Lets start a group for Mom's needing to lose 50+ pounds!!!!



  • AJs_mom
    AJs_mom Posts: 64 Member
    I'm ready to get back on board!

    I was on and off again, until about 2 weeks ago. Got motivated, started losing. But then life caught up with me, and I had a CRAZY week starting April 16 with a 1st aid/CRP course and ending with 2 Easter dinners this weekend. I wasn't home much, so there was a lot on eating out. And quite a few drinks to go along with that.

    But here I am. Ready to get back at this. I gained all the weight back that I had lost since New Year's (198 - had lost 10lbs in less than a month), and I can REALLY tell! Yuck! It's going to be hard, with all this Waster candy in the house. I didn't buy my kids much candy this year, but somehow they have managed to accumulate over-flowing baskets on candy! (Thanks Grandma!).

    I really want to try running, but I am afraid of embrassing myself right now or seriously hurting myself. Sitting at 196 this morning. Would really like to see 190 by April 30th. Should be possible, as I haven't been drinking my water either.

    So right here - right now - I'm going to set a few goals. Hope you guys don't mind. You can help me to be accountable for my actions (or lack there of).

    April 30th - 190 (-6)
    May 31st - 185 (-5)
    June 30th - 180 (-5)
    July 31st - 175 (-5)
    Aug 31st - 170 (-5)
    Sept 30th - 165 (-5)
    Oct 31st - 160 (-5)
    Nov 30th - 155 (-5)
    Dec 31st - 150 (-5)
    Jan 31st - 145 (-5)
    Feb 28th - 140 (-5)
    March 31st - 135 (-5)

    That would be a total 61lbs. I'm 5'2", so 135 I think is the high end for my height. However, I have VERY muscular legs from years of figure skating and downhill skiing. So I think 135 is a realistic number for me. Can't even remember when I weighed that much - mid-highschool?

    I need all the support I can get!
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Can I join ya'll? My starting weight was 190, I'm down to 176 right now. My short term goal is 140 but my ultimate goal is 130. I'm a soon to be single working mom of a 2 year old girl.
  • gapeach22
    gapeach22 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi you can count me in. I'm a mother of five and I need to lose at least 55lbs and I need all the help I can get.

    sw: 189
    cw: 185.6
    gw: 130
  • Autumn1206
    Autumn1206 Posts: 126
    Hey all are welcome, but just remember, we can't encourage each other if we don't post! Let's keep it rolling ladies :) I had my weigh in this morning, and I lost a pound. That is good, since it is my weekly goal. I did remarkably well on my calories this weekend, considering some of the food at my mom's house for Easter lunch/dinner (linner?) I work out six days a week, and I am really trying to get motivated to add in some more cardio. Aerobics is hard.

    Good health to you all!
  • I'm in my name is nikki I am a wife and mother of three plus I help my mom raise my 11 yr old nephew, I have 1 boy7yrs,2 girls 1yr and 2yrs and I have 75+ lbs to lose I have lost 12 lbs so far and I have been on a three week stand still. I was 238 and I am now 226 my goal is 150lbs and I have a mini goal to weigh 220 by may 1st but I don't think I'm gonna make it.
  • jctucker731
    jctucker731 Posts: 2 Member
    Just started myfitnesspal today! This teacher, wife, and mother of 3 boys ages 5,3,1 needs to get back on track! :) I lost all of my extra fat and flab after baby #2, but this time it has been a nightmare. No more excuses - great to read the stories of others in the same boat. It helps to know I am far from alone!
  • I would love to be part of this group. I'm Rebecca married with 6 grown children. My goal is 130 lbs (182.2 right now). I have a wonderful husband and children, but they don't understand my need to loose...they all love me just as I am. I think they are worried all stop cooking massive meals lol.

    As I read through everyone's post I was so impressed with all the wonderful mothers in this group.
  • Autumn1206
    Autumn1206 Posts: 126
    Hey welcome everyone that posted today!
  • albanydia
    albanydia Posts: 18 Member
    Hi everyone!!!
    I'm here to tell u how excited I am. I've been faithful to my loggin and i've lost 14lbs already in 39 days. I always see people with more than 20 lbs loss and say to myself "Oh my' I need to talk to them, how did they do it"? But you know what? It's a step at a time and believe me' Ive fallen this weeks so many times,and felt so discouraged, but it adds up and it takes time but it gets the job done, so dont feel bad if you had a bad week or " month". Be realistic, falling is not that bad if you stand up as fast as u fell. Keep it up, cause our goal is nearer than when we started.
  • ngr1973
    ngr1973 Posts: 334
    Sorry to all my friends - I've been MIA for about 10 days now. I hurt my neck, left shoulder and hand and have been doing PT and just living in pain! BUT I'm back (still recovering) but ready to keep losing weight!

    I'm a little afraid to get on the scale because I feel like I've gained so my goal is to have a terrific week of tracking and walking and then weigh myself on Friday.

    I need to try and lose 10 lbs a month -- my best friend is getting married on October 1 and I would love to be 50 lbs lighter and toner by then. So here's to starting logging and walking again!
  • albanydia
    albanydia Posts: 18 Member
    Well so sorry to hear you're hurt. I wish you a fast recovery. And about weighing, take care of recovering well n than your body itself will tell you he wants to keep going ;)!
    Get well soon.
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