

  • wmcmurray61
    wmcmurray61 Posts: 192 Member
    Thankyou, megblair1! I am not a sports enthusiast at all but I am still proud of "our" boys.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope you are having a good sat.
    Stayed in bed most of the day.Violet shared her cough with me,hope it doesn`t end up being brochitits.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Sunday here and scales said 216.26 lbs down from 218.02 lbs Saturday morning.
    I caught up with old neighbour yesterday after walking/dragging beagle. We had a good long chat. I enjoyed the boxing and will do again on Monday.
    Stan is cooking our Sunday Brunch and I will cook roast lamb dinner after drive and walk, 1746 cals, so OK. Just going for a drive and walking the dog today
    I ditched the Livinglite diet and went back to Jeannette Jenkins for the higher protein and fibre and feel MUCH better.
    Need to organise training for next week and update spreadsheets for doctor to see on Thursday, Duramine NO help at all. Will start printing meal/exercise sheets on Wednesday for dietition week after next. See what she says
    Welcome Newbies
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    I've turned the corner on the flu; I can eat regular meals but I just get tired easy. I hope to be my old self in a day or two. After my walk-among-the-mangroves this morning, I napped and watched some TV. But then I had the urge to exercise again so I took another walk this afternoon. I havent done that in years.

    Celeste - I am wondering if someone with a knee replacement can work out on the elliptical machine? Also, what are the restrictions after replacement? I'll need one soon.

    Lesley - So sorry the Duramine isn't working. Let's hope the dietition can help.

    Pat - your great grandson sounds too cute with his walking!

    MegBlair - I'm so glad you are feeling better after that fall.

    Hi Esther - I found that my walking became consistent after I found a place that had scenery that I really love.

    Joyce - Ahhhh! Nothing like your own bed again. I'm glad you had a good trip.

    Dreamwriter - Welcome; 8 grandkids!!! Thats 8 greally great reasons to get your health back on track. Keep at it - it all comes together eventually.

    Katla - nice victory taking your horseback lesson.

    Hope everyone has a terrific Sunday!

    Mary in south Florida
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    edited October 2014
    smiley-happy093.gif My new computer is up and running and I've been spending a lot of time getting things organized. It will eventually be awesome but right now it's just a lot of work and an interesting challenge.

    smiley-happy093.gif[/url This has been a great day with breaks from the computer to work in the yard, walk the dogs, ride the exercise bike and watch TV

    smiley-hug008.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2014 is “mindful”

    October Resolutions
    *walk 18,000 steps a day
    *act the way I want to feel
    *strength training twice a week
    * write the letter to my friend that I've been putting off too long

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good Evening Friends,

    welcome.gif Newcomers.


    Barbie love the pumpkin costume. :love:

    Meghan so sorry about your fall take care. :flowerforyou: smiley-sick020.gif
    groupwave.gif for all the friends reaching their health goals.

    Today got out for an hour walk with a friend. We enjoyed nature's painted beauty. Yes the picture I posted was from a maple tree. smiley-happy032.gif



    Just for fun: weee.gif

  • liltigerkitten64
    I'm new and enjoyed this thread very much. I turned 50 in June and decided to make this year fit450. I gained 60 pounds in 2010 when I lost my mother and the what I thought "love of my life dumped me. I quit smoking in 2011 and I've been stuck since with this extra weight. My metabolism just isn't what it used to be. My son is getting married in December so I am motivated. I started counting calories. This is my day one.

    Thank you everyone for sharing,
  • liltigerkitten64
    Forgot Toby 50 trying to lose 60 pounds in Naples Florida
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Forgot to mention. DD in Fl says Corky Bells on Rt 1 is no more.There is a barbecue place there now,but she didn't know much about it. Her hub loves ribs & barbecue,but she isn't a fan. :\
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did levels 2 and 3 without the cooldown between the levels for a 50 minute workout of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD. Tomorrow I'm planning to do some cardio in the PowerFit series

    barbie - thanks ever so much. You're right, it WAS awkward, but still doable. Thanks again

    Esther - welcome!

    Joyce - welcome back!

    dreamwrite - welcome! What great inspirations you have there!

    katla - so glad your bareback riding went so well. I can hear the happiness in your post. Wonderful! Sorry you were hurt two years ago, but glad that brought you to us.

    cindylouhuu - we're glad to have ya

    Jackie - I know that barbie has posted before and after pics. You'd be amazed. I know others have, too, just can't think of their names off the top of my brain.

    Sylvia - when Vince goes food shopping, he never fails to come home with lots of "unwanted" items, things that I wouldn't have bought. When the kids were little, they loved to go shopping with him "daddy, we need this" "oh, mom gets it" (she only gets it maybe once/year when it's on sale and I have a coupon). But they got all sorts of junk. When I take him into the store, I try to get in and out as fast as possible, he just can't browse and not buy, especially when he's hungry.

    Wendy - welcome! Congrats on the wonderful loss

    karen - welcome! My daughter lives in Reston

    Lyza - welcome! So sorry about your diabetes, good that you are tackling it. Good for you insisting on that sonogram! I think sometimes doctors think they know it all, and I really think we know more about our own bodies than any doctor. Not all doctors feel they know it all. I remember once I just knew something was not right with Bryan, every test came back positive but the doctor even said "when the mother says something's not right, I look deeper" sure enough, I don't remember what it was, but something wasn't right. I knew that something wasn't right and I pestered the MD to give me a bone density scan. I swear she ordered it just to shut me up. Was she ever surprised when it came back that I had osteoporosis! I just KNEW something wasn't right.

    Pat - that's great that you're getting more and more able to pick healthy foods when you go out to eat. Good luck on your boob squeeze

    MrsMizart - of course you can join in! Just jump right in

    Meg - I'm thinking that I had a hot flash. I was pretty hot. Well...it wasn't that bad in all

    jane - please take care of yourself. Sounds like some chicken soup is called for

    Toby - welcome! So sorry about all your hardships.

    Paat - thanks for telling me about Corky Bells. I'd asked this one lady, but I think she forgot.

    Michele in NC
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening, all. Usual Saturday after 3hrs. bad sleep on the couch. Tai chi, then yoga, then buffet at the "biker bar"---crowded today because they were doing a charity "poker run" to benefit one of their own women with cancer. Came home and crashed for 4hrs. so will be back in the bad sleep cycle again.

    I'm getting major hints that a mutual friend of one of the tai chi/yoga women and myself is seriously ill. Hoping the news is not going to be as bad as I'm thinking it will be. This is the woman DD just took the job with.

    I've been doing "cold calling" trying to secure publicity for the upcoming race to benefit the therapeutic riding program to newspaper, tv, and radio media outlets. This is not easy by any means.......trying to make contact with the people who actually have the power to get you on their programs, they have layers of people you have to go through.....lots of fast talking, emails, begging,etc. Finally, tv success!!! Got booked on a local tv talk program for pre-race publicity, then the race director herself tells me she won't go on it as she doesn't like the sound of her own voice over the tv???????????? I have the charity head, but w/o the race director---it's ABOUT the freakin race!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrr...........the race director wants to send a woman who has been to ONE race planning meeting (a runner friend of hers) and has no connection to the charity. I am so frustrated........I was supposed to just be in charge of registration to begin with (can pretty much do that in my sleep), pitched in to do the publicity work exta.

    Barbie.........Love you in the pumpkin costume! How sweet!

    patceoh......Video sounds adorable!

    Meg.......Glad to hear you are OK after the fall.

    Beth.........Fantastic that both sons are doing well!

    Michele...........Yeah, I had the same reaction to the watermelon salad the first time I encountered it too....... and liked it a lot. Now I just use mint flakes and balsamic vinegar usually.

    Katla..........YAY for your great bareback ride, happy you enjoyed it so much......DD wanted a full report on how you did.

    Heather.......Glad the soup was a success! That table looks fabulous and sounds delicious!

    Mary.....Wonderful that you are feeling better! YAY for the end of flu for you!

    Newbies, welcome......stick around, y'all....tell us about yourselves and get to know us too.


  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Alison – good for you to start looking for new options! :smile:

    Meg – hope all is well tomorrow… I hate it when I fall
    Beth – glad the boys are doing better!!!
    Michelle – I have had that watermelon salad too, so yummy!
    Esther, dreamwriter, cindylouhuu, jackiemm6, wendy from Kansas City, Karen, Lyza, MrsMizart Toby, – welcome
    Joyce – welcome home; sorry to hear you got sunburned.

    Katla – I am not a horse person, but think it is so fun to hear your adventures; and I had not known that horseback riding was your catalyst to weight loss….
    Robin – glad you and DH are working together on clutter.

    A busy couple of days, Friday was my nephew's football game I love it but it is a huge chunk of time 1 hour drive each way and the high school football takes 3.5 to 4 hours so Friday I left home at 4pm and got home at midnight :tired_face: Saturday was a surprise party for a friend in Sacramento which is a couple of hours drive each way; so out of the house at 9:30am - and home about 4pm; I am glad to be out of the car!!!

    Tomorrow is 4 hours at the embroidery shop; and then to the quilt shop - I ended up with 12 hand embroidered pillow cases that a (Judy) friend's mom and grandmother embroidered and crocheted lace for. Well Judy was cleaning house and decided to let go of the pillow cases, she only has a son, and he only has a son, so she figured no one would want them... well they are beautiful so I am going to the quilt store to figure out how to turn them into a quilt and give them back to her. I really don't need another project but...

    Well need to do a bit more paper work.

    October Goals:
    Log every day
    Walk every day

    Kim from N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well hello guys!!! Am a little more awake today than last night, or should I say early this morning. I slept for around 1 AM to 6:30 PM, don't know how much I will sleep tomorrow but I do know I hav't even unpacked yet. I have yet to find my charging cords for my Ipad and phone. I used them constantly in the car because my wifi hot spot on phone really zapped the battery when several people were using it as a hot spot especially when 13 year old watcing watched videos on my iPad. So I just had both of them connected to the chargr all the time. So I am sure they are both in the car somewhere. I do know that the car was constantly eating things like a dryer eats socks. Tomorrow I will have the energy to tell you all about my trip.

    Kat, I am not a horse person but enjoyed reading about your ride and knowing that the ability to get back on your horse was what your inspiration was to loose weight. Without that horse we would not know you and what a loss that would have been

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Had a wonderful drive out today, plus a 40 minute dog walk at Ulverstone.
    Lamb in oven roasting.
    Feeling MUCH better.
    Stan going fishing tomorrow.
    I had hoped the Duramine would help, but did not. Shall talk to doctor on Thursday about whether to do another month = $115.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Had a pretty good day. Work, movie and time with 2 of the grands. I even got in a short walk. Having trouble keeping my food down to 1200 calories. Trouble=haven't done it yet.
  • eddiesheart
    Hello everyone... :) I am Chris, I turned 50 in May and oh boy, mid-life, well, PAST mid-life crisis crept up on me! I am STILL 250 lbs + and am struggling with depression. Happily married for 14 years to my soulmate, he is wonderful. Have 2 kids, 21 year old son from first marriage and 12 1/2 year old daughter with dh. Everyone in my family is thin but me and they eat what they want when they want. I love food and am having a hard time figuring out what to eat. I am type 2 diabetic as well, on medication and mostly controlled (4 years). My very bff moved to FL back in March and we were embarking on the fitness/nutrition change together but now she's gone, I have no one to turn to for motivation and support. Any advice is most welcome! Did I mention I love food? lol


  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Katla: no, I was serious about touching the toes with the opposite hand. o:) Or maybe you start with the shin; it's been a long time since I did that.

    Mary: my GP once told me that a regular cold (not the flu) takes six weeks to completely leave your body. So take your time recovering from the flu! I’m another one looking to get my knee replacement sometime soon. Have to lose a few more pounds and then I’m going back to the orthopedic surgeon. I think you can use the elliptical. I just don’t think you’re supposed to run.

    Barbie and Margaret: you’re hilarious, with all those things running around on your posts. I get the impression you should cut back on the caffeine. Just kidding; keep them in there!

    We're removing the last stuff from the last of the four rooms being repainted. Well, almost the last stuff. There are some things that need to be carted off to either the second-hand shop or the dump. The guys will help with that tomorrow. I'm trying to stay calm, and doing a decent job of it, but there is homeless stuff EVERYWHERE and that stresses me out. I'm not a total neat freak, but I don't like everything being up in the air like this. Well, the final result will be nice.

    Our favorite outdoor café, at a farm near here, is closing after the first weekend in November. They do that every year (and reopen in the spring), but the guy that runs it, whom I've known for 20 years, has decided not to do the café anymore and wants a "regular" job and steady income for his family. I hope they find someone good between now and springtime, but I'm sad it won't be the same person. After all that time you know the names of each other's kids and pets, what's happened in each other's lives etc. When my husband (who passed away 11 years ago) was ill, I could even bring him there, have coffee, then leave to to shopping or whatever, and the guy from the café would just keep an eye on him, see whether he wanted something else to drink, etc. until I came back.

    Tomorrow we're taking my dog to the orthopedic guy for x-rays, to see if there's any clear reason he's limping. Luckily the eye (from the retrobulbar abscess) is just about completely healed, so that's one less thing to worry about.

    Hope everyone has a good day!
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good morning! :flowerforyou: Looks like we might have a dry and sunny afternoon so we can get the broad beans in and garlic. DH can plant his spring bulbs. :bigsmile:

    Meg - I'm glad you are only stiff from your fall. Have you figured our why you fell over? :ohwell:

    Joyce - welcome home! Looking forward to hearing about your trip.

    Katla - good going on the bareback riding! :flowerforyou: I have never done it. I do remember that when I had my very first lesson I was doing spinning around on top of the horse and lying down. I had practised so much on the sofa and read so many books that they were surprised how much I could do. They got me cantering straight away. I think it is do great you are doing new things! :drinker:

    Yanniejannie- sorry to hear about DD's employer. I have just heard that an old uni friend has had a mastectomy. Must drop her a card.

    Barbie - I adore the costume! ! ! ! ! :flowerforyou: it reminds me why I started this diet - I couldn't besr to wear fancy dress to my brother's 60th. :sad: Now I would love to get dressed up. Bring it on! :laugh:

    Mary - glad your flu is retreating. :flowerforyou: Walking along by the mango groves sounds wonderful. I have never visited Florida, but I'm sure I would love the wildlife. :smile:

    Chris - Welcome! :flowerforyou: I love food too. That doesn't mean you can't make a success of this. :noway: I also am married to a slim husband. Planning is the key. You can make delicious slimming meals and just load up the carbs on the skinny guys' plates. I also feed him cake most days. Make sure every bite you eat is delicious, then you are more satisfied with less. :bigsmile:
    Tonight we have Tandoori chicken thighs, yoghourt and cucumber raita, eggplant and green pepper dry curry and I will do rice for DH. I am going to cut and bake the eggplant first with a one cal spray so I don't need lots of oil to stir fry it. I am going to use a small amount of chickpea flour at the last minute, which makes it very nutty tasting.

    Love to all. Heather in sunny Hampshire UK.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies.
    Today I probably won't get much done. DH and I love to watch football. He is a Seahawks fan, I am a Broncos fan. (Yes last years super bowl was interesting in our house) :laugh: I will probably do a nice slow walk on the dreadmill while watching the game.

    We will take the boys for a walk again today. Bodi really loved getting out in the real world again.

    I am feeling better today. Much more on the upside.

    Take care all,
    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I found the spicy tomato soup recipe and have safely tucked it into my recipe file. Thanks; this sounds very good. :flowerforyou:

    Jackie: I have pictures of me on my home page here at mfp. One of them is a before picture. :flowerforyou:

    Meg: I hope you feel better quickly. Your dinners out sound like fun, and I’ll send you ”good choice” vibes for successful maintenance. Remember the magic of portion control. Regarding baby gifts, my daughter set up a baby registry and I was able to get her things she wanted and needed. I even got a break from Amazon on sales taxes because I live in a state with none, and was able to have my gift shipped to a sales tax state without paying their tax. I’m trying to talk her into setting up a “registry” for Christmas gifts. :flowerforyou:

    Leslie in Tasmania: Congratulations on the loss! I’m happy you’re doing better on the Jeannette Jenkins meal plans. I’ve never done anybody’s regime because of my list of food sensitivities. I just count calories and that works for me. My meals contain a lot of meat as well as veggies, and they tend to be on the fatty side, but my blood work was okay last time. I’m careful about what kinds of fat I use in cooking. I’ve switched mostly to olive oil but still use corn oil in salad dressings because it refrigerates better. :flowerforyou:

    Margaret: You’re sure having fun with the smilies and gifs. I enjoy seeing them. :flowerforyou:

    Toby from Naples FL: Welcome to a great group. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: My injury two years ago turned out to be a blessing in disguise because it gave me the motivation to change. Finding this group was the best possible luck, because of all the support here. :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: Tell your DD that I had a great time and will probably ask to do it again from time to time. The advice you shared really helped me focus on what I might be able to learn instead of worrying about falling off. :flowerforyou:

    Chris: Welcome. Success comes from consistently counting calories and moving more. Find activities that are fun and full of movement, and log every bite and swallow. :flowerforyou:

    Cynthia: Maybe in the future my balance will be good enough for me to touch my own toes. :laugh: I’m sure this will not be the only time I ride bareback. I have a LOT of work to do learning balance. :flowerforyou:

    We went to Sauvies Island yesterday but the traffic to the Pumpkin Patch was insane, so we went to a different farm on the other side of the island. Kruger’s, where we went, had people out getting their pumpkin from the field on one side of the road, and quite a fun festival on the other side of the road. We were lucky enough to get a prime parking spot. There was food, including wine and beer, and pony rides for the kids in addition to the produce they sell. We had corn on the cob and beer, enjoyed watching the people and their dogs, none of which were in costume, then bought a butternut squash to bring home.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
