Thoughts on veganism?



  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    Hello! I'm a vegan (only of a month, but it still counts right? Haha.) And I'm wanting to hear all of your opinions or experiences in being vegan? Just out of curiosity! I respect all opinions.

    Thanks! :smiley:
    It's like exploring yourself and engaging in same sex relations, just to see how it fits. Totally do it once and see.
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,895 Member
    This is just not going to end well. Why do you care what other people think about veganism? If you want to be a vegan, go ahead.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    edited October 2014
    I disagree with the idea that the use of animal products is unethical.

    Though I respect your opinion, and I agree that the use of animal products isn't all that bad, but the way we get these products is pretty messed up. Its sick.

    You dont sound vegan to me. It sounds like you have no issue with family farm raised and slaughtered animals. Sounds more like ya watched a few netflix documentaries and got appalled by the food industry conglomerates. Thats not veganism.

    Im gonna go put on some wool socks and rake some leaves.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    In order to get proper nutrition, a vegan has to be much more knowledgeable about proper nutrition than someone who just eats a balanced and varied diet. Unfortunately, many vegans I know don't really know much about proper nutrition and while they may feel good about themselves from a moral standpoint, they're really not doing themselves any favors health wise because they really aren't getting proper and balanced nutrition and are nutrient deficient in many respects.
  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    I went vegan for a little while for a blog experiment, to be honest I didn't care for it and I felt quite listless and unwell a lot of the time and slept a lot more than usual! I didn't keep it up for a month though.

    I think each to their own, sadly there are too many militant vegans trying to shame everyone else into doing it!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Most vegans dont know wtf veganism is. Thats my thoughts.


    I am guessing it's because a lot of people do it because they think it's healthier, or that they can lose faster with it, and things of that nature rather than for ethical reasons which is really the only reason to be a vegan.

    Oh, okay. Yeah thats true. Veganism is -not- a weight loss plan! And I did it for ethical reasons because I don't agree with anything the meat/egg/dairy industry does.
    If you are vegan for ethical reason because you don't agree with industry pratices, is there a reason you did not move to eating ethically produced animal products?

    Because there is no such thing as "ethically killing" anything. At least in my opinion.

    you can ethically source milk and eggs though. You're not killing things when you eat milk or eggs. Okay, I know some of the farming practices in procuring milk and eggs harm the animals, but that's not a foregone conclusion... organic free-range eggs and milk that come from happy chickens and happy cows is a possibility. I think that's what the above person was getting at. Vegan = eating no animal products at all. Vegetarian = abstaining from animal products that you have to kill the animal to get.
  • smelanie504
    Biologically, I don't buy into the claims that we're not meant to eat meat/consume dairy. Just my humble opinion. That said, I do spend way too much money on ethically produced, environmentally sustainable meat/fish/dairy, because even though I'm eating an animal, I care about how they're treated in their life. And if someone wants to be a vegan I definitely respect that, but like others have said... it's not for me.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I think I'd have a hell of a time reaching my protein goal without eating delicious animals and animal products. Life would be sad with no meat, eggs, or dairy.
  • Tbaby1514
    Tbaby1514 Posts: 216 Member
    2 reasons I could never be a vegan: Steak and Bacon.

    On a side note, I respect people's choices on what they want to put in their body. I agree that the meat/dairy/egg industry is disgusting, but I think to say there's no "ethical" way to kill the animals is a bit far fetched.
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    If I were moved to avoid factory farm produced animal products, I would seek out "ethically raised" animal products. Because of cost, that might mean I'd have to reduce the amount of animal products in my diet, but that wouldn't be the same as totally eliminating them on principal.

    Veganism seems like the most extreme option and mostly for people who have a moral objection to the very idea of animal products.

    While I respect the right of everyone to have any opinion they choose, I don't think that particular opinion makes sense considering our biology. Humans are omnivores biologically. Trying to fight that seems like an unnecessary PITA.
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    edited October 2014
    I get a kick out of that egg commercial: "Our hens are fed a vegetarian diet" as if that somehow makes their eggs "healthier". Chickens are not vegetarians.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    Let's make sure it's understood, just the impact of REAL veganism, and not the pogue-ish half play most make at it.

    There are fewer vaccines and medical treatments you can avail yourself of, thanks to the use of hermit crabs, and animal products used in the making of vaccines.
    Oh, snake anti-venin? Right out.
    Gas for your car? Better switch to corn based ethanol, because petroleum is an animal product.
    That sweet leather jacket? Nope.
    Red dye - for the most part, nope.
    Chocolate? Nope.

    I can go on, but let's make sure, if you're going vegan. Go vegan.
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,983 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Most vegans dont know wtf veganism is. Thats my thoughts.


    I am guessing it's because a lot of people do it because they think it's healthier, or that they can lose faster with it, and things of that nature rather than for ethical reasons which is really the only reason to be a vegan.

    Oh, okay. Yeah thats true. Veganism is -not- a weight loss plan! And I did it for ethical reasons because I don't agree with anything the meat/egg/dairy industry does.
    If you are vegan for ethical reason because you don't agree with industry pratices, is there a reason you did not move to eating ethically produced animal products?

    Because there is no such thing as "ethically killing" anything. At least in my opinion.

    So you are not okay with having to kill something to eat it. That is quite a bit different from not being okay with the industry practices.

    It's not a pretty thing, but it's nature, and I'm okay with that. Humans are omnivores.

    I'm fine with someone being vegan if they choose to be, as long as they don't try to make unsubstantiated claims about it or try to make me feel guilty about my choices.
  • redman1740
    redman1740 Posts: 13 Member
    I practiced the vegan diet for Lent one year and I respect people who are vegans. I learned a lot while practicing and I took quite a few healthier choices from trying it. I rarely eat dairy products, replaced milk with Almond milk and I eat a lot more veggies than meat. I feel great, I maintain a balanced diet and not to toot my own horn but I look pretty good too :) Keep on doing what makes you happy and as others have said, read up on the nutrition and make sure you are getting all the daily nutrients needed.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    I've never been a vegan, but definitely respect the principles of veganism.

    Same here...
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Most vegans dont know wtf veganism is. Thats my thoughts.


    I am guessing it's because a lot of people do it because they think it's healthier, or that they can lose faster with it, and things of that nature rather than for ethical reasons which is really the only reason to be a vegan.

    Oh, okay. Yeah thats true. Veganism is -not- a weight loss plan! And I did it for ethical reasons because I don't agree with anything the meat/egg/dairy industry does.
    If you are vegan for ethical reason because you don't agree with industry pratices, is there a reason you did not move to eating ethically produced animal products?

    Because there is no such thing as "ethically killing" anything. At least in my opinion.

    Since you asked for opinions, I think this is a highly debatable point. In many areas predators have been driven or killed out to the point that without hunting non-predator animals would flourish to the point that many would die a slow painful death of starvation were it not for hunting. A good hunter can kill quickly and with little pain.

    Also, eating eggs does a chicken no harm, so I can't see what would unethical about that. I do realize that not all commercial eggs come from farms where chicken are done no harm, but you can get eggs from humanely raised chickens.
  • Ladybug1250
    Ladybug1250 Posts: 366 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Ethical reasons aside the diet is healthier.

    No, it's not.

    oh really? Ok then. ;-)
  • vegankalequeen
    I've been vegan for two years, vegetarian for a decade. Ethical reasons as well. I feel amazing mentally, lots more mental clarity. Physically, I feel 'lighter' if that makes sense - my digestive tract feels cleaner, not as heavy. Hard to explain. But I've only seen good things. Iron is fine (I donate blood), B12 is fine, plenty of protein. Feels good man. :)

    Awesome!! love it!
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    I think more people should be vegan.
    If the supply for meat goes down, so too will the prices, and I'll save money when I shop for meat... >:)
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    How can a person be vegan based on ethical grounds and NOT be against exploitation of ALL natural resources.( primarily Oil and Gas?) and IF they are against Oil and Gas? how would they feed themselves with only locally grown produce in a Northern Climate? OR for that matter reconcile their use of plastics and synthetic materials used to construct the majority of structures short of caves and holes dug into the ground?

    Vegan... is the maxim of hypocracy... "green" is it's younger brother... of all the people on this planet... fully less than10% have the luxury of choosing their diet... the rest...scrounge, beg, scrape, or hold their hand out for 1/2 of what we consider an adequate diet.

    Vegan for ethical reasons??? NICE... someone ought hand you a fiddle while the world burns