Ugh! Husband!



  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    First off, I am sorry he is acting like this towards you. He should be supportive of your choice to get healthy.

    At first, it was hard for my fiance. He had to either learn to like the things I was eating or cook himself his own meal. But, after he saw how much better I valued myself and all the confidence I was gaining just by feeling healthier, he tried harder. He would try some of the foods I would eat and I gave myself a cheat day each week so we could have a good (and not so healthy) meal together.
    I would say after the first couple of weeks, it got better for me. Maybe you could try sitting your husband down and telling him how his actions are making you feel (using "I feel..." statements). Maybe he honestly doesn't know he's being as bad as he is. You could also try checking into a daycare at your gym. And maybe make a meal that is more of your old norm once or twice a week and then you only eat a little with a salad on the side. Big changes take compromise from both sides, so if he is willing to make some compromises, let him know you are too.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    When my husband and I got married he weighed about 155 pounds at 6'2". He could eat anything and everything and not gain weight. Fast forward to 23 years later, he's now struggling to keep the extra weight off just like everyone else. He realized about a decade ago that he needs watch what he eats and in the past few weeks, after watching me do it, he's starting to exercise. If your husband doesn't alter his eating habits, he WILL start to put on weight as his metabolism slows down. And it'll be the creeping kind of weight gain where he suddenly realizes he's 20, 30, or even 50 pounds overweight. I'm not sure how you tell that to him without it coming across badly, but he needs to realize that his metabolism will change and it probably won't be as far in the future as he thinks it will be.
  • disneyval
    disneyval Posts: 18
    Hi Ashley,

    First of all - congratulations on starting mfp and already losing so much! (:

    You mentioned that you are a stay-at-home mom. Is there any way you could work out or exercise at home while your husband is at work? I've always hated going to a gym, so I rotate a couple of Jillian Micheal's dvds (Burn Fat,,, and Trouble Spots) and I walk (briskly) around my neighborhood. Your toddler would probably love getting out while you walk!

    As far as the food is concerned, try a few things at a time with your husband. Always serve him more than you serve yourself. Find ways to fix the things you like but with a healthier twist. Like whole wheat hamburger buns, brown rice, lower fat milk, less butter, etc. Stress how you want to start eating right so that you'll be healthy as you get older and point out the old people around you that have all sorts of health issues b/c they've not eaten right! (We all know some @:)

    You'll need internal motivation! But for external motivation, stick with this site b/c everyone here is so encouraging and probably going through a lot of the same things! Good luck! Valerie
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Eating healthy is not always about losing weight. It is what it says it is, eating healthy. You know, to live a longer, better life.
  • mazomama
    mazomama Posts: 138 Member
    mien is a downer as well. we both were thinner when we first started dating. He's gained 70lbs and i put on about 50 ( due to two pregnancies and not healthy food choices!). Now that Ive finally started losing weight and getting real about this i feel like he's sabotaging me!!!!!!! I had the problem of kids and working out as well! i HAVE FOUR so i know the feeling there, but like the prior post said The YMCA has child care. I was going 5-6x a week that i ended up getting a part time job there! lol,,,,the pay sucks but its worth it since i can bring my kids with me and then be sure to get my work outs in.
    As far as the foods.....this is a constant battle here since my hubby is a truck driver he is constantly eating fast foods and when he's home he wants to eat that way as well. He's not a veggie,brown rice, oatmeal, whole grain eater :( So i usually feed the kids their normal things and tell hubby he can eat with them, or he can eat what I'm eating.
    Now typically most people would say " make two meals? that's nuts!" But hey, i cant force my kids to eat just wouldn't be fair. Of course they get veggies and fruits but i still feed them their mac & cheese and peanut butter with jelly sandwiches:)
    I guess over all i can say is i relate to ya. i'll add you as a buddy:wink:
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    Sit him down and really tell him how you feel about this issue. Show him this thread if you have to...just let him know how truly important this is to you, and I hope the lightbulb will finally turn on. With a lot of men you have to be extremely direct in order for them to get the point.

    He should stop being so selfish and be more grateful for the things you do for him...a taking a little time out of your world revolving around him and your child to take care of yourself is NOT a tall order, and you certainly deserve it.
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    There are nights that I cook two meals...his (hubbies) and ours (mine and my son). Its what I have to do to get healthy and lose weight. And as for working out....I get up when he leaves and before our son that way, I get a few minutes of me time. May not work for everyone, but its working for me. Of course, he is actually very supportive of my choices and, even watches the son while I work out on weekends.
  • TheEnd10
    TheEnd10 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm lucky, because my husband is pretty easy going about food. As long as I'm cooking, he's generally ok with whatever. But....when he just has to have, say, chicken fried steak for a Saturday morning breakfast, he cooks it himself. We'll just both do our own thing. He likes ice cream, so I keep it in the house for him and just don't eat it myself. It's a balance, and it sounds like you haven't found yours yet, but you will! Stay strong.
  • bikerbiz
    bikerbiz Posts: 179 Member
    Gotta make time for each other, too, if you want to stay married--kids need both parents. I try to avoid becoming overly obsessed with the fitness thing to where other important parts of life suffer. I find exercise I can do at home, and the kids are supportive of that time, or they become involved in the exercise with me, and make it fun.
  • Stacey765
    Stacey765 Posts: 86 Member
    I have the same problem, I was staying home with our son while my husband was at work, and when he would get home I would want to go to the gym on base - - they offered so many classes it was a lot of fun! But I felt that we weren't spending enough time together, as a family, so now I go on base Saturday mornings, before they get up, and walk or run with the stroller in the morning during the week. He (the husband) is really good about offering up time to watch him (the son) but I don’t want to spend the little time that he (the husband) is actually home, at the gym.

    ---> As for food... that is a whole different story! He feels he is being supportive by telling me that I can eat whatever I want as long as I work it off!! I tell him not to be volunteering me for even more working out! I would never be home! Bear in mind though, this is coming from a man that is forced to work out every morning --> yes, I guess if I knew my paycheck was dependant on my working out I would be there too! :-p But in the morning the snooze button is so enticing!
  • navvs15
    navvs15 Posts: 165
    You should tell him how important being healthier is to YOU. Tell him that his constant complaining about eating healthier foods and you going to the gym are killing your motivation. I mean, as a stay at home mom, you do need some YOU time. It's not like you stay at the gym for ten hours and neglect him all week.

    I think in some ways, he's being unreasonable. And if his complaints are bothering you, the only thing you can do is talk to him about it.

    As for the food, he doesn't have to eat fruits and vegetables. You can eat healthier foods, whilst he can eat food he enjoys.
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    Are there some workouts you can do at home? Youtube has TONS of free workout channels, I use those. I have also purchased some inexpensive workout dvds that I like. I have three toddlers (all under 5), and they LOVE to workout with me, so I also get everything done before my husband comes home.
    Can you go maybe three times a week, and spend the other days with him? My husband encourages me to get out but tends to stress if I'm gone too much, and I'm the same way if he's gone all the time, so we try to balance it a bit.
  • stefanwolf
    stefanwolf Posts: 11 Member
    I know exactly what you are talking about!! I have 2 children who I really want to teach good eating habits to, because being healthy isn't just about being skinny. But my husband has always been thinner, and doesn't see why he should have to eat the "crappy" foods when he doesn't need to loose weight. As well as the fact that unless I get up @ 4 in the morning to workout I am i inconveniencing someone. I have to say though that after years of this, he is finally starting to come around. He has actually joined MFP, and is trying to make some better choices. My advice to you is stay strong, and set a good example for your children. It's the best you can do. Maybe when he sees how healthy and happy you are becoming it will change his thinking a little. But you can't force him to come around (believe me, I've tried). And the more you try the more it will depress you if he doesn't see your point of view. Just keep working at it because you will be a happier healthier Wife and Mother.
  • brndygrl98
    brndygrl98 Posts: 196 Member
    I feel your pain! My husband is not really supportive, is also overweight and is ok with it. When I tell him that it's about being healthier, not just looking better, he rolls his eyes. I work full time and have a 4 yr old and a 2 yr old. I workout at 8pm right after the kids go to bed.
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    You might find him a little more supportive of your workout if you change your time - say, when he gets home, have dinner, spend an hour or so listen about his day, share yours, give him and you a little time to unwind. THEN go to your workout. As for the food, I've read several good suggestions in this thread. I'm still working on that one.

    I have started using whole wheat pastas, pureeing veggies into recipes that they would never suspect, etc. I also will put three carrot sticks or snap peas on his plate and he has learned to chug them and then eat what he likes.
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    Well, my husband first was supportive, then he complained about it... called it silly, etc.
    Last week, after the weight started really coming off and I started to feel a little more confident, he left me. I don't know if the two are related or not, but it wouldn't surprise me. I think he liked me fat and so gross that a man would never turn his head to me and he's intimidated that I may get my body back...

    I don't know though.

    I have supportive parents though...
    I'm sorry to hear that he left. Take some time to really think things through and figure out your own feelings. Probably his own insecurity or jealousy caused him to act that way. He's a fool to give up a determined woman like you. I'm so glad you have your parents to keep you strong and centered. You go girl!