Strange Eating Quirks, Anyone?



  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    edited November 2014
    Reese's Pieces - I eat them in order: yellow, brown, orange, repeat, until only the orange are left (since there are more of them).

    I refuse to eat blue M&Ms.

    Corn on the Cob - I can't eat it off the cob. I pick individual kernels off, one by one, and eat them (no butter/no salt). Needless to say I will not eat corn on the cob in public. I can't eat apples/pears from the core or peaches/nectarines off the pit, either--I must cut them up to eat them.

    Raisins - I like raisins, but I don't like them when they are squishy. Plain raisins, raisins in trail mix, raisins in zucchini bread = good. Raisins in apple pie, raisins in oatmeal, raisins in rice pudding = yuck.
  • corofinlass
    corofinlass Posts: 43 Member
    I can not handle the skin on peppers or tomato. They have to be peeled. Same with grapes.

    I can't stand the sound of others eating at the table. It will completely put me off.

    Can't do the smell of dairy so while I can have it in other foods (like milk in mash potato) if I smell it that's me done.

    Cheese - I can only handle it "cooked". Melted into something is fine but I could not take a piece of "raw" cheese in my mouth.

    As someone else said the tomato touching bread in a sandwich is a no - no.

    Peppers in a stir fry have to stay firm, not soft and slimy from over cooking. Can't eat green peppers without red peppers.

    Won't eat eggs unless I crack the shell myself in case shell gets in my food.

    Won't eat in a restaurant if the menu feels greasy. If that passes the test I check out the toilets. If they are not in good shape I am out of there. This one really tests my hubbies patience :-)

    Use paper towels to pick up salt, pepper shakers in restaurants.
  • pinkiezoom
    pinkiezoom Posts: 409 Member
    dblaacker wrote: »
    Haha, my bf makes fun of me for this one: Whenever I make a sandwich with tomato, the tomato has to be between lettuce or spinach and whatever else is on the sandwich. The tomato can NOT touch the bread. It makes sense, though! The tomato would make the bread soggy.
    I do this! and for the same reason...ewwww soggy bread lol.
    Also some foods can not touch.
  • redpandora56
    redpandora56 Posts: 289 Member
    i cannot bite into cherry tomatoes as the bursting sensation makes me think of biting into a cockroach or something - ew. but if i cut them in half first, they're fine.

    i eat pizza slices crust first, then turn it back around and eat it 'normally.'

    handful of M&Ms/skittles/something similar - have to have the same number of each colour, so will eat the 'extras' to even it all out, then once i have the same number of each colour, I will eat them as close to rainbow order as possible.
  • JazzFischer1989
    JazzFischer1989 Posts: 531 Member
    edited November 2014
    for breakfast i have a two egg white omelet on a mini bagel. i always make sure i place the egg on the bottom part of the bagel. no idea why i can't place it on the top part, then turn the bagel over, but that just seems like too much work.

    my favorite piece of the steak is the very first piece cut at the end. if i don't get that piece, the meal is ruined.

    with pork chops and mashed potatoes i have to eat the last bite of pork chop with the last bite of mashed potatoes. i have to ration it perfectly. if not, i take more of each to try again.

    Pretty much this. I try to have equal parts meat (usually fish or chicken in my case) and carb and/or vegetable by the end of my meal so the last bite is even. It sounds way more complicated than it is but when you mentioned this, I realized I have a similar habit. It's weird but I feel like the last bite should be the most satisfying and balanced.
  • pinkiezoom
    pinkiezoom Posts: 409 Member
    OMG if a fried or poached egg comes to me where the white is still snotty and runny... there will be dramas lol!
  • ithrowconfetti
    ithrowconfetti Posts: 451 Member
    • I usually mash my ice cream until it becomes "soup". I don't know why I enjoy ice cream best this way.
    • I also cannot stand the cream part of the Oreo biscuit, so I scrape off as much as I can, before I deem it suitable for consumption, i.e. the biscuits cannot have even a smidgen of white on them.
    • I hate the consistency of jelly/jell-o in my mouth, as it makes me gag.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    edited November 2014
    i have a friend that will only eat white foods.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    ETA: er, white as in, the color, not the race. like white bread, mashed potatoes, lol
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    besaro wrote: »
    i have a friend that will only eat white foods.
    Is her name Paula Deen?

    lol, i thought that might happen. haha
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    Macaroni and Cheese and Corn mixed together was always a favorite of mine.
  • jenksallison728
    jenksallison728 Posts: 1 Member
    I try each thing on the plate first. This is to figure out which I like the best and which I like the worst. Then I complete one food at a time going from my least favorite to my favorite.
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    I nibble the chocolate off the top of jaffa cakes, then the cake and suck the orangey jelly bit in the middle - strictly in that order.

    My son has autism and is pretty fastidious about the texture of things and hates things if they're 'bloody slop all mashed up in my bowl' - so casseroles, curries, soup, trifle and so many other things are out. He eats really dry foods though, such as plain brown rice or dry toast with nothing on them, which makes my teeth itch. He'll eat brown rice with capers and walnuts on the side. Ick. He used to try to eat sand and dirt a lot when he was little, so it's pretty much the same.

    But his worst thing, is that although he hates slop on his plate, in his mouth it's somehow ok and he'll move to a different course without finishing what's in his mouth. One of the teachers at school felt compelled to tell us one day that he'd had a mouthful of fish and then shovelled a spoon of custard in there. He's pretty good at eating fruit and chocolate with a mouthful of mackerel or sausages.
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    I can never leave one cookie, or cracker, or chip, or and other item in a package. If there are two of anything left and I am really only hungry enough for one, I won't have any (rather than forcing myself to eat both.)

    If I were to drop something on the floor, such as a Cheerio or pretzel, I will toss it in the garbage along with another sacrificial Cheerio or pretzel (so the dropped one isn't "lonely") I wouldn't do this with a larger food item...say a bagel...but I would break the bagel in half, so the two pieces would keep each other company.

    When I eat sushi or sashimi, it must be done in order...eel, yellowtail, salmon, tuna...repeat (the exact order may vary depending on what is on the plate)...and my last bite must be my favorite flavor.

    All dairy products must be smelled (for sourness) before tasting.

    I like nuts. I like baked goods. I don't like nuts in my baked goods. Ever.

    I hate ketchup. I hate mayonnaise. I will eat Russian dressing (essentially a mix of the two.)

    I hate cold bread. Or bread that has been frozen and thawed. Or any sandwich that has been refrigerated.
  • joseccastaneda
    joseccastaneda Posts: 267 Member
    Whatever animal protein i'm eating; if i imagine that animal alive, then i'm done eating it. Its like clockwork. Some happens faster than others, fish, shrimp and chicken tend to happen quite often. Went to a 50th anniversary party in Mexico where i watched the cow get butchered (watched by accident - turned around and there it was). Didnt eat at that party.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Jose, I won't invite you over for carnitas.

    I keep a picture of the pig I bought in September in the dining room. I understand though.
  • KGRebelRanch
    KGRebelRanch Posts: 109 Member
    I don't want to turn this into a dangerous subject, so please no "I eat 200 calories a day every day of the week that has an E in it.." stories. This is more about quirks people have when it comes to eating certain foods, or meals.

    Let me share mine as an example: I have to have my food arranged on a plate in a certain way before I can eat it. I am a lefty, so my meat always goes on the left half of the plate between the 6 and 10 position because it's easier to cut that way, potato/carb goes on the right between the 3 and 6 position, and veggies go up top between the 11 and 2 position. I don't like any of the foods to be touching each other. (corn and mashed potatoes mixed together? EWWWWWWWW)

    I also have issues with colors of food. I can't stand reds and yellows on the same plate. And I always notice if my foods are all in the same color range. I will say "Hmm, tonight we're all eating beige foods."

    What are some of your weird food quirks?
    I MUST have turnip greens with chicken and dumplins.
    I eat cream-style corn by scooping it with a fried green tomato.
    I only drink cocoa/coffee if its just under nuclear heat.
    I put mustard on pizza
    I eat hot sauce on everything

  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    It's a pretty unobtrusive one. I eat all of each dish (meat,veggie,whatever) before I move on to the next one (You know, like a Romulan, to you Trekkers) and I eat it in reverse order of how much I like it.

    Unfortunately, I had a chef partner pick up on that, and he started watching like a hawk the order in which I ate my food and would get offended if I ate some dish he was really proud of first.

    I considered that a bit assholish, TBH.
  • joseccastaneda
    joseccastaneda Posts: 267 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    Jose, I won't invite you over for carnitas.

    I keep a picture of the pig I bought in September in the dining room. I understand though.

    I absolutely love carnitas and its happend to me with that one too.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member

    I considered that a bit assholish, TBH.
    We put a lot of ourselves into our work, I can totally understand.