Lose 5+ pounds in April, Yes We Can!



  • linemansgirl
    Screen name: linemansgirl

    Goal weight for April 30th - 156

    04/01: 162
    04/08: 160
    04/15: 159.5
    04/22: 159.5
  • Dkp1611
    Dkp1611 Posts: 16
    I am so upset! Not only did I hurt my knee at the gym the other day, but I've gained 2lbs this week!!!!! And my huny leaves on Monday for a 6 month tour :cry: I need to get out of this funk and start paying attention again......
  • Nadyasmom
    Nadyasmom Posts: 281
    Name: Nadyasmom (Brenda)
    Goal weight on April 30th: 125

    04/01: 131
    04/08: 132
    04/15: 132.5
    04/22: 133 REALLY????? What am I doing wrong?

    Okay seriously, I'm about ready to throw in the towel. It's been 6 months now of this! 130-135. I'm done. I sit in this spot up/down, up/down. I've tried adding cals, lowering cals, more protein, less carbs, etc etc. I really don't know what else to do. I'm just SO frustrated.
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    04/01: Starting weight 198
    04/08: 193.6
    04/22: 187.5

    Yay, in the 180s. Looking forward to hitting the 170s next month. :D

    Great job so far ladies. Keep up the great work and great things will follow.
  • ksmom27
    ksmom27 Posts: 19
    Name: Chelsea/ Ksmom27

    Goal weight on April 30th: 124

    4/01: 129.5
    04/08: 129
    04/15: 127
    04/22: 128.5

    I had such a good week the 9th-15th I worlked out everyday and stayed on top of my eating goals, and the results were there! Only we had a weekend full of engagement parties, going away parties and then our wedding anniversary so I had three days of eating like crap and only working out once. Then the next two days after that were no working out AND fast food dinners, we had wings one night and pizza and beer the next... another "party" my brother in law and his fiance moved away Thursday morning and spent the night wed night. ANYWAY Enough of these lame excuses if I want the results I have to put the effort. I am really going to try to stay on top of my work out schedule and eating! I know I probably wont reach my goal because I didn't lose enough in the begining of the month. But Im still going to try!!!
  • Picky_nikki
    Picky_nikki Posts: 405 Member
    Name: Picky_nikki

    Goal weight on April 30th: 175

    04/01: 181.5
    04/08: 178.5
    04/15: 176
    04/22: 174.5
  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member
    Name: atrayubrandy

    Goal weight on April 30th: 149

    04/01: 156.6
    04/08: 155.2 Hurray!!
    04/15: 153.6
    04/22: 152.6

    Woot-woot!! I may not reach my goal of being below 150 by the end of the month but I'm still pretty dang happy with my progress. I think losing 4 lbs in a month is pretty dang good especially considering I'm close to reaching the end of my weight loss journey.
  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member
    Name: Nadyasmom (Brenda)
    Goal weight on April 30th: 125

    04/01: 131
    04/08: 132
    04/15: 132.5
    04/22: 133 REALLY????? What am I doing wrong?

    Okay seriously, I'm about ready to throw in the towel. It's been 6 months now of this! 130-135. I'm done. I sit in this spot up/down, up/down. I've tried adding cals, lowering cals, more protein, less carbs, etc etc. I really don't know what else to do. I'm just SO frustrated.

    Nadyasmom, do you have your diary open to your friends? It might be helpful if you did. They might be able to see something that you haven't.
  • DJ31
    DJ31 Posts: 64 Member
    Name: DJ31

    Goal weight on April 30th: 158

    04/01: 168
    04/08: 165.8
    04/15: 163.8
    04/22: 162
  • tsgaddy
    tsgaddy Posts: 96 Member
    Name: tsgaddy

    Goal weight on April 30th: 237.4

    04/01: 252.4
    04/08: 251.2
    04/15: 248.4
    04/22: 245.2

    I normally do my weigh ins on Mondays, but I dumped my trainer (getting a new one) so I'll be doing my own weigh ins. Thanks to a new addiction to Zone Perfect bars which are totally killing my sugar intake, I SERIOUSLY doubt that I'll make this last 8 pounds by April 30th unless one of my limbs falls completely off, but I'll be happy with another 3 pounds to make the month a -10 lb success.
  • Picky_nikki
    Picky_nikki Posts: 405 Member
    Thanks for all the weigh-ins so far! New Chart will be up on Monday... might be late, as it is Easter Monday, and my DH's B-day!
  • RenaeMG
    RenaeMG Posts: 19
    Goal weight on April 30th: 200
    04/01: 204
    04/08: 202.5
    04/15: 200.5
    04/22: 199.5!!!!!
  • supermom4abcd
    supermom4abcd Posts: 151 Member
    Name: DeAnn

    Goal weight on April 30th: 158

    04/01: 163
    04/08: 161.6
    04/15: 159.8
    04/22: 158.7

    It's been a SUPER slow go here lately. I have plantar fasciitis which keeps me from doing a lot of exercises I know would help me lose. I'm very frustrated!
  • tsgaddy
    tsgaddy Posts: 96 Member
    Goal weight on April 30th: 200
    04/01: 204
    04/08: 202.5
    04/15: 200.5
    04/22: 199.5!!!!!

    !!!!!! Great job!
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    Goal weight on 4/30: 194.8

    04/01: 200.8
    04/08: 199.2
    04/15: 198.0
    04/22: 196.6

    I'm 70% there - now I just need to make this next week GREAT - and I might just make my goal!! 1.8 lbs in a week isn't impossible!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    4 pounds down this week! GOAL reached!! Congrats to all and have a good weekend!:flowerforyou:

    Name: Mollie1037

    Goal weight on April 30th: 344

    04/01: 354
    04/08: 354
    04/15: 348
    04/22: 344
  • Cusegirl1992
    Name: Cusegirl1992

    Goal weight on April 30th: 145

    04/01: 150
    04/08: 149
    04/15: 148
    04/22: 149

    UGGHH! I am so struggling with TOM weight gain! I hope I can get down what I need to in order to make my goal weight this month. Have a wonderful weekend everyone and Happy Easter to those who celebrate!
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    Name: JD92

    Goal weight on April 30th: 214 (-6.2lbs)

    04/01: 220.2
    04/08: 218.0
    04/15: 219.0
    04/22: 217.6

    technically, this is todays weight, but i knew for a fact yesterdays was wrong due to any number of reasons, so i refused to accept it! and i was right, todays weighin was much better :smile:

    i dont think ill meet my challenge by next week, but ill try damn hard to get close!
  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member
    Goal weight on April 30th: 200
    04/01: 204
    04/08: 202.5
    04/15: 200.5
    04/22: 199.5!!!!!

    Congrats on breaking in to the 100's!! You rock!!
  • Picky_nikki
    Picky_nikki Posts: 405 Member
    Goal weight on April 30th: 200
    04/01: 204
    04/08: 202.5
    04/15: 200.5
    04/22: 199.5!!!!!