Fitting in the wine...



  • eluther58
    You could be me. I love wine and like you I am not a 1 glass kind of girl. My husbands doc says, for every glass of wine (or alcohol) jog a mile. My kids say, "see you next week Mom". What I do is eat a bit lighter the next couple of days but if you are a nightly drinker you are going to have a tough battle. Try this...after every glass of wine have a glass of water or try cutting your wine with seltzer...that way you can drink the amount you want but will cut the overall calories. I also have tried switching it up and drinking vodka with flavored seltzer but use a shot glass so you are not over doing the vodka (80 calories per shot)
  • eluther58
    eluther58 Posts: 4
    edited October 2014
    No I do not think 2-3 glasses of wine is binging
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    Get more exercise/ activity in to account for those extra glasses wine. That's what I do.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    You have 41 lbs to lose? Change your goal to 1.5 lbs lost/week instead of the 2 lbs you probably have it set to. That will probably bump up your calories. Make your wine days heavy cardio days. You should be able to stay close to your goals that way. Plan your wine days in advance and just keep them to 1-2 times a week, not daily.
  • 13bbird13
    13bbird13 Posts: 425 Member
    2-3 glasses of wine is considered a binge?

    At my house we call it "Monday". And the "glasses" aren't 3.5 ounces.

  • mellowkate
    mellowkate Posts: 32 Member
    Ditto to most of the above. Build it in - don't necessarily skip a meal but eat a little lighter and put in extra cardio time. That's what I do, and while I'm drinking a bit less than I used to, I still indulge once or twice a week. And let's be honest: who can only have one glass? :)
  • CassieR6
    CassieR6 Posts: 280 Member
    I am the same way. I was at 1200 daily so I upped it to 1400 cause I was starving! But I build it in or go over by a little. I am trying to cut back to not doing it nightly. But like you I can't do one beer or one glass of wine. I have to have 3 to 4 beers or 2 to 3 glasses of wine. So I just try to work it in. I learned to do portion control on the foods I eat and upping my intake(so i wasn't starving) so that all helped a lot. :D
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    Sounds like a good reason to do a bit of cardio.
  • ncscott11
    ncscott11 Posts: 100 Member
    Build it in! I consume a few more calories than you but I have successfully lost over 30 lbs having a glass (or two) most nights! I prefer nights to be my "heavy" eating/drinking time so I tend to only consume about half of my allowance by the time work is over. That way I have plenty to play with for dinner in case we go out, wine/beer, or a dessert if I feel like it! You will find what works best for you!
  • CassieR6
    CassieR6 Posts: 280 Member
    ^^^^ I love your thought process! :D:D
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    I'm the same way with beer. If I know I'm going to a craft beer tasting event or someplace where I'll likely have a couple of beers, I'll up the exercise to hopefully burn off some of those extra carbs. I'm on 1300 calories, so I hear ya that it's tough. But most of the time I manage to get some sort of dessert into my day, even if it's just a cookie. So if I know I'm going to be drinking, I'll replace dessert with a beer, and add exercise calories for the rest. It does mean I'm going out drinking far less often, mind you. Which is probably a good thing, all things considered. :)