


  • Tea_Mistress
    Tea_Mistress Posts: 105 Member
    Well I don't exactly get any anymore cause i'm single, but I lost most of my weight when I had a boyfriend, and I went from pretty much hiding in the darkness to wanting to get on top ;)
  • pinkiezoom
    pinkiezoom Posts: 409 Member
    my arm doesn't get as tired as before...
    my arm doesn't get as tired as before...
    my arm doesn't get as tired as before...

    Just choked on my brew lmao :)
  • pinkiezoom
    pinkiezoom Posts: 409 Member
    BV1980 wrote: »
    I am 34 years old and have been fat my whole life. I have been 400+ lbs (452 lbs being the highest) for quite a while now. So, I have never been able to be successful with getting a girlfriend or having a sex life. My body is ruined because my flaw in my life has been overeating. Even if I lose the weight, I will be a mess of skin and not what girls want, so I doubt losing weight will improve, or I should say create, a sex life for me. Since it is something I want very badly, I may have to live with this unfulfilled desire, pay for it (which wouldn't be what I want and I would still be unfulfilled), or distract myself constantly with work or hobbies or whatever. I don't think distraction would work though since sex is everywhere and you cannot escape it. It is a constant reminder of my desire and what I cannot experience. So I think I may have to just cope with the lack of it or eventually just not exist anymore so it isn't an issue.

    I think you are wrong, i wouldnt be put of by a mans size, or face, now if he is an Ahole, cheater, liar or woman beater... those are the things i would not be interested in.
  • NotShena
    NotShena Posts: 172 Member
    I got laid more often before I lost weight.
  • GalaxyBird
    GalaxyBird Posts: 24 Member
    Oxmarqt wrote: »
    Let me know if want any photo or video evidence.

    haha nice
  • fat2fit4good
    pinkiezoom wrote: »
    my arm doesn't get as tired as before...
    my arm doesn't get as tired as before...
    my arm doesn't get as tired as before...

    Just choked on my brew lmao :)

    Is "choke" really a good choice of words here??? come on... dunt rub it in!

  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    A lot has changed. Now women reject me because my face is ugly and not because I'm fat. Progress indeed.

    You know what I like? A guy with confidence and a good personality. There is a pretty good chance you are being rejected for completely internal reasons.

  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    My stamina and strength have increased. Unfortunately I never get to put them to use for sex, lol.
  • Tiamo719
    Tiamo719 Posts: 256 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    GalaxyBird wrote: »
    For those of you who have lost significant amounts of weight, I am wondering how it has affected your sex life, especially the act of having sex. I am just curious to see what has gotten better, worse, or changed.

    Seriously now, the OP's post was flagged 3 times for abuse. Why? What is this site now 90 year old women or 10 year old kids? We aren't allowed to discuss sex in a non crude manner. People need to stop being so damn offended by everyone. It's the internet. If topics like this are going to bother you then go lock yourself in a closet. People need to stop being such sad souls.

    OP, yes it did get better in our situation. Maybe those people who flagged your post because no one loves them enough to share that with them.

    So the flag means that someone is saying that her post is abusive?
  • pinkiezoom
    pinkiezoom Posts: 409 Member

    my arm doesn't get as tired as before...

    Just choked on my brew lmao :)

    Is "choke" really a good choice of words here??? come on... dunt rub it in!


    Ooops sorry ;)
  • GalaxyBird
    GalaxyBird Posts: 24 Member
    Really? An overweight girl can still go out? Can still get laid? Whatever! Where the hell are these guys who think big is beautiful? Because I sure haven't met them. I've heard all that stuff, but never seen it in action. The guys want the thin pretty girls. Especially when you're young.The only curves they seem to want are the ones that come with big breasts.

    No, sorry. An overweight female has it just as hard as an overweight male… if not worse. It's more socially acceptable for men to be overweight than it is for a woman.
    BFDeal wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    try being a 21 year old fat guy at a bar trying to pick up girls with your slim friends. Not happening.

    There are probably as many women out there saying exactly the same thing in reverse.
    Maybe so. I think is a overweight female you can still have a more normal life though. You can still go out. Still get laid. Still gain life experience the same ways other people do. As a chubby girl you're not even going to get the same advice a guy would get. "Just wait on that special guy to notice you one day," said no one ever. It's all "Big is beautiful! Show of those curves! Etc." Why? Because big girls know they can still get men. Chances are most big girls don't even want a big guy.

    This. This. This. This.

    This is so true. I was thin until I got to college and developed PCOS, being the chubby girl with all skinny, athletic friends SUCKED. Even if I did get attention from guys, I still felt ashamed of myself. I felt shy and embarrassed being with those girls, and then they drive you nuts trying to pull you out on the dance floor of a bar/club when all you want to do is sit in the shadows so no one sees how fat you are. Being fat sucks, no matter what gender you are. Once I got out of college and moved away and was lonely, I started coming around to the fact that if I don't put myself out there, I'm not going to get anyone anyway, so what's the harm? Several years later, I have been told that I am the best sex SEVERAL people have had (and I really don't say that to be lewd, gross, or slutty). I have a boyfriend now who is thin and tall, and the sex is amazing. And he makes me feel amazing, even though I don;'t feel amazing about myself.

    But seriously, would I have had a chance with guys and gotten my current boyfriend if I didn't at least try? You can't sit around and just hope someone swoops in and saves you.

    And as for bigger dudes, some of THE coolest, most funny, awesome dudes I know are big guys. And if I weren't with my current bf, I'd pursue them. Honest.
  • moya_bleh
    moya_bleh Posts: 1,375 Member
    None since 2012 so it hasn't affected mine in the slightest!!!!!
  • blktngldhrt
    blktngldhrt Posts: 1,053 Member
    Basilin wrote: »
    dbmata wrote: »
    I log it as prancercise.

    This should help.

    Sorry I asked, by the way. :astonished:

    Love the calculator!!

    My drive has always been high. However, the more comfortable I am with my body..the more I enjoy sex. My boyfriend seems to have an increased attraction to me when I'm more fit, as well.
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    Yes please.

    wait. what was the question?
  • roanokejoe49
    roanokejoe49 Posts: 820 Member
    sydneydeb wrote: »
    What is this "sex" you speak of? ;)


    It's been so long I don't even remember what sex is :(

    How YOU doin?
  • therocpile
    therocpile Posts: 54 Member
    Getting laid on the regular now.. And it's great, endurance & sex drive through the roof. Leave em shaking in the sheets... :)
  • Jennypins
    Jennypins Posts: 90 Member
    jasonmh630 wrote: »
    KylaDenay wrote: »
    sydneydeb wrote: »
    What is this "sex" you speak of? ;)


    It's been so long I don't even remember what sex is :(
    +2 smh

    +3 :/

    +4. So long. So freaking long.
  • blktngldhrt
    blktngldhrt Posts: 1,053 Member
    edited November 2014
    BFDeal wrote: »
    wilsoncl6 wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    try being a 21 year old fat guy at a bar trying to pick up girls with your slim friends. Not happening.

    There are probably as many women out there saying exactly the same thing in reverse.
    Maybe so. I think is a overweight female you can still have a more normal life though. You can still go out. Still get laid. Still gain life experience the same ways other people do. As a chubby girl you're not even going to get the same advice a guy would get. "Just wait on that special guy to notice you one day," said no one ever. It's all "Big is beautiful! Show of those curves! Etc." Why? Because big girls know they can still get men. Chances are most big girls don't even want a big guy.

    Not necessarily true, it all depends on your personality and how you approach life. I've seen some big guys (not muscular but fat) get some serious play from some hot women all because of their personalities. It is no wonder you haven't had much luck with women if you're personality is as much a downer as your advice. Women pick up on that and no woman wants to be around a guy steeped in depression, guilt and self-loathing. You got to learn to love yourself first before someone else can join in.
    Yeahhhh ok. Go survey college age girls. Do they want a guy with a 6 pack, or at least a flat stomach, or a guy that weighs 300lbs. Ladies? Want to chime in on this one?

    I'm assuming your attitude towards women is what's preventing you from getting dates and not your physique.

    Some people are shallow some are not. You can't lump everyone together.

    I dated a 285 lb man for 4.5 years. I was between 112 & 125 lbs at the time. We broke up because he was an emotionally abusive jerk towards the end of the relationship, not because he was overweight.

    I, personally, want a man who has intellect, a sense of humor, some shared interests, and is able to mesh well with my personality. I don't care if you look like Adam Levine or Peter Griffin..
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    It has always been good, but now it's even better because I have more confidence. :)
  • fitfabforties
    fitfabforties Posts: 370 Member
    sex drive has increased significantly.....every day at least twice if I could...:)