How do you find the time for exercise?



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    thx for the feedback all, true it's a must make time as opposed to find time....I get that but .....

    1) -40 degree weather being one
    2) 120$+ gym membership
    3) it's just me the spouse hasn't gotten on board with the changes
    4) having to often cook two different meals
    5) can't exactly keep walking when the dog stops to take a leak or other business
    6) probably can't do a squat in about 4 layers of clothing
    7) it's not easy regardless of the situation.
    8) It's easy for someone currently in a routine, and have made exercise a habit to say you have to make the time than it is someone who isn't doing it to actually make the time.
    9) trying to find ways to motivate myself to make time for working out
    10) having free time to relax and take care of some other things that I enjoy
    11) I hope someday I will get the commitment to working out
    12) everything is easier said than done unless your already doing it.

    1) it's -40 degrees in your house? If not, here is a workout that will kick your butt and you can do it in your livingroom.

    2) a gym membership is not only unnecessary, but I don't believe you have yet developed the discipline to make the cost worth it anyway. You'd have to be already prepared to put in consistent regular effort. Since you don't have to join a gym to get fit, this is a non-issue. A gym is a luxury.

    3) On behalf of all of us single people, and people with no families or who live very far from them all - doing it alone is not an obstacle to succeeding. On behalf of everyone who is married and surrounded by family that is ambivalent or against you making yourself fit, doing it alone is not an obstacle to succeeding. Having someone do it with you is cool. It's a luxury. Not everyone gets that rare luxury.

    4) You don't have to.

    5) stopping for less than a minute while the dog pees does not mean it is no longer a workout. When others go for a run or a jog or a walk or a bike ride - they have to stop at red lights, stop signs, avoid people and vehicle - does this mean they didn't get a real workout in?

    6) why does it matter if you can do a squat in 12 layers of clothing? cant you do some indoors? Cant you do them during commercials?

    7) It's not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to take effort. All the best things and biggest pay offs do. Being a human adult is hard. It's all hard.

    8) It's easy for someone who has done the work and seen the benefit of doing so - to tell someone who isn't doing it - that it will work.


    It's called sharing information. If you whine and complain for two hours cause you don't want to do the dishes - and then you get up and do them and realize it only took 11 minutes - who looks silly?

    When those that have succeeded tell you that it's easier to just wash the dishes than to spend hours avoiding it, making excuses and trying to get out of it - listen to them and in 15 minutes you'll be back on your own time.

    9) forget motivation. it doesnt help you lose weight. It just makes it easier. We've already established it's hard. If you wait around until someone else makes your job easier, you'll be waiting forever. It won't happen. It's up to you.

    10) So you do have time, you just prefer to use it for other things that you deem fun.

    11) Hope doesn't bring commitment. Decisions + Action bring commitment.

    12) Everything is easier said than done unless you are already doing it???

    How did all the people who are already doing it - get there?


    Good luck!

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    1) it's -40 degrees in your house? If not, here is a workout that will kick your butt and you can do it in your livingroom.

    I told someone once I could kick my own *kitten* in less than 12 min- she said "you must not be in very good shape then"


    Everyone else got a good chuckle out of it.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Take the advice of Chopper Reid.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    SueInAz wrote: »

    Motivation comes from within; no one can "give it" to anyone else.


    But if you can find the right recipe, you can spark something in them.

  • Jessalynn54
    Jessalynn54 Posts: 44 Member
    hehe here's a recipe:
    I workout during my 30min lunch at work. But you could workout when you get home if you do crockpot days(btw crockpot liners - best invention ever!). Super simple recipe (assuming you eat meat and your religion doesn't shun pork products): pork shoulder plus dr pepper (or root beer or cola). Takes around 3 minutes to get the meat out of the dang wrapper, 1 minute to add to crock pot set on low and poor soda on, then a minute to wash your hands and be out the door to work. Workout when you get home, your not in the kitchen cooking you could do exercises in there and not have to move your couch. planks, lunges, tricep dips off the counter, jog in place....gotta start somewhere. When done shred the pork with some forks and "voila" you have pork sandwiches, or pork salad, or pork tacos etc...
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    When it comes to money you'll find success investing what you need to and spending what's left over, not the other way around. Time is no different. Prioritize what's really important and the rest falls into place or goes away.

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Well, my assumption was wrong. The OP hasn't deacto'ed yet.
  • BluffMeAllIn
    BluffMeAllIn Posts: 6 Member
    To the person that said I won't be back, I don't plan on going anywhere. I asked a question, got feedback and yes have owned up to the fact that I make a lot of excuses and obviously should try harder to just make the time.

    I will also add lots of people seem to make lots of assumptions about the options available to me regarding the gym but won't go on further about that.

    To the person mentioning motivation, its the most important of anything IMO. I have the dvd's, i have a couple of dumbells but obv lack the motivation to get off my *kitten* and use them.

    Yup, I have a hobby that involves sitting at a computer for hours (a poker tournament can sometimes run for up to 8hours +). No I don't get paid to be a guide at the forum but that is my social life essentially, I enjoy i there and get more in return than $$$$.

    These are not a list of excuses, just a defence to some of the things mentioned and as I said before I appreciate the feedback and obviously know what I need to do to make the time and will just have to do the work on making the time. I didn't expect any miracle responses on how to make it easier, just generally feedback as I'm sure I'm not the only one in this current situation but honestly given some of the responses don't blame anyone who is currently having the same issue to actually post in here at this point.

    Cheers to all and gl on your own journies as well, I wish you all the best in getting on track or continuing with the great habbits that you have adopted. I know I will get there when I'm ready.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    "But"; the universal eraser.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    To the person mentioning motivation, its the most important of anything IMO.

    IMO You just told a bunch of successful people that they are doing it wrong, and doing it your way - which has frustrated you into a corner that only you can get yourself out of - is the right way.

    Motivation is 'wanting' to do something. You aren't motivated to do - meaning you don't want to do it. How is that anyone's problem other than the person who is standing in their own way?

    Ponder self-awareness a bit and have a good long conversation with someone over the age of 60 about what it means to put hard work into something you claim to want.

  • fearlessleader104
    fearlessleader104 Posts: 723 Member
    Who cares. . Life is too short do whatever you want
  • JoKnowsJo
    JoKnowsJo Posts: 257 Member
    ncfitbit wrote: »

    I love this :) I do the gym in the evening, I am lucky I have a gym right next to the office so, I get my butt in there while everyone is in rush hour traffic I work out then head home after the rush. Actually working out after a stressful day at work helps me, I sleep better. Make the time you can do it!

  • 4aces61
    4aces61 Posts: 292 Member
    If you truly want to exercise, you'll make time. My day starts at 2:30am. Out of the bed by 2:45, out the door by 3 or a lil after. At the gym by 3:20ish. Gives me 70 min to get a my workout in. (on the weekends, I have more time to spend in the gym, usually about 2 hours) Out the gym by 4:30 to start work at 5am. I have a very physical job, I work in a heavy repair shop on subway trains. Get off work at 1:30, home by 2pm. Then it's whatever has to be done that particular evening. Whether it's taking my son to hockey practice/game, making dinner, or chores of the house. there's always something going on. Make my food for the following day, get a shower and hopefully in the bed by 9pm. If I'm lucky, I'll get 5hrs of usually interrupted sleep, then it starts all over again. This is a lifestyle change for most, and those that want it will make the time for it, no matter what. @53yo, I'm healthier then I have been in 20 years and plan to keep it that way.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I will also add lots of people seem to make lots of assumptions about the options available to me regarding the gym but won't go on further about that.
    Show that the ONLY SINGULAR option is $120 a month. Post the link to their yelp page. Or their membership costs page, and then their closest competitor by driven distance.

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    "But"; the universal eraser.

    But you don't understand...