New Couch to 5K (C25k) - Challenge Starting May 2



  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    I'm in but will have to run Tuesday, Thursday and Sat this week and then switch to Mon, Wed and Fri the week after because I need to buy running shoes :)
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Stupid question, but how is everyone going to time their walking/jogging intervals so you know when to switch?
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Can I join too?

    I'm just about to get on my treadmill and do the first day. I bought a treamill at the end of January, and I don't feel I'm making the most use of it. So, I want to do this program on my stregnth training day n- which should be Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays.... hopefully!

    I'll be using the c25k app from Bluefin on my iPhone.
  • Squible
    Squible Posts: 359 Member

    Can I join? I just did the first day of week one about ten mins ago and although I am able to run on a treadmill for a constant 30mins this was abit harder (probbaly cause I didn't have any water) but it was great the route planned out was exactly the length of the c25k podcast I have....FOr anyone interested its the NHS couch to 5km podcats and its a 9 week plan and they tell you when to start running and stop etc.

    Good Luck to everyone :)
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Just completed day 1..... by the 5th run I just wanted to stop... but I kept going.

    I guess it must be easier for those running on a treadmill, because we can set the same speed for the run / walk bits.

    I wore my KiFit (BodyMedia Fit) & HRM during my workout - here are my stats:

    339 cals burned
    Avg HR - 145...
    highest HR - 173 (omg.... I've never ad it that high before!!!)
    walk speed 4mph
    run speed 5.5 - 6mph

    Now off to do my strength training (No More Trouble Zones) DVD
  • Leslie2273
    Leslie2273 Posts: 152 Member
    Stupid question, but how is everyone going to time their walking/jogging intervals so you know when to switch?

    I am using the C25K app on my Andriod phone. You should be able to get a stop watch at the store (Walmart, etc).
  • Leslie2273
    Leslie2273 Posts: 152 Member
    Yes you can still join. Is there anyone who I did not add to the list who would like me to add them?
  • IngeborgB
    IngeborgB Posts: 27
    Just finished my first day on week one.

    Here are the stats:
    Max HR: 185
    Average HR 158
    Kcal burned 276 (before taking in BMR to account)

    That is all I know, I am running outside and don't know how to mesure my speed exactly.

    I am proud of myself, and you should all be too!

    By the way. What do you all do with your house keys when you run? I need three big ones, and the didn't fit in the pocket on my running pants, and fell out of the jacket pocket, so I ended up running with them in my hand. Not ideal... Any tips?
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Yes you can still join. Is there anyone who I did not add to the list who would like me to add them?

    Me :)
  • ShawnaMama
    ShawnaMama Posts: 105 Member
    Stupid question, but how is everyone going to time their walking/jogging intervals so you know when to switch?

    If you have an iPod, you can download podcast with music that chimes in when you need to walk/jog. Here are the two I'm trying out: I did this one on Sun and it was great! It was hip hop music and it really keep my going and enjoying myself!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Day one, done! Although just remembered that I'm away Thursday to Sun so am going to have to play about with the schedule to get all my runs in, oh well!
  • skemery
    skemery Posts: 100
    Week 1 Day 1 done. Wow, I'm surprised how my heart rate got up and stayed up, even though during the walking intervals I wasn't walking very fast or jogging very quickly towards the end. I never feel this tired after an hour on an elliptical.
  • jase111
    jase111 Posts: 83
    Week 1 Day 1 done. To be honest, I really didnt feel that good afterwards. Probably something I shouldn't have jumped into after 3 weeks of inactivity. But it's done, hopefully it only gets better. Good job so far guys!
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    This may be a silly question, but how do you track your calories burned? :ohwell:
  • Squible
    Squible Posts: 359 Member
    This may be a silly question, but how do you track your calories burned? :ohwell:

    I use a HRM to then workout (using a website) average HR over X amount of time...otherwise its very difficult to know how many calories are burnt
  • Alexmn75
    Alexmn75 Posts: 16 Member
    Just finished D1W1. I have a feeling that my body isn't going to like me tomorrow. I had the advantage though of doing it with someone a foot shorter than me so I got to jog to her run. She'll be worse off tomorrow than I will be.

    To everyone else who made it through day one....Congrats! Keep it up!
  • bbarton81
    bbarton81 Posts: 17
    I'm in the last week - and I have LOVED the program! If anyone has any questions - just let me know!
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    Me of course
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    Me of course

    Gonna do Week 1 Day 1 tonite!
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    FYI you can go to the website or if you have a smartphone you can download it to there too. Good luck everyone (add me if you want)!!!!