Is it me or do I see slim ppl wanting to lose weight



  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I have seen anorexic girls on here (mainly teens) who were emaciated and looked like they came out of a concentration camp. They had ridiculous weight loss goals and even more ridiculous food diaries. A couple of girls were consuming only 500 calories a day and exercising enough to burn 500!! I said something to one of them in a private message voicing my concern and she immediately shot me down. I just leave them alone and focus on myself. I think they do it for attention.

    eating disorders are not for attention they are a disease a pretty bad one to there are people on here with EDS and there struggle is just as hard as those of us trying to lose weight.
    Some might not be at that stage where they are open to help so thats why you concern might have been sure it is very hurtfull to someone suffering from this to see that people think they might be doing it for attention

  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
    Uh yeah, I agree! There's a LOT of anorexia running around on this site.....Body dismorphic disorder at it's finest!! Sad really.....

    A lot of pictures are old or when people were at the weight they want to reach. For instance, some people may look at me and say, "well, she's slim". I don't deny that I am not overweight but I do want to lose weight to be in the lower end of a healthy BMI. It's not sad.
    I wanted to join WW but I was actually itimidated to go because I didn't want people to judge me for not being "overweight". I told my mom this and she says, "well, you know....this one girl in there is so skinny, she doesn't need to be in there, it's ridiculous!!" < how do you know she's not in maintenance?? I couldn't have been happier to have found this site and see other women with similar goals. It is hard to lose just 10-15 lbs when you're already in the 140 range.
    Plus, if someone is really short, they're 110 or 105 lbs could actually be a healthy weight. idk, maybe I haven't seen a lot of girls who are "anorexic" or "body dismorphic at it's finest" but if I did see someone who was in the 110-115 range want to lose 15-20lbs, maybe you could send a kind message about self esteem, they don't deserve to be judged anymore than an overweight person does.
    Uh OK (again)....I was not criticizing anyone. I HAVE an ED, called body dismorphic disorder. And yes, in my opinion it IS sad. I know what it's like to look in a mirror and not see the real you. It sucks, not knowing what size you are. So I am NOT judging anyone, because I AM that someone!!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Wow, shocked by the level of reaction to this thread. I think the OP was clear in saying her concern was for slim people trying to lose a lot of weight. Yes, there are those whose profile pics don't represent them as they are currently and there is hidden weight, but I think we all have to admit we have seen at least a few posters with current pictures (as declared by them) in which their ribs are showing and they are starting to look sickly but still say they have pounds to go. I don't think there is anything wrong with discussing that. There is a difference between being judgmental and being concerned, and I find some people concerning.:frown:

    There are people who are not the OP complaining about those trying to lose their last 5 pounds, they will see when they get there that they will need mfp more than ever. Nothing wrong with fitness goals and a little vanity :flowerforyou:
  • starflrt
    starflrt Posts: 1 Member
    I was just commenting on the same girls that weigh 120 at 5 ft 6 and want to weigh like 105....ummmmmm (this is a slight exageration but you get the idea).

    There are definately people out there with the wrong idea or way over doing it. It's a great program though! I know people on here working on losing and people working on gaining. Or even just being healthier overall maybe not for specific weight loss. Funny though....I used to be 120 and 5'6. Now I'm working on losing my baby weight and getting back to somewhere in the 125 range and toning up of course! :smile:
  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    I think there are a few answers to this question.

    1. Yes there are people I feel look stunning that are here to drop a lot more weight then I personally feel is healthy for them. That is their personal choice. No matter the health risks they take in order to meet their goals. I have had two MFP friends change their goals when they reached a certian weight and realized hey this is where I want to be. So there is always room for change and growth.

    2. The pictures are goal pictures, want to be pictrues, pictures of a child, or used to be pictrues. (I think I have all of those on here)

    3. I have some beautiful people on my friends list that are not here to lose weight, but for other reasons. They are also some of the most supportive people I know.

    4. As mentioned earlier there is no filter for eating disorders in here, at least that I am aware of. Nor is there a filter for fake profiles just stiring the drama up.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    I have MFP friends that are maintaining, some are losing, some just like the support of a lot of nice folks who have similar goals. The encouragement is awesome and not all the pics are current, some are goal weight pics of times gone by. Please don't bring your hate or your judgement to this site, for it truly is a life changing community of great folks and I would hate to see it become something ugly. I dont think the original poster meant for it to get as nasty as some of the post are. If you don't like a persons pic and goal combo, please feel free to not friend that person or pass their posts by, but please lets keep it encouraging and helpful. I believe in free speech as much as the next person, but some of these posts make me want to put on my old bouncer clothes and do some surgical removal. Dang I got upset. Have a nice day and play nice.
  • LeonaB17
    LeonaB17 Posts: 304
    Mine is me a few weeks ago- but I know I've seen some people using pics of models etc b/c that's what they desire to look like. I say to each his own.
  • <
    My After picture....My legs are so thin yes?
    Seriously....I am laughing so hard at this one...I love a dry sense of humor!!

    Oh, and my picture is of me about a month or so ago. I am maintaining, and trying to build muscle now. I am in the best shape of my life, even better than in high school when I was a swimmer, thanks to MFP. I have quite a few friends on here that are actively in the throes of an ED, some are recovering, some are just trying to hang on. It is a horrible mental disorder, and not (always) a means to seek attention. And, as another poster mentioned, binge eating is just as much an ED as anorexia. Some are here to fuel their ED's, others are here to find is a very lonely disease. Which is why I love it here, people are very supportive, regardless of where you are on your weight loss/gain journey. :flowerforyou:
  • luckyme65
    luckyme65 Posts: 16 Member
    I have 10-15 to lose and want to tone. I always have bigger people say to me....YOU don't need to lose weight! My response is that I'm trying to get control before it becomes a bigger problem. I agree some here are unreasonable, but weight is so personal and one person's goal of 140 is another's starting weight. So it's just good for us all to be supportive along this journey to better health!
  • luckyme65
    luckyme65 Posts: 16 Member
  • malx21989
    malx21989 Posts: 39 Member
    Uh yeah, I agree! There's a LOT of anorexia running around on this site.....Body dismorphic disorder at it's finest!! Sad really.....

    That's not really fair to say, maybe theyre just trying to stay in shape or it might be a goal picture or what they used to look like , this is supposed to be a supportive site and thats not very supportive
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I do worry about people who are aiming for a weight that is below what is healthy/advised, though. I have been there myself, and no matter how thin I was it was never enough. There were always bits I thought were fat, and always people willing to tell me where I could stand to lose a bit more, and it isn't always a good thing, and it isn't healthy. I have not only been there myself, but seen too many close relatives have EDs to be able to stand by and applaud it.
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    Oh, and everyone carries their weight differently!

    exactly. i look like i weigh 120/125 ish, when really i just got to 141 after a month...
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    Oh, and my profile pic is exactly how I look right now!

    Wow. You look like a b*tch.

  • MissEmDizzle
    MissEmDizzle Posts: 20 Member
    Yes I noticed that too!! its really annoying like they know that they dont need to loose weight but just say they do to make the people (me) who really need to drop some LBs jealous...... i dont know maybe its just me who thinks that way!!!!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Yes I noticed that too!! its really annoying like they know that they dont need to loose weight but just say they do to make the people (me) who really need to drop some LBs jealous...... i dont know maybe its just me who thinks that way!!!!

    um i think that might be in your head,I really dont think skinny girls are signing up for mfp to make heavier girls feel bad :huh: :laugh:
  • Kassul
    Kassul Posts: 16
    Wait, am I understanding this correctly?

    There are people on MFP who use a picture of someone ELSE as their profile pic?

  • I do get rather fed up with the "I weigh 115 and want to be 110" people.

    Those 5 lbs. may be the difference between fitting into one's clothes and not. And for someone my height, that's right about the middle of the healthy range of BMI (20.1 to 21.0). I'm not aiming for 101 lbs. (BTDT and my collarbones jut out unattractively) but even that would put me within the healthy range for BMI.
  • michelle4271
    michelle4271 Posts: 194 Member
    Mine looks exactly like me.

  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,013 Member
    Oh, and everyone carries their weight differently!

    exactly. i look like i weigh 120/125 ish, when really i just got to 141 after a month...

    I totally agree here. My girlfriends at work who see me everyday, did not believe me when I told them I am at 220. I had to get on the scale at work to prove it to them. Now, I have known them for YEARS so proving it was no biggie to me.

    I also feel that about the picture thing... I NEVER have pictures of me. I am behind the camera, so my profile pic was cropped. It had my best friend with me, but I cropped it for a head shot. AND it was taken.... about 5-6 years ago. I hate to be in pictures.
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