Lose 5 Pounds a Month May 2011 Challenge



  • Hey I like the girls with weights on your weight tracker
    Who did you get them?
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Got up early today after being up late last night. Completely forgot to weigh in today. been at work ALLLL Day Long! 2 16 hour shifts this weekend following a swing friday and two more swings monday and tuesday..by the end of may Im going to be all worked out! lol can't wait im quitting one of my jobs at the end of may just in time for My 5 day a week math class to start.

    No time for exercise but my plan is to keep my eating under control and to hopefully drop that last pound and maintain it for at least a week by the end of the month. Most of you would think oh ya no big deal its just 1 to 2 pounds to lose but to me its a big deal and thats what Im going to focus on and fight for this month. My birthday is in a week and it is the second birthday in a row After having my baby that im still not under 150 and i really really want to be at least this month since by my birthday doesn't seem possible right now. I started MFP in june or july cant remember right at the moment and so its been somewhere around 10 months and Iv only lost just over 20 pounds! Thats 2 pounds per month I hate that! If i keep losing only 2 pounds per month its going to take me another 15 months to get to where I want to be and 15 months would suck really really bad but at least next summer or even this summer after may is over i just might have time to take the kids out so that would really be a good thing.
    After may is over I will have 4 days per week monday through thursday that after school the baby will be up from her nap and I could technically take them out for a walk before starting homework and housework and dinner. but we will see how that all plays out. I hope to have a play room soon for them and I absolutely cant wait. well anyways thats enough lol so ya just the one to two pound goal for the month.

    See you all tomorrow for my weigh in its getting late have a good night everyone.
  • mescla
    mescla Posts: 56
    Ok lets do it..
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you kiddin me??? Page 7 already???? Well, that is great that there are so many interested in the challange...WTG everyone!! I am on board again for another month.....and with summer coming I could use the boost to loose 5 (or hopefully maybe a few more) before it gets here. Good luck to all!!

    May 2nd weight--172.5
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I am truly sorry to someone on this thread. You requested my friendship and I thought I hit the accept button and then the message across the screen said first friend request denied.

    I want you as a friend it was an accident to deny you try again and I will try to be more careful on what button I click.

  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Ok my first day weigh in..
    I actually lost 3 pounds last month hoefully this month will be better

    5/01~ 176
  • dtmwed
    dtmwed Posts: 130 Member
    Some how managed to gain 2 pounds over the weekend. Hoping it's water wieght or something. Start with a trainer today!!

    Check in 5/02: 166.4
    WK #1 5/09:
    WK #2 5/16:
    WK #3 5/23
    WK #4 5/30:
    Final weight 5/31:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Great to see so many new faces. I am finally getting a chance to check in. The desk top computer died last week and I have had to fight the kids for a chance to use my lap top. Hopefully we get the desk top fixed soon. My computer geek husband has to research the heck out of things before he makes a decision. So maybe by Christmas.

    Starting weight 185 (I gained 4 pounds last month. I did start a new allergy nasal spray and the first side-effect listed is weight gain) Hope to get that under control fast.

    I have part of an article of nutrition I want to post later when I have more time.

    For a challenge this week (I know for some of you this will be easy)

    Work to get 1 hour of exercise per day. This does not have to be done all at one time. Break it up into segment. For example I already have a 1 mile walk done on the treadmill. So now I have another 45 minutes to get done during the day. I am actually shooting for more than 1 hour per day but with the kids sports schedules this week I thought that breaking it up into small bursts of exercise maybe easier than 1 long session.

    Its a MOVING MONDAY....get up an move.

  • hanna1210
    hanna1210 Posts: 286 Member
    Forgot yesterday was the first - whoops! Anyway, here's to the first of many months losing weight!

    5/1: 232.4
  • csrawlinson
    csrawlinson Posts: 1 Member
    5/2 SW 249
    hope to lose 10 this month!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    SW (May 1st)- 143lbs
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I haven't been to the gym for my official scale weigh-in, but my 'unofficial' start weight for May is 155. Yuck. That 150 mark is like a super stretched elastic on the scale, whenever I get close, I zing backwards.

    I am going to visit my sister next week. We were originally planning to run a 10k while I was there, but I got sidelined last month and haven't been running for several weeks. I had gotten up to running a 5k, so I might still attempt that, but I'm not sure if we'll do an official event or just do our own workouts for fun.

    I've broken up my month to ensure that I stay focused. Here are my three parts of May:
    1 - Pre-visit (to May 11): I am planning to focus on cutting back on carbs (especially sugar), and exercising every day. It's only 10 days, surely I can behave myself for 10 days.
    2 - Visit with my sister (May 11-May16): she is a good influence on me, so these days will be easy to be healthy.
    3 - Post-visit (after May 16): hopefully I will have some leftover motivation from the visit with my sister, and will continue with daily exercise and cutting out the crap.

    The weather is nice today, so I brought my workout clothes and plan to go walking at lunchtime.
  • AshleyLauren589
    AshleyLauren589 Posts: 139 Member
    I gain 1.4lbs this weekend but I'm thinking it's because I'm coming up on TOM... not sure if I should use today's number as my weigh in (158.6) or Friday's (157.2) -- what do you guys think?

    4/29 - 157.2
    5/02 - 158.6
  • stephcorona
    stephcorona Posts: 114 Member
    forgot to weight in yesterday but my begininng weight is 132.2
  • aljamom
    aljamom Posts: 54 Member
    My weight for 5/1/11 is 145
  • Butterfly108
    Butterfly108 Posts: 12 Member
    Im in too! Jess
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
    I just set a new goal weight, and I need the motivation. Luckily my new goal is just five more pounds! So I'm in. I want to be
    125 lb. And toned for my June vacation. Watch out Disney world, here I come IN A BIKNI!

    You go girl!!!

    Count me in too! (5 pounds in May, not the BIKINI part - LOL)
  • Capital_Q
    Capital_Q Posts: 24 Member
    My weight for 5/2/11 is 195.5. Ready to rid myself of another 5. Let's do this!!
  • nkenga
    nkenga Posts: 46
    I'm in! I didn't succeed in April but I'm not giving up!

    May 2 weigh in - 167
    Goal for May 30 - 162
  • k_harvey
    k_harvey Posts: 23 Member
    Here we go - I will be recording on Monday's in May and hope to lose 5 pounds this month!!
    Check in 5/02: 141.5
    WK #1 5/09:
    WK #2 5/16: My 13th Wedding Anniversary (goal to be under 140) :heart:
    WK #3 5/23
    WK #4 5/30:
    Final weight 5/31:
    GW: 135
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