Beachbody coaches, I will not be 'friending' any more of you



  • RochelleBlack
    I agree-it's too bad Beachbody gets a bad reputation because of people who behave that way. I like their programs, the Coach discount and a lot of the people I have met through BB. But I know a lot of "Coaches" who are just in it for the money and I too find them annoying :ohwell:

    Beachbody's philosophy is that people are looking for THEM, meaning they are not in the market of convincing people. If more "Coaches" followed that philosophy, experiences like yours would never happen.

    Everytime I "like" a BB product on Facebook, I get a friend request and email from a Coach somewhere. While I have met some encouraging and motivating people this way, I am also the type that does not like to be aggressively pursued. They quickly lose interest in me when they find out I am already a Coach. :wink:
  • focus2bfit
    focus2bfit Posts: 201
    I agree with Zebra
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I did get a msg once because I mentioned p90x. When I said I was "borrowing" the dvd's, she said if I was interested in anything, let her know. Very friendly and not pushy at all.
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 530 Member
    It does get old, for sure...but, as a former MLM'er (not beachbody) it is very difficult to NOT talk about what you do. I agree that there is a time and a place for it though....and this site is NOT the place for them to come to solicit.

    Hopefully, people will respect the "rules" and not go overboard. I simply tell them, no thanks, not interested...if they push from there, then that is just plain rude! I follow that guideline for ALL Direct Sales type companies though....
  • melissas77
    melissas77 Posts: 1 Member
    I have not had that experience on MFP yet. However I had someone I knew in high school friend me on facebook. I accepted his request. Turns out he is a Beachbody coach and that is all he posts about. After I accepted his request he attempted to friend lots of people (possibly everyone) on MY friends list, people he did not know! I had my family and friends sending me messages saying "Who is this person? I don't know him but saw that he is your friend." How annoying! I now see that he has a ton of fb friends. He must friend everyone he has ever met and then everyone they know just to market this product. Delete!
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    these people sound like that cult like group called, I know this one couple and they are "brainwashed" with Amway

    and theres nothing more irritating than "all of a sudden, bring up their products and get me into that pyramid"

    I havent had your experiences, but thanks for the heads up about those people..........Lloyd
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    I am a coach and have never tried to sell onething to anyone on here. :-) I only use this site to encourage, support and track myself.

    So far, the few beachbody coaches I've talked to on here haven't hounded me to buy and have been very supportive....I have gotten a few messages but they have been responses to topics on the forum that I started or had a question about protein drinks, etc....and they didn't nag me to buy....just gave the the info....If I ask about something that pertains to what they are selling, I can't fault them for trying to give me info on their products...I did ask...

    I am one of those who has responded in a message to someone when they ask a particular question. I have sent one message and left it at that. I certainly don't like pushy matter what they're pushing, so I certainly would not do that...not to mention, I am NOT a sales person.
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    I agree that those selling any products should be banned from this site. I mean, it's one thing to simply be a BeachBody coach, or for people (coach or not) to say they used and liked (or didn't like) a product (BeachBody or otherwise), or for people to offer sound advice to one another....but when people are constantly saying "I'm a coach, therefore I know better" or "I'm a coach, do you want to buy a product from me" or "I'm a coach, blah blah blah" -- that's a problem.

    I even had one person (who wasn't even on my friends list) contact me saying that they saw on the forums that I was going to do P90X soon and that she was a new BeachBody distributor and she would love my business. Not only did I reply to this person, quoting to her the parts of the Terms of Service she was violating, but I also reported her to Mike. I had another person who I deleted from my friends list a while back because he was constantly trying to sell stuff to me. Ugh -- all so annoying.

    Perhaps MFP should not allow people to even state in their profiles that they are associated with any other websites or products. If people want to find BeachBody coaches, they can go to the BeachBody website and find them. Right?

    Edited to add -- I do have people on my friends list who are associated with BeachBody and maybe even other companies, but these people don't flaunt it, and don't try to sell to me, and aren't annoying. And I am sure there are plenty of BeachBody associated people running around MFP who aren't advertising and aren't bothering anyone else, and actually are helping others with sound, non-sales-oriented advice. There *are* good people out there, it's just always the other bad ones that ruin it for everone else. :(

    /rant flowerforyou.gif
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    I love :heart: love BB products !!!! Because there the BeST !!!!
  • Christyp123
    I'm a coach (and I actually do "coach" people through meal planning, fitness tips (P90x and non beachbody products), and calorie counting (referring them to MFP). I've never once friend requested anyone on this site and I won't either. I also don't push Shakeology here either. If you don't like the "S" word, don't drink it. If you don't like P90X don't use it. If you don't like seeing amazing progress pics, don't click on them. I'm sorry you had such a bad experience with these people but lumping us all into this group of money hungry maniacs is a little extreme. My team just started a "free" clean eating challenge for members and non members. We're not holding a gun to anyone's head to participate and not making money off of it either.
  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    I found MFP thanks to a Beachbody coach who hunted me down on Facebook. I had to delete her there because all sorts of strangers were accessing my profile thanks the mutual friend issue. Haven't seen her on here, though.
    Oh well, I came out ahead.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    I love this topic!!
    I used to have many bb coaches on my facebook
    They totally annoy me, how can they actually help anyone health wise if they dont know what their doing.. Cmon lets get fit together is stupid, I dont want advice from someone that looks worse than me!! Reason I went another way and decided not to follow the followers, they will never make it to the top with the 44+ founders. Waste of money!!
    They are shady too, I get messaged to join and be their featured person to say I transformed with bb products! $orry im no sell out...
    And I know someone from the p90 dvd...the infomercials are not real storys....
    If u make abuck out of me then it is a mlm pyramid company.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    christy, I have amazing progress pictures and I didnt have to use any products ,just did it the regular old fashioned way.......Lloyd
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I didn't say that they ALL violate the rules. I said that enough do that I'm not risking any more solicitations popping up on my wall, and that those coaches who do work within the site's rules might want to chat with those who seem to be incapable of operating within them before the entire group is discredited.

    I'm sure some of the Coaches are great, and I've seen some helpful forum posts from some. But I think a little self-policing might help, in addition to reporting folks who use MFP unethically.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,740 Member
    Shakeology, Shakeology, Shakeology!
    I hate that "S" word!:grumble: :angry: :explode: :grumble: :angry: :explode:
    Me too! (And I'm a BB coach.)
  • Christyp123
    christy, I have amazing progress pictures and I didnt have to use any products ,just did it the regular old fashioned way.......Lloyd

    Actually, so do I. I just recently loss 10 additional pounds with (i'm going to whisper it..."the 's' word). I lost my first 30 pounds with MFP and eating right, and exercise (including p90x) among other things. I just happen to love bb products and "s" and that's why I decided to join as a coach.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    ...and have in fact deleted all of you that were in my friends list.


    Because I am sick and tired of your little group CONSTANTLY soliciting clients here. Most of you are savvy enough to keep it off the forums, but are you aware that it is also in violation of this site's policies to solicit clients in your profile and your wall?

    For those who abide by the site's policies and are not solicitation machines, I commend you. Maybe you should chat with your cohorts who see MFP as their own little free advertising site before your general reputation is ruined?

    Agreed. Im just not friends with any of them cause I don't like BeachBody. haha
  • fitmom4ever
    fitmom4ever Posts: 130
    They quickly lose interest in me when they find out I am already a Coach. :wink:
    I didn't know you were a coach! Good for you! And apparently, thanks for not being pushy about it. I knew it was a product you love, but have never felt 'solicited.'
    OP- there are bad apples in every bunch, but you can't judge the whole based on the actions of a few. Sorry for your bad experience. :(
  • TooFine4MFP
    TooFine4MFP Posts: 134 Member
    I have a few close friends on FaceBook that I had to "hide" because that's all they do. I never get to hear about their kids, their life...nothing but how to get Shakeology, Shakeology, Shakeology! Twice to three times a week I'd get messages on my wall about how to be in their pyramid scheme or them showing pictures of what their breakfast looked like, or why I should wear a BodyBugg. A..N.N.O.Y.I.N.G!!

    LMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG SO TRUE!!!! Once they find out that you have bought some Beachbody products, they are ON YOU:

    1. Do you have a coach?

    2. Do you wanna be a coach?

    And then if you ask about a beachbody product, they have to throw in there that they are a coach and you can get if it off their website! ENOUGH ALREADY!!! They do it on Twitter too! I don't wanna talk about Turbo FIre for 8 hrs! GET A LIFE!!!!
  • Melisha82
    Melisha82 Posts: 243
    I used to be a beachbody coach but got tired of my upline even being pushy with me!! LOL...I quit.. I completely understand!!!