Over 200 New Year New Me Part 48



  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    ISTPAUL - Good advice, will most definitely take that into account! Do you have any tips on what I should look for? We were just going to go in and see which dogs we clicked with but taking in your advice, I should definitely be asking the people at the shelter what temperament the dog has..or if it has any behavior problems...if it gets along with other people and animals ..ect on top of finding out if we click. We live in a complex with a lot of dog owners, they get their dogs together pretty much every weekend so it would be nice to have a social dog.

    DEBBIE- Thank you for the advice! We are not allergic to animals, do you take allergy medicine or is your dog hypoallergenic? Do you have any tips for me when going into the shelter? And how is your dog doing so far? Adjusting well?

    BLUENOTE- GREAT Job with your watching what you eat and exercising, inspiring. It makes me want to go back to the gym and get on that elliptical for 30 minutes need to start somewhere again. I have a gym membership...I got it in January..but haven't gone since the beginning of February! Ugh. I am sorry about your kids, I worked with little ones a few years back and let me tell you know how outspoken they can be. The same thing has happened to me and it does hurt, even though they aren't saying it to hurt your feelings.

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member

    DEBBIE- Thank you for the advice! We are not allergic to animals, do you take allergy medicine or is your dog hypoallergenic? Do you have any tips for me when going into the shelter? And how is your dog doing so far? Adjusting well?

    Bascially i can have any dogs that need to be groomed, where there hair grows. So anythingl ike ****zu, pekignese, etc. He is doing good. He had some skin conidtion and he is being treated, but he is getting more used to us and a little more playful, i think he was scared. YOu have to remeber if you get one form a shelter they may be scared cause they don't know what is going on
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Boy am I out of practice with this whole - working out of the house thing! Granted, my company (the new one haha) is busy doing a huge overhaul including moving. So I don't have any actual work to do, just kind of observing and filling in when I can. I'll be super glad when I have an actual routine. I'm like a fish out of water without one. I just got my checkbook/budget figured out through the end of next month, so I feel like I have at least *some* control over something. Yikes!!

    I turned in my final research paper for my socio class last night. Boy did THAT feel good! All done until the fall!

    I haven't been able to exercise, but I feel like my eating hasn't been to heinous (save the weekend at Adam's parents' house lol)

    Yesterday, I was out with one of our dog walkers. We got to walk some of the most adorable pups! So I suppose I can count the 60 minutes of walking I did yesterday.

    And now, since I don't have to be at work until 10:30, I am going to get this house put back together!

    Andrea - So excited for you adopting a pup! My advice would be to make sure you have the time to put in to making sure the little guy (or gal) gets the attention they need. And also make sure you do your homework on the breed (or breeds haha) so you know what to expect. We got an Aussie pup in January and didn't know much about the breed, so I hit the library (because I'm a giant nerd). And now I feel like I can take better care of him because I know to expect him to be high energy (and it's not just that he's crazy and hyper).
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Momma -- I'm so happy for Ryan's bus success yesterday! :happy:

    Nancy -- :flowerforyou: My advice to you is to keep on doing what you know needs to be done and DON'T weigh yourself for a month. :smile:

    I have an OB appointment today and I'm afraid to get on the scale. I've eaten so many emotions this month it's absolutely AMAZING to me that I've only gained 4 pounds. That would be a perfectly acceptable gain at this point in my pregnancy if I hadn't started out overweight to begin with. However, last appointment was in the morning after fasting for my glucose test for 9 hours. This time is in the afternoon after I've eaten breakfast and lunch. So... yeah, I have a feeling it's going to look as though I've gained 6 pounds in 3 weeks. Not that 4 pounds in 4 weeks is really that much better. :ohwell: Yesterday I ate whatever I wanted, including a stupid amount of candy, and I still came in under maintenance calories so I'm hoping my crazy weight gain will be leveling off & holding here for a few weeks.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Interview went.....ok. Not 100% confident in how I did, but I answered the best I could. Now we wait... Thanks for the happy thoughts!

    So we had to vacate our house for a few days this morning. Our upstairs neighbors/landlords were picked for a room makeover show and they are doing the redecorating for the next few days. The production crew will be using our apartment, so we got the boot. (We are getting compensated, so that's good!) We'll be staying at a friend's place in Brooklyn for the next three nights. She's leaving today for a vacation, so it works out perfectly. We had to be up and out of the house at 7:30...which is usually when I'm waking up! It was an early morning today and a late night last night getting everything ready for them. It will be exciting to see what they do to their place!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Cals - Over. 1843 (at least I'm under maintenance).
    Water - 88 oz
    Exercise - Cleaning up, moving furniture
    Proud - Eh....the interview is over and I did what I could.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Lauren: Here's to hoping you rocked the interview and get the job! :flowerforyou:

    Nancy: I agree with Julie. Get back on track and wait a month to weigh yourself. You know what to do to lose the weight, so it should come off easily.

    Andrea: I agree with Theresa on the research. Figure out the traits you want in a dog: size, age, activity level, etc. and look for breeds that generally exhibit those traits. Share all of the details you can with the shelter about your lifestyle and what type of dog would best fit into that. Also see if the organization has a return policy; a lot of times you get a trial period where you can bring the dog back if they aren't a good match. These places (if they're good) are truly looking to place animals into forever homes where they will be a perfect fit. One other thing to consider is that if you are planning on having kids during the dog's lifespan, you want one that would be good with children and other animals. As an example, herding dogs (Corgis, Border Collies and Aussies) can sometimes be a poor match with children because they like to "herd" them and nip at little ankles. Just my (long list) suggestions!

    Lauren: Best of luck with your routine change while your apartment is being taken over!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over, but planned.
    Water: 67.6 oz.
    Exercise: None
    Proud: I ordered grilled chicken and lots of veggies on my pizza instead of greasy, fatty pepperoni or sausage.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good Morning!! I did okay yesterday. Not great but I did not over eat. I think I came just under maintenance calories but over what I wanted to do. I did drink a ton of water so I did good there.

    Blue, sister you are here!!! I agree with everyone else get to what you know works and wait to weigh... As for the kids I understand that has got to be difficult. When my #2 daughter was in elementary school I always knew when the boy down the street teased her about my weight. He would get off the bus and run around the opposite way we went (to avoid me) Then my girl would get off the bus crying. She would say that the boy was teasing her about me being fat.. Then #3 girl just recently was hurt by a little girl who said that some boy says your mom is really fat. That is the part I HATE my kids suffering for my bad choices. We can do this and show the kids that we are strong women who can get it done.:flowerforyou:

    Andrea, I agree with everyone else do your research. I personally adopted a cocker and he is adorable. I have had him for 8 years he is so sweet but not very playful with the kids and he is soooooo hard to keep groomed. Financially I could not afford to get it done so I did it myself the other day and he looks silly. He is bald in some spots. If I would have known that he would need to be groomed so regularly I don't think I would have adopted him. All I saw was adorable little black cocker. So stinking cute.

    Heather, my mil had a border collie and I :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: him. #2 girl would wander when she was 2 and he would only let her get so far from me then he would bump her in the butt until he felt she was close enough to me. It was so cute. He never nipped just butted her little behind.:laugh: :laugh: It was like having a baby sitter:laugh: :laugh:

    Lauren hope all went well with the interview.......:flowerforyou:

    Julie, you are doing well.... You will drop the weight very quickly after she comes.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Nancy you are here and still fighting so thats what matters most
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    It's so nice to see our board so active again!

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: good
    exercise: good - an hour walk with a friend at MOA since it was rainy
    water: good
    proud: I went to Ruby Tuesday's with my friend after our walk and made some good choices. They have this menu option where you can get the salad bar AND choose 3 of any sides, so I had asparagus, spaghetti squash and a loaded baked potato but only ate 1/3rd of the potato. Yummy, and all good!

    I also have felt the sting of youngster's comments about my weight. Sometimes it is just an innocent comment because they can be so brutally honest, but when kids are trying to be mean I wonder how their parents have allowed them to think it is ok to say mean things to (or about) other people.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hi guys!

    I'll check in for Monday and Tuesday now!

    Calories - Way over (Mexican chips with cheese)
    Exercise - None but I'm still on near bed rest...
    Water - AWESOME!
    Proud - I went to our favorite Mexican restaurant and I didn't have any alcohol - normally I would think of that as a sin!

    Calories - WAY over (sushi)
    Exercise - None but still on...
    Water - AWESOME!
    Proud - I'm eating very little Easter candy.

    So far today is going OK, I had cereal no milk for breakfast and half a grilled cheese on high fiber bread for lunch...

    TMI Warning!
    I had my weekly doctor's appointment yesterday - I go in every week to the plastic surgeon who's basically in charge of my recover because he's doing the reconstruction. He pulled the drains!!! For those of you who have never had to have drains in - they're basically soft rubber hose about 1/4 inch thick and one end is threaded up into open space or to the location of trauma under your tissue, and the other is connected to a bulb of some sort that collects whatever your body dumps as it's healing. At first there is a lot of blood but eventually it's basically a little blood and a lot of serum so it goes from a dark red to a pink then 'straw' color by the end. The really bad part is the hole where the tubing exits your body is constantly getting irritated by the movement of the tube, and the sutures they use to keep the tube in place are constantly getting tugged and yanked as the tube or bulb gets snagged in your clothing, bed sheets, etc...:sad: :grumble: I had drains from the first surgery until early April, then I had them again from the 13th until yesterday (new holes/sutures). When they pull them out they don't stitch you closed, you just put a band aid over the hole and it slowly heals. The whole experience is gross and irritating/painful. I am SO HAPPY to be free of the pain and annoyance of the tubes and bulbs - tough to hide under clothes, especially when you're flat so there's no "tent" created by the girls!

    He also was finally able to "expand" me, where they insert a needle into the mouth of the expander and inject saline solution to inflate the expander. There's swelling still and the expander (rubber bag) is in a pocket under my chest muscles and the chest (pecks) mussels are also inflamed but none the less it now looks like I have very perky little A cup sized breasts! :blushing: :bigsmile: I'm actually somewhat surprised by how much better this makes me feel!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Well today i was on track till 6, hubby is not coming home till friday and i went and took the girls to eat, well i went way over my cals, like way...

    I know just move on, at least i had a good breakfast, lunch and i did workout today .

    Tomorrow is another day.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    mstahl - I must say your post sounded painful. Ouch! I am so happy to hear the drains are goners! Congrats on your tea cups! LOL

    Day three, sisters. Thank you all for loving me and accepting me where I am right now. I love you for that! I am taking your advice and I'm staying away from the scale until school is out the third week of May. Then I'll have a better handle on the situation and will have more willpower if things don't go so greatly.

    Julie - wowsa! Time is flying by! I can't believe your pic! Wasn't it yesterday that you were saying you just got your baby bump? LOL

    check in:
    cals: 100 under
    water: 70
    exercise: 15 minute walk
    proud: Day Three is easier than Day One. :tongue:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Bluenote: good plan, don't they say 21 days makes a habit ... so by the time you are out of school you should be back into the habit of logging your food and checking in so it will be no problem to accept whatever the scale says at that time and to keep on going. Hopefully you will be pleasantly surprised! We have all had our downs and ups and downs and ups ... this isn't an easy thing to do or we would all be skinny! So we completely understand!

    Mstahl: Glad to hear they took out the tubes, that must be so uncomfortable. Sounds like you are doing well.

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: good
    exercise: good (hour of step at the Y)
    proud: ate too much potato for supper but stopped and had a light snack to stay under cals for the day
    my scale has been creeping down this week, so I'm actually looking forward to the weigh-in tomorrow and hoping I will be back to pre-Easter weight or maybe even a titch less!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Melinda: I'm happy to hear your recovery is progressing. Congrats on your perkiness!

    Andrea: The DJs on the local radio station I listen to were talking about dog adoption this morning (strange coincidence). One of them said he heard you should take your prospective dog for a short walk. If they pay attention to you, it's a good sign and if they pay attention to everything else but you, they won't be a good match. He said he followed that advice and the dog he picked is the best dog he's ever had. Just thought I'd share that.

    Regarding the kid comments, I felt I had to balance it out with a happy comment. Last week, the bf's son told his dad (bf) that he's "skinny like Heather." The kid is a toothpick, so I'm taking it as a compliment! This is the same kid who walked by me a few months ago and said, "Heather, you smell good." I asked, "What do I smell like?" He sniffed my arm then said, "Like girl shampoo." He's so cute!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over
    Water: 50.7 oz.
    Exercise: None
    Proud: I didn't get ice cream last night because even though my mind wanted it, my body wasn't craving it.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    HeatherMN - what a sweet kid your bf has!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    i got back on track today , so proud after my overage yesterday i did good today.

    I took serena and walked to get abby today , we walked and back, walked around 1.4 miles today round trip. Girls were getting tired by the time we got back.

    Cals - Under by about 50
    water - nada, i know i know i need to work on that
    exercise - walekd 1.4 cals and 176 cals burned
    proud - even though i had a setback last night and went over cals, i went right back into it today.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Gotta get to sleep but I refused to get in bed before checking in!

    check in:
    cals: not too bad, but too much sodium
    water: 90
    exercise: 90-minute nature trail walk while at a workshop - I am so sore! LOL
    proud: Day Four and a 90-minute walk!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Gotta get to sleep but I refused to get in bed before checking in!

    check in:
    cals: not too bad, but too much sodium
    water: 90
    exercise: 90-minute nature trail walk while at a workshop - I am so sore! LOL
    proud: Day Four and a 90-minute walk!!!

    Glad to see you :smile: wtg on the 90 min walk.
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    Deb and blue - way to check in!!!

    I've been doing a good job keeping off the scale during the week. Was shocked this morning with this week's weight loss!

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Time to weigh in, ladies! Get back to it. I'll start since I'm sure I'm gaining way more or losing way less than the rest of you. :wink:


    I had a lot of sodium yesterday but I've been hovering up around 229 all week. I haven't exercised (other than cleaning & doing stuff around the house) and I haven't eaten very well at all (though the days I've logged I've come in, on average, right around maintenance cals).

    I'm feeling very strangely motivated today. I don't know if it's just today or if this is going to be a change of pace. I hope the latter, of course.

    I LOVE my meal plan for today! For exercise, I plan to take a couple of the dogs for a walk after work & as of right now, I even want to hit the gym tomorrow! :noway:

    Today's menu puts my nutriton at
    calories 1,635
    fat 70
    carbs 151
    protein 114
    sodium 1,856
    fiber 20

    I'd like to get that fiber a little higher and the fat a little lower, but quite a bit of the fat is coming from avocado and peanut butter so I'm really not too troubled by it.