Small But Super Helpful Habits



  • SteveMFP123
    SteveMFP123 Posts: 298 Member
    edited October 2014
    Full fat butter > low fat (tastes exactly the same)
    White bread > Wholemeal

    For me it was mainly portion size, I never knew how much I was overeating until I really sat down and thought about it, on average I'd say I was having 2 - 3 portions per evening meal, instead of the 1 I have now. At first I was hungry but now I'm honestly not most of the time.

    Another major thing was not drinking my calories, I used to go through maybe 2 - 4 litres a week of milkshake, plus fizzy drinks, now I literally only drink water. Sure it gets a little boring but it's not so bad.

    I also invested in some food scales, I now have a better understanding of what a portion looks like. It really helps taking the guesswork out of it.

    And last but not least, screw diets, I knew I'd never stick to one so I just calorie count, I can still eat the food I enjoy just a lot less of it.
  • mgcarrillo
    mgcarrillo Posts: 20 Member
    These are all such great tips! Thanks to everyone for the advice; I think these will help me make some meaningful changes. It looks like I need to go get a food scale!
  • mgcarrillo
    mgcarrillo Posts: 20 Member
    These are all such great tips! Thanks to everyone for the advice; I think these will help me make some meaningful changes. It looks like I need to go get a food scale!
  • mgcarrillo
    mgcarrillo Posts: 20 Member
    RaceB wrote: »
    Flavored seltzer water. Lime or lemon (obviously no sugar or fake sugar added). Zero calories... you quickly get used to it, and it's a lot better than plain old water. A 12 pack is about $4 bucks.

    I mention it specifically because you said you were a bit of a sodahead. I've seen this as a successful switch for a few different people (including me) and a soda-centric family of it does work!

    This might be the solution to my sweet drink addiction; thanks for the idea!
  • rainbowblu
    rainbowblu Posts: 119 Member
    Kids meals. I'm the QUEEN of the kid's meal lol...even before I got serious about my weight loss, they are cheaper and the portions that we should be eating anyways.

    When I do get a full sized meal, I will split it with whomever I'm with or eat half at a later meal. If its not enough food I'll add a salad or some other veggie and unsweetened tea. I RARELY drink my calories, even diet soda is a treat, I don't have the taste for it anymore.

    I exercise in the morning. I don't want to. I NEVER want to, but I know full well the life happens and there will be some reason why I can't later. I also feel better 100% of the time after its complete.

    I try not to bring "junk food" into my home. I can't eat it if its not there. I eat my junk, but I go get it.I go to baskin robbins and get 1 scoop of ice cream, not bring a pint home. My kids are no excuse for bringing junk food home. I made the mistake of buying some "limited batch" pumpkin oreos...Guess who ate about 5 a day? yea me..lesson learned..cuz just when I think that I can behave around sweets...nope.

    THIN CRUST PIZZA!!! Check out the calorie and carb difference...the topping is the best part anyways.

  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    Logging my food really keeps me on track. I think I lost a pound in the first two days I started tracking my food intake.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,228 Member
    epf82061 wrote: »
    I have a problem with drive thrus, especially if I'm on a trip. Now, I put my purse in the trunk. Problem solved.

    Now that is a handy hint.

    Further to this, don't take money to work if you don't need it. Take your lunch from home and you can't buy anything else if you don't have money.
    Or if you need money,take only the largest note - that way it is there for emergencies but you won't want to break into it just to buy a chocolate bar.
  • 3lazlow
    3lazlow Posts: 15
    Eat an apple every day.
    Take the stairs.
    Eat a salad every day.
    Park far away from the building.
    Walk to the next office instead of emailing.

    I don't recommend eating apples everyday as they are very high in sugars. They are actually a 'useless' fruit nutrition wise. They are reportedly more efficient at waking you up in the morning than a cup of coffee.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    3lazlow wrote: »
    Eat an apple every day.
    Take the stairs.
    Eat a salad every day.
    Park far away from the building.
    Walk to the next office instead of emailing.

    I don't recommend eating apples everyday as they are very high in sugars. They are actually a 'useless' fruit nutrition wise. They are reportedly more efficient at waking you up in the morning than a cup of coffee.

    Don't mind this one. An apple (or two, or 3) is awesome! It's my best snack because it keeps me full for ages, and my best pre-workout because the sugar helps me go further. It's also my best weapon to maintain a sharp brain when I work.
  • Lavenda93
    Lavenda93 Posts: 23 Member
    Bumping! :)
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,228 Member
    3lazlow wrote: »
    Eat an apple every day.
    Take the stairs.
    Eat a salad every day.
    Park far away from the building.
    Walk to the next office instead of emailing.

    I don't recommend eating apples everyday as they are very high in sugars. They are actually a 'useless' fruit nutrition wise. They are reportedly more efficient at waking you up in the morning than a cup of coffee.

    I disagree. Can't see any reason not to have a apple ( or two) a day and I don't agree that they are useless nutrition wise at all.
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    3lazlow wrote: »
    Eat an apple every day.
    Take the stairs.
    Eat a salad every day.
    Park far away from the building.
    Walk to the next office instead of emailing.

    I don't recommend eating apples everyday as they are very high in sugars. They are actually a 'useless' fruit nutrition wise. They are reportedly more efficient at waking you up in the morning than a cup of coffee.

    Don't mind this one. An apple (or two, or 3) is awesome! It's my best snack because it keeps me full for ages, and my best pre-workout because the sugar helps me go further. It's also my best weapon to maintain a sharp brain when I work.

    I didn't know apples were caffeinated, huh...
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    3lazlow wrote: »
    Eat an apple every day.
    Take the stairs.
    Eat a salad every day.
    Park far away from the building.
    Walk to the next office instead of emailing.

    I don't recommend eating apples everyday as they are very high in sugars. They are actually a 'useless' fruit nutrition wise. They are reportedly more efficient at waking you up in the morning than a cup of coffee.

    Don't mind this one. An apple (or two, or 3) is awesome! It's my best snack because it keeps me full for ages, and my best pre-workout because the sugar helps me go further. It's also my best weapon to maintain a sharp brain when I work.

    I didn't know apples were caffeinated, huh...

    I tend to get hypoglycemia which gives me a horrible brain fog. Note I said "MY" best weapon. With that said, there are actually promising preliminary researches linking apples to improved memory and reduced alzheimer's risk.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    This is such a great topic! The little things really add up and they're things you can introduce gradually and use forever!

    Mine is my handy dandy water bottle. It's by my side 24/7. I got a "fancy" one so I would want to keep it with me. I have a whole bottle of water before my coffee, all through the day and before each time I eat. It makes me feel full and realize sometimes I'm just thirsty instead of hungry.
  • tlnurse
    tlnurse Posts: 229 Member
    Don't eat anything "white".., no "white bread, sugar, pasta, rice", instead eat "whole grain bread, sweet potato's, whole grain pasta's, etc"
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Become purposely "inefficient" at home. If you are not pressed for time, not multi-tasking could burn quite a few calories, especially if you accompany this with walking faster. You could for example go for the laundry, put it where it needs to be, then come back straighten shoes, then run to the room on the opposite side of the house to tidy up..etc.
  • tedsmama
    tedsmama Posts: 178 Member
    Some of these are great!
    1.Stopped asking the kids to help me unload groceries from the car, usually takes me several trips
    2. Park uber far from the doors of the grocery store, and always walk my cart back to the store....I don't use the little designated cart areas in the lot
    3. Pre log and pack my own lunch for work every day
    4. Always have music playing in the kitchen so I can dance around and sing while I'm cooking....this one is not a huge hit with my boys. :#
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    no patatos/bread/pasta and rice

    Definitely not this. ^^. If you restrict yourself from too many foods, you will probably get frustrated and give up. Weigh and measure everything. Buy a food scale. Make sure your eating the correct amount of calories, (find out your tdee). Don't eat too little, make sure you are doing things you can do for the long run.
  • Just water can get monotonous - herbal/fruit teas can be ok... but try a few different ones - some can be foul :(
    - you don't have to restrict foods. If you eat healthy most of the time (wholemeal/veg/fruit plus fish/meat) you can have a treat or indulgent meal now and again on your weightloss journey. That way, if you crave something that you really feel you can't do without, you know that you can allow yourself a smaller portion (within your calories for the day) or even indulge in a meal (that goes over your calories for the day - maybe once a week?! - that shouldn't affect your weightloss too drastically and can soon be made up if it does!)
  • 24Gordonfan
    24Gordonfan Posts: 64 Member
    What a great topic thread and a lot of helpful ideas!