Any previous BodyMedia fans switch to jawbone up24?



  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Side note question.... does anyone else get an error message when they plug in their BodyMedia to a computer? Says something like cannot update at this time try again in 1 day.
  • vanessa40
    vanessa40 Posts: 328 Member
    No..I did not have this problem when i plugged mine in about 4:30 am
  • spingirl605
    spingirl605 Posts: 181 Member
    vanessa40 wrote: »
    No..I did not have this problem when i plugged mine in about 4:30 am

    I also have this problem, but on only 1 of my computers. I connect it at work, and at home and my home laptop gives me that error message as well...
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    vanessa40 wrote: »
    No..I did not have this problem when i plugged mine in about 4:30 am

    I also have this problem, but on only 1 of my computers. I connect it at work, and at home and my home laptop gives me that error message as well...

    Some days it feels like Jawbone has gotten what they wanted technology wise and completely abandoned ship with the BodyMedia. :grumble:
  • spingirl605
    spingirl605 Posts: 181 Member
    I have a personal story...The company I work for was bought out by a larger company. They phased out most of our award winning products and replaced them with cheap knockoffs and are closing my plant. I will be out of a job at the end of March...This thing with Body Media and Jawbone hits home with me. It totally sucks...It all comes down to money when these things happen. Who the F cares about the customer!!!!
  • vanessa40
    vanessa40 Posts: 328 Member
    I have a personal story...The company I work for was bought out by a larger company. They phased out most of our award winning products and replaced them with cheap knockoffs and are closing my plant. I will be out of a job at the end of March...This thing with Body Media and Jawbone hits home with me. It totally sucks...It all comes down to money when these things happen. Who the F cares about the customer!!!!

    That's the first thing i thought of when i heard Jawbone bought the company. A friend of mine has the JawboneUp24..i just don't care for it..but it looks like i will have to find something soon. Whatever it is it will not be a Jawbone just for this reason.
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    randomtai wrote: »
    Side note question.... does anyone else get an error message when they plug in their BodyMedia to a computer? Says something like cannot update at this time try again in 1 day.

    Mine does that if I plug it in when my computer isn't on an active screen, I just have to replug when my computer wakes up, but sometimes it just refuses to sync and I have to reinstall the sync, like once a week lately...
  • kalyko32
    kalyko32 Posts: 8 Member
    the bad part is that you can no longer by extra straps for the bodymedia armband online so essentially if your strap gets worn a well working product is no longer useful and you'll have no choice but to switch to another tracker....shows that you can purchase straps online but you get an error upon checkout....disappointing

    An unexpected error occurred. Please go back and try again.

    Thank you for your interest in BodyMedia. We are no longer selling the BodyMedia line of products but will continue to support current users with the Activity Manager services.

    Along with the rest of the Jawbone team, we look forward to bringing you innovative products. You can find more information about the UP family of products here:
  • kalyko32
    kalyko32 Posts: 8 Member
    they can take my monthly subscription fee from 2012 to present, but won't sell me an extra strap???
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Yeah, I noticed that today! What crap! I mean... the accessories should still be for sale if anything. Straps wear out, snap, break, whatever... I'd be forced to shelf a perfectly good tracker and buy a new one from Jawbone. NOPE.
  • vanessa40
    vanessa40 Posts: 328 Member
    Wow so much for customer service. Like i said before when i buy i new tracker it will not be from them
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    They are probably sitting around in a warehouse somewhere collecting dust, instead of being sold.
  • kalyko32
    kalyko32 Posts: 8 Member
    exactly - I sent a support an email and they gave me a brief message no longer carrying BM line of products. Nice
  • vanessa40
    vanessa40 Posts: 328 Member
    I even wrote to Jawbone customer service asking them about the issues with the Bodymedia not syncing with MFP. I told them about how long it had been and asked if they planned to still support this product since they bought the company. They sent back a reply saying i should call BodyMedia..
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    vanessa40 wrote: »
    I even wrote to Jawbone customer service asking them about the issues with the Bodymedia not syncing with MFP. I told them about how long it had been and asked if they planned to still support this product since they bought the company. They sent back a reply saying i should call BodyMedia..

    Wow!!! :noway:
  • cprati
    cprati Posts: 39 Member
    randomtai wrote: »
    Side note question.... does anyone else get an error message when they plug in their BodyMedia to a computer? Says something like cannot update at this time try again in 1 day.

    Yes, I am getting this error also. BodyMedia/Jawbone customer service was not helpful at all. They said it was a problem with my computer. I've tried on three different machines with the same result.
  • vanessa40
    vanessa40 Posts: 328 Member
    I have come to the sad reality that they just don't care anymore.
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    I'm getting the error about updates now too. It's still syncing my data so I don't care for the moment, but just shows that they are taking as much of our monthly fees as they can with no effort to maintain the relationship with our band that we've had...
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    This is freaking sad.... I think I am going to start weaning myself from my band and going with my TDEE from my data in the past year. At least they still have that for now. SMDH
  • vanessa40
    vanessa40 Posts: 328 Member
    I canceled my subsciption yesterday. They sent me an email saying they were sorry to see me leave and wanted to know i wrote back and told them but i doubt they even read's probably some form email they send out. I will be looking into another tracker..