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Juice Diet



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Mudler wrote: »
    I'm 52, I love crisps (potato chips) I love Coke, i love crappy fast food. I've been poisoning myself with all this rubbish for decades. The results of which brought me to MFP in the first place and I'm willing to bet a lot of other people as well.

    So, my body is full of salt, sugar and probably far more poisons than i know of. So, a diet, any diet that re balances surely would be a good thing?

    Longer term, a balanced eating diet without all that other stuff would be desired but for short term to re balance surely it wouldn't be a bad thing?

    the problem is not the foods you are eating, but your attitude towards them. There is no "bad" or "good" food; there is just food that your body utilizes for energy.

    If your body is full of poisons how are you still alive?

    You do realize that your body breaks down sugar and uses it for energy? If you are in a energy deficit you maintain, if you are in an energy surplus you gain ...sugar does not just sit around in your body building up to a critical mass point...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Juicing was the ONLY thing that helped me lose weight (almost 20lbs and massive amount of inches loss and bodyfat decrease in 2.5-3 months--then the scale loss stalled). I juiced (predominately organically grown veggie juices and NEVER fruit juices--I would organic eat fruit instead) exclusively for two meals and had one nice sized "real" meal per day and two healthy snacks. I stopped eating out, with the exception of Thai Food, every other week or so. I stopped eating red meats and pork, stopped eating "processed foods" as much as earthly possible, stopped drinking coffee, only drank water (besides my juices), stopped eating dairy (I would use non-soy vegan sources for my dairy and meats/protein and I would also eat wild caught tuna and fish and an ocassionally. I'd eat organic local farm raised eggs. What happened to me during this 2.5-3 month period? I had energy like crazy, my blurry eye-sight got so much better, I stopped wearing my glasses, my hair, nails and skin were radiant, I slept so much better and even my shoe size when down a whole size, I dropped 4 pants sizes in this time too and started exercising like crazy and hurt my foot and then my knee. Since being injured I stopped exercising and began to eat like I used to (eating out more than cooking at home, eating junky foods, restarted drinking coffee with lots of cream, and basically went back to eating the way I was before I started "juicing" and within 6 months--I regained the weight I loss PLUS 10lbs and have been struggling ever since to lose this weight!

    Conclusion (this is from someone who has real experience with it), my juicing two meals per day and eating one meal and two healthy usually fruit, nuts and good really healthy snacks--eating exclusively organically grown stuff ). It works--but it was SUPER expensive and time consuming and messy and got to be chore like (mundane) and a hassle making and cleaning up the mess. It's not sustainable, which is way I haven't gone back to doing this...it became a dread for me. If you are willing to do this forever, it will work...if not, if you go back to your previous lifestyle of the S.A.D. (standard American Diet)...you'll regain all of your loss and a bit more.

    Could I just ask what let you to conclude that juicing was the ultimate and ONLY reason you lost weight, when you also made other changes like not eating processed food, stopped eating out, and incorporated one "real" meal? I mean, you didn't just incorporate juicing while keeping all factors constant. You made many changes. Would you not consider that by doing all these, the simple reason of actually creating a calorie deficit was the reason you lost weight? Just something to think about.

    Well, I come to that conclusion because I've tried soooooooo many other things since then. I've tried these things for the past 2.5 years, for at least 3 months at a time with no success...I've been gaining and losing the same blasted 5-10lbs for the past 2+ years with no success. I've tried:

    1.) eating 1200 cals

    2.) Eat more to weigh less

    3.) eating back my exercise cals and not eating back my exercise cals

    4.) hiring a personal trainer and lifting heavy--easy on cardio

    5.) doing lots of cardio & lifting heavy

    6.) lots of other things too...

    I've tried just about EVERYTHING...except for weighing my food. I KNOW so many people who have been successful with weighing their food, but I just don't want to. Weighing food to me is a lot like juicing--it seems burdensome and excessive to me.

    I say that juicing is the only thing, because juicing is what "psychologically" helped me to make the many other changes I made when I was successful in losing weight. So, technically you're right--it wasn't just the juicing, but for me...it was. I've just got to buckle down and humble myself and start weighing my foods, I reckon. I'll open my diary (temporarily) so you can see what/how I've been eating too--I eat VERY well and exercise my tail off too...just in case anyone is curious.

    you used juicing to create a calorie deficit that, for some reason, you could not create while eating real foods...that is all.

  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    I did a detox cleanse with Lysol disinfectant. It was ok, but the stuff tasted awful.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    What is it about running fruits and veggies through a machine that makes people think it imbues the juice with healing cleansing powers? Does chewing the veggies with your teeth not work?

    What are these toxins and health benefits specifically? Can you actually name them?

    If you dont get enough veggies with your diet then putting them in a drink form that masks the flavor or allows you to drink it fast is about the only advantage I see to juicing. This comes at the cost of losing a lot of the nutrients and fiber in the pulp. I have never seen any evidence that getting mega dose of veggies will do anything other than make your pee smell strong.

    Dont be so open minded your brain falls out. :D
  • LauraDubbleya
    LauraDubbleya Posts: 79 Member
    I'm currently doing a smoothie version of dieting. I've done it for a week now and I've lost 5 lbs. when I check my MFP macronutrient profile, I find that I'm bang on for my protein/fat/carb percentages. I make sure to eat a healthy dinner. I stay within my 1200-1300 calorie range.
    Here's the bottom line for me. It's more convenient right now to drink a smoothie at lunch than to find ways to stuff veggies and fruit into me. It's not a long term strategy and I know how to maintain my weight because, quite frankly, I've been doing that for the past 2 years!!!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    What is it about running fruits and veggies through a machine that makes people think it imbues the juice with healing cleansing powers? Does chewing the veggies with your teeth not work?

    What are these toxins and health benefits specifically? Can you actually name them?

    If you dont get enough veggies with your diet then putting them in a drink form that masks the flavor or allows you to drink it fast is about the only advantage I see to juicing. This comes at the cost of losing a lot of the nutrients and fiber in the pulp. I have never seen any evidence that getting mega dose of veggies will do anything other than make your pee smell strong.

    Dont be so open minded your brain falls out. :D

    because juicing = magic .....
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    What is it about running fruits and veggies through a machine that makes people think it imbues the juice with healing cleansing powers?

    What are these toxins and health benefits specifically? Can you actually name them?

    Dont be so open minded your brain falls out. :D
    Good questions, lol.

    I try to keep an open mind. I respect other people's right to their own choices, even if I think they're silly or know they're unhealthy. The world would be a boring place if everyone was the same.

    But those are very good questions, especially the first one. :)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I would rather eat the food than drink it.
  • Mudler
    Mudler Posts: 45 Member
    There are no benefits to juicing as far as I can tell other than it makes the vegetables easier to consume.
    If you take a plateful of vegetables, which I think we'd all agree are healthy and good for us but in my case at least, totally unpalatable (dunno if I spelt that right) and stick them in a juicer, turn them into a glassful of juice, I could probably just about to manage that. So, I've consumed a whole plateful of vegetables or fruit, or both. Now do that 3 times in a day. It has to be healthy. No way I could do that if it was that amount of food on plates.

    And please don't misunderstand me. I was only asking what people think of it.
    I'm not saying I'm going to do it.
    Even the example I used here I used 'me' as the person but it could be anyone.
    I am just curious as to what people think of it.

    LOL, if i do it, i won't tell anyone though, in case I incur too many peoples wrath :)
  • DiabolicalColossus
    DiabolicalColossus Posts: 219 Member
    So juicing is akin to weighing food, which you find "burdensome and excessive"...

    But you recommend juicing because it helped you lose weight.

    If both are "burdensome and excessive", why not actually try weighing your food and see if it works instead of just proclaiming that juicing is the way?

    Or is that not a fun way to one up friends and acquaintances with the social currency that is competitive dieting?

    There's a disconnect here.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Mudler wrote: »
    There are no benefits to juicing as far as I can tell other than it makes the vegetables easier to consume.
    If you take a plateful of vegetables, which I think we'd all agree are healthy and good for us but in my case at least, totally unpalatable (dunno if I spelt that right) and stick them in a juicer, turn them into a glassful of juice, I could probably just about to manage that. So, I've consumed a whole plateful of vegetables or fruit, or both. Now do that 3 times in a day. It has to be healthy. No way I could do that if it was that amount of food on plates.

    And please don't misunderstand me. I was only asking what people think of it.
    I'm not saying I'm going to do it.
    Even the example I used here I used 'me' as the person but it could be anyone.
    I am just curious as to what people think of it.

    LOL, if i do it, i won't tell anyone though, in case I incur too many peoples wrath :)

    I think a juicer to get in your servings of veggies is a legitimate use. I have troubles getting in mine and I only like a few types that I end up eating all the time.

    It sounds like a lot of work to me so I would probably do better buying the juice.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Mudler wrote: »
    I'm 52, I love crisps (potato chips) I love Coke, i love crappy fast food. I've been poisoning myself with all this rubbish for decades. The results of which brought me to MFP in the first place and I'm willing to bet a lot of other people as well.

    So, my body is full of salt, sugar and probably far more poisons than i know of. So, a diet, any diet that re balances surely would be a good thing?

    Longer term, a balanced eating diet without all that other stuff would be desired but for short term to re balance surely it wouldn't be a bad thing?

    No, no and no? Your body gets rid of those things for you. Unless you don't have a liver and kidneys, in which case you have bigger problems than finding a juice fast.

    You don't need to 'rebalance' your diet, what a load of crap (literally)

    Just eat better, your body will thank you :)

  • I would not suggest doing any fad diet. I am 41 and had tried every single one of them THEY DONT WORK! They will not help you get healthy. if your looking to drop fast weight I suggest a HEALTHY detox then a balanced diet ( lifestyle change) of clean foods and exercise If your interested in what has worked for me and my family and friends message me. I have lost 44 pounds have tons of energy and feel amazing!!
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Mudler wrote: »
    Intersting, lots of replies, mostly against it. I'm not saying I'll try it and certainly not as a way to lose weight. I'm doing fine with this MFP thing so far and love MFP.
    It's the possible health benefits that may come from a short juicing period that I find interesting.

    Do you have any science that covers the health benefits? I don't think there are any since juicing doesn't actually provide any health benefits.
  • Kellyfitness128
    Kellyfitness128 Posts: 194 Member
    You'll probably put all the weight back on once you discontinue with the juice diet. It's just a temporary weight loss strategy... I don't recommend it.
  • curlygirlknits
    curlygirlknits Posts: 3 Member
    Mudler, you asked for the opinions of those who had experience with juicing. I make juice, but consume it as part of an overall healthy diet. I'm more likely to make smoothies, though, so I get the whole fruit or vegetable. My husband did a 60-day juice fast. He lost 30 lbs. The weight-loss was nice, but the surprising thing that happened was that his ankle, which had been swollen for years (even during previous times of weight-loss through other methods) recovered and was no longer swollen. The down sides of juicing are that it limits one's ability to eat socially, and he also noticed that he needed to bundle up a little more. He felt cold more easily. Juicing might be a nutrient-rich part of an overall diet, but as the only food consumed it would be difficult to maintain, I believe. Good luck to you!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Mudler wrote: »
    Not permanently I should add, but short term, to balance your diet again

    Yes, because of all of the protein and healthy fats contained in fructose.
  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    andreannab wrote: »
    I would not suggest doing any fad diet. I am 41 and had tried every single one of them THEY DONT WORK! They will not help you get healthy. if your looking to drop fast weight I suggest a HEALTHY detox then a balanced diet ( lifestyle change) of clean foods and exercise If your interested in what has worked for me and my family and friends message me. I have lost 44 pounds have tons of energy and feel amazing!!


    Non GMO, organic, free of carbs and sugars...
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    andreannab wrote: »
    I would not suggest doing any fad diet. I am 41 and had tried every single one of them THEY DONT WORK! They will not help you get healthy. if your looking to drop fast weight I suggest a HEALTHY detox then a balanced diet ( lifestyle change) of clean foods and exercise If your interested in what has worked for me and my family and friends message me. I have lost 44 pounds have tons of energy and feel amazing!!

    There is no such thing as a healthy detox because detoxes are never needed. Your body does that all by itself.

    Congratulations on your weight loss, I've lost 44 pounds as well. I eat everything under the sun except that which I'm sensitive to or don't like.

    Clean eating has nothing to do with weight loss. Neither does exercise, but it is definitely an added plus. :smile:

    A lifestyle change can be accomplished in many ways.

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Mudler wrote: »
    Yeah but they (not necessarily me) would argue that science tells us that eating the correct nutrients will replace the so called 'food' you buy in the supermarket

    Where do you get the foods you juice? Presumably the same place you get the fruits and veggies you eat now, which for many or most people is, well, the supermarket, yes?

    So why is supermarket food magically transformed if you juice it?

    I never understand why people would want to juice fruits and veggies vs. just eating them and getting the fiber (plus the benefits of eating and tastiness of cooking) and also eating other good things with them like protein and, yes, fat.