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Type II Diabetics - Let's Support Each Other



  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    reading this morning was 116 (blood sugar) after my morning workout (1 hr of Zumba). i was so inspired to get back on track, i pre-packed all my meds (i'm so bad at remembering to take them) and took my blood sugar this morning. hope to do better today than yesterday. :)

    I'm right there with you about forgetting meds! I bought 30 pill boxes, so that I can set up month's worth of meds at one time. That way I only have to remember to pick up the pill box each morning. I'm doing much better remembering my meds.

    Keep up the good work!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,333 Member
    Blood sugar 98 this morning before breakfast woohoo! Life is stressful right now and it's taking lots of mental effort to make good decisions.:ohwell: Jenny
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    @Jenny: You're doing great. You're right about the challenges stress creates for us. Just keep doing what you're doing!!
  • bongowillie
    bongowillie Posts: 35 Member
    TODAY I ADJUSTED MY BELT 1 MORE HOLE TIGHTER. NOW ON 4TH HOLE...this works better for me than the SCALE..in defining my fitness level..the SCALE is not nice to me in regards to the hard work and effort put forth for a better LIFE, dialy check of the BloodGlucose level is also an indicator that i am doing things right or at least heading towards the right direction
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754

    Congrats on the belt tightening!

    For myself, the scales are moving slow and steady, but I am totally with you on other indicators of our successes. I'm only about an inch away from adjusting my belt and I can't wait! What a thrill that will be when I get there!

    Keep up the good work!
  • gjspiller
    gjspiller Posts: 115 Member
    i just joined this thread a few days ago, but thought it appropriate to post this news here.

    a few years ago, my husband and i were trying to conceive, so we went through the process of receiving fertility from our health care provider. after going thru the gamut of tests, i was diagnosed diabetic. i usually pass my blood tests every year, but this year, it was very high. i was at an A1C of 9.9. the doctor told us that he wouldn't treat me until i managed my diabetes and blood pressure.

    so i've been on this emotional/physical roller coaster ever since. this jan., i finally made a solid commitment to stick to a reasonable diet by tracking my calories on MFP, and exercise more. from jan.-mid mar. i was on fire. but then i slipped and fell in the tub and then, 2 weeks later, fell down a half a flight of stairs. what a klutz!! so i went back to old habits because of my frustration. hence, when my doctor told me i was long overdue for my blood tests, i hid. i didn't want to hear more bad news.

    i ended up getting the blood test done. and my A1C was 6.5!!!!

    i almost cried tears of joy.

    if i keep this up, and manage this, the doctor will give us the green light to receive treatment, but i have to prove that i got it under control. so i want to lose weight, get my A1C to 5 or less, bring my cholesterol down (LDL is 128; should be less than 100). i want them to say, those golden words..."let's move forward with treatment." God willing....

    i received a call from the pharmacist with encouraging words. she said my liver and kidney results look good. i received an email from my doctor, and she said, "impressive." i am so happy. i want to take this opportunity to remind myself that i CAN do it.

    and y'all can, too.

    thanks for listening.

  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Congrats on the good reports from your doctor!

    We all have periods of time that we're not on track, the trick is to get back on just as quickly as possible.

    Keep up the good work, you're doing great!
  • bongowillie
    bongowillie Posts: 35 Member
    @ gjspiller:
    on april 2010 mine was 9.9 and in feburay 2011 was 7.5.. YOURs at hba1c at 6.5 is what they consider normal range, congradulations on your achievement, these are small steps that you are taking, and i hope your husband is with you in this journy of WELLNESS..my support has been my wife, and we both are working out and eating healthy..this way 2 different meals don't have to be made, or the other one can't sabotage the progress one is making..TOGETHER IN THE JOURNEY TO WELLNESS..my wife and i got together when we were 21 and 20 we are now 55 and 56 and in the best health of our life..
  • Qpeace
    Qpeace Posts: 18 Member
    Congrats on the 6.5 A1C, gjspiller!

    I have noticed a change in my numbers once I started this journey in earnest. Wow what a difference exercise has made. We'll see what the Dr. says at my May visit. I'm hoping that the liver enzymes are better.

    My daughter is Type I diabetic on an insulin pump and has been working to get her A1C down so she can consider getting pregnant. She will be 35 this summer so was getting anxious. She just got the go ahead from our doctor a few weeks ago! I'm so excited for her!

    And organizing meds in containers for the week has helped keep me on track!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,333 Member
    Morning blood sugar 104 so I've been doing pretty well this past week with my counts. Not so good eating today and no time for exercise either. Tomorrow I'll do better with both because I have the day off of work and time to tend to myself.

    Have a happy Easter!
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    LOL I found a great website LOL
    I read your readings all the time and it confuses me cause our meters read in mmol/L and yours read in mg/dL
    So I found this website so now I know where your readings are

    Just in case anyone wants to know what a 6 reading is when I talk about it LOL
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    A 104/6 is great for a morning reading WOOHOO
  • bongowillie
    bongowillie Posts: 35 Member
    i had rentna laser surgery on my left eye yesterday, they shot it up 700 times, this is to prevent invasive surgery to the eye. caused by diabetis, and blood pressure, so you will have to maintain good blood pressure and controll your diabetis to prevent this from happening. altogether about 16 laser surgeries and 1 eye sugery to my right eye. Rentna bleeding will cause blindness.. so be aware of floaters and foggy eye site as a warning..blood sugar average for this month is 95..
  • gjspiller
    gjspiller Posts: 115 Member
    @katzpawz: thanks for the encouragement! yes, the trick is all about staying on track. slowly but surely...

    @bongowillie: my husband has been somewhat supportive, but now it is hard for him to stay on track, as he has gained weight too, and sometimes sabotages my diet. we are going to a Diabetes Information Meeting (a review on nutrition) and i'm having him come with me (again). i have found that i have to initiate the change, and he usually supports and encourages me thereafter. thank you for the information. i have been reading you posts, and they are very informative.

    @Qpeace:that's wonderful about your daughter! i hope i will be able to hear good news soon, as well. i will see my doctor about it in july. i have to really focus. thanks for the encouragement.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,333 Member
    Hi everyone I'm still here just little time lately to write much. My glucose counts are good but I need to make better choices with eating. I'm off kilter and not getting as many fruits and veggies or protein that I need. Too many carbs as usual but at least doing well with morning glucose.

    Have a nice evening!
  • I just happened to see this topic today, I've been away from MyFitnessPal for quite some time now after having surgery on both of my hands...I have been Type II diabetic for several yrs now and I'm 65 yrs old...I hate to ck my blood and can't use my arm because it would look like I am on drugs the way the skin bleeds out at each site, so, I have to use my fingers...so far my glucose readings are ok when they ck at the doctor's office but I need to lose weight...I am using the alli pills that help the body get rid of excess fat that is eaten and gives the weight lose a boost, my problem is I love food, especially carbs but I am determined to get this weight off...I think supporting each other is a very good idea and it helps to hear from people having the same difficulty of trying to lose weight and being diabetic...keep up the good work everyone...:smile:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,333 Member
    Welcome Irishmamaw! I'm curious about the Alli pills. How do they make you feel (rapid heart beat, energized, etc.???) and are there any side effects? I'm not usually a pill taker except my Metformin of course but am curious about what kind of results you've experienced taking Alli.

    My before breakfast glucose was 103 yesterday morning so I was pleased with that. They seem to be coming down compared to what they were fall and early winter. I hope to see my A1c even lower next fall when I see the doc for a checkup again. Looking forward to changing up the exercise routine to include biking and swimming laps. When Zumba ends at the end of May I'm going to try hot yoga (have a groupon to use). Sweat off the pounds, maybe it will speed up my weight loss since I usually lose at a snail's pace!

    Well happy weekend to all!:drinker:
  • Soozcat
    Soozcat Posts: 34 Member
    I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes earlier this week, and frankly have spent the last few days in a funk of depression and self-loathing. I knew Type 2 ran in my family, I knew I needed to lose the weight, I even knew my blood sugars were up (my mom, who has been diabetic for years, tested my blood on her glucose monitor one day and it was in the 140s), and still I did nothing to keep this from happening.

    Well, I know exactly what the complications of Type 2 are--specifically the nasties like neuropathy, blindness, kidney failure, etc., that result from uncontrolled blood glucose levels, since I've seen people in my family sicken and die from some of these complications--and now, after the fact, I'm motivated to lose the weight. I have about 100 pounds to lose before I get into a healthy weight range. I haven't yet been to the diabetic nutrition class I need to take (and yes, I know I do need to take it), but on a combination of Metformin twice a day and following Phase 1 of South Beach I've lost 6 pounds. My blood sugars are still in the 120-130 range even though I'm restricting my carb intake and eating smaller portions; I guess the next variable is vigorous exercise, but I still feel plenty frustrated.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,333 Member
    Welcome to this thread Soozcat! Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Your story is similar to mine regarding knowing I was at risk for Type II for the past 8 years, not being able to lose and keep weight off and then diagnosed 1 1/2 years ago. It is an up and down journey trying to eat right, balance carb intake, and exercise regularly. We are all here to support one another so know that you can talk about your good and bad days, get ideas from others on what and how to eat, and just report your successes and fallbacks. I'm on Metformin and have been on MFP since Jan. 3rd. I'm a slow loser (only 14 pounds so far) but have changed many habits of how I eat and making exercise a part of my life. My goal is to lose 60 pounds and hopefully control my diabetes with diet and exercise and not need the Metformin. My numbers are coming down gradually and my last A1c was lower and within normal range. I found the diabetic class very helpful and am due to go for a refresher but haven't scheduled that yet.

    Good luck and keep in touch or you can friend me too so we can support one another!:flowerforyou:
  • bongowillie
    bongowillie Posts: 35 Member
    @soozcat..what was you HA1c when the did the diagnoses, 7 or below is good..not great.. and did you also check your triglycerides, cholesterol hi low..since you have family history and know all the complications..follow the doctores orders, south beach diet..and start learning to read your bodies reaction when feeling low or high blood sugar..chart you blood sugar daily and graph it,.i have bongowillies diabetic blog on facebook where you can see excel documents on how to record and graph your progress..will be posting April numbers on monday..my best month ever for average blood sugar..and so so weight loss