of them!

    I had a guy I had a crush on tell me, just after I asked him out, that I was the opposite of a "butter face" - as in, "you have a pretty face, but your body is gross."

    FYI: If you dont' know, a BUTTER FACE means - "she's got a great body - "but her face" is god aweful"

    In retrospect, I'm glad he turned me down. JERK.