Men on a Mission - Over 250, Looking to Drop 50



  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    Copied and pasted from my home page. Didn't feel like typing it over again.

    I am going to borrow a good friends phrase, "BOOYAH PEEPS"! Had a huge week. Went for a jog this morning. Did 3.5 miles in about 45 minutes. That included a 10 minute warm up walk at a pretty brisk pace. I was able to run over 1 mile (5 laps) without stopping. Ended up jogging 2 miles and walking 1.5 miles. Burned over 6000 cals for the week in exercising. Completed over 11 hours of exercising. And, all that hard work paid off. Lost 4 pounds and am now out of the 260's. Yea, I'm patting myself on the back. Another, "BOOYAH PEEPS!"

    LW - 262
    CW - 258

    Great Job!!!
  • apolloag
    apolloag Posts: 92 Member
    Reporting in at 225.4lbs! Back in June in '09 when I started this endeavor at ~295lbs, my goal was 225lbs. Now it is 210, but it is fun to see myself at my original goal!

    We had a good week this week! The only one of us who had a small gain (tacos), had a great loss last week - just look at it as an average weight loss of 2lbs/week over the last two weeks!

    Congratulations pancho, with your whopping 8.8lb loss! That's great, you must have picked it up this week!


    This week's topic is about travelling. Tvision is travelling this week, and I am too. Swilson just got back from a trip with his students. I'm worried about the food, but I am excited about the hotel fitness centers. Some of them are pretty nice so I plan on using them, as long as I am not too tired... How do you all handle travelling?

    Even if I am going someplace somewhat new, I will often still order Subway or from other places, where I know how many calories I'm eating. I'll let you all know how it goes!

    Have a great week and keep up the good work Men!!

  • Dbow0207
    Dbow0207 Posts: 220 Member
    SW: 300
    GW: 230
    CW: 271
    LWW: 275
  • PaulC9554
    PaulC9554 Posts: 117 Member
    When I travel I tend to eat the local foods in moderation and don't really go out of my way to seek out any low cal options. I try to get accomodation in places that have a gym or pool of some sort though. Fortunately I don't travel all that often so generally it's not a problem for me. The 'high fliers' amongst you must have some problem with all the business lunches etc.
  • Bigeddy
    Bigeddy Posts: 72 Member
    Here's some field experience when dropping weight: don't hit the town of Amsterdam on a warm nice evening, don't sit at terrace with large white beers with a slice of lemon. Don't visit a good Brazilian BBQ restaurant for a churrasco, and stay a way from the Caipirinhas. And afterwards don't visit all kind of typical A'dam bars for some more beers. Oh and don't do this just 1 day for your weigh in... unless you want to have a great night out ;-) Damage: CW 111,6 LWW 110,9. First time since the start it went up.

    And know heading bravely towards the Easter brunch. Will be looking out for a red row in the famous excel sheet from apolloag. Hope the rest of you did much better. Good luck and a blessed Easter to you all from a warm and sunny Holland.
  • mackoy809
    mackoy809 Posts: 36
    CWW 242.5 lbs
    LWW 244.0 lbs

    Happy easter everyone. Check in before hitting the easter feast. Meat and more meat is the menu of the day. Hope everybody had a good week specially for the guys who travelled this last week. Just keep swinging at it if we go over the redline today. Just make sure to be better the next day and the rest of the week

    Bigeddy get your act together limit those beer intake lol
  • Wife (yea I'm using her as an excuse :) ) has been sick (cough) keeping her (and me) up most of the nights for the last few weeks, so I haven't had the motivation to get out to the gym early in the morning.

    Up 2 Lbs this last week 257
  • PaulC9554
    PaulC9554 Posts: 117 Member
    This week - 133.5kg. That's an increase for me.

    Since starting on this journey I've not concentrated too much on the weights (lifting - not body weight!) I knew that I'd shift the body weight when I got heavily in to the cardio and at the expense of muscle mass. I need to change things up a bit now as I'm on a bit of a plateau. So, over the next few weeks I'm going to concentrate on lifting weights again and drop some of the cardio. A question for you long standing members of MFP. Have any of you guys done anything similar? Can you tell me, did you experience much of a weight gain before starting to lose again? If so, how long did it take before your weight started going down again. I'm fearing that with less CV that I'll start gaining again.
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    Didn't weigh this weekend since I was out of town. Count me as the same weight as last week.
  • pancho45
    pancho45 Posts: 55 Member
    LWW: 382
    CW: 383.4

    Up 1.4 lbs, had to go out of town due a family emergency this weekend and didn't really have to much control on my diet, ate good when I could but it didn't work out to well, hopefully that means a big week next week.
  • Wassir
    Wassir Posts: 11
    I'll play. Just started.

    Current weight 263
    Goal weight 195
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    OK, I did not have the huge week I thought I was going to have. I burned over 4500 cals while doing just under 9 hours of exercise. I lost 1 lb this week. In going over all my stuff, I figure I ate only about 1/2 my recommended cals and didn't really eat back any of my burned cals. I had a crappy week at work which translates into loss of appetite. Good news I guess is that I'm not a comfort eater. However, despite this, I still think I had a successful week. I feel more fit daily, and my clothes are fitting better than ever. Best of all, my ticker is going to be showing 60 lbs lost as soon as I update it.

    LWW 258
    CW 257
  • apolloag
    apolloag Posts: 92 Member
    Reporting in for a gain of 1lb- at 226.4 lbs.

    Will put the official report and more details in tomorrow!

    It looks like a rough week though! I think that Mackoy is our winner!
  • Swilson87
    Swilson87 Posts: 139
    Sorry this is so late

    SW : 275
    LWW : 252
    CW : 248

    Just got back in town....
  • Dbow0207
    Dbow0207 Posts: 220 Member
    SW: 300
    LWW: 271
    CW: 267
  • apolloag
    apolloag Posts: 92 Member
    Congratulations to Dbow and Swilson! Nice job on the 4 lbs guys! for the rest of us....


    Ok, I know it was Easter week and some of us were travelling, but 5 of us (6 of us including tacos '0') gained weight! It's time to pick it up! 4 weeks until week 20 - what is your goal at week 20?

    Right now I'm at 226.4lbs. My goal at week 20 is to be under 220lbs!

    We had our break last week, time to get back into it! Have a great week Men!!

  • thomasvision
    thomasvision Posts: 129 Member
    I am so sorry I forgot about the weigh-in this weekend guys. Right after I graduated P90X two Fridays ago I had to travel to texas for a new job and I took a little "break". 20,000 calories later I have gained 3.2 pounds back and have not worked out for a week. It's 3:30AM and I thought about you guys (nothing weird). I thought "oh crap, I forgot to weigh-in". Then I got up, got on the scale and said "oh, crap I gained 3.2 lbs. Which isn't so bad as I haven't worked out and been eating pretty bad. But I am back on the wagon. Like I said it 3:30AM and right after I send this email I am going to do some Insanity and then go back to bed. I have to do it now while I am in this state of mind to keep myself on track. Anyway here's my weight!

    Today April 26th I weight - 228.8
    On April 17th I weighed - 225.6

    So a 3.2lb gain :-(

    It's okay I'm back to kicking calories in the teeth I promise!
  • apolloag
    apolloag Posts: 92 Member
    No worries Tvision! Minor setback - we'll see you on the charts again next week!

  • Can I join the fun here guys? I started at 326 and yesterday I am at 320
  • apolloag
    apolloag Posts: 92 Member
    creeker, sure, please give your starting weight, goal weight, and last weekend's weight. Then give us your weight this weekend (be consistent with either Saturday or Sunday).

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