Challenge Group (New Members Welcome!!!) 4/25-5/1



  • beloslover
    beloslover Posts: 22
    MON –Exercise: Y (61 mins)~ Ounces of Water: 120 oz
    TUES – Exercise: Y (56 mins) ~ Ounces of Water: 120 oz
    WED – Exercise: Y (82 mins) ~ Ounces of Water: 80 :(
    THU – Exercise: Y (280 mins) ~ Ounces of Water: 156!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    FRI – Exercise: Y (150 mins) ~ Ounces of Water: 96
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: 90
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##

    Number of Days Exercised: 5/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 6/7
    Drinking water was never that hard for me. I just get lazy sometimes and don't want to get up and get some more. Or I'm outta the house all day and forget my bottle. But this week I have been pretty good :)
  • Polish_Princess
    MON –Exercise: Y - 70 minutes at the gym~ Ounces of Water: 48 oz (6-8oz glasses)
    TUES – Exercise: Y - 60 minutes at the gym ~ Ounces of Water: 40 oz (5-8oz glasses)
    WED – Exercise: N ~ Ounces of Water: 64 oz (8-8oz glasses)
    THU – Exercise: Y - 60 minutes at the gym ~ Ounces of Water: 80oz (10-8oz glasses)
    FRI – Exercise: Y - 60 minutes at the gym ~ Ounces of Water: 32 oz (4-8oz glasses)
    SAT – Exercise: N ~ Ounces of Water: 32 oz (4-8oz glasses)
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##

    Number of Days Exercised: 4/7
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 1/7
  • mandysjourney
    mandysjourney Posts: 260 Member
    MON –Exercise: Yes ~ Ounces of Water: 80 (10 cups) 22 min elliptical 23 min bike
    TUES – Exercise: Yes ~ Ounces of Water: 88 (11 cups) 22 min ellip/10 min bike/13 min walk
    WED – Exercise: Yes ~ Ounces of Water: 80 (10 cups) 30 min elliptical 15 min bike
    THU – Exercise: No ~ Ounces of Water: 80 (10 cups) rest day
    FRI – Exercise: Yes ~ Ounces of Water: 80 (10 cups) 50 min gym
    SAT – Exercise: Yes ~ Ounces of Water: 80 just (10 cups) 25 min walk 20 min elliptical
    SUN – Exercise: Yes ~ Ounces of Water: 96 (12 cups) 20 elliptical 20 bike 5 abs

    Number of Days Exercised: 6/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 7/7

    wohoo I made it thanks heaps. Hanging out waiting for the next one. Will have to check first thing in the morning to see what it is
  • tbever
    tbever Posts: 173 Member
    MON –Exercise: Yes 54 min. treadmill ~ Ounces of Water: 80
    TUES – Exercise: No ~ Ounces of Water: 80
    WED – Exercise: Yes 32 min treadmill 13 min stairs ~ Ounces of Water: 92
    THU – Exercise: Yes 46 min treadmill walking ~ Ounces of Water: 40
    FRI – Exercise: Yes 56 min walking 35 min Spin class ~ Ounces of Water: 80
    SAT – Exercise: N only 30 min today ~ Ounces of Water: 54
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Ounces of Water: ##

    Number of Days Exercised: 4/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 4/7

    Yesterday was a tough one!! We went out on the rare occasion, and let's just say, I didn't make the wisest choices!! Back at it today though!!
  • Scubasab
    Scubasab Posts: 344 Member
    MON –Exercise: YES (WALK - 45 min.) ~ Ounces of Water: 67.6
    TUES – Exercise: NO ~ Ounces of Water: 67.6
    WED – Exercise: YES (Turbo Jam-20 min. and High impact Aerobics - 40 min. ~ Ounces of Water: 67.6
    THU – Exercise: YES (WALK -30 min. & Turbo Jam - 20 min. ~ Ounces of Water: 84.5
    FRI – Exercise: NO ~ Ounces of Water: 67.6
    SAT – Exercise: YES (WALK - 90 min.) ~Ounces of Water: 84.5
    SUN – Exercise: YES (WALK -90 min.) ~ Ounces of Water: 84.5

    Number of Days Exercised: 5/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 3/7

    It looks like everyone had an amazing week!!!! :love: I met the exercise challenge but, not the water challenge!!! :grumble: I guees I need to work on drinking more water!!! :drinker: I do Love these challenges!!!! :heart: It definitely makes you more aware and accountable of what you are actually doing!!!

    Have a FLAB-YOU-LESS week!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    MON –Exercise: Yes 80 mins~ Ounces of Water: 80, maybe a tad bit more, but definitely not less
    TUES – Exercise: Yes 55 mins ~ Ounces of Water: 80+
    WED – Exercise: Yes 45 mins ~ Ounces of Water: 85
    THU – Exercise: No (work banquet) ~ Ounces of Water: 80ish
    FRI – Exercise: No (no time. sad) ~ Ounces of Water: 138 (rocked the water!)
    SAT – Exercise: Yes 45 and more later today ~ Ounces of Water: 100oz :)
    SUN – Exercise: Yes 92 mins ~ Ounces of Water: 90ish

    Number of Days Exercised: 5/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 7/7

    It feels so good to meet this challenge! Can't wait for next week's! :drinker:
  • she_elf
    she_elf Posts: 108
    I ended up exercising an extra day... I wasn't sure if standing on my feet for 8 hours was actually "working out". I counted it for exercise cals since it was my first day and in the past year and a half, I had gotten used to a sedentary office job. But just in case, I added an extra day of working out as well.

    MON –Exercise: Y (45 LARPing) ~ Ounces of Water: 32
    TUES – Exercise: Y (40 biking/10 walking) ~ Ounces of Water: 96
    WED – Exercise: Y (30 Biggest Loser/20 biking) ~ Ounces of Water: 112
    THU – Exercise: Y (45 biking) ~ Ounces of Water: 80
    FRI – Exercise: N ~ Ounces of Water: 80
    SAT – Exercise: Y (8 hours working a smoothie booth) ~ Ounces of Water: 82
    SUN – Exercise: Y (30 LARPing/ 30 biking) ~ Ounces of Water: 133

    Number of Days Exercised: 6/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 6/7
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Hey Everyone! Good job this week on the challenge!

    Here is the link for next week's thread, see you there :smile:
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    MON –Exercise: Yes 36min ChaLean &34min C25k w2d3 ~ Ounces of Water: 80!
    TUES – Exercise: 30 min hike (rest day actually) ~ Ounces of Water: 88oz
    WED – Exercise: 38 min lol not quite ~ Ounces of Water: 88oz
    THU – Exercise: yes 56 minutes CLX ~ Ounces of Water: 80
    FRI – Exercise: Yes 70 min CLX and C25K ~ Ounces of Water: 88
    SAT – Exercise: No BUSY day ~ Ounces of Water: 90+
    SUN – Exercise: Yes 61 min CLX and C25k ~ Ounces of Water: 104

    Number of Days Exercised: 4/5 worked out 6 days but short on 2 of them.
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 7/7
  • beloslover
    beloslover Posts: 22
    MON –Exercise: Y (61 mins)~ Ounces of Water: 120 oz
    TUES – Exercise: Y (56 mins) ~ Ounces of Water: 120 oz
    WED – Exercise: Y (82 mins) ~ Ounces of Water: 80 :(
    THU – Exercise: Y (280 mins) ~ Ounces of Water: 156!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    FRI – Exercise: Y (150 mins) ~ Ounces of Water: 96
    SAT – Exercise: N ~ Ounces of Water: 90
    SUN – Exercise: N ~ Ounces of Water: 84

    Number of Days Exercised: 5/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 7/7

    Mey both challenges today. Had some trouble with water today. I was feeling pretty down. Didn't have much motivation to do anything at all today :(
  • caitlinlws
    caitlinlws Posts: 401 Member
    MON –Exercise: Y ~ Ounces of Water: 80
    TUES – Exercise: Y ~ Ounces of Water: 80
    WED – Exercise: Y ~ Ounces of Water: 88
    THU – Exercise: Y ~ Ounces of Water: 88
    FRI – Exercise: Y ~ Ounces of Water: 80
    SAT – Exercise: N ~ Ounces of Water: 80
    SUN – Exercise: N ~ Ounces of Water: 64

    Number of Days Exercised: 5/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 6/7

    ahh sooooooo close on the water!!
  • pjfmaui73
    pjfmaui73 Posts: 408
    MON –Exercise: Y (JD2, JM RI30, hiking, gardening) ~ Ounces of Water: 120
    TUES – Exercise: Y (Zumba & hiking) ~ Ounces of Water: 156
    WED – Exercise: Y (JM RI30 & hiking) ~ Ounces of Water: 144
    THU – Exercise: Y (Gardening) ~ Ounces of Water: 120
    FRI – Exercise: Y (JM RI30, gardening) ~ Ounces of Water: 144
    SAT – Exercise: Y (Elliptical & walking) ~ Ounces of Water: 144
    SUN – Exercise: Y (Elliptical, recumbant bike & hiking) ~ Ounces of Water: 160

    Number of Days Exercised: 7/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 7/7 :bigsmile:
  • AussieLaurelle
    AussieLaurelle Posts: 38 Member
    MON –Exercise: Y ~ Ounces of Water: 80
    TUES – Exercise: Y ~ Ounces of Water: 90
    WED – Exercise: Y ~ Ounces of Water: 88
    THU – Exercise: Y ~ Ounces of Water: 88
    FRI – Exercise: Y ~ Ounces of Water: 82
    SAT – Exercise: Y~ Ounces of Water:86
    SUN – Exercise:Y~ Ounces of Water: 80

    Number of Days Exercised: 7/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 7/7
  • olyrose
    olyrose Posts: 569 Member
    MON – Exercise: Yes (60 min) ~ Ounces of Water: 80
    TUES – Exercise: Yes (65 min) ~ Ounces of Water: 80
    WED – Exercise: Yes (65 min) ~ Ounces of Water: 86
    THU – Exercise: Yes (60 min) ~ Ounces of Water: 80
    FRI – Exercise: No ~ Ounces of Water: 65
    SAT – Exercise: No ~ Ounces of Water: 50
    SUN – Exercise: Yes (50 min) ~ Ounces of Water: 30

    Number of Days Exercised: 5/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 4/7

    Made the exercise portion but tapered off on the water. it was a good reminder to make sure I'm getting it in though. Looking forward to this week's new challenge!
  • Scubasab
    Scubasab Posts: 344 Member
    MON –Exercise: Y (JD2, JM RI30, hiking, gardening) ~ Ounces of Water: 120
    TUES – Exercise: Y (Zumba & hiking) ~ Ounces of Water: 156
    WED – Exercise: Y (JM RI30 & hiking) ~ Ounces of Water: 144
    THU – Exercise: Y (Gardening) ~ Ounces of Water: 120
    FRI – Exercise: Y (JM RI30, gardening) ~ Ounces of Water: 144
    SAT – Exercise: Y (Elliptical & walking) ~ Ounces of Water: 144
    SUN – Exercise: Y (Elliptical, recumbant bike & hiking) ~ Ounces of Water: 160

    Number of Days Exercised: 7/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 7/7 :bigsmile:

    Dang girl!!!! :love: You kicked some serious butt this week!!!! :drinker: I'm so happy I met you here!! You are an amazing person!!! :bigsmile:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member

    MON –Exercise: No ~ Ounces of Water: 72
    TUES – Exercise: Yes (106 mins) ~ Ounces of Water: 80
    WED – Exercise: Yes (125 mins) ~ Ounces of Water: 64
    THU – Exercise: No ~ Ounces of Water: I have no clue.
    FRI – Exercise: Yes (60 mins) ~ Ounces of Water: 40
    SAT – Exercise: Yes (60 mins) ~ Ounces of Water: Not sure.
    SUN – Exercise: No (40 mins) ~ Ounces of Water: 64

    Number of Days Exercised: 2/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 4/7
  • mandysjourney
    mandysjourney Posts: 260 Member
    well just an update obviously this challenge worked well for me. I lost 1.1kgs about 2.5 pound between wednesday and today. Had a weigh in a few days late last week hence the 5 days instead of 7

    Thanks again for the challenge see you at the next one
  • mjslazak
    mjslazak Posts: 179 Member
    Just posting the final bit for this past week. The weekend was a challenge, but all the gardening yesterday was quite a workout (4 bags of mulch moved, weeding.. wow.)

    MON –Exercise: N ~ Ounces of Water: 84
    TUES – Exercise: Y (trainer, 60 mins) ~ Ounces of Water: 100
    WED – Exercise: Y (30 mins tm, 15 mins elliptical) ~ Ounces of Water: 120
    THU – Exercise: Y (trainer, 60 mins) ~ Ounces of Water: 100
    FRI – Exercise: Y (45 min tempo run, tm) ~ Ounces of Water: 110
    SAT – Exercise: N ~ Ounces of Water: 100
    SUN – Exercise: Y ~ Ounces of Water: 90

    Number of Days Exercised: 5/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 7/7
  • caitlinclock
    caitlinclock Posts: 528 Member
    MON – Exercise: YES (45 min) ~ Ounces of Water: 112
    TUES – Exercise: YES (30 min) ~ Ounces of Water: 96
    WED – Exercise: NO ~ Ounces of Water: 96
    THU – Exercise: YES (40 min) ~ Ounces of Water: 96
    FRI – Exercise: YES (90 min) ~ Ounces of Water: 112
    SAT – Exercise: YES (40 min) ~ Ounces of Water: 96
    SUN – Exercise: NO ~ Ounces of Water: 96

    Number of Days Exercised: 5/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 7/7

    Yay! I did it! I also lost some weight. :)
    Great job everyone! This was a fun challenge and thanks for letting me join!
  • TacoGibbons
    TacoGibbons Posts: 136 Member
    MON – Exercise: YES ~ Ounces of Water: 120
    TUES – Exercise: NO~ Ounces of Water: 120
    WED – Exercise: YES~ Ounces of Water: 120
    THU – Exercise: YES (40 min) ~ Ounces of Water: 120
    FRI – Exercise: YES (90 min) ~ Ounces of Water: 110
    SAT – Exercise: NO (40 min) ~ Ounces of Water: 96
    SUN – Exercise: NO ~ Ounces of Water: 96

    Number of Days Exercised: 4/5
    Total Number of Days Meeting Water Goal: 7/7