Blame it on the ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, alcohol



  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    When I drink, I usually stick to wine or clear licquor. Seems to be the lowest in calories.
  • jade2112
    jade2112 Posts: 272 Member
    nomas616 wrote: »
    So I've been counting calories for a few weeks. Have only lost one pound, the first week. Then I went out and got drunk and when I sobered up I realize I had drank the equivalent of one day's food intake. FML. I am not going to stop drinking because it's part of my social life and I like it. I like hanging out with my friends and we do it over liquor every two weeks or so.
    My partner and I stopped buying beer for the house so we don't have beer with dinner or meals to reduce the calorie intake. That much I can do, no liquor at home.
    That being sad, any other drinkers out there who are including alcohol on their diet? Is there anything low-cal I can drink instead?
    I had riesling and a few shots of Jack daniels last weekend and went 1300 cals over goal, which is 1280 :(

    P.S. Please abstain of judgement.
    PS 2: Should have mentioned. I don't drink calories. Only calories I drink is alcohol and coffee (skim, splenda/sugar). NEVER sodas or juice. Only water and seltzer water. Been doing it for years.

    Thanks everyone for the advise already.

    Plain and simple I'm a falling down drunk in recovery who was consuming roughly 2000 calories a day in rum. (Yes, I drank that much every day.)

    I lost 16 pounds without trying when I stopped drinking. Booze is fattening no two ways about it.

    However, I don't see how once every two weeks is going to cause you to be fat. Just be careful with it, please.

  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    All these jokers aside...

    I have at least 1 beer every night... with rare exception. Sometimes two. Sometimes I have a glass of whiskey as well. If I have room in my calorie budget for it, I have no issues with it.

    That said: I LOVE craft beer. I refuse to cut it out. However I will restrict it if I ran out of calories for the day. I also learned which beers have really nice flavor for lower calories.

    When I do whiskey, I drink it neat, or on the rocks. That way there is no added sugar calories from something like tonic (which is really just a soda). Straight whiskey is not that high in calories. The important thing to remember is 1) log accurately what you are drinking, 2) try to be mindful of what you are drinking and try not to get drunk because 3) once you get past a certain point of inebriation your inhibitions for snacking go out the window.

    In other words - there is no reason to cut out alcohol if you are smart about it. Now, if you are simply drinking to get drunk, well, that might be a problem. But if you are trying to figure out how to fit in a drink you love into your diet, well that's no different than anyone else around here trying to figure out how to get their favorite slice of cake, or bacon, or whatever into their daily calories.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I used to go through half to a whole bottle of wine a night, easy. I cut down because hangovers and calories...and because hub was worried that I was becoming an alcoholic. Now that I've lost 70+ lbs and I drink less often, my tolerance is much lower, so I'm a cheap date. win-win ;)
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I can basically only drink PBR, red wine, and whiskey neat or on the rocks since I've lost weight. I miss microbrews but they make me ill, and PBR is basically tea. It might actually be good for you.
  • DiabolicalColossus
    DiabolicalColossus Posts: 219 Member
    I'm really disappointed in myself that I didn't make a "Blame It On The Rain" joke in my answer to the OP.

    ::hangs head::

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Jesyka_Gee wrote: »
    Here's what I do. Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this but when I'm out with friends and we are grabbing drinks, either stick to light beer or if you want the hard stuff go for a Vodka Tonic or Gin & Tonic. Tonic is a form of water, which will help with hydration throughout the night and a minimal hang over. This always works for me. My go-to drink is either Grey Goose and Tonic with a few lime wedges or Kettle and Tonic the same way. Hope it works out for you! :)

    I haven't read all the way to the end, so I'm sorry if this has been said, but NO, tonic is not water! 12oz of tonic has about 125 calories. Diet tonic has 0 calories, but it tastes like something died on your tongue.

    Club soda is water, but it doesn't taste very good with vodka IMO.

    Actually I think it's quite lovely with vodka.
  • Evelyn_IRV
    Evelyn_IRV Posts: 237 Member
    edited November 2014

    I'm a fan of whiskey and soda, or a single on the rocks.

  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    KylaDenay wrote: »
    Coffee, water, alcohol
    Daily and in that order

    Still losing weight
    Hey that's my routine too....I have a bad habit of skipping the water though and going straight to the alcohol after the coffee ;)

    Heh, heh, sometimes I'll add the alcohol TO the coffee :)
    Smart thinking!
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    Jesyka_Gee wrote: »
    Here's what I do. Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this but when I'm out with friends and we are grabbing drinks, either stick to light beer or if you want the hard stuff go for a Vodka Tonic or Gin & Tonic. Tonic is a form of water, which will help with hydration throughout the night and a minimal hang over. This always works for me. My go-to drink is either Grey Goose and Tonic with a few lime wedges or Kettle and Tonic the same way. Hope it works out for you! :)

    I haven't read all the way to the end, so I'm sorry if this has been said, but NO, tonic is not water! 12oz of tonic has about 125 calories. Diet tonic has 0 calories, but it tastes like something died on your tongue.

    Club soda is water, but it doesn't taste very good with vodka IMO.

    Actually I think it's quite lovely with vodka.
    I second this. I add a splash of lime juice to it and use raspberry vodka and its a delight.
  • court_alacarte
    court_alacarte Posts: 219 Member
    my ex-fiance's sister showed me this recipe:


    if you squirt enough mio in there to mask the alcohol and you'll only need 1-2 drinks.

  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Jesyka_Gee wrote: »
    Here's what I do. Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this but when I'm out with friends and we are grabbing drinks, either stick to light beer or if you want the hard stuff go for a Vodka Tonic or Gin & Tonic. Tonic is a form of water, which will help with hydration throughout the night and a minimal hang over. This always works for me. My go-to drink is either Grey Goose and Tonic with a few lime wedges or Kettle and Tonic the same way. Hope it works out for you! :)

    I haven't read all the way to the end, so I'm sorry if this has been said, but NO, tonic is not water! 12oz of tonic has about 125 calories. Diet tonic has 0 calories, but it tastes like something died on your tongue.

    Club soda is water, but it doesn't taste very good with vodka IMO.

    Actually I think it's quite lovely with vodka.

    I'm a big fan of vodka & tonic...but will try with club soda again just because you said so. :)
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    PBR is basically tea. It might actually be good for you.

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Jesyka_Gee wrote: »
    Here's what I do. Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this but when I'm out with friends and we are grabbing drinks, either stick to light beer or if you want the hard stuff go for a Vodka Tonic or Gin & Tonic. Tonic is a form of water, which will help with hydration throughout the night and a minimal hang over. This always works for me. My go-to drink is either Grey Goose and Tonic with a few lime wedges or Kettle and Tonic the same way. Hope it works out for you! :)

    I haven't read all the way to the end, so I'm sorry if this has been said, but NO, tonic is not water! 12oz of tonic has about 125 calories. Diet tonic has 0 calories, but it tastes like something died on your tongue.

    Club soda is water, but it doesn't taste very good with vodka IMO.

    Actually I think it's quite lovely with vodka.

    I'm a big fan of vodka & tonic...but will try with club soda again just because you said so. :)

    It's good, less calories.
  • Sevendust912
    Sevendust912 Posts: 122 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    If you don't want to make the commitment to better your health, then don't. But, don't dabble your toe in the water just enough to think you have reason to whine about nothing changing while still touting that you're not really changing at all.

    I have been an alcoholic for much of my adult life, especially the last decade, so I know a thing or two about it, and have zero sympathy for people who not only refuse to change, but make a mockery of changing at the same time.

    From a fellow recovering alcoholic/addict, this post is spot on

    Uh, maybe if the OP were an alcoholic and wanted to stop by cutting down or something, but that's not the case here so it seems actually super weird for sober folks to be even involved in the thread at all, let alone attacking the OP for not having an addiction.

    OP: As others have mentioned, use club soda and/or tonic as a mixer, generally clear alcohol or wine, and you'll find far fewer calories being "lost" that way. Don't be like me and do 20 jello shots a day <g>

    The point is, it sounds like she has a drinking problem based on her OP. She admits she drinks excess, but refuses to change because she enjoys it too much.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    If you don't want to make the commitment to better your health, then don't. But, don't dabble your toe in the water just enough to think you have reason to whine about nothing changing while still touting that you're not really changing at all.

    I have been an alcoholic for much of my adult life, especially the last decade, so I know a thing or two about it, and have zero sympathy for people who not only refuse to change, but make a mockery of changing at the same time.

    From a fellow recovering alcoholic/addict, this post is spot on

    Uh, maybe if the OP were an alcoholic and wanted to stop by cutting down or something, but that's not the case here so it seems actually super weird for sober folks to be even involved in the thread at all, let alone attacking the OP for not having an addiction.

    OP: As others have mentioned, use club soda and/or tonic as a mixer, generally clear alcohol or wine, and you'll find far fewer calories being "lost" that way. Don't be like me and do 20 jello shots a day <g>

    The point is, it sounds like she has a drinking problem based on her OP. She admits she drinks excess, but refuses to change because she enjoys it too much.

    That was me in college.
  • DeterminedFee201426
    DeterminedFee201426 Posts: 859 Member
    edited November 2014
  • Sevendust912
    Sevendust912 Posts: 122 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    If you don't want to make the commitment to better your health, then don't. But, don't dabble your toe in the water just enough to think you have reason to whine about nothing changing while still touting that you're not really changing at all.

    I have been an alcoholic for much of my adult life, especially the last decade, so I know a thing or two about it, and have zero sympathy for people who not only refuse to change, but make a mockery of changing at the same time.

    From a fellow recovering alcoholic/addict, this post is spot on

    Uh, maybe if the OP were an alcoholic and wanted to stop by cutting down or something, but that's not the case here so it seems actually super weird for sober folks to be even involved in the thread at all, let alone attacking the OP for not having an addiction.

    OP: As others have mentioned, use club soda and/or tonic as a mixer, generally clear alcohol or wine, and you'll find far fewer calories being "lost" that way. Don't be like me and do 20 jello shots a day <g>

    The point is, it sounds like she has a drinking problem based on her OP. She admits she drinks excess, but refuses to change because she enjoys it too much.

    That was me in college.

    Same and I had a drinking problem in college.

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    If you don't want to make the commitment to better your health, then don't. But, don't dabble your toe in the water just enough to think you have reason to whine about nothing changing while still touting that you're not really changing at all.

    I have been an alcoholic for much of my adult life, especially the last decade, so I know a thing or two about it, and have zero sympathy for people who not only refuse to change, but make a mockery of changing at the same time.

    From a fellow recovering alcoholic/addict, this post is spot on

    Uh, maybe if the OP were an alcoholic and wanted to stop by cutting down or something, but that's not the case here so it seems actually super weird for sober folks to be even involved in the thread at all, let alone attacking the OP for not having an addiction.

    OP: As others have mentioned, use club soda and/or tonic as a mixer, generally clear alcohol or wine, and you'll find far fewer calories being "lost" that way. Don't be like me and do 20 jello shots a day <g>

    The point is, it sounds like she has a drinking problem based on her OP. She admits she drinks excess, but refuses to change because she enjoys it too much.

    That was me in college.

    Same and I had a drinking problem in college.

    Yeah, I can't say my college drinking was my most shining moment/time in life.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I attribute most of my weight loss to giving up some alcohol and working out. I, like you, stopped having a few glasses of wine (or beer in your case) with dinner most nights. Then I'd drink heavily on the weekends. It really put a dent in my daily calories. I now usually just drink one night a week. And I've started carrying a bottle of Mio with me, so I get vodka and water and add some Mio. It's actually really good. I used to get vodka and tonic, the water and Mio is better.