Beachbody coaches, I will not be 'friending' any more of you

Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
edited September 26 in Chit-Chat
...and have in fact deleted all of you that were in my friends list.


Because I am sick and tired of your little group CONSTANTLY soliciting clients here. Most of you are savvy enough to keep it off the forums, but are you aware that it is also in violation of this site's policies to solicit clients in your profile and your wall?

For those who abide by the site's policies and are not solicitation machines, I commend you. Maybe you should chat with your cohorts who see MFP as their own little free advertising site before your general reputation is ruined?


  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,493 Member
    I had to do the same thing this week. Some posts were encouraging but more of them were ask me about this, ask me about that.... If I am interested I will ask. Enough already.
  • Soupskin
    Soupskin Posts: 74 Member
    Wow, I so hate MLMs
  • I have a few close friends on FaceBook that I had to "hide" because that's all they do. I never get to hear about their kids, their life...nothing but how to get Shakeology, Shakeology, Shakeology! Twice to three times a week I'd get messages on my wall about how to be in their pyramid scheme or them showing pictures of what their breakfast looked like, or why I should wear a BodyBugg. A..N.N.O.Y.I.N.G!!
  • grrr im a beachbody coach but im not going to try and get you to here for the goal. Dont hate us all! We aren't all arrogant pushers... sry abt ur bad experience... =(
  • I get it bad on my facebook because I DO wear a bodymedia fit and I post on their page sometimes, some beachbody coaches must troll their and try to get people because I'll get 5 requests a week. I turn them all down, if I don't know you I'm not going to friend you on my facebook anyway. But it's still annoying. I have 1-2 friends who happen to be coaches and they are supportive of my weight loss goals without pushing it but they must be the minority :(
  • ...and have in fact deleted all of you that were in my friends list.


    Because I am sick and tired of your little group CONSTANTLY soliciting clients here. Most of you are savvy enough to keep it off the forums, but are you aware that it is also in violation of this site's policies to solicit clients in your profile and your wall?

    For those who abide by the site's policies and are not solicitation machines, I commend you. Maybe you should chat with your cohorts who see MFP as their own little free advertising site before your general reputation is ruined?

    THIS!!! too bad this complaint will fall on deaf ears.... I have decided NOT to have MFP friends at all because among other things I got sick of the constant solicitations
  • deannarey13
    deannarey13 Posts: 452
    This is percisely why I cancelled my Beachbody Membership and stopped being a Coach.
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    I am a coach and have never tried to sell onething to anyone on here. :-) I only use this site to encourage, support and track myself.
  • i just think the people are way to expensive and would feel guilty selling that high crap to someone where they can get the same results for cheaper. At the end it all hard work no magic in any of these must have products and their shakology is gross. and i perfer to be encouraging for free. my 2 cents. by the way i have a lady at my gym who sells it and she always raving about it. they are just as annoying in person.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    It's even funnier about those is most know nothing about health and fitness other than what their supplied literature tells them. The word coach in itself means someone with experience in the field they are coaching. It's pathetic.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I have quite a few friends and I don't think I have seen anyone push their least anything different that someone saying they love a certain kind of peanut butter.

    OMG I love Shakeology!
    OMG I love Chobani yogurt!

    Now if someone said msg me for more info...that's selling and that person would get the ax.
  • I am a coach and have never tried to sell onething to anyone on here. :-) I only use this site to encourage, support and track myself.
    That you do. :) I had no idea you were even a coach.
  • focus2bfit
    focus2bfit Posts: 201
  • AGREED!! I love Beachbody products, in fact P90X has been the greatest thing to ever happen to me. But I can't stand their marketing ploys! It isn't a pyramid scheme, but it's almost borderline pyramid scheme. They say they're in it to help other people reach their fitness goals, but their primary goal is to create more of themselves. More beachbody coaches. When your goal is to make more distributors versus sell product? That just says pyramid scheme to me. Yeah, i did a little reading last night!

    I 'liked' a couple beachbody products on Facebook and was bombarded with messages from coaches with the same peppy verbage. It's almost cult-like! It's the same way I feel when I get invited to those product-parties from girls at work... no, you don't want to hang out with me because you like me, you just want to sell me makeup!

    I'd like to see it completely eliminated from MFP, as well.
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    I guess I have been lucky because until reading this post I didn't realise people were like that.

    I am guessing beach body is some sort of program (paid) they are trying to get people to sign up to?

    Seems strange when this site is free and gives great tools.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I am a coach and have never tried to sell onething to anyone on here. :-) I only use this site to encourage, support and track myself.

    I had no idea you were a coach.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I have someone like that on facebook but its mary kay and not beach body.But thats mostly all she talks about
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Shakeology, Shakeology, Shakeology!
    I hate that "S" word!:grumble: :angry: :explode: :grumble: :angry: :explode:
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    OP - I hear ya! But...

    I have a small number of BB coaches on my friends list.

    I have seen a very small amount of the 'pusher' action from any BB coaches here.

    I think they serve a function (mentor, goalsetting, examples, etc...) but by and large they are not 'taking over' MFP.

    They seem to (as a group) understand the rules here on MFP.

    Plus the user community, while a great bunch of folks, will only put up with so much 'advertising' from other members before they go to the site admins (Mike/AL) and report said person.

    Let the admins sort them out, but let's not paint them all with the same brush... :flowerforyou:
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    I am a coach and have never tried to sell onething to anyone on here. :-) I only use this site to encourage, support and track myself.

    So far, the few beachbody coaches I've talked to on here haven't hounded me to buy and have been very supportive....I have gotten a few messages but they have been responses to topics on the forum that I started or had a question about protein drinks, etc....and they didn't nag me to buy....just gave the the info....If I ask about something that pertains to what they are selling, I can't fault them for trying to give me info on their products...I did ask...
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