Movie You May Not Have Seen



  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    Okay, so I love movies! I watch probably 10+ a week easily. I also watch a lot of movies that most people haven't heard of. I decided to start sharing that mad knowledge with anyone who wants to listen. I also encourage anyone else to add to the list anytime. I don't want to see Star Wars, The Godfather or things like that on here, this is for those forgotten films that are classic in their own right.

    I'm going to start with Now, Voyager a great film made in 1942(please don't let that scare you, I know a lot of people are afraid of Black & White, Silent or Foreign Films and I used to be one of them but they have so much to offer!

    Now, Voyager
    Quint essential Bette Davis, this film offers so much and while it's considered a drama/romance there is even more to it. I could ramble on about how it changed my views on Davis or I could give you a major plot description but I'll let imdb do that for me.

    Please feel free to add to the list, I can't wait to see where this goes from here.

    The Night Porter is black and white but was made in 1974. It's mind-blowingly twisted, even though it's a "romance." Just the way I like 'em.
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,833 Member
    This is an excellent Movie from 1967!
  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    Our Dancing Daughters (1928) is one of my absolute FAVORITE movies of all time. It's a silent film with Joan Crawford. I seriously couldn't tell you how many times I've watched this. LOVE it.


    Caligula (1979)

    I know this isn't exactly obscure, but it's definitely underrated. I absolutely adore Malcolm McDowell and Helen Mirren. Yeah, there *is* a lot of sex, I won't say there isn't, but there's some great acting as well if you like those two. Historically, it's butchered, but it's seriously one of Malcolm McDowell's best performances.


    May (2002)

    If you haven't seen this movie, you absolutely should. It's one of THE best, quirky horror movies I've ever seen. It's high on my list of favorites.


  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,833 Member
    This Movie was Fantastic and I got some tears flowing!