May-Day by Day Challenge-Part 9 OPEN GROUP



  • Shanda and Katherine-glad to have you on board!!!!!

    Chrissy!!!! I am so proud of your determination in this fast!!! You can do it, I know you can!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for May 1:
    1. Water.--No.
    2. Healthy choices and portion control--LOG MY FOOD!!!--Already failing on this one.--No.
    3. Yardwork and maybe a walk.--No. REALLY scrubbed out the oven, though--even took the bottom out and scrubbed that!
    4. Get to bed by 9:30.--That's the plan and I'm sticking with it!--Yes and no--was in bed but watched the President's official announcement about Bin Ladin, so--was up a little late.

    May 2 goals:
    1. Water.
    2. Log my food!
    3. AM workout.--Done.
    4. Bed by 9:30.

    I'm going to try another short workout later to see if it helps with my SEVERE energy drain after work. If it does then I am adding it as another daily goal.

    Welcome, Harls, Lindsey and fosterks! Welcome back, Roberta!
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi new ladies! I sent you friend requests and if I missed anyone, sorry! Please add me if you want!

    Thanks Jess! I love you for supporting me! :) This will (Lord willing) be my 3rd 24 hour fast and I love the results. For those who don't know me, I am a Christian first and foremost and hope you are not offended by my posts. I try very hard to not shove my views on anyone (but I'll be glad to share my faith if you ask :)) Anyway, I am stuck again weight-loss wise and a 24 hr fast usually moves the scale dramatically but this one is more about me following my conviction. I will be burying myself in the Word today. Recently my weight loss journey and my spiritual journey have merged as I study further into both areas. I see more and more that God needs me to be healthy and I want to do His will. I also have a hard core sweet tooth and REALLY struggle with sugar addiction and the occasional binge. Today's fast is all about conquering that. I know I am strong and sugar will NOT keep this hold on me!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Hi everyone! Welcome to everyone starting out with us! I'm Nicole and I'm a student as well.

    Today I'm super sad I missed that "Osama's dead" rally last night. Penn State had a HUGE one! Too bad I have finals. (I kind of think that I'm the only one). Apparently people were throwing their notes off balconies last night since they felt that Bin Laden being dead should mean know finals. Laughable.

    Anyway... I gained back my 3lb weight loss. Damn Easter candy. But I threw it all away so that I can't sabotage myself anymore. My goal this week will actually be eating enough calories since I'm going to be so high stressed and have so much to do. Probably won't be checking in here much but school is over on Friday and then I will hopefully be back to everyday in an environment where there isn't so much crap food and alcohol for me to go over calories on.

    Have a good week everyone! Hope to check in every now and then!

  • fosterks
    fosterks Posts: 93 Member
    Hey there. My name is Katharine, been an MFP-er since mid March, and am currently at 10lb loss. My goal is another 15lb by 30 June - I have slacked off over Easter, with about 5% effort on nutrition (shameful) and 70% effort on exercise. It all starts from tomorrow!! But for today:-

    1) Run 6 miles - DONE!!!!!! (in 1hr8mins)
    2) Tidy and get ready for work tomorrow! - all washing put away, work clothes out and gym bag packed for Wednesday (Tues is rest)
    3) Do NOT give into temptation for my dinner - I'd justify it by saying I wasn't starting properly until tomorrow..... - DONE!!! healthy eating chicken tikka masala, some over-ripe blueberries (not great!) and a cup of decaf green tea before bed

    See you all tomorrow for Tuesday goals x
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    So... Do you post your daily goals on here, then quote when you have / have not done them?

    Love it - I set myself targets, but if I have told someone about them, then I feel duty bound to do them!

    yup Katherine, you got it! Accountability is what makes this thread so successful. Welcome. Great job with your loss so far.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Midday recap:
    It's so late to set my Sunday's goals, I just found the new link. So I will post for tomorrow.

    May 2's goals:
    1. go for a walk. At least 2 miles. YES
    2. drink water and tea, no soda. YES AND YES, HAD A HALF OF CAN OF DIET PEPSI
    3. do some afternoon strength training. NOT YET, BUT I STILL HAVE TIME
    4. clean, clean, clean YES, YES, NO....ALWAYS A WORK IN PROGRESS!
  • harls
    harls Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks for all the warm welcomes, you guys! I'm happy to join you :)

    Goals for Monday, May 2nd:
    1. Do CLX Day 1 (COMPLETE!)
    2. Make (a healthy) dinner. (COMPLETE! I made a veggie sandwhich & fruit salad and oh my goodnesss.... it was soooooo yummy. I'm really full but not like "heavy" full, if that makes sense... it was so FRESH and delicious, much better than that processed crap you throw in the oven!)
    3. Wait until after I'm done working out before I snack, to prevent binging mindlessly & then falling asleep. (COMPLETE! I found that if I work out right as soon as I get home, I don't even feel hungry.)

    Woohoo, all three goals met!

    Goals for Tuesday, May 3rd:
    1. Make mini quiches for dinner
    2. Do not snack until at least 3:45PM... (tomorrow is my rest day as far as workouts go so I can't say "until you work out")
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Shanda, sorry I missed your post earlier. Here's a late welcome: WELCOME! GLAD TO HAVE YOU!
    I know all about the weight loss rollercoaster, as I'm still on it now.

    Chrissy, I have a bad sweet tooth too. I'm really trying to "kick the habit".

    Nicole, I threw away the Easter candy too. It's the ony way to truly avoid temptation. I gained a few pounds too and they are slowly coming back off.

    A big "HEY Y'ALL" to all the "vets": Jess (thanks for starting us off this month), Shannon, Kathy, Kim, and Roberta!

    Hope I didn't miss anyone.

    Nam, we miss you! Hope to see you around soon. You know you're always welcome around here!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    May 3's goals:
    1. work out in the morning.
    2. walk in the afternoon plus strength
    3. eat healthy foods all day, avoid snacking.
    4. drink more water, yesterday, I only had 4 cups of water and 2 cups of tea.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Goals for today:
    1. Run - Yes
    2. Healthy choices at lunch - Yes
    3. Under calories - No!
    4. Water! - Better but more needed
    5.Housework - No!

    Hi Everyone,

    I keep doing the same thing, I do really well all day, make healthy choices, eat sensibly and then throw it all away right at the end of the day. What a muppet! I'm feeling pretty frustrated at the moment. I don't have an excuse, I'm just not being discaplined enough at the moment. Any way, enough, no point beating myself just have to try harder.

    Tuesdays goals:
    1. Under on calories. With out fail.
    2. Shred, walk & something else
    3. Plan meals for the week.
    4. Early night.

    Hope you all have a lovely day.
  • Lpfeifer419
    Lpfeifer419 Posts: 82
    1. Project finished!
    2. Exercised for an hour!
    3. Took my vitamins!

    Accomplished all my goals yesterday! I even did a jack knife challenge on the wii, boy my abs hurt!

    Goals for today, May 3

    1. Kill it on my final presentation
    2. Eat more color, eat less beige
    3. Get my grocery shopping done without killing anyone :drinker:
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Hi all,

    This is a great challenge! It's good to keep your eye on day to day goals, not just the big picture. My name is Katherine and I want to make lifestyle changes to slim down for my wedding in March next year.

    My challenges for Tuesday 2/5 are:

    1) Day 2 Level 2 30 Day shred
    2) Climb 400 stairs
    3) Walk at least 3 miles
    4) 50 crunches
    5) Eat more of my exercise calories

    Feel free to friend me, I could use all the motivation I can muster :)
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    2. Eat more color, eat less beige

    Love it!
  • Lpfeifer419
    Lpfeifer419 Posts: 82
    Hi all,

    This is a great challenge! It's good to keep your eye on day to day goals, not just the big picture. My name is Katherine and I want to make lifestyle changes to slim down for my wedding in March next year.

    My challenges for Tuesday 2/5 are:

    1) Day 2 Level 2 30 Day shred
    2) Climb 400 stairs
    3) Walk at least 3 miles
    4) 50 crunches
    5) Eat more of my exercise calories

    Feel free to friend me, I could use all the motivation I can muster :)

    Welcome, Katherine! Very impressive goals for today, I know you can do it!
  • WOW it looks like everyone met their goals!!!! That's AWESOME!!!!!!!! I think we have a great bunch of people here. The vets and the newbies seem VERY sweet!

    Monday May 2, 2011
    1.)water --UMMMMM YEAH! :drinker:
    3.)stay stress free and productive at work ----STRESS FREE YES, PRODUCTIVE, NOT SO MUCH!!! LOLOLOL.:smooched:
    4.)make it to Sams to get some more of my fave almonds and my protein shakes ---- HUBBY WENT FOR ME SO I COULD JUST GO HOME AND TAKE THE KIDS OUTSIDE WHILE I CLEANED OUT MY CAR!!!! LOVE THAT MAN:love:

    Tuesday May 3:
    1.) water
    2.) make up some calories, and dont freak if I'm over at the end of the day just for this reason. Want to give my body something to burn and keep it guessing.
    3.) stress free and productive day at work
    4.) find another workout to do tonight.
  • rmeadows71
    rmeadows71 Posts: 99
    Monday May 2, 2011
    1) Stay under cals - Almost (over by 7) but I'm sure I burned a few cals walking
    2) Stay under carbs - Yes
    3) Water, water & more water! - got the minimum in, but going to try for more today!

    Tuesday, May 3, 2011
    1) Watch calorie/carb intake
    2) Water, Water, Water!
    3) Excercise
  • fosterks
    fosterks Posts: 93 Member
    Tuesday 3 May...

    Rest Day so these are limited. And I am out for my tea as one last hurrah!

    1) Drink water and green tea
    2) Get eight hours sleep tonight
    3) Be positive and have a good day!

    Back to it from tomorrow, got a good day planned then!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    May 2 goals:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Log my food!--Yes! AND I'm under (by 15 calories! LOL!)
    3. AM workout.--Done.
    4. Bed by 9:30.--Yes.

    So, I did not do another workout yesterday--unless you count picking up the cracker crumbs the my grandson got all over the carpet! Do his parents REALLY not see those?

    Anyway--mentally it wasn't a good day--I felt cranky and depressed most of the day--which doesn't help with my emotional eating tendencies. BUT!!! I stuck to healthy choices and stayed within my calories (and, more importantly, carbs) and feel a lot better this morning!

    Welcome to any newbies I missed. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: This has become my absolutely favorite thread!

    Goals for May 3:
    1. Water.
    2. Log ALL my food.
    3. AM workout.--Done.
    4. Bed by 9:30.
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member

    Good Monday mornong!! It's a great day to be an American!!

    today's goals:
    1. no solid food til dinner DONE
    2. healthy dinner and NO binge (that's the hard part about a fast) DONE
    3. finish the laundry ALMOST
    4. clean up kids rooms...again! ONE DOWN, ONE TO GO
    5. kitchen and bathrooms need it too KITCHEN BUT NOT BATHROOMS

    Have a great day!

    Yesterday was good, gotta make today a good day too!!

    Tuesday's goals:
    1. under on cals
    2. low carbs, weigh-in next Monday :/
    3. put away yesterday's clean laundry
    4. some kind of a workout and a shower (babysitting today so it's hard to get my workout)