November Running Challenge



  • fabnine
    fabnine Posts: 379 Member
    edited November 2014
    Ran the EQT Pittsburgh 10 Miler today
    1:06:44/6:41min/mi (about a 3min PR, also unofficially PR'd my 5mi, 10K, and 15K)
    138th place out of 4,110

    61mi done/154mi/21d left
    That is F A S T!
    gabbo34 wrote: »
    All in are an inspiration to me as a new runner. And I especially appreciate the info you posted really helped me out. :)
    All in Fun! I'm glad you liked the article, it is full of gems & I had it bookmarked for easy referral. Keep running, you'll surpass my ability in no time!
    dharkan wrote: »
    Thanks! It was a bit scary at the time as I was alone in a remote, rocky trail. It's not too bad now after RICE (without the "I" as I hate doing it).
    I'm relieved to hear you're healing. The iceless RICE sounds something I would try, unless I were in a world of hurt. We use Arnica Montana rubs & Turmeric capsules for sprains & strains around here.

    26F for this mornings run. I'm shopping today for warmer gloves or mittens.
  • Dichotomy1976
    Dichotomy1976 Posts: 93 Member
    Wasn't feeling great at the beginning of the month so only just joining this months challenge today. I've ran a bit the last few days and will set myself a realistic target of 80 miles this month. So far I've ran:

    5/11 8.5 miles
    7/11 4.5 miles
    8/11 3.3 miles
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    11/1 - 6.2 first 10K completed!
    11/2 - rest day
    11/3 - 6.72 miles
    11/4 - 7.68 miles
    11/5 - 6.53 miles
    11/6 - rest day
    11/7 - 6.3 miles - okay I'm going to whine about the 25 mph wind out of the North. But will say it was cool to see the sun coming up in the East while the moon was going down in the West.
    11/8 - 9.53 miles
    11/9 - 4.42 miles
    11/10 - 8.13 miles

    Total: 55.51 miles out of 100


  • corinne0805
    corinne0805 Posts: 158 Member
    Forgot to update my running thread!

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for October

    11/1 14 miles - 14
    11/2 Much needed REST DAY
    11/3 6.2 miles - 20.2
    11/4 5 miles - 25.2
    11/5 6.2 miles - 31.4
    11/6 5 miles - 36.4
    11/7 TAPER DAY
    11/8 13.1 miles 49.5 <<< PR'ed The Huntsville Half (1:40:51)
    11/9 REST DAY
    11/10 10 miles - 59.5


  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    dharkan wrote: »
    Hope everyone is well and doing nicely.

    I've had a bad bout of flu this past week and could hardly get out of bed. Did not do much running at all and then tried getting back on my feet on Sunday for a long trail run but rolled my ankle not even halfway through! Heard an audible snap of the tendon and boy, did it hurt.

    Ouch! I hope you are not hurt too bad.

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Ran the EQT Pittsburgh 10 Miler today
    1:06:44/6:41min/mi (about a 3min PR, also unofficially PR'd my 5mi, 10K, and 15K)
    138th place out of 4,110

    61mi done/154mi/21d left

    Congratulations Doug!
  • Minnygirl1
    Minnygirl1 Posts: 83 Member

    Got in 4 miles today. Good old fashioned blizzard today so I hit the treadmill. I enjoyed every step!!! Have a great Monday everyone. :)
  • amyjoi16
    amyjoi16 Posts: 29 Member

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited November 2014
    Goal: 100 miles

    11/2: 8.48 miles
    11/4: 3.35 miles
    11/5: 4.11 miles
    11/9: 13.2 miles (Naperville Half Marathon)


    (Guess I just had to be patient with the ticker.)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Starting late - goal is 60 miles this month.

    11/5, 3.5 miles - in the dark with my head lamp (at 5pm!!) At least there's a full moon right now!

    I'm in for cold weather support group! ;) I'm in Maine and it snowed this weekend!

    Totally up for cold weather support group (I'm in Chicago). I don't find the cold down to about 20 bad once I get going (and once I remember how to dress), but it becomes more and more difficult to get myself to start on a run. I'm thinking of signing up for a couple of races in January (and perhaps a mid December 10K) as motivation, but I'm worried that we'll get the kind of crazy cold and snow that we did last year and I'll have to cancel.

    I'm much more of a baby with cold and biking--anything below 50 or in the 50s with a cold wind and I just don't.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    edited November 2014
    6.2 easy miles
    67.2mi done/147.8mi/20d left
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    I'm starting late, but I'd like to set my goal at 10 miles. I trained for a 5K earlier this year, but stopped running as soon as I completed the 5K (June 7th). So, I've got 20 days to do 10 miles.

    Thanks for posting this challenge!
  • jade_222
    jade_222 Posts: 147 Member
    Stopped running for a few month but looking to get back into it. Decided it won't hurt to start half way through. I'm going to aim for 10km a week. So 30km in total.

  • larrewl
    larrewl Posts: 122 Member
    Ran the EQT Pittsburgh 10 Miler today
    1:06:44/6:41min/mi (about a 3min PR, also unofficially PR'd my 5mi, 10K, and 15K)
    138th place out of 4,110

    61mi done/154mi/21d left

    Awesome! Don't you just love it when you're in the zone with perfect running conditions? :smiley:
  • 1.5 done today using C25K
    8.03 total ran for the month

    The ticker below shows my miles both walked and jogged!

  • Minnygirl1
    Minnygirl1 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm in for cold weather support!! (I'm a weather wimp but really should get out there at least a few times this winter)
  • maybyn
    maybyn Posts: 233 Member
    All of you folks running in such cold weather, wow. I'm cold if it's less than 10c (50F) and some of you are doing it below freezing point? Don't know how you do it!
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    dharkan wrote: »
    Hope everyone is well and doing nicely.

    I've had a bad bout of flu this past week and could hardly get out of bed. Did not do much running at all and then tried getting back on my feet on Sunday for a long trail run but rolled my ankle not even halfway through! Heard an audible snap of the tendon and boy, did it hurt.

    Ouch! I hope you are not hurt too bad.

    It's okay now. Still pretty swollen but can run on it. I'm reduced to the "CE" of rice now, lol.

    11/2 - 17.40 (10k race/slow run home after that)
    11/3 - 12.52
    11/7 - stair reps
    11/9 - 9.32 trail
    11/11 - 8.07

  • fabnine
    fabnine Posts: 379 Member
    Here we are 10 days into November. Some of you are half way to your goals already. The rest of us will keep running to get there. Right? We got this!
    Some are eagerly awaiting cooler temps. For some of us the cool temps & shorter days are here so we're learning to cope. OR facing a Blizzard already, so glad you have a treadmill. I for one am grateful to visit here and see that whatever my challenge or victory was today, I am not alone. Thanks ya'll!

    _Date___ Miles
    Nov 1 ____16.3
    Nov 2 ____7.1
    Nov 3 ____6.2am + 8.1pm
    Nov 4 ____1 streak
    Nov 5 ____6.2am + 7.2pm
    Nov 6 ____1 streak
    Nov 7 ____5.1 1,400miles in 2014
    Nov 8 ____10.5
    Nov 9 ____3.1
    Nov 10 ___7.6am + 6.2pm
    ____ Total ____ 85.6

  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member

    I'm going to make it damnit if it kills me.