Addiction to sugar



  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Addiction to sugar or more likely in denial about wanting to use their willpower. We all have it. Some of us just cant be bothered to use it.
  • IrishHarpy1
    IrishHarpy1 Posts: 399 Member
    eldamiano wrote: »
    Addiction to sugar or more likely in denial about wanting to use their willpower. We all have it. Some of us just cant be bothered to use it.

    And we have a winner! /endthread

  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    edited November 2014
    I am sorry, I really hate it when people spread bro science and talk about stuff they know nothing about at all. Sugar addiction is real and does exist and most probably has a genetic cause. Not everyone has the genetics which cause a problem but just because they don't experience an addictive response it seems that most people assume that others are exactly the same as themselves and put it down to stupid things like will power. If you are worried about sugar addiction IM me and we can talk about it. Also have a look at radiant recovery on line as well. The site will try and sell you stuff which you don't need but it also gives a lot of scientific literature describing the addictive process and gives a process of getting off the stuff. At the end of the day the way thought is total abstinence :-)
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    davert123 wrote: »
    I am sorry, I really hate it when people spread bro science and talk about stuff they know nothing about at all. Sugar addiction is real and does exist and most probably has a genetic cause. Not everyone has the genetics which cause a problem but just because they don't experience an addictive response it seems that most people assume that others are exactly the same as themselves and put it down to stupid things like will power. If you are worried about sugar addiction IM me and we can talk about it. Also have a look at radiant recovery on line as well. The site will try and sell you stuff which you don't need but it also gives a lot of scientific literature describing the addictive process and gives a process of getting off the stuff. At the end of the day the way thought is total abstinence :-)

    Sugar is not addictive. It easily tempts most of us but it is not addictive. If it were, then we would be all piling tons of plain sugar down us given how accessible it is. The flavours given off by sugary products are tempting, not addictive. We have willpower that can stop us if we want to use it. The problem is that people spend too much time getting down about them or more cynically, use the term 'addiction' to cosy behind in order to use their willpower.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    pgilly81 wrote: »
    I agree with Stephanie. While some (most) don't consider sugar to be addictive, for me sugar and take out food is like a drug. Once I start eating it, there is no off switch until I've made myself sick. Its shocking how much I could eat in one sitting sometimes.

    Because of this as of November 1st I gave it all up. Cold turkey. Not gonna lit the first few days were awful. I was cranky and had terrible mood swings but the longer I go without it the better I feel.

    12 days in, i'm down 5 pounds and I feel great. I sleep better and i don't have an upset stomach all the time. You can do this, and you can add me as a friend for support if you like. Its tough and a lot of people won't understand that you can't have "just a little taste".
    That's fantastic, good for you! Great job with sticking to it, it's never easy getting started but the benefits you reap are amazing!! :)

    Seems to be the same with me, fast food and simple carbs.. ugh.. It's the drop in blood sugar and then needing a fix for that...

    So no fruit for you? Since those are simple carbs as well?
    " MFP blog 11/14/14
    "3. Certain carbohydrates, like sweets, sodas, white rice and white pasta, are digested and absorbed faster than complex carbohydrates that contain fiber. "

    Fruit contains fiber ,,, our body reacts differently to fruit because of that, it all breaks down but it's not processed the same.

    So yes please, fruit for me! :)

  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    davert123 wrote: »
    I am sorry, I really hate it when people spread bro science and talk about stuff they know nothing about at all. Sugar addiction is real and does exist and most probably has a genetic cause. Not everyone has the genetics which cause a problem but just because they don't experience an addictive response it seems that most people assume that others are exactly the same as themselves and put it down to stupid things like will power. If you are worried about sugar addiction IM me and we can talk about it. Also have a look at radiant recovery on line as well. The site will try and sell you stuff which you don't need but it also gives a lot of scientific literature describing the addictive process and gives a process of getting off the stuff. At the end of the day the way thought is total abstinence :-)

    Broscience? I'm assuming that means you have genetic studies to back up what you just said, right?
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    davert123 wrote: »
    I am sorry, I really hate it when people spread bro science and talk about stuff they know nothing about at all. Sugar addiction is real and does exist and most probably has a genetic cause. Not everyone has the genetics which cause a problem but just because they don't experience an addictive response it seems that most people assume that others are exactly the same as themselves and put it down to stupid things like will power. If you are worried about sugar addiction IM me and we can talk about it. Also have a look at radiant recovery on line as well. The site will try and sell you stuff which you don't need but it also gives a lot of scientific literature describing the addictive process and gives a process of getting off the stuff. At the end of the day the way thought is total abstinence :-)
    I like this post! I appreciate you taking time to post it. :)