New Diet Pills (Belviq vs Qsymia)



  • Beaconkitty
    Beaconkitty Posts: 5 Member
    I just took my first pill of Belviq today. I will let you know how it goes. I am 51 with 60 pounds to lose. I quit smoking 14 months ago and started bio identical hormones for bad menopause symptoms. I gained 40 lbs in a year. I am doing a lower carb diet as well and I am active.
  • latinarenee
    latinarenee Posts: 2 Member
    I'm starting Belviq today. I'm so glad I found this thread. I really hope the pills help jump start the beginning of a better life for e! Good luck to everyone
  • kerridonnally
    kerridonnally Posts: 13 Member
    edited December 2014
    Sorry, I have to speak up about the "you don't need a jump start" comment. No, not every one needs a "jump start" and can lose weight just by adjusting their caloric intake and exercising. I was able to do that last summer when I started interval jogging, and watching what I eat BUT there are people (and I am close to one) that are addicted to food like a drug. Medicines like Qsymia and Belviq are good for people like that because it helps diminish their appetites or "need" for food.

    right on! I'm a juvenile diabetic, diagnosed at 9 years of age and have hormonal imbalances that wreak havoc on my weight and cause problems with weight loss. It's also not easy as you get older either. What works for one may not work for another. Qsymia is just an appetite suppressant and nothing wrong with trying something to help yourself become healthier if it doesn't cause an additional problem.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    joette3 wrote: »
    Got an idea: How about the APP (anti-pill persons) start your own topic about how horrible diet medication is and we PROMISE we won't go on it to "bully" you.

    How bout that? :)

    Yup, reminds me of Liberals bitching about everything...if it's not their way we are Gun Totin', Bible Thumping, Baby Saving, Bigots......
  • LoeshaElizabeth
    LoeshaElizabeth Posts: 96 Member
    Everyone says 'just eat a calorie deficit and you will loose weight' but for some itsnot that simple. I know for me I knew HOW to loose weight but I just didnt have the will power to do so. The pills allowed me to stop seeing food as a ravenous delicious emotional fat bowl and start seeing it as fuel for my body, eating until satisfied not stuffed and controlling what when and how much I ate. Ive come off them now and im still loosing weight as I dobt get rediculously hungry with cravings for vad food anymore, they were just what I needed. That said it isnt tge best way and they arnt magic, education in what ur body needs, portion control and increased exercise Will never fail Iin the weightliss department. I took skinny medical a garnica pill.
  • MonsoonStorm
    MonsoonStorm Posts: 371 Member
    I was absolutely astounded to see on page 1 that one of the drugs mentioned is based on Topamax...
    As someone who has epilepsy, this drug has a terrible reputation for making you "dumb", clouding your thinking and affecting your memory, (yes, weight loss is also a side effect of this drug). It's nickname is Dopamax, because of how stupid it makes you feel. People with epilepsy tend to take it because they have to, not because they want to.

    I wish I could say I was surprised by the fact that the maker of topamax decided to try and cash in on this side effect (whilst also being able to essentially renew a patent on an existing med), but in all honesty I'm not. It doesn't make me any less horrified that they've gone this route though.

    One other point... since topamax is a SEIZURE medication, then it should also be pointed at that, as with any other seizure medication, if you suddenly stop taking it, then it could provoke a seizure.

    I would honestly say to anyone considering taking any pills of any kind whatsoever to please do your research and decide if you really believe it to be worth it.

    Why would anyone want to risk a seizure to lose a few pounds is beyond me...