Blame it on the ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, alcohol



  • rseneca724
    rseneca724 Posts: 46 Member
    Good lord all the hate. I have only been here a few weeks and have yet to see this much anger come out of people.
  • nchrty
    nchrty Posts: 57 Member
    If you don't want to make the commitment to better your health, then don't. But, don't dabble your toe in the water just enough to think you have reason to whine about nothing changing while still touting that you're not really changing at all.

    I have been an alcoholic for much of my adult life, especially the last decade, so I know a thing or two about it, and have zero sympathy for people who not only refuse to change, but make a mockery of changing at the same time.

  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    gkirk2000 wrote: »
    Look up metabolites of aspartame and tell me it isn't poison.

    You made the claim. What is poison about aspartame?
  • Sevendust912
    Sevendust912 Posts: 122 Member
    nomas616 wrote: »
    If you don't want to make the commitment to better your health, then don't. But, don't dabble your toe in the water just enough to think you have reason to whine about nothing changing while still touting that you're not really changing at all.

    I have been an alcoholic for much of my adult life, especially the last decade, so I know a thing or two about it, and have zero sympathy for people who not only refuse to change, but make a mockery of changing at the same time.

    Dude, you are projecting. DID I NOT SAY I AM NEW TO THIS AND I AM LEARNING BY TRIAL AND ERROR? and ABSTAIN FROM JUDGEMENT". My diary is public, go see me make an effort. You have an alcohol problem I DONT. You are projecting. I am simply trying to lose weight while maintaining my life style because I refuse to let the diet BECOME my life.

    I'm obviously open to change, hence asking for advise and opinions.

    Rant over.

    He gave you an honest and true answer, no need to be so sensitive.

    From the OP, it sounds like you are looking for validation for excessive drinking as you stated you refuse to give it up. You need to make a decision on what is more important to you, booze or your fitness goals?
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    rseneca724 wrote: »
    Good lord all the hate. I have only been here a few weeks and have yet to see this much anger come out of people.

    Anger? I see no anger.

  • Torontonius
    Torontonius Posts: 245 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    gkirk2000 wrote: »
    Look up metabolites of aspartame and tell me it isn't poison.

    It's not poison.

    When aspartame is digested in the body, it is converted to three components: aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methanol

    Methanol is a poison.

  • Torontonius
    Torontonius Posts: 245 Member
    PS: I also know people who just by cutting diet sodas lost 15 lbs. Probably has something to do with fooling the brain into triggering insulin release.
  • east2west14
    east2west14 Posts: 161 Member
    gkirk2000 wrote: »
    Look up metabolites of aspartame and tell me it isn't poison.

    This ^
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    gkirk2000 wrote: »
    Look up metabolites of aspartame and tell me it isn't poison.

    This ^

    Is wrong
  • lohkin
    lohkin Posts: 43 Member
    There was a website I found a few weeks ago called "get drunk not fat" that was kind of interesting. It listed out all kinds of different drinks and the caloric value. I myself have one night a week with friends that usually involves more wine than we need. But I'm cutting back more as I get further into my journey to health.
    Anyways, just try to moderate and be more aware of what your ingesting. You don't have to get blitzed to have a good time :)
  • Cheryllynnhagen
    Cheryllynnhagen Posts: 51 Member
    I like white wine. The most bang for your buck I say.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    edited November 2014
    gkirk2000 wrote: »
    dbmata wrote: »
    gkirk2000 wrote: »
    Look up metabolites of aspartame and tell me it isn't poison.

    It's not poison.

    When aspartame is digested in the body, it is converted to three components: aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methanol

    Methanol is a poison.

    depending on dose ol' sport, they're all poison. So your claim isn't relevant.

    Your lack of basic scientific education is showing. Education is more important than FUD. FYI.
  • kangaroux92
    kangaroux92 Posts: 188 Member
    Pretty much your best option is diet mixers with lower calorie liqueur . jack and coke. vodka soda. you could make fresh fruit smoothies with alcohol at home but no bar will serve plain fruit without sugar additives.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    ....well with all the above being said...I say just stick to spirits with diet soda or wine.
  • goanothermile
    goanothermile Posts: 98 Member
    Jesyka_Gee wrote: »
    Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this but when I'm out with friends and we are grabbing drinks, either stick to light beer or if you want the hard stuff go for a Vodka Tonic or Gin & Tonic. Tonic is a form of water, which will help with hydration throughout the night and a minimal hang over.

    You can cut that down even more by using club soda (0 cal for 8 oz.) rather than tonic (130 cal for 8 oz.). A lime wedge adds negligible calories. It doesn't have exactly the same taste as tonic, of course, but you get used to it.

    Diet tonic is an option also... but I'm not a big fan of the artificial sweeteners either, especially when there is another option.
  • DiabolicalColossus
    DiabolicalColossus Posts: 219 Member
    Hey OP...

    I cut back on drinking beer and whiskey, but I didn't cut them entirely.

    Unless you're an alcoholic or are in recovery (good luck and keep up the good work to those that are), you don't need to eliminate alcohol since you enjoy it.

    I'm a fan of whiskey and soda, or a single on the rocks.

    I limit myself to one these days, and I have it on special occasions or when I have an abundance of calories left for that day's plan.

    The suggestions about switching to diet soda and simpler drinks are excellent.

    If I'm out socially, I'll have a club soda with lime/lemon in it. Those I can have a number of without the worry. If I have a few calories but not a ton, I'll have a cranberry juice and club.

    This site has calorie information for various alcoholic beverages:

    Good luck. Enjoying what you like while losing weight IS possible.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    edited November 2014
    gkirk2000 wrote: »
    PS: I also know people who just by cutting diet sodas lost 15 lbs. Probably has something to do with fooling the brain into triggering insulin release.

    Probably more likely that they stopped eating as much.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    nomas616 wrote: »

    Dude, you are projecting. DID I NOT SAY I AM NEW TO THIS AND I AM LEARNING BY TRIAL AND ERROR? and ABSTAIN FROM JUDGEMENT". My diary is public, go see me make an effort. You have an alcohol problem I DONT. You are projecting. I am simply trying to lose weight while maintaining my life style because I refuse to let the diet BECOME my life.

    I'm obviously open to change, hence asking for advise and opinions.

    Rant over.

    Bolded negates the sentence prior to it and then this...
    I am not going to stop drinking because it's part of my social life and I like it.

    You're not that open to change. It would seem that you do not have a handle on your drinking if you go out and in one evening drink your whole day worth of calories. Perhaps getting your diet in order and ensuring you can stay within your limits there is a good starting point, and then work alcohol in around it. Looking at your diary, it's not totally the alcohol to blame (that's a cop out).

    Most of us here are making lifestyle changes. It's not a "diet" .. it's not temporary. I'm eating in a manner that I can sustain for my life, not a manner that I can be wishy-washy on when I see fit.
  • Sevendust912
    Sevendust912 Posts: 122 Member
    nomas616 wrote: »
    If you don't want to make the commitment to better your health, then don't. But, don't dabble your toe in the water just enough to think you have reason to whine about nothing changing while still touting that you're not really changing at all.

    I have been an alcoholic for much of my adult life, especially the last decade, so I know a thing or two about it, and have zero sympathy for people who not only refuse to change, but make a mockery of changing at the same time.

    Dude, you are projecting. DID I NOT SAY I AM NEW TO THIS AND I AM LEARNING BY TRIAL AND ERROR? and ABSTAIN FROM JUDGEMENT". My diary is public, go see me make an effort. You have an alcohol problem I DONT. You are projecting. I am simply trying to lose weight while maintaining my life style because I refuse to let the diet BECOME my life.

    I'm obviously open to change, hence asking for advise and opinions.

    Rant over.

    So you called him out for having a drinking problem and then loudly proclaimed that YOU DON'T.

    Yet, you admit to binge drinking and saying you refuse to change?

    Sounds like someone's in denial about their own drinking problem, just sayin'