Embarrassing fat stories!



  • SherylShug

    I was part of a community project to fix up a building with about 40 others. At one point during the day some of us took photographs. There is a photo on Facebook now of people gathered together in front and people working in the back and there i am, with my hands above my head, t-shirt yanked up and big belly roll spilling over! Also my butt looks bus-sized, but at least it's covered. ;)
  • jessiruthica
    jessiruthica Posts: 412 Member
    To add to the thread:

    I went to New Zealand about 10 years ago and being a Tolkein fan I wanted to go on a horseback tour of some of the Lord of the Rings sites. Sadly I was above the weight limit for the horse to carry.

    I've always had big boobs that only increase with my weight. For a talent night, one of the guys wanted to dress as a woman. This guy was well over 6 feet tall and not huge but not thin either. He asked if he could borrow one of my bras because it would be big enough to fit him. Yeah... no.

    And a way-back one, from junior high. I fell while walking one weekend and got a big scrape on my arm that scabbed ever-so-attractively. When I got back to school, these two idiot d-bag boys called it a harpoon scratch as though I were a whale that had just missed being killed. So that was nice.
  • misswhitney1
    misswhitney1 Posts: 72 Member
    It's pretty disgusting the way doctors and nurses talk to/treat fat patients. It's one thing to say "you might want to think about losing weight," or to talk about specific measurements like blood pressure or heart rate, but doctors who shame and mock their patients should have their licenses revoked.

    Totally agree.

    I am still mildly phobic about doctors "thanks" to my childhood physician who would always talk to my mom, never me (even when I was 11 years old and very outgoing & smart for my age). He would tell my mom that I was obese and stuff like that. I was 5'6" and 130-140 lb which yeah, NOT normal size for a 10-11 yr old but really? Obese? That's pretty much perfectly weight/height proportional actually.

    The last time I had a regular (non-gyno) medical checkup I still weighed around 280 and my doctor was awesome, plainly and calmly saying I should aim to lose about 30 lb at minimum, to avoid becoming pre-diabetic and such, and all of my bloodwork looked good, etc. When I told him I'd been walking a lot and lost over 20 lb but wanted to continue that he acted like he was so happy to hear it, and like he believed me. I got the feeling he would have handled it tactfully even if I did have some serious weight-related health issues, too. More doctors need to be like that. I'm more motivated by that than shaming and negative comments, that is for sure!!

    Doctors are the worst ... I would ask questions, ask for suggestions, just asking for HELP! They all said diet and exercise. I would tell them I am doing that. They say no fast food, drink water, limit sweets, I would say I do all of that and then they just basically say I am on my own. No one really explained how to make it work! Now I get it but only through the help of MFP and friends.


    I've been reading through this thread, and my heart goes out to everyone here! You are all so strong fro embarking on this journey to better your health!

    I wanted to chime in to say that doctors get very, very little training in nutrition and fitness. (So backwards!) I've read somewhere that, in some cases, it may be as little as only one class of nutrition studies. If your doctor cannot answer your questions, ask for (or demand) a referral to someone who can. <3