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Juice Diet



  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member
    I have done a juice fast and also the Master Cleanse. The juice fast was ok. I did it for 3 days. It's messy and takes a lot of food to make a small amount of juice. The juice tastes ok.

    The Master Cleanse was amazing. I highly recommend it to anyone solely for the experience. You are allowed all the lemonade you want. The lemonade is made mixing fresh squeezed organic lemons, honey and cayenne (as much of each as you want/can tolerate for the cayenne) into water. You also take a colon cleanser... you poop a lot. The first day is easy. By the end of the second day I was crabby and got a headache. By the end of the third day the amazing experience kicked in. I could think more clearly than I ever have. My vision was better, I could hear better, my sense of smell was amazing. I think this would be the case with any fast, but this is the only one I've tried. By the 5th day I did need to eat. I wanted to last 7 days, but by the 5th day I was dizzy and weak. This is not something to try when you have obligations or need to maintain a physical lifestyle. I lost 10 pounds. Another benefit was that my stomach shrunk. I was full after less than half of what I normally would eat. This lasted for days.

    Good luck to you!

    This sounds awful :(
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Mudler wrote: »
    Seen all the videos, the claims and the hype.
    I'm a sceptical person and I do think, nah, this can't be true but at the same time, I'm intrigued.
    Not sure if I could do it or if I'd even want to but has anyone here tried it?

    Whats results did you get, how hard was it etc?
    I LOVE homemade juice, but there's no way I would use it as the basis for a diet.
    • I need fiber and I need to eat it 99% of the time.
    • Fruit is sugar and therefore my fruit diet would be sugar based. Sugar is beautiful and I love it, but having only juice/sugar is not good for me. I want all things in moderation.
    • My macros would be way off with this diet. I'd have loads of carbs but little fat and/or protein, which my body needs.
    • I would not have the energy to do what I need to do throughout my day if I only drank fruit juice.
    • I just wouldn't feel good.

    Juices are for in between meals, or to have with a meal. For me, anyway. :smile:
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Juicing was the ONLY thing that helped me lose weight (almost 20lbs and massive amount of inches loss and bodyfat decrease in 2.5-3 months--then the scale loss stalled). I juiced (predominately organically grown veggie juices and NEVER fruit juices--I would organic eat fruit instead) exclusively for two meals and had one nice sized "real" meal per day and two healthy snacks. I stopped eating out, with the exception of Thai Food, every other week or so. I stopped eating red meats and pork, stopped eating "processed foods" as much as earthly possible, stopped drinking coffee, only drank water (besides my juices), stopped eating dairy (I would use non-soy vegan sources for my dairy and meats/protein and I would also eat wild caught tuna and fish and an ocassionally. I'd eat organic local farm raised eggs. What happened to me during this 2.5-3 month period? I had energy like crazy, my blurry eye-sight got so much better, I stopped wearing my glasses, my hair, nails and skin were radiant, I slept so much better and even my shoe size when down a whole size, I dropped 4 pants sizes in this time too and started exercising like crazy and hurt my foot and then my knee. Since being injured I stopped exercising and began to eat like I used to (eating out more than cooking at home, eating junky foods, restarted drinking coffee with lots of cream, and basically went back to eating the way I was before I started "juicing" and within 6 months--I regained the weight I loss PLUS 10lbs and have been struggling ever since to lose this weight!

    Conclusion (this is from someone who has real experience with it), my juicing two meals per day and eating one meal and two healthy usually fruit, nuts and good really healthy snacks--eating exclusively organically grown stuff ). It works--but it was SUPER expensive and time consuming and messy and got to be chore like (mundane) and a hassle making and cleaning up the mess. It's not sustainable, which is way I haven't gone back to doing this...it became a dread for me. If you are willing to do this forever, it will work...if not, if you go back to your previous lifestyle of the S.A.D. (standard American Diet)...you'll regain all of your loss and a bit more.
  • Mudler
    Mudler Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks NewLIFE. Thats pretty well what I was thinking.
    VERY expensive, time consuming and not very easy in a practical way.
    It is a lot of food, expensive food that you have to buy daily.
    There is little doubt that it does work, primarily for health reasons but is only a short term solution and longer term you have to be able to eat better as well.
  • I haven't juiced, but I did a 10-day green smoothie cleanse to jump start healthy eating again after I fell off of the bandwagon. I did it precisely because, despite eating pretty well otherwise, I was snacking too much on chips, pretzels and candy. It sucks for a few days (detox isn't comfortable), but there was a noticeable difference in digestion, skin, and my ability to get up in the morning - within a week.

    From what I've read, juicing isn't great compared to doing smoothies because when you juice, you are stripping all of the fiber away, meaning that instead of digesting slowly, the juice (and sugar) is going to hit your bloodstream right away. Fiber also helps to keep you feeling fuller longer. Some people swear by it, but personally I feel like green smoothies get me through the day better than juice, which I really don't drink it at all anymore, anyway.
  • karenkasbi
    karenkasbi Posts: 216 Member
    I have a nutribullet which grinds the skin, seeds and everything else in the fruit or vegetable. For a month, I skipped dinner and had vegetable juice instead. Having juice all day is difficult so replacing one meal is easier. I used to mix kale, broccoli, apple, spinach, beetroot and celery with water. It made me full and I lost about 10 pounds that month with a 1200 calorie diet. I think you can add a juice to your diet for short term, you'd get to 'eat' more raw vegetables. I also made one with tomato, basil and garlic, that tasted really good.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    The biggest problem is that it's not something long term, and weight you do lose is likely to come back once you're eating properly (at a caloric deficit). I've spent the last 2.5 months mostly focusing on my food intake, weighing and measuring everything, and I've lost 20 pounds. I didn't need to "jump start" anything. I'm still eating things I like too. If I couldn't have chocolate, beer, or my homemade skyline chili I would hurt someone. I just don't gorge myself on any of it anymore.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    edited November 2014
    Mudler wrote: »
    Seen all the videos, the claims and the hype.
    I'm a sceptical person and I do think, nah, this can't be true but at the same time, I'm intrigued.
    Not sure if I could do it or if I'd even want to but has anyone here tried it?

    Whats results did you get, how hard was it etc?

    Not sceptical enough, apparently.

  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I am definitely not an advocate of juicing cleanses. They "work" for some people. Though I have yet to find someone who got results from juicing that couldn't be obtained by not juicing. I believe in eating a healthy balanced diet over a long period of time to lose weight and feel healthy. Your body will get rid of toxins on its own, you don't need to shock it by depriving it of nutrients. I feel whatever "diet" you are doing you should be able to continue doing for the rest of your healthy/happy life. But those are my own personal opinions.

    **I have nothing against juicing itself if it is incorporated into a healthy balanced diet. I don't agree with using juicing as a cleanse, etc.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    I see the old adage holds true that when someone starts out "I'm a skeptic", they usually aren't very skeptical and have already made up their minds and are looking for confirmation of their (poor) decision.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Mudler wrote: »
    Thanks NewLIFE. Thats pretty well what I was thinking.
    VERY expensive, time consuming and not very easy in a practical way.
    It is a lot of food, expensive food that you have to buy daily.
    There is little doubt that it does work, primarily for health reasons but is only a short long term solution and longer term you have to be able to eat better as well.


    A I'm so glad that you realize that it's a LOT of food...because it is a lot of food daily, I mean A LOT! The veggies I'd juice (a bunch of collards, a bunch of spinach, a beet, 4 or so stalks of celery, a sweet potato, a bunch of rainbow chard, carrots, a bunch dandelion greens, parsnips, a bunch of parsley, lemons, cilantro, green apples, ginger, tummeric, all kinds of stuff I used to juice, these are just a few of the items that I remember that I'd juice in combo to make-up my daily two juice meals--would take up TONS of space in the fridge, and thus YES...i'd have to shop daily--which was a chore too). That's NOT including my one "real" organic meal--which was very expensive too. There is NO WAY I could sit down and consume all of the veggies I'd be drinking in my juice--no way!

    Also, I wasn't juicing to "detox" or cleanse anything...I was doing it for the vitamins, minerals and nutrients and because I didn't eat a lot of veggies....I actually thought I hated vegetables and juicing also to help me to kick the S.A.D. (Standard American Diet) I was addicted to--which it did also. Juicing helped me to not only over my carb addiction, but my sugar-sweets/junk food addiction, my coffee addiction, my pork and processed meats addiction and it also helped me overcome my hatred for exercising too....temporarily. Once I hurt myself, overdoing it in the exercising dept. (juicing gave me an excessive amount of energy, akin to super caffeine or something, it's hard to describe). Once I injured myself--that was the beginning of the end. Like I said before, once I stopped exercising and juicing two meals per day and started eating like I did before (restarted the S.A.D. diet) I didn't regain all the weight immediately back, it took about 6 months or so to regain the blasted weight PLUS more :o

  • Did it for 3 days, lost a little over 3 pounds that have NOT come back. I just did it to reboot. I felt good, went running for the 3 days too. It's something I'd like to do a few times a year to reboot from bad eating habits. When I got back to food, I wasn't naturally as hungry so I did like the results.
  • JLCrunch
    JLCrunch Posts: 46 Member
    Juicing was the ONLY thing that helped me lose weight (almost 20lbs and massive amount of inches loss and bodyfat decrease in 2.5-3 months--then the scale loss stalled). I juiced (predominately organically grown veggie juices and NEVER fruit juices--I would organic eat fruit instead) exclusively for two meals and had one nice sized "real" meal per day and two healthy snacks. I stopped eating out, with the exception of Thai Food, every other week or so. I stopped eating red meats and pork, stopped eating "processed foods" as much as earthly possible, stopped drinking coffee, only drank water (besides my juices), stopped eating dairy (I would use non-soy vegan sources for my dairy and meats/protein and I would also eat wild caught tuna and fish and an ocassionally. I'd eat organic local farm raised eggs. What happened to me during this 2.5-3 month period? I had energy like crazy, my blurry eye-sight got so much better, I stopped wearing my glasses, my hair, nails and skin were radiant, I slept so much better and even my shoe size when down a whole size, I dropped 4 pants sizes in this time too and started exercising like crazy and hurt my foot and then my knee. Since being injured I stopped exercising and began to eat like I used to (eating out more than cooking at home, eating junky foods, restarted drinking coffee with lots of cream, and basically went back to eating the way I was before I started "juicing" and within 6 months--I regained the weight I loss PLUS 10lbs and have been struggling ever since to lose this weight!

    Conclusion (this is from someone who has real experience with it), my juicing two meals per day and eating one meal and two healthy usually fruit, nuts and good really healthy snacks--eating exclusively organically grown stuff ). It works--but it was SUPER expensive and time consuming and messy and got to be chore like (mundane) and a hassle making and cleaning up the mess. It's not sustainable, which is way I haven't gone back to doing this...it became a dread for me. If you are willing to do this forever, it will work...if not, if you go back to your previous lifestyle of the S.A.D. (standard American Diet)...you'll regain all of your loss and a bit more.

    This is what happens with most non-sustainable crash diets. As soon as you return to eating solids, whether they're healthy or not, you will regain the weight and then some. I agree with the others. Begin eating at a calorie deficit, move more and be conscious of what you're putting into your body. Overtime you'll see the change little by little without putting your body into shock,
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    I honestly feel that juicing is great for good health. Not necessary for weight loss at all. Not as a diet and not as a lifestyle change. I have a vitamix and love to mix all kinds of vegetables that I normally would not eat with tons of fruit for a great juice/smoothie. It helps me to reach my micronutrient goals. I love salads and such, but I rather blend all my salad ingredients sometimes and just drink it. I don't know why, but that is me. Not every one wants to eat all the fruits and veggies off a plate.

    I have heard from many many people the amount of energy they get from incorporating juicing into their daily lifestyle. They speak about better skin and digestive health.

    Would never do it as a diet, but would incorporate a good juice into my normal daily routine.
  • ithrowconfetti
    ithrowconfetti Posts: 451 Member
    Juicing was the ONLY thing that helped me lose weight (almost 20lbs and massive amount of inches loss and bodyfat decrease in 2.5-3 months--then the scale loss stalled). I juiced (predominately organically grown veggie juices and NEVER fruit juices--I would organic eat fruit instead) exclusively for two meals and had one nice sized "real" meal per day and two healthy snacks. I stopped eating out, with the exception of Thai Food, every other week or so. I stopped eating red meats and pork, stopped eating "processed foods" as much as earthly possible, stopped drinking coffee, only drank water (besides my juices), stopped eating dairy (I would use non-soy vegan sources for my dairy and meats/protein and I would also eat wild caught tuna and fish and an ocassionally. I'd eat organic local farm raised eggs. What happened to me during this 2.5-3 month period? I had energy like crazy, my blurry eye-sight got so much better, I stopped wearing my glasses, my hair, nails and skin were radiant, I slept so much better and even my shoe size when down a whole size, I dropped 4 pants sizes in this time too and started exercising like crazy and hurt my foot and then my knee. Since being injured I stopped exercising and began to eat like I used to (eating out more than cooking at home, eating junky foods, restarted drinking coffee with lots of cream, and basically went back to eating the way I was before I started "juicing" and within 6 months--I regained the weight I loss PLUS 10lbs and have been struggling ever since to lose this weight!

    Conclusion (this is from someone who has real experience with it), my juicing two meals per day and eating one meal and two healthy usually fruit, nuts and good really healthy snacks--eating exclusively organically grown stuff ). It works--but it was SUPER expensive and time consuming and messy and got to be chore like (mundane) and a hassle making and cleaning up the mess. It's not sustainable, which is way I haven't gone back to doing this...it became a dread for me. If you are willing to do this forever, it will work...if not, if you go back to your previous lifestyle of the S.A.D. (standard American Diet)...you'll regain all of your loss and a bit more.

    Could I just ask what let you to conclude that juicing was the ultimate and ONLY reason you lost weight, when you also made other changes like not eating processed food, stopped eating out, and incorporated one "real" meal? I mean, you didn't just incorporate juicing while keeping all factors constant. You made many changes. Would you not consider that by doing all these, the simple reason of actually creating a calorie deficit was the reason you lost weight? Just something to think about.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Juicing was the ONLY thing that helped me lose weight (almost 20lbs and massive amount of inches loss and bodyfat decrease in 2.5-3 months--then the scale loss stalled). I juiced (predominately organically grown veggie juices and NEVER fruit juices--I would organic eat fruit instead) exclusively for two meals and had one nice sized "real" meal per day and two healthy snacks. I stopped eating out, with the exception of Thai Food, every other week or so. I stopped eating red meats and pork, stopped eating "processed foods" as much as earthly possible, stopped drinking coffee, only drank water (besides my juices), stopped eating dairy (I would use non-soy vegan sources for my dairy and meats/protein and I would also eat wild caught tuna and fish and an ocassionally. I'd eat organic local farm raised eggs. What happened to me during this 2.5-3 month period? I had energy like crazy, my blurry eye-sight got so much better, I stopped wearing my glasses, my hair, nails and skin were radiant, I slept so much better and even my shoe size when down a whole size, I dropped 4 pants sizes in this time too and started exercising like crazy and hurt my foot and then my knee. Since being injured I stopped exercising and began to eat like I used to (eating out more than cooking at home, eating junky foods, restarted drinking coffee with lots of cream, and basically went back to eating the way I was before I started "juicing" and within 6 months--I regained the weight I loss PLUS 10lbs and have been struggling ever since to lose this weight!

    Conclusion (this is from someone who has real experience with it), my juicing two meals per day and eating one meal and two healthy usually fruit, nuts and good really healthy snacks--eating exclusively organically grown stuff ). It works--but it was SUPER expensive and time consuming and messy and got to be chore like (mundane) and a hassle making and cleaning up the mess. It's not sustainable, which is way I haven't gone back to doing this...it became a dread for me. If you are willing to do this forever, it will work...if not, if you go back to your previous lifestyle of the S.A.D. (standard American Diet)...you'll regain all of your loss and a bit more.

    Could I just ask what let you to conclude that juicing was the ultimate and ONLY reason you lost weight, when you also made other changes like not eating processed food, stopped eating out, and incorporated one "real" meal? I mean, you didn't just incorporate juicing while keeping all factors constant. You made many changes. Would you not consider that by doing all these, the simple reason of actually creating a calorie deficit was the reason you lost weight? Just something to think about.

    Well, I come to that conclusion because I've tried soooooooo many other things since then. I've tried these things for the past 2.5 years, for at least 3 months at a time with no success...I've been gaining and losing the same blasted 5-10lbs for the past 2+ years with no success. I've tried:

    1.) eating 1200 cals

    2.) Eat more to weigh less

    3.) eating back my exercise cals and not eating back my exercise cals

    4.) hiring a personal trainer and lifting heavy--easy on cardio

    5.) doing lots of cardio & lifting heavy

    6.) lots of other things too...

    I've tried just about EVERYTHING...except for weighing my food. I KNOW so many people who have been successful with weighing their food, but I just don't want to. Weighing food to me is a lot like juicing--it seems burdensome and excessive to me.

    I say that juicing is the only thing, because juicing is what "psychologically" helped me to make the many other changes I made when I was successful in losing weight. So, technically you're right--it wasn't just the juicing, but for me...it was. I've just got to buckle down and humble myself and start weighing my foods, I reckon. I'll open my diary (temporarily) so you can see what/how I've been eating too--I eat VERY well and exercise my tail off too...just in case anyone is curious.

  • Mudler
    Mudler Posts: 45 Member
    Fred, the (poor) decision is your opinion. However right or wrong it is. If you read again my original post you will read and possibly understand that I was asking what people think of it. if they've tried it etc.

    Lets say for a moment that it is a good thing, then yes, who wouldn't be sceptical but if a person just said no, for no reason other than what they think, not based on any evidence, then they are very closed minded.
    Their loss

    I was merely asking peoples opinions and not making any decision to do or try this myself. I am open minded and want to know and learn.

    I am willing to accept though it may work or may not. Again, open minded.
  • ithrowconfetti
    ithrowconfetti Posts: 451 Member
    Thanks for the clarification, NewLIFE. My only gripe was that your initial post made it seem like juicing was the ultimate end-all to all diet solutions, but I do appreciate your response. I'm glad you got something to work for you. We all have our own ways of reaching our targets, and I hope whatever you do is sustainable for you.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    The fiber juicing eliminates is at least as important as the nutrients it leaves in.

    Fiber regulates a steady glycemic response to natural sugars in fruits (preventing insulin spikes from juice alone), feeds the essential bacteria that promote nutrient absorption, keeps the gut healthy, and keeps you full. Why would anyone want to eliminate that?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I have done a juice fast and also the Master Cleanse. The juice fast was ok. I did it for 3 days. It's messy and takes a lot of food to make a small amount of juice. The juice tastes ok.

    The Master Cleanse was amazing. I highly recommend it to anyone solely for the experience. You are allowed all the lemonade you want. The lemonade is made mixing fresh squeezed organic lemons, honey and cayenne (as much of each as you want/can tolerate for the cayenne) into water. You also take a colon cleanser... you poop a lot. The first day is easy. By the end of the second day I was crabby and got a headache. By the end of the third day the amazing experience kicked in. I could think more clearly than I ever have. My vision was better, I could hear better, my sense of smell was amazing. I think this would be the case with any fast, but this is the only one I've tried. By the 5th day I did need to eat. I wanted to last 7 days, but by the 5th day I was dizzy and weak. This is not something to try when you have obligations or need to maintain a physical lifestyle. I lost 10 pounds. Another benefit was that my stomach shrunk. I was full after less than half of what I normally would eat. This lasted for days.

    Good luck to you!


    curious - what toxins did the "master cleanse" remove that your body does not naturally cleanse itself of?

    unless of course your kidneys stopped working and that was why you needed a "master cleanse"....