April Day by Day Challenge-OPEN GROUP-Part 8 Look inside, It



  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Well... I made it to the gym yesterday and I drank my water. That's about it for the goals though. I have to do better today since I'm pretty sure I'm gaining those three pounds that I lost back. So...

    1. Water
    2. Healthier choices
    3. Fruits and veggies
    4. Besides my morning coke, no drinking calories

    Have a good day everyone!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Met all my goals for today!

    April 26's goals:
    1. walk in the morning. YES
    2. keep chugging. YES
    3. keep logging. YES
    4. 5 small meals and not 3 big ones. UGHHH...YES? LOL

    I did struggle with my eating yesterday, but I had a rough day. (Thanks for lending your ear Jess. It really meant a lot).
    Going to have a better day today.

    April 27's goals:
    1. go for a walk.
    2. workout on MagRack
    3. drink water, water, water
    4. cook and pack healthy snacks for the long ride home.
    5. don't stick my hand in the candy dish.

    non-fitness goals:
    1. finish packing.
    2. check and double check ot make sure nothing gets left behind.
    3. watch movie and return it the redbox
    4. help my daughter finish the bulk of her homework.
  • I am looking for a stable relationship with somebody over 300pounds.. i like something to grab onto and i love spunking into rolls. Men or women i dont mind, i go either way. Just add me as a friend and we'll meet up sometime :) x
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Welcome Loopyluc!

    Quick ammendment to goals posted this morning. Friend is sick so changing run to circuit training instead.

    Hope you're all doing well.
  • I have only just found this group, so am joining and hoping that it will continue into may!

    Im Loopyluc, Im 26 and last year i lost 23lbs on weight watchers, I put 3/4 lbs back on and maintained up until now, but its now time for the next push, getting fit! and loosing more!

    Todays challenges.
    - get some excercise
    - Drink at least 5 glassses of water (i drink too much tea!)

    Nice to meet you all! :)

    Welcome!!!! Glad to have new folks!!!
  • Tuesday April 26
    1.) water ----yay!!!
    2.) not one bite of chocolate --- I did, but not easter candy, I had a mousse temptation and a carb smart bar
    3.) wake up early and do TurboFire stretch 40
    4.) a second exercise of some kind. --- I did Leslie Sanson!!!
    5.) watch carbs --- did GREAT on my net carbs!!!

    Wednesday April 27th
    1.) water
    2.) cals and carbs-today is my rest day so I need to be cautious
    3.) get my daughter a new pair of tennis shoes.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for April 26:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Portion control and healthy choices.--Yes.
    3. Exercise before work.--Yes.
    4. Bed by 9:30.--Almost.

    Goals for April 27:
    1. Water.
    2. Healthy choices and portion control.
    3. AM workout.--Done.
    4. Bed by 9:30.

    Welcome, Loopyluc!

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    Easter Sunday (4-24-2011) fitness goals
    1. DRINK WATER!!! - Not so much. Since I was giving myself a free day, I ended up drinking milk instead.
    2. Take vitamins - Didn't have time for breakfast before heading to church, so no. :ohwell:
    3. Limit portion sizes. However, I'm not even going to ATTEMPT to log dinner.... It's a holiday! lol - Mostly, though I think if I'd have been logging I still would have gone over almost a thousand calories. :laugh: :blushing:
    4. Bed by 10, sleep by 10:30 - Not so much... Had trouble getting away after dinner and wasn't home until after 10.

    Non-fitness goals
    1. Be ON TIME to church!!! - YEAH! Not only that, (Which since I was going with family I should have expected.....) but I was even a few minutes early to my grandmother's before hand!
    2. Enjoy the day with my family - Mostly.... My family is what I call "functionally dysfunctional," (Most of my mom's immediate family still have traditional families, but there are all kinds of fun communication breakdowns and personality conflicts.) so a day with them is never 100% stress-free. :laugh:
    Welcome Loopyluc! It's great to see new people joining up! :happy:

    Ok, it's late in the day, but let's try this thing anyway:

    4-27-2011 fitness goals
    1. Drink at least 6 cups of water
    2. Get to the gym! Going out to a hibachi place for dinner with the boyfriend's family to celebrate his birthday and would like to get some extra calories to make up for it.
    3. Stay under on calories
    4. Bed by 10, sleep by 10:30

    4-27-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. ALL laundry away
    2. Get myself looking nice, but still be on time for dinner!
    3. Set goals for tomorrow before bed
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    4-27-2011 fitness goals
    1. Drink at least 6 cups of water - Yep!
    2. Get to the gym! Going out to a hibachi place for dinner with the boyfriend's family to celebrate his birthday and would like to get some extra calories to make up for it. - Yes! And I even did elliptical for the longest I ever have before! :smile: 20 full minutes! I'm not going to say I WANTED to stick it out, I seriously wanted to stop at about 10, but I pushed through!
    3. Stay under on calories - Ummmm. Not really, though I'm not sure if my dinner logging was exactly right.
    4. Bed by 10, sleep by 10:30 - Well, not quite, but maybe I can at least get to sleep by 10:30?

    4-27-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. ALL laundry away - Not quite.... Came home from dinner with a headache for some reason, might be from being tired, and I in case that is the reason I don't want to stay up to finish.
    2. Get myself looking nice, but still be on time for dinner! - Sort of.... I'd wanted to do my make-up and that didn't happen, but I did at least get a shower! :laugh:
    3. Set goals for tomorrow before bed - That's what this is. :happy:
    4-28-2011 goals
    1. Water, at least 6 cups
    2. Under on calories and fats.... Working x2, so I'm not sure about being able to stay under on carbs because that means packing twice, probably two sandwiches for the sake of time, though I might go with a salad for lunch.
    3. Bed either by 10:30 or within 45 minutes of getting home from job #2, whichever is later
    4. Either read or talk to coworkers at job #2 instead of killing all the time on my phone
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Wednesday’s Goals:

    1. Under on calories - No
    2. No sweets - Yes
    3. Circuit training - No
    4. Try out new recipe for left over salmon – Yes!

    Morning Everyone,

    Yesterday, I was over by 116 calories, that if I had not got distracted and done my circuits like I should would not have been a problem. Having said that I made healthy choices all day, no sweets, and got up early to do an extra set of circuits this morning. The no sweets thing is already easier today.

    I’ve dropped a bit of weight as of this morning but have been bouncing up and down the same 5lb for months now, I have 3lb to lose to get down to 150lb and I must actually knuckle down and lose it! I’m giving myself a month to do it.

    Thursday’s Goals
    1. Look up healthy options for tomorrows royal wedding party
    2. Under on calories
    3. Healthy choices
    4. Run & something else

    Have a lovely day everyone!
  • Wednesday April 27th
    1.) water ----Yayayay
    2.) cals and carbs-today is my rest day so I need to be cautious ---- Yayayayay
    3.) get my daughter a new pair of tennis shoes.---YES AND GOT MYSELF SOME TOO!!!

    Thursday April 28
    1.) water
    2.) boss is taking me for lunch---stay healthy!!!
    3.) don't fall in my new high heels!!!
    4.) work out again before the day is over (just finished my first one!)
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for April 27:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Healthy choices and portion control.--Yes and no--to both!
    3. AM workout.--Done.
    4. Bed by 9:30.--Yes.

    Goals for April 28:
    1. Water.
    2. HEALTHY CHOICES and portion control.
    3. AM workout.
    4. Bed by 9:30.

    I really need to focus on logging my foods again--I've been slacking at that lately. Planning is the key for me and I just need to do it!

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Friday’s Goals
    1. Look up healthy options for tomorrows royal wedding party - Sort of
    2. Under on calories -Yes!
    3. Healthy choices- Yes in the face of SOOO much temptation
    4. Run & something else - I ran, I walked, I shredded. It was awesome.

    Good morning Everyone!

    Hope you're all having a lovely Friday. I'd just like to take this moment to say: Its the weekend! We made it!

    Like most of Britain I've got today off work and I'm off to a royal wedding tea party combined friends birthday. My brother is coming up from Cornwall to for the weekend. I'm quite excited about it but a little nervous that I could to undo a lot of hard work today. Perhaps best to relax, take the day as it comes, & enjoy it.

    Today's goals:

    1. Work out
    2. Pick up strawberries on the way to party
    3. Have fun

    Have fun!
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    4-28-2011 goals
    1. Water, at least 6 cups - Not so great.
    2. Under on calories and fats.... Working x2, so I'm not sure about being able to stay under on carbs because that means packing twice, probably two sandwiches for the sake of time, though I might go with a salad for lunch. - Did it! I did have a salad for lunch and that probably helped.
    3. Bed either by 10:30 or within 45 minutes of getting home from job #2, whichever is later - I don't believe I managed this one. :ohwell:
    4. Either read or talk to coworkers at job #2 instead of killing all the time on my phone - Yep! :smile:

    I don't have a whole lot of time this morning, so I'm going to try to make this REAL quick and be back later to check in....

    4-29-2011 goals

    1. Water, at least 6 cups
    2. Get to the gym, going to The Melting Pot for dinner, and I'd like to counteract some of that.
    3. Walmart run
    4. Bed before midnight
  • Thursday April 28
    1.) water ---YAY me!!!
    2.) boss is taking me for lunch---stay healthy!!! --- Actually had a catered lunch and I didn't touch anything I shouldn't have!!!!
    3.) don't fall in my new high heels!!! --- I was rather graceful!!!!
    4.) work out again before the day is over (just finished my first one!) ---- I cooked and mowed the lawn. But as far as an actuall workout, I did not. I Fell asleep on the couch and then slept all night after I went and got in the bed. I think my body needed it, so I'm really not upset with myself.

    Friday April 29th:
    1.) My boss is definately taking me out for lunch today so I need to keep my goals in mind.
    2.) I slept in and didn't do my turbofire this morning because it's friday and I have all night to get it done. I BETTER DO IT. No excuses later.
    4.) be easy on the carbs for the rest of the day. I hate some cereal this am that had 33.... :(
    5.)find time to listen to my affirmation app, I haven't in awhile.
    6.) put up our tent and see if it'll do for this year or if we need a new one.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.I cannot say enough how much I appreciate all of you. Even the ones that are not on my friends list. I enjoy reading your daily goals and helping in celebrating your victories. I think all of you are amazing. Keep up the great work!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for April 28:
    1. Water.--yes
    2. HEALTHY CHOICES and portion control.--yes
    3. AM workout.--No
    4. Bed by 9:30.--yes.

    Ended up having to get to work a little early so no AM workout yesterday. Had quite the workout at work, though--two HUGE orders were delivered and there is probably still some of it left to do today--as well as today's delivery of annuals.
    It is still very cold (for here--33 today) in the mornings but it is supposed to warm up to almost 50 later--normal for this time of year is around 60 degrees.

    Goals for April 29:
    1. Water.
    2. Healthy choices and portion control.
    3. Watch the nighttime snacking--make a healthy choice!

    No AM workout today, either--I am SO sore from work that I am going to give it a rest and take a LONG hot shower instead!

    Enjoy your party and your weekend, Kim.

    Jess--Enjoy your lunch out.

    Everyone have a wonderful day!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Evening all!

    Been absent for a few days while I was away. During those few days I basically ate what I wanted and was remarkably surprised at how much food choices have changed (apart from my ever increasing attachment to chocolate)!! It's late for goals today so I''l post for tomorrow.

    Goals for Saturday:
    1. Water all day.
    2. Circuit class and either run or combat.
    3. Food shopping.
    4. Healthy choices for dinner out.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    It's been a couple days. I have officially decided to throw out the easter candy. I thought I could control myself with it but it's not going well and I know I've gained weight this week. Officially working to get back on track.

    Goals for today:
    1. Water
    2. Eat healthy
    3. Keep my alcohol consumption under control tonight.
    4. Study Study Study for finals
  • Friday April 29th:
    1.) My boss is definately taking me out for lunch today so I need to keep my goals in mind. ---yayay
    2.) I slept in and didn't do my turbofire this morning because it's friday and I have all night to get it done. I BETTER DO IT. No excuses later. ---I did it!
    3.)water ---- gusseled!!!
    4.) be easy on the carbs for the rest of the day. I hate some cereal this am that had 33.... :( did great!
    5.)find time to listen to my affirmation app, I haven't in awhile.--- Didn't
    6.) put up our tent and see if it'll do for this year or if we need a new one. --- didn't.

    Saturday April 30:
    1: TurboFire
    2: water
    3: marks company picnic is today, eat the best of the picnic food
    4: don't look like a fat slob. Chase the kids around, play and have FUN! act like a kid!! Burn some cals!
    5: don't forget what I am trying to achieve
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I had a great time out of town, but now it is time to get things back to normal.

    April 30's goals:
    non fitness goals:
    1. finishing unpacking.
    2. clean the house.
    3. wash clothes.
    4. go shopping.

    fitness goals:
    1. log all food, eat only when hungry, drink plenty o' water.
    2. workout for atleast 45 minutes.
    3. create goals, exercise and eating plans for May.
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