Yes. I'm going to ask a question about skipping breakfast.



  • RosieLoo24
    RosieLoo24 Posts: 25 Member
    Ok, thanks for the advice everyone!! I guess I will just have to experiment and find what's right for me good luck to everyone with their goals!! :)
  • ithrowconfetti
    ithrowconfetti Posts: 451 Member
    Ever since embarking on intermittent fasting, I've never looked back. I find that eating breakfast early on makes me ravenous quickly. The good thing about IF is that it isn't rigid. Only eat when you're truly hungry, and then fit your daily calories within a reasonable, short window. Since we all know that starvation mode is a myth, you don't have to worry about "fuelling" your body every now and then, with frequent meals. All that garbage about kickstarting your metabolism early in the morning? What a load of tosh. Long story short, I'm not advocating IF to you, but just wanted to make the point that there is nothing wrong with skipping breakfast if you don't feel hungry. It won't throw you off your weight loss plan. Do what works best for you!
  • chazgoss
    chazgoss Posts: 2 Member
    mrsdenno82 wrote: »
    "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" was started by cereal companies.
    "Breakfast" means to "Break your fast". So "Breakfast" can be at 6am or 6pm.
    Some people find that eating breakfast fills them up for the day and spaces out snacks and meals.
    Others find that eating breakfast leads to a day of overeating.
    Some people find that they feel ill, weak or generally lazy without breakfast.
    Some people find that they feel the above if they DO eat breakfast.
    Your daily amount of calories, in a 24 hour period, and the quality of those calories supports weight loss. Whether you eat from 6pm to 6pm or 6am to 6am is irrelevant.

    I think to conclude you need to listen to your body.