Sixers Holiday Challenge Week 1



  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Domjar, considering a fellow Cannuck (me) is one of the long-time and long-winded posters, mais oui a Canadian can join :tongue: Kristin is originally from CAN too. Welcome!!

    Cass, YAY girl! You can do it :flowerforyou: So glad to see you back hun :heart:

    Kristin, thanks for getting it all started again!! I'm loving the shot glass dessert portion idea. Good call! Keeping that one. Cathy has had some great ideas. Where is she??

    DrTamm, welcome back! Good for you for making your goals in the last :smile:

    Allie, I love the C25K. I have really sensitive knees but I'm competitive so having a program that is so gradual is really helpful. I'm SO EXCITED you let me know about the podcasts - totally what I need when I'm running outside. I have my jogging stroller with two children in it, my dog, and I'm trying to watch my watch, do the math, remember the itinerary and not run us all into the ocean. GREAT TIP!

    Amy, you can totally do this girl!! Glad your motivation is BACK!! :drinker:

    AmyLou, keep up the good work!

    Hi to everyone who hasn't yet checked in... come join in!!!

    Well for me, starting weight for this challenge: 174.0 lbs. Goal weight 168.9 to 167.2 (15-20% or 5.1 to 6.8lb loss). I figure having the range is healthy.

    Height- 5'10"
    Upper arm- 12"
    Bust- 41"
    Waist- 38"
    Hips- 39.25"
    Thigh- 20.75"
    Total- 151.0"

    I need to keep portion control in mind over the holidays. Don't we all!!!

    Well, back to it! Must get breakfast going. Late start today... Ava & Leith slept in!! YEAH! :bigsmile:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Kristin ~ SW 159 GW 155
    Cathy ~ SW 210 GW 199
    Katy ~ SW 183.2 GW 174
    Deb ~ SW 201.4 GW 197
    AmyLou ~ SW 155.6 GW 150
    Amy SW ~ 194 GW 182.2
    Tammara ~ SW 224 GW 214
    Domjar ~ SW 197 GW 185 (I did 2 lbs/wk for 6 can change if you want)
    Robin ~ SW 194 GW 185
    Cass ~ SW 189.8 GW 179.8
    Allie ~ SW 178.4 GW 171
    Rhiannon ~ SW 174.0 GW 168.9
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365

    For those ladies working on the c25k -- I love it! Keep at it and you will be suprised at how amazing running is! One thing that helped me is if you have itunes, there are 2 podcasts that are free to download that are designed by week for the program. They even measure the BPM for your heart and the music matches! I am posting the link to my favorite one, a guy narrates this one to let you know when to change up your intervals and just when you think you can't make it one more step, He lets you know you can.
    Anyway - Good luck to everyone!

    Allie!! oh my gosh I just checked out the C25K podcast - how COOL!!!! I will definitely use that this week and as I continue. Thanks so much!!!!!

    Rhiannon- So good to see you!! Good luck on this new challenge!!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    I want to share another recipe. This one is FABULOUS! Made it this past weekend! SO good and filling!!! I only made half the recipe for 4 servings since I don't have room in my freezer to store, but it's seriously SO yummy and one of my comfort foods! Enjoy!!!

    Cream of Potato Soup

    5 Pounds Potatoes, peeled and cubed, large pieces
    5 (14.5 oz.) Cans Fat Free Chicken Broth
    1/4 Cup Fat Free Margarine Spread
    1/2 Cup Chopped Onion
    1/4 Cup Flour
    1/8 teaspoon Pepper
    2 Cups Skim Milk
    2 Cups Fat Free Shredded Cheddar Cheese

    Boil potatoes in broth. Do not drain. When the potatoes are tender, mash them with a potato masher. Melt the butter in a small pot. Add onions & sauté until a light caramel color. Mix flour & pepper. Add milk. Heat & stir until boils & thickens. Add to soup mix. Stir in the cheese and heat until the cheese is melted.

    Serves: 8 (2 Cups Each)
    Per Serving: 327 Calories; trace Fat (1.2% calories from fat); 21g Protein; 61g Carbohydrate; 5g Dietary Fiber; 4mg Cholesterol; 981mg Sodium. Exchanges: 3 1/2 Grain (Starch); 0 Vegetable; 0 Non-Fat Milk; 0 Fat. WWP: 6 (
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Okay...this is long but wanted to add it in as this is a Holiday Challenge and there are many obstacles we will face. you a little something to keep in mind! I found this online:

    Now we all know there are tons of tips out and about this time of year, designed to help us keep from putting on that extra pound or two during the holidays. Unfortunately what's usually not talked about is: The reality of day-to-day holiday stress and situations. Let's explore the tips... along with their reality checks... in depth:

    Weight Loss Tip 1: Stay active. The best thing you can do is try to stick to your normal schedule and routine.

    Holiday Reality Check: It's pretty hard to have any kind of decent routine in the busy months of November and December. Busy people tend to sacrifice yoga classes, long walks, and visits to the gym because they need time for extra things like decorating the house, cooking, cleaning up before the visitors get there, and of course: Shopping.

    The Good News: Walking around the shopping mall and stores is great exercise, and so is cleaning the house. In addition to those activities, decorating can be quite intensive too: You're climbing up and down to hang things; lifting, lugging, and dragging boxes out of storage; bending, twisting and turning to get it all looking just right. So don't beat yourself up about not making it to the gym... you're getting plenty of activity and every little bit helps!

    Weight Loss Tip 2: Don't let yourself get too hungry. If you go to a party and you're starving, everything will look even more scrumptious than normal. And of course, you'll eat much more because of it. Try starting each day with a good, solid breakfast - particularly something with protein. And when you're at the party, try munching on the veggies to help keep you feeling full. These two things will help your hunger stay under control, and will in turn help you refrain from "gorging" on anything you see just because you're famished.

    Holiday Reality Check: We're all very busy during the holidays, and it's not always possible to remember to eat - let alone eat well - particularly in the morning when we may have already overslept and are now running late for everything. And eating healthy at a party isn't always possible either: Not everyone in this country serves vegetable plates, salads, or fruit bowls. Sometimes the only things in site are junk: Chips, candy, and cookies.

    Here's a suggestion: Try taking your own veggie plate to a party where you know there won't be one available. A quick and easy way to do this is simply buy a bag or two of pre-cut veggies and some ranch salad dressing. Alternatively, eat a decent meal before you go to the party. Don't overdo things, but don't make it a light snack either. Eating first will help you to just "nibble" a bit on the worst of the holiday treats offered.

    Weight Loss Tip 3: Stay away from the food. Literally. Just don't go anywhere near the buffet table, appetizers, or treats... and you'll be fine.

    Holiday Reality Check: In most cases, the food is everywhere. And even if it's not right in front of your face, you sure can smell it! Trying to just "stay away from it" is pretty unrealistic - and it can feel like torture for some of us. And for most people: When you can't have something, you want it even more. So trying to stay away from the food will most likely just make you overindulge worse than you would have otherwise.

    Try this instead: Allow yourself whatever you'd like. But with a catch. First: Take only half the amount you normally would. And take just one food item. Eat that and enjoy it without guilt. Then, wait a full 20-30 minutes before you get something else. Then repeat the process: One item, half the portion size as you normally would, enjoy it without guilt, then wait before getting something else.

    Allowing yourself to eat gets rid of the mentality of "I can't have it (and thus I'm more determined to have it)" It lets you enjoy the good food and the holidays, without beating yourself up. This is healthy and can help tremendously with the way you view food and eating in general. Only taking half of it though, will help you not take in as much calories, fat, sugar or other bad stuff you usually avoid. And then waiting 20-30 minutes before you get something else will help your body realize when it's had enough... or too much. So you're much less likely to overdo things, and feel horrible physically later.

    Weight Loss Tip 4: Wear cloths that are slightly tight on you. This should help you feel full faster, and keep you from eating too much food.

    Holiday Reality Check: We want to wear looser cloths because we're looking forward to eating all that great food! Yes, wearing something tight might help us not go back for a second helping of potatoes... or it might ruin a favorite outfit.

    In the end, how you approach this tip is up to you, and you alone. Make your decision and be happy with it.

    Weight Loss Tip 5: Keep your portions small. Try to load up on salad and vegetables, and take just tiny amounts of anything else.

    Holiday Reality Check: Taking just a "bite sized" amount of anything is going to put you into the have-not mental state mentioned earlier. You'll feel as if you can't have something, and you'll want it all the more.

    Try the tip noted above instead: Take half the size you normally would. Trying to have just a little bite of pie will whet your appetite for more, but having a whole piece is going a bit overboard - particularly if there's 5 different pies for you to sample. So try actual sampling instead: Cut a piece half the normal size. This allows you to have a "whole slice", and more than several little bites. Then wait about 20 minutes before you go and try the next pie. Even if you end up eating a bit of all 5 pies, by having a half-sized slice of each, you've drastically cut the amount of calories, carbs and sugars compared to what you would have had with whole slices. And you'll still feel stuffed and satiated, instead of deprived and resentful.

    So there you have it: 5 different, common holiday weight loss and eating tips, followed by the reality check of each, and a suggested compromise that should help you enjoy the holidays to their fullest, without depriving yourself of the great food we all look forward to.

    Whatever you decide to do, remember to actually have Happy Holidays!
  • domjar
    domjar Posts: 19
    Hello ladies

    Just got back fromthe gym and burned 450 calories... yahooo now having a proetin shake for lunch...

    Bio for me
    I am living in Halifax Nova Scotia Canada I am sitting in my office overlooking a bank of snow and the ocean at the sametime!!!!! Oh to be living in Cananda... I have two children 16 and 6. and an husband. My motivation this time for losing the weight is for me this time. I have been carrying around the extra weight that I gained from the pregancies for too long!!! This time it is for me.... I am wanting to shed 50 pounds and have all ready lost 11 pounds in 6 weeks with the help of this site and I also joined a biggest looser at the gym that I go to. I have also joined a boot camp.... (boot camp for girls with boobies is always a good site but it keeps me going.)

    I am glad to see that you post the meals as I am finding that this is the hardest... to get my calories in...

    so far today I have had

    b weight mangament oatmeal and orange
    s banna
    L protein smoothie

    d baked chiken with salad and some rice 1/4 cup

    I know that this is not cutting the mustard with the calories!!! need to eat more... As they say in Newfoundland GET IT IN YA!!!!!!:

    p.s my name is Andrea
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    fabulous post Kristin :drinker:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thanks Rhiannon...I thought it was a good read. glad to have you join us! I put your name below and figured if you want to lose 2 pounds per week, that would put you down to 185 after this 6 week challenge. Sound good?

    Kristin ~ SW 159 GW 155
    Cathy ~ SW 210 GW 199
    Katy ~ SW 183.2 GW 174
    Deb ~ SW 201.4 GW 197
    AmyLou ~ SW 155.6 GW 150
    Amy SW ~ 194 GW 182.2
    Tammara ~ SW 224 GW 214
    Andrea ~ SW 197 GW 185 (I did 2 lbs/wk for 6 can change if you want)
    Robin ~ SW 194 GW 185
    Cass ~ SW 189.8 GW 179.8
    Allie ~ SW 178.4 GW 171
    Rhiannon ~ SW 174.0 GW 168.9
  • alliestar79
    alliestar79 Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome Andrea!:bigsmile:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Just double checked my calander and the final weigh in for this challenge will be January 6th! Then we can start a Sixers Valentines Day Challenge to take us through until February 17th (just passed V day!) Then a Sixers Fools Day Challenge to take us though until March 31st! (Day before April Fools Day!) I think these 6 week challenges are FABULOUS! Hope you all stay with me!!!
  • domjar
    domjar Posts: 19


    Question : I have heard alot about Apple Cider Vinegar... does this help. Willing to try anything once
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member


    We are SO happy to have you Andrea!!!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Alliestar, I think I wore that same dress in that same color in a wedding in July. 'Pool', right? And rouching with a rhinestone broach on the left side of the dress? :bigsmile:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Goal: 15% of 23= 3.45 pounds (so we will say 4 pounds or roughly 0.6 pounds per week).
    Goal weight in 6 weeks: 157 pounds (final weigh in January 6).
    Goal: 20% of 23= 4.6 pounds (so we will say 5 pounds or 0.8 pound per week).
    Goal weight in 6 weeks: 156 pounds (final weigh in January 6).

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Just updating! HI LAURYN!!!

    Kristin ~ SW 159 GW 155
    Cathy ~ SW 210 GW 199
    Katy ~ SW 183.2 GW 174
    Deb ~ SW 201.4 GW 197
    AmyLou ~ SW 155.6 GW 150
    Amy SW ~ 194 GW 182.2
    Tammara ~ SW 224 GW 214
    Andrea ~ SW 197 GW 185 (I did 2 lbs/wk for 6 can change if you want)
    Robin ~ SW 194 GW 185
    Cass ~ SW 189.8 GW 179.8
    Allie ~ SW 178.4 GW 171
    Rhiannon ~ SW 174.0 GW 168.9
    Lauryn ~ SW 161 GW 156-157
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Ok I didnt make my goal last challenge but as Pdxmomof2 said I will not give up on mine either. I have to go with 10% because I have so much to lose. I have 116 lbs left to lose to make it to my original goal of 150 lbs. So that is a little bit more than 11 lbs so I will say 11 lbs.

    SW 266
    Challenge GW 255
    MFP GW 150

    Height- 5'5
    Upper arm- 14.5
    Bust- 49
    Waist- 53.5
    Hips- 57
    Thigh- 28.5
    Total- 202.5
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    YAY! Hi Connie!!!

    Kristin ~ SW 159 GW 155
    Cathy ~ SW 210 GW 199
    Katy ~ SW 183.2 GW 174
    Deb ~ SW 201.4 GW 197
    AmyLou ~ SW 155.6 GW 150
    Amy SW ~ 194 GW 182.2
    Tammara ~ SW 224 GW 214
    Andrea ~ SW 197 GW 185 (I did 2 lbs/wk for 6 can change if you want)
    Robin ~ SW 194 GW 185
    Cass ~ SW 189.8 GW 179.8
    Allie ~ SW 178.4 GW 171
    Rhiannon ~ SW 174.0 GW 168.9
    Lauryn ~ SW 161 GW 156-157
    Connie ~ SW 266 GW 255
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    my gosh we are chatty today.....been having puter problems...real sloooowwww. wireless router went, fixed and up and running at speed again...
    DH is getting the brine ready for the turkey and let it sit. tomorrow i have to make pies and get the house ready for 8 people. finished my shopping today. now to start saving for next years thanksgiving:laugh:
    i was so excited at officially hitting my first goal. now to reach my second on this 6 week time around. don't know where shanell is. i will email her. i know she has been super busy at work and home.
    well time to get dinner ready. having chicken breast stuffed w/stuffing and some corn, salad.
    back later...
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Quick question ladies..

    Re-weighed myself this afternoon bc my weigh in didnt seem right..and it was 181.6 - on 3 separate times. ( I was at 182 something on Saturday) Do you ladies think I should redo my weigh in at this weight or keep this mornings that was 183.2 ??
  • cassangelidy
    Quick question ladies..

    Re-weighed myself this afternoon bc my weigh in didnt seem right..and it was 181.6 - on 3 separate times. ( I was at 182 something on Saturday) Do you ladies think I should redo my weigh in at this weight or keep this mornings that was 183.2 ??

    If it were me I'd keep it at 183.2...reason being...On Friday when you weigh in and you will have a bigger weight loss...but that is just me...its a mind game. If you would succeed better with 181.6...then you should choose that as your weight.