Is 150lbs still too heavy for a 5'4" person?



  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    I think 150 is a great realistic target to aim for! When you get there, then you can have a look at how you feel about your body shape, and what if any further changes you'd make.

    Good idea. By then, I'll be able to judge whether or not I feel comfortable with that weight. Thanks!

    By the way, is your main picture a great dane, by any change? :0

    I would guess that's a Weimeraner..........................Anyway.....just focus on your mini goals and you can decide what is good for YOU when you get there. Good luck on your journey! :)
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I don't know why people put so much stock in BMI! BMI doesn't factor in muscle mass! So, my fit, muscular hubby is always considered "obese" when he goes to the doctor because his weight is higher that the chart THINKS he should be! Um, he has low body fat and lots of muscle; hardly obese in my book! :smile:

    My point is that you should focus on body fat! When you drop to 150lbs, have your body fat tested. THEN gauge where you need to go from there.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    Weight is just a number! I am 5'4" and my goal is anywhere from 145 - 165 I weighed 160 in high school and although I wasn't small, I was very athletic and muscular and I was always very curvy, I was happy with that weight. I think it depends on the person! 150 is a very reasonable girl for someone who is 5'4". Personally I don't really care about BMI and even being athletic and muscular I was considered 'overweight'.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    but I set my goal weight to be 150; currently 82 pounds lighter than I am right now. I had originally had set it to 132; 100 pounds lighter, but forgive me for thinking that was a little too unrealistic. I honestly don't want to pressure myself into thinking 132 is a MUST, then becoming discouraged half way through, which is now why I have mini goals, displayed in my siggy.

    You and I are in the same boat. I'm also 5'4 and I made my goal to be 150. My "ideal" weight because that is what I was taught is to be 130 something.

    Currently after much researching, my current goal is 150 and I WILL BE doing cartwheels when I reach it!!! Once I reach that goal, then I can re-evaluate if I really need to go down to 130 something...
  • hwjssc
    hwjssc Posts: 194 Member
    I am 5'3 and my Dr wants me to be in the 120 range ..I really think that is too small..I am shotting for the 130 range for myself..Good luck:)
  • lindak71
    lindak71 Posts: 92 Member
    I don't think so at all! I'm only 5' tall and right now I'm 175 lbs. (after losing 55) and my goal is 150! I can't remember the last time I weighed that little (YES LITTLE), probably elementary school. Although I'm 175 lbs. I am in a size 12 jeans! To me that's a major accomplishment in and of itself! I don't shop in the plus size store anymore. So, at 150 I should be in a size 8!!! You'll know when you get there whether you're done or not. It'll happen quicker than you think if you work hard at it! Good luck!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Don't fuss about the BMI. It's only accurate if you have a perfectly average body. If you have more muscles or a larger frame, it doesn't apply.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    Lol, my doggy, Max, is a Weimaraner, a German hunting dog ;-)

    I'm 5' 2", set 140 as my first target. When I reached that I reset to 135, and now feel I'm happy within the range 133-140, as long as I can still fit into UK size 10-12 clothes (that's US 6-8)
    Baweee. (obsessed with dogs. haha)

    I used to want to fit into size 9 jeans, at the least, but I still have a TON of size 11-13 jeans, so those sizes may satisfy me as well.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    Are you male or female? For a male, I think it's fine, for a female you might find you'd like to be a bit thinner. I am 5'3" (female) aiming for 128. Good luck to you.

    Lol, I'm a chick. I figured I'd be able to tell what body type best suits me when I lose a little bit more weight. I feel like I have a small frame, though to be honest, so you may be right...

    That's probably the best way to do it. When you get to 150 see how you feel, look and what you think and then start a new goal if you think you need to.

    The fact is that no two people are going to be built the same.

    For instance, I'm build like a firehydrant, even when I was in good enough shape to have abs back in HS. So, I know that even when I get down to a good BF% I'll probably be at or above the upper limit for my height due to a large frame/thick musculature.
    I'm only 5'6" but even at 185 I had abs when I wrestled and that was dydrating myself to make weight. My walking around weight was more like 190.

    So, what's "too heavy" just depends on frame/muscle and how much you build/maintain while losing weight.
  • kartunes
    kartunes Posts: 46
    I feel like it really is subjective and people with the same height and weight don't always necessarily look the same in the end. Set a realistic goal for yourself and once you reach that goal, see if there are improvements you wish to make. I'm at the height as you and was the same weight, but I wasn't happy with my body so I decided to get more toned and lose a couple of pounds.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I don't know why people put so much stock in BMI! BMI doesn't factor in muscle mass! So, my fit, muscular hubby is always considered "obese" when he goes to the doctor because his weight is higher that the chart THINKS he should be! Um, he has low body fat and lots of muscle; hardly obese in my book! :smile:

    My point is that you should focus on body fat! When you drop to 150lbs, have your body fat tested. THEN gauge where you need to go from there.

    The bizarre thing is that BMI was developed as a very scientific measure that valued muscle over height/weight ratios. Then they went and converted the averages right back into a heigh/weight ratio :( People say "don't go by your weight, go by your BMI." I don't even know where I could go around here to find my real BMI, rather than looking it up on a chart.
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    I am 5'4" and when I was 152 the BMI (which is notoriously faulted) had me categorized at over weight which came with all the lovely warnings about at risk for chronic disease. I would say start with 150 and when you get close to reaching it consult your doctor and see what they think. since there are many body shapes and we call carry muscle/bone/fat differently 150 may be just perfect or still a little high, see what you can accomplish and go from there. For me to be on the low end of normal for the BMI, i could be down to 110. My goal is between 115 and 125. Remember bmi is one of many tools and currently my goals are more work out oriented because if i get consistent the weight will still come off. Weight is just a number and a component of healthy living.
  • aclark6818
    aclark6818 Posts: 209 Member
    I'm 5'7''--large build & they want me to weigh between 118 & 159lbs--I actually feel & look great between 170-180lbs. That still puts me in the overweight range , but not in the obese range. I agree with the person that says to revisit your goals when you meet the 150 goal.
    Good Luck & keep working on it :happy:
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    I don't know why people put so much stock in BMI! BMI doesn't factor in muscle mass! So, my fit, muscular hubby is always considered "obese" when he goes to the doctor because his weight is higher that the chart THINKS he should be! Um, he has low body fat and lots of muscle; hardly obese in my book! :smile:

    My point is that you should focus on body fat! When you drop to 150lbs, have your body fat tested. THEN gauge where you need to go from there.

    Men are exceptions. Women are not putting on THAT much muscle unless they are bodybuilders.
  • melissahratliff
    I'm 5'3" and I would love to be 150! I feel great at that weight. The thing is you have to not feel overwhelmed and if setting your goal at 150 seems more reasonable to you then that is fine. WW tells you to set your first goal at 10% for that very reason. Small goals are great motivation! You can just set another goal if and when you're there. Good Luck!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I am 5'4" and when I was 152 the BMI (which is notoriously faulted) had me categorized at over weight which came with all the lovely warnings about at risk for chronic disease. I would say start with 150 and when you get close to reaching it consult your doctor and see what they think. since there are many body shapes and we call carry muscle/bone/fat differently 150 may be just perfect or still a little high, see what you can accomplish and go from there. For me to be on the low end of normal for the BMI, i could be down to 110. My goal is between 115 and 125. Remember bmi is one of many tools and currently my goals are more work out oriented because if i get consistent the weight will still come off. Weight is just a number and a component of healthy living.
    That's pretty bizarre. I just had my BMI checked and the heaviest it allowed for my height was 145. Aaaand I honestly don't see how a 5 pound different could trigger chronic disease, lol.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    Not to seem like a perve, but women with large breasts tend to break the curve for "normal weights". If you have big boobs you'll probably have a hard time making into "normal" weight ranges.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    Not to seem like a perve, but women with large breasts tend to break the curve for "normal weights". If you have big boobs you'll probably have a hard time making into "normal" weight ranges.
    LOL, no worries. It makes me chuckle to think about weighing boobs alone, hahaaa.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Not to seem like a perve, but women with large breasts tend to break the curve for "normal weights". If you have big boobs you'll probably have a hard time making into "normal" weight ranges.

    Right! Darn those muscles and boobs! :tongue:
  • kittyinaz
    kittyinaz Posts: 300 Member
    i don't get the logic. if you can lose 82 lbs you can lose 100 lbs. 132 isn't even that light for someone 5'4" and female.

    but, you should set a lot of small goals and then work your way from there. try to lose 10 lbs first, then 15, then 22, etc. don't have a goal of 82 lbs right off the bat. you need to build up to 82 lbs. start with 10 lbs.

    once you get to 150, reevaluate your goal of 132. i guarantee when you are at 150 you will know that 132 is a realistic goal (especially since you've lost 82 lbs already).
    At this point, its just the fact that I may feel content at 150. :/ I DUNNO. I still have a while to think about it, so my mind may change.

    ....132 is plenty light for someone who's 5'4. I'd LOVE to be 150 (I'm 5'4"). I definitely say keep 150 for your goal for right now and see how you feel when you get there. Figure that anything more than that is bonus and awesome, but 150 is a great goal! My ultimate goal is 170-160, but hell, I'll be happy to be under 200 at this point haha.