Over 40s - What do you do to stay in shape?



  • Laura3BB
    Laura3BB Posts: 250 Member
    Well we've got some serious work out people posting!!

    I'm 42, been maintaining for 10 months.

    I don't 'workout' at all but I try to walk when I can and I cycle to work and back (only 10 min one way though).

    Don't see how I could work out like some of you while dealing with my high-responsibility job and my 3 kids! and still get some sleep-time in....
  • jamesdavidy
    First off you are doing plenty, all I would suggest is to mix it up, add in some resistense training some circuit training and some stretching pilates yoga, we are all different and have different taste so you need to find stuff that you enjoy and will thus maintain, make it fun and keep your body guessing and learning, good luck :smile:

    As for me, since you asked...you did ask lol

    Monday: half hr Cycling, 2hrs Wing Chun Kung Fu, stretching
    Tue: 1hr Free Weights Stretching, some yoga and balance practice, a little wing chun.
    Wed: half hr Cycling, 1.5hrs Wing Chun Kung Fu, stretching
    Thursday: Yoga, Walk, or Swim, and a little wing chun
    Friday: Free Weights Stretching, some yoga and balance practice, and a little wing chun
    Saturday: 1hr of cycling and or house work, gardening, Playing in the Park with my Son, and a little wing chun
    Sunday: Housework, gardening, Playing in the Park with my Son, and a little wing chun

    All the above gets mixed up sometimes, but I always do and have done something every day, all my life.
    I joined MFP to monitor my workouts and food as with age my metabolism is slowing down and I need to be more mindful.
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    I am 61, female, lift heavy 3 or 4 days a week and twice a week I do HIIT. I also walk dog a lot and run for about 30 mins before work 2 or 3 times a week (with dog). No particular schedule with the running though, just when I feel like it. Sometimes I walk, sometimes I run!
  • burning2much
    burning2much Posts: 4,846 Member
    Just turned 50. Eat well...no carbs, starches, grains or sugars. I don't mean never, but avoid all but once a week or so. Workout 3-5 times a week for 20-40 minutes and live stress free.
  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 428 Member
    I’m 44. I strength train 4 days a week with supersets & cardio/movement on others.
    Monday – 1 hour - Shoulders/Bi’s/Tri’s & Legs
    Tuesday – 1 hour - Chest/Back/Core/Calves
    Wednesday – 30 min – 1 hr Cardio
    Thursday – repeat Monday
    Friday – repeat Tuesday
    Sat & Sun. Bike/TRX/Swimming/Gardening. Any type of physical activity to keep moving & be fit. I choose to eat well to fuel my body yet enjoy life, sleep well, rest & recover as needed…repeat
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    46 shiver... cardio 3-4 times a week, weights 3 times a week.
  • 1971MLJ
    1971MLJ Posts: 137 Member
    43 and
    Metafit 3 x per week (30 min)
    PT session once per week (60 min full body strength routine with cardio intervals)
    4 x full body strength routine with cardio intervals (60 min)
    Core session 2-3 x per week (30 - 45 min)
    Saturday and Sunday rest :-(
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    I'm a 44 year old petite gal and must keep myself active at all times. I refuse to be an unhealthy weight for a person of my height and age. I always sign up for 2 big running races a year to help me keep motivated and also work out at least 4-5x a week maybe more since I'm training for a half marathon. If I have time, I'll do some weight training on my own, usually upper body.
  • tinkerpam
    65 years old. MWF do 1 hr., 15 minutes class for older adults. 3x a week do regular gym workout at our local college. All includes cardio and light weights.
  • Florida_Superstar
    Florida_Superstar Posts: 194 Member
    I'm 43 and am still my high school weight. I think diet is more important to maintaining weight than exercise, so most importantly I eat a healthy diet. For me that includes bread, rice, and cereal, although I know some people have success by reducing those. Exercise: Mon/Wed/Fri - Indoor Cycling * Tues/Thurs - Weight Lifting * Thurs/Sat - High intensity aerobics class * Sunday - Rest. Sometimes Wednesday is also a rest day.
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    Short answer: I'm 50 and active, but only in ways I find fun. I do vinyasa yoga several days a week, bellydance, do some minor weight lifting (not allowed to lift heavy because of old injuries and besides, going to the gym bores me senseless), dance around the house, hike, and garden like a fiend, though that season's winding down so I'll be doing more hiking. Thinking about trying zumba.
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    aylajane wrote: »
    Whatever sounds like fun :)

    I am 43. Too old to do anything too boring :) I plan to only do what I enjoy


  • AKDonF
    AKDonF Posts: 235 Member
    Lift heavy five days a week and try to lift more than I did the week before. :)
  • allofme32
    allofme32 Posts: 92 Member
    Jog, I do Zumba, get on my elliptical at home and walk long distances.
    I also do weights (small dumb bells at home).
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Mostly walking. 3 miles in an hour. Also, I like stationary bike, elliptical, free weights.
  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    I'm 42 and lift 3-4 times per week for about an hour. I also say that I'm going to start running, but rarely actually do.

    I also keep saying that I'm going to take boxing lessons, but I don't do that, either. Basically, I hate cardio.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    I started out just walking, and over time kept making sure to keep the walks to a challenging level. Eventually even a 6 mile walk was simply easy so I had to either start doing something higher impact to continue, so I started running. Not for everyone, I'm sure, but that is what I did. I love running now, which is weird because I always hated running when I was younger. I've done a 5k, 10k, and registered for my first half marathon in November.
  • SlimJanette
    SlimJanette Posts: 597 Member
    Bump, in for the workouts.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Monday, Wednesday, Friday I run 4.5 miles and get a nautilus set in when I run by the gym.
    Tuesday, Thursday run 7 miles. Do 16 min of Planks and crunches weekdays. Weekend I stay active but skip the workouts.
  • HornedFrogPride
    HornedFrogPride Posts: 283 Member
    I'm 46, I run (runstreak) 7 days a week. Just ran my first 50k, run marathons and shorter races. Also swim, lift, & walk to boost my step count. Also plank a lot. Wow, there's a plank star right above me! ^^^^^^ Also play actively with my daughter and she's a high-energy kid so that helps. Mainly I run for fun but I vary it a bit. B)