If eating trash makes us sick, why do we keep eating it?



  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    gothchiq wrote: »
    It is literally addictive. The substances in the junk give you a dopamine rush. To stop this, quit buying the junk and find delicious things that are good for you. I make frozen fruit "ice cream" which is frozen bananas and frozen strawberries, with a little milk and vanilla added, processed to the consistency of soft serve in the food processor. 2 whole cups has only 230 calories.

    Last week I roasted some butternut squash to make soup, and ended up eating a *kitten* ton of the squash by itself because it was so damn tasty. No seasoning, oil, just squash. Is butternut squash addictive, too? Because I really didn't want to stop eating it.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    No one may seem to care now and think I'm stupid but because our bodies are resilient when we're young, the damages go highly unnoticed for years, yet still remains.

    Frankly, we don't want to admit that junk food is bad for us because it makes us feel good, we have so many family traditions around comfort foods and it's just so easy and convenient.

    After the years go by though, the body starts breaking down because we've "used up all of our years" eating junk food and not getting the nutrition we needed to fight off and heal the damage it caused. We are left with a health care system focused on CARE instead of prevention because in prevention, there is no profit..

    Gassing up our cars with jet fuel will blow the motor in an instant, but a car lacks in self healing abilities. Our bodies don't just "blow up" like a car would with jet fuel when we eat junk because we can heal from the inside out but overtime, without enough "good", the bad will overcome and that's when diseases set in.


    You do realize that we get nutrients every day. You do not 'use them up' over the years.

    Also...read your last sentence...kind of contrary to most of your other post(s). No one is suggesting that getting nutrients is not important.

    Mental health is also important btw.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    gothchiq wrote: »
    It is literally addictive. The substances in the junk give you a dopamine rush. To stop this, quit buying the junk and find delicious things that are good for you. I make frozen fruit "ice cream" which is frozen bananas and frozen strawberries, with a little milk and vanilla added, processed to the consistency of soft serve in the food processor. 2 whole cups has only 230 calories.

    Sushi gives me a dopamine rush. Sweet potatoes give me a dopamine rush. A nice juicy steak gives me a dopamine rush. Because I love these foods and they are tasty and eating makes me happy.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    adowe wrote: »
    No one may seem to care now and think I'm stupid but because our bodies are resilient when we're young, the damages go highly unnoticed for years, yet still remains.

    Frankly, we don't want to admit that junk food is bad for us because it makes us feel good, we have so many family traditions around comfort foods and it's just so easy and convenient.

    After the years go by though, the body starts breaking down because we've "used up all of our years" eating junk food and not getting the nutrition we needed to fight off and heal the damage it caused. We are left with a health care system focused on CARE instead of prevention because in prevention, there is no profit..

    Gassing up our cars with jet fuel will blow the motor in an instant, but a car lacks in self healing abilities. Our bodies don't just "blow up" like a car would with jet fuel when we eat junk because we can heal from the inside out but overtime, without enough "good", the bad will overcome and that's when diseases set in.

    Seems that moderation doesn't compute with you.

    ^^I'm starting to get that feeling too.
  • ryanwood935
    ryanwood935 Posts: 245 Member
    dp1228 wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Mudler wrote: »
    Moderation is the big word to stick to but there is science to it as well
    Food companies are selling us drugs, sugar and salt.
    They know that they can sell more and more.
    The whole world is getting fat and ill as a result.
    We crave them and we crave foods that contain them

    I'm the worst, i love those foods and give me them all the time. I'm trying desperately to break the cycle but struggling and do give in to it occasionally.

    No. People get fat and ill because they don't pay attention to what they're eating, are largely ignorant of their calorie limits and nutritional needs, and lack the personal accountability to ensure they don't go massively overboard.

    Until people stop blaming external factors and accept that it's their own problem then things will not change.

    Exactly this. Obesity is on the rise because people eat too much and move too little, and at the end of the day the decision to do that is made by you. It's very easy to make a villain out of the convenience food providers and producers, but at the end of the day you are the one making yourself fat. Not them.

    I'm sorry but I call BS. You cannot fit obesity into a neat small little box. Sorry to break it to some of you guys, but for MANY people external factors ARE to blame. Individual responsibility is a part of it, but you are naïve if you think external factors don't play a major part. Every heard of food deserts? Places where access to nutritionally rich food is limited or nonexistent? Ever think about areas where there ARE no places for people to get out and "move" because it's too dangerous? They can't afford a fancy gym membership either. Ever think about people who are NOT educated and do not know any better about how to really eat properly? Ever think about sway that cultural values have over many people that lead them to truly believe that bigger is better and healthy?

    The problem I have with MFP is that a lot of us have the luxury to take charge of our health and yes, in those cases we should know better and do better (even though I have to point out that we ALL know that junk food has an addictive quality to it and triggers our dopamine reward system). But, the world is a big place. Saying obesity is on the rise because people eat too much and move too little does NOT apply to everyone.

    Sure, external factors can affect weight gain. It still falls on the individual's actions, though.

    *Food deserts - You can live on canned (insert food here) and stay at a healthy weight. Blood pressure and other medical conditions may arise, but it is not a reasonable excuse for obesity.

    *Can't move about outside - There's an entire section of the fitness industry dedicated to workout out at home without anything but the body.

    *Can't afford gym membership- See above. Also, maintaining healthy body weight is all about eating a reasonable amount of calories. Exercise is completely unnecessary for weight loss.

    *Not educated- We live in the age of information. Lacking education can't be an excuse when information is just a step away.

    Dozens of reasons factor into the rise of obesity, but at the end of the day it comes down to willpower. No one is making me eat a double quarter pounder w/ large fries and a soda. I'm not being forced to sit in my recliner and be out of shape. Life choices causes obesity.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Also you can toast a piece of whole wheat bread and coat it with raw organic honey and cinnamon. It doesn't take that many calories of honey to spread on a piece of toast. Try new things. Dried peas coated in wasabi are an awesome snack when you want savory stuff. It's just a matter of locating the non junk things that are delicious and turning your back on the crap. Soon you'll see that the non junk treats are better tasting and more satisfying!
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
    dp1228 wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Mudler wrote: »
    Moderation is the big word to stick to but there is science to it as well
    Food companies are selling us drugs, sugar and salt.
    They know that they can sell more and more.
    The whole world is getting fat and ill as a result.
    We crave them and we crave foods that contain them

    I'm the worst, i love those foods and give me them all the time. I'm trying desperately to break the cycle but struggling and do give in to it occasionally.

    No. People get fat and ill because they don't pay attention to what they're eating, are largely ignorant of their calorie limits and nutritional needs, and lack the personal accountability to ensure they don't go massively overboard.

    Until people stop blaming external factors and accept that it's their own problem then things will not change.

    Exactly this. Obesity is on the rise because people eat too much and move too little, and at the end of the day the decision to do that is made by you. It's very easy to make a villain out of the convenience food providers and producers, but at the end of the day you are the one making yourself fat. Not them.

    I'm sorry but I call BS. You cannot fit obesity into a neat small little box. Sorry to break it to some of you guys, but for MANY people external factors ARE to blame. Individual responsibility is a part of it, but you are naïve if you think external factors don't play a major part. Every heard of food deserts? Places where access to nutritionally rich food is limited or nonexistent? Ever think about areas where there ARE no places for people to get out and "move" because it's too dangerous? They can't afford a fancy gym membership either. Ever think about people who are NOT educated and do not know any better about how to really eat properly? Ever think about sway that cultural values have over many people that lead them to truly believe that bigger is better and healthy?

    The problem I have with MFP is that a lot of us have the luxury to take charge of our health and yes, in those cases we should know better and do better (even though I have to point out that we ALL know that junk food has an addictive quality to it and triggers our dopamine reward system). But, the world is a big place. Saying obesity is on the rise because people eat too much and move too little does NOT apply to everyone.

    All adults have the choice not to eat too much.

    That is very true. But, what if you are not aware of the amount of calories you are consuming in a day? What if what you mostly have access to is junk food and fast food? You might think that your not eating much, but there are choices on many of these fast food menus that are close to 1000 calories for one meal. Those calories can and will add up if you don't have many choices or you are not aware.
  • GenesiaElizabeth
    GenesiaElizabeth Posts: 227 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Mudler wrote: »
    i LOVE KFC... MMMMM greasy chickeny goodness!!!!

    I love it as well but the coating is probably one of the worst things you can eat and the Chicken isn't chicken.
    It's an approximation of what we used to think was chicken.
    Certainly bares no resemblance to those feather coved birds that run around laying eggs all the time.

    Hence the reason for it not being called Kentucky Fried Chicken anymore

    If it's not chicken, what is it then?

    They just don't get it, lol...

    Get what?

    ^^^Can we get an answer to this?

    Get the fact that it is no longer real chicken (like the real one clucking, laying eggs..) because it has been processed, filled with preservatives and addictive chemicals to the point that it tastes different (better). It's more common and convenient now to eat KFC than it is to go out and "get the chicken ready for dinner!".

    I don't think it tastes better than the chicken I roast in my oven. I'm also perfectly capable of having a piece of KFC and leaving it at just one piece. And I still like my chicken better. So, addictive chemicals? Not buying it.

    ETA: I think the "addictive" part is the convenience. People are addicted to their own laziness.

    When I was eating it all the time, it tasted better than home made chicken. When I finally starved out the junk, I adapted to the healthy version of chicken, which I absolutely prefer now. I would probably spit out KFC if I tried it these days, although if I did in fact have to down it, I could certainly just stick to that one piece as well. IF I continued to eat it though, I would become accustomed to it and start craving it.

    It is a toxic hunger with a never ending cycle. Consumption but no ultimately satisfaction because there are no nutrients there to satiate you which leads to overconsumption too often in the day. The high fat content and chemicals is what tricks your body into thinking you're full but it's just for a short time, maybe a few hours then you need more to sustain you.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    edited November 2014
    Catsheep wrote: »
    So I have been having this thought quite frequently lately. I eat a bunch of junk (ie. fast food, candy, sweets, fried foods, etc.) and I feel really crappy afterwards. I feel sick to my stomach and lethargic and I swear that I will make sure that I don't feel this way ever again because it is so horrid. But then comes the next day and it's back to the desire of having all the junk again despite the knowledge of what the result will entail. So how does one break this cycle? I truly have a desire to live a healthy and active lifestyle but I feel like I am self sabotaging and trying to fulfill my subconscious self prophecy that I will fail. What are y'alls thoughts on this subject? If you have had any experiences dealing with this issue I'd love to hear about it.

    There is ONE answer.

    This "junk food", from either fast food or grocery stores, is ENGINEERED to ADDICT us. They alter the genetic make up of the food by adding chemicals to it, that have been tested and proven in labs to be ADDICTIVE. They make it to have a long shelf life by adding more chemicals so they don't lose profit there, also.

    We need rehab from this, like any other drug. When natural sugars get extracted and become such a highly concentrated substance (with the added chemicals) and added to our food, it then begins to share the same destructive and addictive qualities as cocaine...

    Cocaine is a highly concentrated and EXTRACTED (by man) form of coca which comes from the coca PLANT, which is addictive and destructive. In it's NATURAL FORM however, it is safe and used for a healthy, medicinal tea. Sugar is much the same. It is safe in it's NATURAL form; fruits, carbs from veggies, etc. When man gets in the way of our food, for purposes of the almighty dollar, then all we can do is stay away because it very quickly destroys us. It costs more money, make us feel worse, we get fat, look terrible PLUS we are passing our unhealthy habits on to the next generation. What about moderation? I don't know. Could you do cocaine in moderation? :neutral_face:

    We are dying MUCH TOO EARLY from all of the degenerative diseases that are caused by the BLATENT lack of nutrition (we can read the labels) and the chemically riddled "food", with the constant bombardment of it EVERYWHERE we go. They even market to our kids, which is an outrage!

    Just stay away from it. Wean yourself off. Find healthy, natural alternatives. What you feed, grows and what you starves, dies.

    Hope this makes sense and helps some people!!! Hubby has type 2 diabetes and we've done tons of research on how to reverse it, which is what we are doing now. I've also lost almost 70lbs in under a year. I love nutrition and have learned so much valuable information! I really feel like we need more of it in our lives, to be able to live better lives. :)

    If this is sarcasm, this wins the forum. If it's serious....then I'm just shaking my head.

    ETA: Realize now that it's definitely NOT sarcasm. Back to giggling in my corner now!
  • Oscarinmiami
    Oscarinmiami Posts: 326 Member
    it is a struggle, you have to be strong and fight the urges...Give yourself a cheat day, I use Friday as my cheat day, I go and eat Chinese food and drink a Coca-Cola...I used to drink 10 cokes a day and now I drink one a week. It is hard but you have to be strong! You can do it!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Mudler wrote: »
    i LOVE KFC... MMMMM greasy chickeny goodness!!!!

    I love it as well but the coating is probably one of the worst things you can eat and the Chicken isn't chicken.
    It's an approximation of what we used to think was chicken.
    Certainly bares no resemblance to those feather coved birds that run around laying eggs all the time.

    Hence the reason for it not being called Kentucky Fried Chicken anymore

    If it's not chicken, what is it then?

    They just don't get it, lol...

    Get what?

    ^^^Can we get an answer to this?

    Get the fact that it is no longer real chicken (like the real one clucking, laying eggs..) because it has been processed, filled with preservatives and addictive chemicals to the point that it tastes different (better). It's more common and convenient now to eat KFC than it is to go out and "get the chicken ready for dinner!".

    I don't think it tastes better than the chicken I roast in my oven. I'm also perfectly capable of having a piece of KFC and leaving it at just one piece. And I still like my chicken better. So, addictive chemicals? Not buying it.

    ETA: I think the "addictive" part is the convenience. People are addicted to their own laziness.

    When I was eating it all the time, it tasted better than home made chicken. When I finally starved out the junk, I adapted to the healthy version of chicken, which I absolutely prefer now. I would probably spit out KFC if I tried it these days, although if I did in fact have to down it, I could certainly just stick to that one piece as well. IF I continued to eat it though, I would become accustomed to it and start craving it.

    It is a toxic hunger with a never ending cycle. Consumption but no ultimately satisfaction because there are no nutrients there to satiate you which leads to overconsumption too often in the day. The high fat content and chemicals is what tricks your body into thinking you're full but it's just for a short time, maybe a few hours then you need more to sustain you.

    No nutrients? Really?

    Also...Toxic hunger? That's a new one!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Mudler wrote: »
    i LOVE KFC... MMMMM greasy chickeny goodness!!!!

    I love it as well but the coating is probably one of the worst things you can eat and the Chicken isn't chicken.
    It's an approximation of what we used to think was chicken.
    Certainly bares no resemblance to those feather coved birds that run around laying eggs all the time.

    Hence the reason for it not being called Kentucky Fried Chicken anymore

    If it's not chicken, what is it then?

    They just don't get it, lol...

    Get what?

    ^^^Can we get an answer to this?

    Get the fact that it is no longer real chicken (like the real one clucking, laying eggs..) because it has been processed, filled with preservatives and addictive chemicals to the point that it tastes different (better). It's more common and convenient now to eat KFC than it is to go out and "get the chicken ready for dinner!".

    I don't think it tastes better than the chicken I roast in my oven. I'm also perfectly capable of having a piece of KFC and leaving it at just one piece. And I still like my chicken better. So, addictive chemicals? Not buying it.

    ETA: I think the "addictive" part is the convenience. People are addicted to their own laziness.

    When I was eating it all the time, it tasted better than home made chicken. When I finally starved out the junk, I adapted to the healthy version of chicken, which I absolutely prefer now. I would probably spit out KFC if I tried it these days, although if I did in fact have to down it, I could certainly just stick to that one piece as well. IF I continued to eat it though, I would become accustomed to it and start craving it.

    It is a toxic hunger with a never ending cycle. Consumption but no ultimately satisfaction because there are no nutrients there to satiate you which leads to overconsumption too often in the day. The high fat content and chemicals is what tricks your body into thinking you're full but it's just for a short time, maybe a few hours then you need more to sustain you.

    Riiiiiight... or maybe you just struggle with moderation?
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    dp1228 wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Mudler wrote: »
    Moderation is the big word to stick to but there is science to it as well
    Food companies are selling us drugs, sugar and salt.
    They know that they can sell more and more.
    The whole world is getting fat and ill as a result.
    We crave them and we crave foods that contain them

    I'm the worst, i love those foods and give me them all the time. I'm trying desperately to break the cycle but struggling and do give in to it occasionally.

    No. People get fat and ill because they don't pay attention to what they're eating, are largely ignorant of their calorie limits and nutritional needs, and lack the personal accountability to ensure they don't go massively overboard.

    Until people stop blaming external factors and accept that it's their own problem then things will not change.

    Exactly this. Obesity is on the rise because people eat too much and move too little, and at the end of the day the decision to do that is made by you. It's very easy to make a villain out of the convenience food providers and producers, but at the end of the day you are the one making yourself fat. Not them.

    I'm sorry but I call BS. You cannot fit obesity into a neat small little box. Sorry to break it to some of you guys, but for MANY people external factors ARE to blame. Individual responsibility is a part of it, but you are naïve if you think external factors don't play a major part. Every heard of food deserts? Places where access to nutritionally rich food is limited or nonexistent? Ever think about areas where there ARE no places for people to get out and "move" because it's too dangerous? They can't afford a fancy gym membership either. Ever think about people who are NOT educated and do not know any better about how to really eat properly? Ever think about sway that cultural values have over many people that lead them to truly believe that bigger is better and healthy?

    The problem I have with MFP is that a lot of us have the luxury to take charge of our health and yes, in those cases we should know better and do better (even though I have to point out that we ALL know that junk food has an addictive quality to it and triggers our dopamine reward system). But, the world is a big place. Saying obesity is on the rise because people eat too much and move too little does NOT apply to everyone.

    "You guys"?"Your Problem with MFP"? Get over yourself. I don't know who "all" you are talking to, but if you have a problem here, maybe it's time to move on and fix the food desert. make that your life mission, or something.

    I do actually. That's my field. You act as though I was talking directly to you lol. If it's not what you believe then that's awesome. But, many people make sweeping generalizations about how to fix obesity and those are the people that I am talking to. And, those people make up a very large part of MFP. Sorry if you don't appreciate my opinion, but it's my opinion nonetheless.
  • _errata_
    _errata_ Posts: 1,653 Member
    gothchiq wrote: »
    It is literally addictive. The substances in the junk give you a dopamine rush. To stop this, quit buying the junk and find delicious things that are good for you. I make frozen fruit "ice cream" which is frozen bananas and frozen strawberries, with a little milk and vanilla added, processed to the consistency of soft serve in the food processor. 2 whole cups has only 230 calories.

    What are these substances you speak of? Can I sell them on the streets to make people high?
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    edited November 2014
    Lately I have been "addictive" to sweet potatoes, that's all I think about. Matter of fact i am have some tonight for dinner.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    dp1228 wrote: »
    I'm speaking to the fact that people are saying external factors are not to blame at all. It seems quite silly to me.

    External factors may come into play, but IMO, they are not to blame.

  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Mudler wrote: »
    i LOVE KFC... MMMMM greasy chickeny goodness!!!!

    I love it as well but the coating is probably one of the worst things you can eat and the Chicken isn't chicken.
    It's an approximation of what we used to think was chicken.
    Certainly bares no resemblance to those feather coved birds that run around laying eggs all the time.

    Hence the reason for it not being called Kentucky Fried Chicken anymore

    If it's not chicken, what is it then?

    They just don't get it, lol...

    Get what?

    ^^^Can we get an answer to this?

    Get the fact that it is no longer real chicken (like the real one clucking, laying eggs..) because it has been processed, filled with preservatives and addictive chemicals to the point that it tastes different (better). It's more common and convenient now to eat KFC than it is to go out and "get the chicken ready for dinner!".

    I don't think it tastes better than the chicken I roast in my oven. I'm also perfectly capable of having a piece of KFC and leaving it at just one piece. And I still like my chicken better. So, addictive chemicals? Not buying it.

    ETA: I think the "addictive" part is the convenience. People are addicted to their own laziness.

    When I was eating it all the time, it tasted better than home made chicken. When I finally starved out the junk, I adapted to the healthy version of chicken, which I absolutely prefer now. I would probably spit out KFC if I tried it these days, although if I did in fact have to down it, I could certainly just stick to that one piece as well. IF I continued to eat it though, I would become accustomed to it and start craving it.

    It is a toxic hunger with a never ending cycle. Consumption but no ultimately satisfaction because there are no nutrients there to satiate you which leads to overconsumption too often in the day. The high fat content and chemicals is what tricks your body into thinking you're full but it's just for a short time, maybe a few hours then you need more to sustain you.

    Sorry, this just isn't the way that it works. It may be the way that it works for you, personally, because moderation is a problem.

    1. You "adapted" to the healthier chicken because you probably learned how to cook it.

    2. The second bolded part is really just a cop out. You are essentially giving yourself an excuse to binge, should the time come.

  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Mudler wrote: »
    i LOVE KFC... MMMMM greasy chickeny goodness!!!!

    I love it as well but the coating is probably one of the worst things you can eat and the Chicken isn't chicken.
    It's an approximation of what we used to think was chicken.
    Certainly bares no resemblance to those feather coved birds that run around laying eggs all the time.

    Hence the reason for it not being called Kentucky Fried Chicken anymore

    If it's not chicken, what is it then?

    They just don't get it, lol...

    Get what?

    ^^^Can we get an answer to this?

    Get the fact that it is no longer real chicken (like the real one clucking, laying eggs..) because it has been processed, filled with preservatives and addictive chemicals to the point that it tastes different (better). It's more common and convenient now to eat KFC than it is to go out and "get the chicken ready for dinner!".

    I don't think it tastes better than the chicken I roast in my oven. I'm also perfectly capable of having a piece of KFC and leaving it at just one piece. And I still like my chicken better. So, addictive chemicals? Not buying it.

    ETA: I think the "addictive" part is the convenience. People are addicted to their own laziness.

    When I was eating it all the time, it tasted better than home made chicken. When I finally starved out the junk, I adapted to the healthy version of chicken, which I absolutely prefer now. I would probably spit out KFC if I tried it these days, although if I did in fact have to down it, I could certainly just stick to that one piece as well. IF I continued to eat it though, I would become accustomed to it and start craving it.

    It is a toxic hunger with a never ending cycle. Consumption but no ultimately satisfaction because there are no nutrients there to satiate you which leads to overconsumption too often in the day. The high fat content and chemicals is what tricks your body into thinking you're full but it's just for a short time, maybe a few hours then you need more to sustain you.

    Really no nutrients??

    Now I'm slightly curious cause as per the norm, when people preach this extreme they don't have open diaries, will you open yours so I can see this non toxic perfection.....
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Mudler wrote: »
    i LOVE KFC... MMMMM greasy chickeny goodness!!!!

    I love it as well but the coating is probably one of the worst things you can eat and the Chicken isn't chicken.
    It's an approximation of what we used to think was chicken.
    Certainly bares no resemblance to those feather coved birds that run around laying eggs all the time.

    Hence the reason for it not being called Kentucky Fried Chicken anymore

    If it's not chicken, what is it then?

    They just don't get it, lol...

    Get what?

    ^^^Can we get an answer to this?

    Get the fact that it is no longer real chicken (like the real one clucking, laying eggs..) because it has been processed, filled with preservatives and addictive chemicals to the point that it tastes different (better). It's more common and convenient now to eat KFC than it is to go out and "get the chicken ready for dinner!".

    I don't think it tastes better than the chicken I roast in my oven. I'm also perfectly capable of having a piece of KFC and leaving it at just one piece. And I still like my chicken better. So, addictive chemicals? Not buying it.

    ETA: I think the "addictive" part is the convenience. People are addicted to their own laziness.

    When I was eating it all the time, it tasted better than home made chicken. When I finally starved out the junk, I adapted to the healthy version of chicken, which I absolutely prefer now. I would probably spit out KFC if I tried it these days, although if I did in fact have to down it, I could certainly just stick to that one piece as well. IF I continued to eat it though, I would become accustomed to it and start craving it.

    It is a toxic hunger with a never ending cycle. Consumption but no ultimately satisfaction because there are no nutrients there to satiate you which leads to overconsumption too often in the day. The high fat content and chemicals is what tricks your body into thinking you're full but it's just for a short time, maybe a few hours then you need more to sustain you.

    Pretty sure I am ultimately satisfied when I eat a piece of extra crispy chicken from KFC. Two if I choose legs!

    Also - do they still have the little parfaits? We used to go there when I was a kid (probably because my mom was manipulated by evil advertising) and I loved getting those pudding parfaits for dessert.

  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Mudler wrote: »
    i LOVE KFC... MMMMM greasy chickeny goodness!!!!

    I love it as well but the coating is probably one of the worst things you can eat and the Chicken isn't chicken.
    It's an approximation of what we used to think was chicken.
    Certainly bares no resemblance to those feather coved birds that run around laying eggs all the time.

    Hence the reason for it not being called Kentucky Fried Chicken anymore

    If it's not chicken, what is it then?

    They just don't get it, lol...

    Get what?

    ^^^Can we get an answer to this?

    Get the fact that it is no longer real chicken (like the real one clucking, laying eggs..) because it has been processed, filled with preservatives and addictive chemicals to the point that it tastes different (better). It's more common and convenient now to eat KFC than it is to go out and "get the chicken ready for dinner!".

    I don't think it tastes better than the chicken I roast in my oven. I'm also perfectly capable of having a piece of KFC and leaving it at just one piece. And I still like my chicken better. So, addictive chemicals? Not buying it.

    ETA: I think the "addictive" part is the convenience. People are addicted to their own laziness.

    When I was eating it all the time, it tasted better than home made chicken. When I finally starved out the junk, I adapted to the healthy version of chicken, which I absolutely prefer now. I would probably spit out KFC if I tried it these days, although if I did in fact have to down it, I could certainly just stick to that one piece as well. IF I continued to eat it though, I would become accustomed to it and start craving it.

    It is a toxic hunger with a never ending cycle. Consumption but no ultimately satisfaction because there are no nutrients there to satiate you which leads to overconsumption too often in the day. The high fat content and chemicals is what tricks your body into thinking you're full but it's just for a short time, maybe a few hours then you need more to sustain you.

    There are 36g of protein in an original recipe KFC chicken breast (320 calories). How is that void of nutrients?