What piece of clothing made you realize.....



  • pamcris
    pamcris Posts: 47 Member
    Everything... the only clothes I could fit in was my maternity clothes although I was already 6 months postpartum.
  • karateper
    karateper Posts: 4 Member
    Running holes in my jeans with my large thighs rubbings against each other . Having to replace jeans every few months bc of the holes :(

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  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    A swimsuit. 'Nuff said.
  • chilly1470
    chilly1470 Posts: 178 Member
    Wow, so many. My briefs were cutting into my sides, my belt was gouging my gut, my 4X shirts were too snug, etc etc.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    'Twas not clothing, perse that caused me to decide to start getting healthier (although, I was adamant to not get to the point to where I had to wear size 50 pants... (I was rather snug in loose fit 48s at the time.)... Rather it was health concerns that sort of got me to reconsidering what I was doing to myself... Incidentally, now, I am between a 32" and 34" loose fit now.
  • klund13
    klund13 Posts: 98 Member
    When my "fat clothes" no longer fit. My fav pair of jeans to wear with boots don't button, and it is fall. *tear*
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    karateper wrote: »
    Running holes in my jeans with my large thighs rubbings against each other . Having to replace jeans every few months bc of the holes :(

    Oh yeah. know how that feels.

  • Polishprinsezz
    Polishprinsezz Posts: 249 Member
    In the beginning it was something I almost didn't notice because I wear the first thing I find. I started discarding pants to the bottom of the closet because they wouldn't zip, until one day I decided to check how many I "grew out off" (I was 16-17, I thought it was just normal to be outgrowing some clothes) and realized that I could only wear three of them. Then, well, I never minded the scale that much, but I faced it and found I was wighting 63.5kg (140lbs) being 5'6"-7" (not that much, but it all went to my belly). Then I started dieting with mom, lost that weight (to 120 pounds) and now I can wear stuff I wasn't wearing since I was like 13 (not exaggerating), and since most of those clothes are jeans, they're ok to wear at 19. I came here after losing my weight, just to keep my calorie intake on the line.
    140lbs is still well within the healthy weight range for your height. I am the same height as you and my goal is 135lbs right now I am 155lbs. I know I look healthy and trim but comments like this upset me a bit to think that some think this size is fat or overweight. I can't imagine someone looking at me right now thinking I look overweight.
  • HealthySideofLife
    HealthySideofLife Posts: 80 Member
    I decided when I was a size 22 in pants that I didn't want to be heavy anymore. I lost 80 pounds, but put half back on. Now my motivation is my wedding dress that I was sized for when I was at my smallest... and a size 10 dress that my sister gave me. When I was at my smallest, I just about fit in it, I just couldn't breathe too well. I want to see if I can fit into it if I lose a little more than what I was. If I just can't, then I'll donate it.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    In the beginning it was something I almost didn't notice because I wear the first thing I find. I started discarding pants to the bottom of the closet because they wouldn't zip, until one day I decided to check how many I "grew out off" (I was 16-17, I thought it was just normal to be outgrowing some clothes) and realized that I could only wear three of them. Then, well, I never minded the scale that much, but I faced it and found I was wighting 63.5kg (140lbs) being 5'6"-7" (not that much, but it all went to my belly). Then I started dieting with mom, lost that weight (to 120 pounds) and now I can wear stuff I wasn't wearing since I was like 13 (not exaggerating), and since most of those clothes are jeans, they're ok to wear at 19. I came here after losing my weight, just to keep my calorie intake on the line.
    140lbs is still well within the healthy weight range for your height. I am the same height as you and my goal is 135lbs right now I am 155lbs. I know I look healthy and trim but comments like this upset me a bit to think that some think this size is fat or overweight. I can't imagine someone looking at me right now thinking I look overweight.

    Don't worry about it. Some people are very small framed with very slender and non-muscular arms and legs. and no boobs/butt.. so ANY weight they have is in the form of stomach fat.... so for THEM losing a bit more weight to be on the low end of healthy weight *might* make sense.. That's why "healthy weight" is a RANGE of weights and not just one magical number.
  • fit_abbey
    When seeing in a mirror that my elastic-waist pants had the same profile for my "front side" (aka stomach) as for my "back side" (aka butt), well I knew right then that wearing a baggy top was not going to do an adequate cover-up anymore. How can a stomach stick put as far as a behind?? If pregnant, that is OK. But otherwise, it is pathetic and time for a change!!