30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels Challenge



  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    L2D9. One day to go on L2 and I could not be happier to move on to L3 on Monday. Thank you all for everything.:flowerforyou: You keep me from giving up!
  • yazminetw
    yazminetw Posts: 85 Member
    Completed L3D1 tonight. I have mixed feelings. I think they are great moves but I have to modify (follow Anita) because all the jumping is rough on my knees. I did not get as good as a workout modifying over half of level 3. I shouldn't be so hard on myself considering this is only Day 1...but I think I will do more cardio throughout the week to supplement. Hoping to see great results on Day 30.

    Level 2 results -
    Weight: +1 lb :ohwell: I hope that was a pound of muscle
    Waist: -0.5
    Thighs: -0.25
    Arms: -0.25 ; I can really see a difference in my arms, I am loving the change
    Bust: No change
    Hips: No change
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    I am so done with Level 2!!!! YAY!!!

    I lost 1.5 pounds
    over belly button -1 inch
    under belly button -1 inch
    left lower thigh +1.5 inches :noway:
    right lower thigh +1 inch:grumble:
    If I would stop eating like a sow and drinking with my hubby I bet I would have lost more!:ohwell:
    If I push and feel under my flubber I can feel really muscly abs! My arms are awesome,no flappy wings!!! And I am in love with my arms! I blame Jillian for the loss of my boobs. Seriously! They were there before I started the shred! lol I bet the increase in my legs is muscle. I have been riding my bike to and from work every day and the ride home is all uphill,so my legs are really tightening up.
    I can not wait to start L3 On Monday!!!! Have a great rest day tomorrow and a wonderful day today!
  • yazminetw
    yazminetw Posts: 85 Member
    Great results superhippiechik!!!! I agree that the gain in inches is muscle, especially since you bike to work. That is awesome.

    My weakness is ice cream and snacks. I am like a kid. I need my snacks. I've done good with choosing healthy one but if I indulge in ice cream it's the real deal. I stick to a half cup though; to make it last longer I make one scoop on top of a mini waffle cone. 190 calories.

    Completed D2L3. I must admit that I enjoyed it more today than yesterday. I stopped being a chicken and blaming my knees and just went for it. The jumping wasn't bad at all since it is not a hard landing. If my knees ache later then I will modify but until then I will push on. I am very proud of myself for doing the walking pushups

    Have a good weekend ladies.
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    I am so friggin' excited to start L3 in the morning!!! I can not wait to find out what a rock star is! lol
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    D1L3 was amazing! My Rock star's wore more like Easy Listening, but it was fun!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Great job ladies! I love level 3, just wish I could get there.

    I've had 2 migraines in about a week and a half. Its really throwing a wrench in my plans. I also took a couple days off to sleep, but I knew I'd do that. I go to the doc tomorrow though so hopefully I can at least get some meds to make them go away.

    I still would like to finish this whole thing but I doubt my results will be as good with the breaks.

    Keep up the good work and I'll cheer you all on!!
  • yazminetw
    yazminetw Posts: 85 Member
    Migraines are the worst. I used to get them as a teenager. Good luck at your doctor appt.

    I have missed two days in a row. I had a family emergency on Sunday and yesterday I was not in the mood to workout. I made up my own circuit for 5 mins (jumping jacks, squats, jumping jacks, push ups and crunches), took a shower and ate whatever I wanted to in the house. I usually eat whatever I like anyway but within my daily calories, yesterday I did not have a care in the world. Today I am back on track with high hopes of completing L3D3 tonight.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Migraines are the worst. I used to get them as a teenager. Good luck at your doctor appt.

    I have missed two days in a row. I had a family emergency on Sunday and yesterday I was not in the mood to workout. I made up my own circuit for 5 mins (jumping jacks, squats, jumping jacks, push ups and crunches), took a shower and ate whatever I wanted to in the house. I usually eat whatever I like anyway but within my daily calories, yesterday I did not have a care in the world. Today I am back on track with high hopes of completing L3D3 tonight.

    Back to it!! Good for you. Eh, leave the break and eating behind and you can get right back into the routine. You've been doing so great!!

    Thanks. I get to get an MRI. She said that it likely is migraine, but just wants to make sure. I got a script for some meds - the kind my mom gets that work for her - so that's cool. Now my house is sick though - cold/sinus so its going to be another day at least til I can get back to this. I feel like I'll have to start over, but I won't. I was only half way through level 2 so I'll pick up there and keep moving.
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    So. What are we all going to do in May? Are we going to start all over?
  • yazminetw
    yazminetw Posts: 85 Member
    I completed L3D3 last night. The plank rows kicked my butt last night.
    So. What are we all going to do in May? Are we going to start all over?

    I was thinking of getting another Jillian DVD and trying that; Banish Fat or No More Trouble Zones. Maybe alternating days with 30DS or something. Do either of you have an iPhone or iPod Touch? I downloaded an app called Nike Training Club. They have various workouts to concentrate on certain muscle groups, total body training or cardio; with a variety of times, 15 mins, 30 mins, 45 mins. The moves remind me a lot of the Level 3 moves and more. It's a good app, just thought I would share.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    I will probably still be doing the 30 day shred in May :laugh:

    I have NMTZ and it rocks. I want to start running, but not sure if I'll get outside. If not, I'll do our elliptical that is now in a much more convenient place. I want to keep up on some of the strength so I might go back and forth with the shred or NMTZ or something like that. I need more cardio than what the shred gives me though.
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    I did some of the Shape:your best butt fast on netflix and that is pretty cool. I will probably start the winsor pilates dvd I have had forever. You know,the one with the circle. lol I just am really starting to be bugged by the sound of Jillians Voice. Unless she has a kickboxing video that comes with a punching bag that looks like her face I think I am going to give her a break! LOL
    P.S. D2L3 complete. I do not feel like I gave it my all because I was watching 18 Kids and counting so I did not have to hear her voice. I will be better tomorrow.
  • yazminetw
    yazminetw Posts: 85 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I completed L3D4 last night. I cannot wait to finish this DVD. If you get Shape Magazine, Jillian is on the cover and she has 5 of her moves from Ripped in 30 DVD. She said it is a two minute workout. So that is an alternate to her working your butt off but not listening to her voice :wink: Usually www.shape.com has the workouts posted on their website too.

    So I decided to weigh myself because I must admit that one pound gained was a shocker. It was bothering me that much though. I have a new scale that measures fat, water and bone and just wanted to see my stats. I lost the one pound I thought I gained and then some. I'm down another 3 pounds :bigsmile:
  • yazminetw
    yazminetw Posts: 85 Member
    I skipped 30DS last night because I went to a NBA playoff game, didn't get back in until late. I am back on track though. I plan to go strong throughout the weekend since I missed 3 days this week. L3D5 tonight.

    Have a good weekend.
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    I am struggling and I have only worked out 3 days this week. Today would be D4L3 but should be D5L3,if I would get away from the computer and "Just Do It"! lol But to be honest the thought just makes me want too scream!!! I don't want to see
    Jillian today. I have PMS and the thought of hearing her voice makes me want to cry. I tried watching something else while she was on the other day but I felt like I was cheating myself out of a good workout because I was not paying attention.
    I swear if you all don't dis-own me over the weekend I will work out an extra day next week. Promise! For today I think I will just do some kickboxing drills......
  • yazminetw
    yazminetw Posts: 85 Member
    We won't disown you superhippiechip :smile:

    Last week was rough on me as well. I had the motivation on Friday to keep it moving and get re-energized but instead I watched a movie and relaxed (much needed relaxation). I only did 30DS on Saturday this weekend. Yesterday I should have completed the program but instead Friday is my last say. Do I wish I were done, sure, but I'm not going to sweat it.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Hi ladies - you are doing great! Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm still stuck on level 2 - day 6 to be exact! I had some migraines, lack of sleep, colds that got in the way.

    However, I really want to finish this!! So, tonight I will jump back on and do level 2. I don't want to start over and my measurements won't mean as much, but I want to finish this. I'm not sure how many days of level 2 I will do but I'll do a few, then move up.

    I just wanted to post and let you all know that just being here and keeping updated on your progress has helped me want to jump back in. So, even if you aren't feeling so productive yourself, you are still making a difference. And, maybe I can help you back on track as well. :smile:
  • yazminetw
    yazminetw Posts: 85 Member
    Well, no 30DS for me last night. We got home later than usual and then a neighbor stopped by. By the time she left it was time to give my daughter a bath for her to go to bed. I am having all sorts of cravings right now so I could have used the extra calorie burn but oh well. Today is another day.

    Thanks for the motivation ladies. I may have lost momentum in the past week but I am determined to finish.
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    I will not quit. I will shred Wed-Sat and finish this!!!!! Who is still with me?
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