What's the heaviest weight you've reached in life?



  • shunggie
    shunggie Posts: 1,036 Member
    My heaviest was somewhere north of 275. I got down to 149 for about five seconds, then started gaining. I've been yo-yoing between 175 and 190 for about two years. I'm only 5'1". I try to think of it like this- I'm still down a hundred pounds. Cup half full- when I can find it. :)
  • Mumzillah wrote: »
    196 lbs, (14 stone) which is where I am now and I never, ever want to be here again :#

    Try the 5:2 diet. It'll help a lot! Make sure to sustain proper nutrition during 5:2 Intermittent Fasting. Best of luck!
  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    I literally don't have a single photo of myself during that time, though now I wish I did!
  • Lady_Sugarcookie
    Lady_Sugarcookie Posts: 26 Member
    208.6 and I'm never going back. I lost a lot of weight but I went back to bad habits so I've returned to MFP to get myself back to where I was

    Im right there with you my friend. The app helped me lose 30lbs 3yrs ago
    moths ago i weighted in at 190!! the largest I have ever stepped on the scale at. (worded that way because at my largest i was a size 15 and had never owned a scale)
  • kikontx
    kikontx Posts: 92 Member
    Without being pregnant... 180
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    245..now 180
  • gamesandgains
    gamesandgains Posts: 640 Member
    320.2 LBS
  • zezelryck
    zezelryck Posts: 251 Member
    329 now 154
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    198lbs :\
  • madamepsych0sis
    madamepsych0sis Posts: 25 Member
    198 was my highest weigh-in, but I wouldn't be surprised if I crossed the 200 threshold. The sad part is, seeing it on the scale wasn't even a wake-up call.
  • swaymyway
    swaymyway Posts: 428 Member
    Highest ever was 15 stone 10lbs - and I'm only 5ft tall.

    Lowest was 8 stone 7lbs which I maintained for a year or so before gaining a little bit back. Currently at dead on 10 stone and been stuck here for ages - I can't seem to lose weight for love nor money at the moment, but at the same time I don't gain very easily either - I think my body is just happiest at 10 stone as I was stuck here for ages when I was losing before as well. Ideally I think about 9 stone 5lbs is the ideal weight for me, but I can't seem to get there at the moment.
  • MarissaPalm
    MarissaPalm Posts: 123 Member
    I think my HW was around 175. I am only 5'0'' so.. yeah, that was pretty bad. I am SO happy all that weight is off me now because I was truly unhappy. But, 138 now and still going :)
  • widmer3
    widmer3 Posts: 94 Member
    135 on a 5'2" frame.
    Hovering around 115 now, but building muscle.
  • cartr1dge
    cartr1dge Posts: 24 Member
    240. there is literally not one photo of me in this time period. i looked and asked around. i guess i didn't allow it.
    last post has my body through the years which is kinda interesting (not to mention my (still in progress) transformation):
  • TossaBeanBag
    TossaBeanBag Posts: 458 Member
    edited November 2014
    I grabbed a set of 90 lbs dumbbells.
  • FrancescaWebb
    FrancescaWebb Posts: 211 Member
    223. Currently 186 and already feel a million times better.
  • 291. I recently joined a "biggest loser" challenge at my job so we will see how this goes. I have lost small amounts of weight in the past but it always seems to come back. I am determined to keep it off this time and lose more than 5 or 10 sad little pounds. I came back to mfp about a week ago and I am finally feeling like I'm making some progress. I stood on the scale on saturday and it said that I've lost 5.6 pounds. Small progress counts right?
  • 223. Currently 186 and already feel a million times better.

    I wish many of my friends would realize that getting slimmer and being healthier is a much better experience than staying overweight and eating their favourite junk. Good job! And good luck!
  • Over 282 in Feb of this year. I didn't think about losing weight until May and had no scale at the time, so I have no idea how much I really got up to. Now I am down to 244.
  • jeepskate
    jeepskate Posts: 16 Member
    I hit 290 lbs, I started my weight loss journey. Down 37 lbs in 2 months.