Freelee the banana girl rant



  • Kayla22655
    Can you link the video of them going up to people and telling them they are overweight? Honestly, he looks really unhealthy to me. He looks sickly.
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member

    I just watched a video of hers talking about thigh gaps. She said Basically a thigh gap means you are healthy and if your legs touch you aren't healthy.

    Anyone else find her super annoying and distasteful? Or do any of you agree with her lifestyle she is preaching? (High carb raw vegan mainly fruit) Just curious.

    I find her super annoying for her ridiculous comment on thigh gaps alone.

  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I tried to watch one of her videos, but I just couldn't finish it. Three minutes in and she still hadn't gotten anywhere close to whatever her point was supposed to be.
  • littlekitty3
    littlekitty3 Posts: 265 Member
    Freelala gives vegans a bad name. Her followers act like westboro baptist church picketers except they comment on videos telling them to carb the **** up or they'll die from heart disease or some ****. They're giving out uneducated advice to vulnerable people. Successful 811 followers are as rare as a pink elephant.
    Plus she switches up her stories, has photoshopped before and after pics (talk about fully fake Freelala), and has gone back and forth to "being skinny is the way to be" and "health over skinny". She's so inconsistent with her life and claims she sits on her *kitten* all day. 45 min uphill run? Or close to 60-90 min when you run back downhill.
    Their facts are crap, you can get elevated triglyceride levels by eating too much fruit. Lethargy can happen because you have too much potassium in your system (no one has given me a real study on the worlds potassium deficiency), lethargy is all over the 30BAD forum.
    Also there's a petition to kick them off YouTube for breaking rules and causing vulnerable people to have health problems. They have several YouTube channels and receive 2500 USD for every million views. They want the views obviously.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    She's an idiot. Why do you care?
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I just don't watch those pop up videos on weight loss. I don't think I would have ever known about MFP if a co-worker hadn't told me about it. If a self proclaimed Health Guru is that good, or if a program works well enough, then it is amazing how it does well without all kinds of crazy advertising and imposing internet popups.
  • Kgal1298
    FreeLee is someone who can dish it, but not take it even when it's rational. She keep haters on her YouTubers to increase views, but I've followed her on FB for awhile to see what crazy stuff she says, though some of it is fine, but the other day she tried to call out another raw vegan tuber and made it obvious who she was talking about. I told her it was quite tacky to post a status that basically does the same thing she's talking against and sent over her fans to the other girls page which I think is bullying. She didn't like my rational and blocked me from commenting after that. Now she's working on a video about FuriousPete and his testicular cancer (yeah because I'm sure she has the balls to be talking about testicular cancer). She's an opportunistic tuber who uses larger tubers to push her agenda which is a lot of BS. I'm sorry, but I wish accounts like hers would be taken down for allowing bad information. At least there are other brands on YT that aren't hateful are real nutritionalists and actually offer sound advice on many different diets including Veganism.

    Why anyone would follow her advice is beyond me. She's obviously in shape to a degree, but just because you see 5 minutes of someones overzealous opinion each day doesn't make it true.

  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    Never heard of her, never have seen her pop up on a feed (so there must be some way you can control this if you don't want to watch her).
  • michaelachallis
    michaelachallis Posts: 137 Member
    I always find myself watching her.
    EVen though i have zero interest in her lifestyle - my idea of hell.

    Seems to have worked for her.
    But how can you afford that shizz - like 20 boxes of organic fruit a week (not to mention all the dates), jesus that would be expensive
  • fainulllka777
    fainulllka777 Posts: 2 Member
    I love her.
  • lenica
    lenica Posts: 14 Member
    I can't stand her or her videos. I watch the Hodge twins. They are crass but I have learned some things and they make me laugh.